use of org.teiid.language.ExpressionValueSource in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSingleInsert method testDateTypes.
public void testDateTypes() throws Exception {
NamedTable table = new NamedTable("temp", null, Mockito.mock(Table.class));
ArrayList<ColumnReference> elements = new ArrayList<ColumnReference>();
elements.add(new ColumnReference(table, "one", Mockito.mock(Column.class), Integer.class));
elements.add(new ColumnReference(table, "two", Mockito.mock(Column.class), Date.class));
elements.add(new ColumnReference(table, "three", Mockito.mock(Column.class), Timestamp.class));
List<Expression> values = new ArrayList<Expression>();
values.add(new Literal(1, DataTypeManager.DefaultDataClasses.INTEGER));
values.add(new Literal(TimestampUtil.createDate(100, 01, 1), DataTypeManager.DefaultDataClasses.DATE));
values.add(new Literal(TimestampUtil.createTimestamp(100, 01, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0), DataTypeManager.DefaultDataClasses.TIMESTAMP));
ExpressionValueSource valueSource = new ExpressionValueSource(values);
Insert insert = new Insert(table, elements, valueSource);
SalesforceConnection connection = Mockito.mock(SalesforceConnection.class);
Mockito.stub(connection.create(Mockito.any(DataPayload.class))).toAnswer(new Answer<Integer>() {
public Integer answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
DataPayload payload = (DataPayload) invocation.getArguments()[0];
List<DataPayload.Field> fields = payload.getMessageElements();
assertEquals(3, fields.size());
assertEquals(1, fields.get(0).value);
assertEquals(TimestampUtil.createDate(100, 01, 1), fields.get(1).value);
Calendar cal = (Calendar) fields.get(2).value;
assertEquals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-1"), cal.getTimeZone());
return 1;
SalesForceExecutionFactory config = new SalesForceExecutionFactory();
InsertExecutionImpl updateExecution = new InsertExecutionImpl(config, insert, connection, Mockito.mock(RuntimeMetadata.class), Mockito.mock(ExecutionContext.class));
while (true) {
try {
org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 1 }, updateExecution.getUpdateCounts());
} catch (DataNotAvailableException e) {
updateExecution = new InsertExecutionImpl(config, insert, connection, Mockito.mock(RuntimeMetadata.class), Mockito.mock(ExecutionContext.class));
while (true) {
try {
org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 1 }, updateExecution.getUpdateCounts());
} catch (DataNotAvailableException e) {
use of org.teiid.language.ExpressionValueSource in project teiid by teiid.
the class CoherenceUpdateExecution method addChildObject.
private void addChildObject(Table t) throws TranslatorException {
List<ForeignKey> fks = t.getForeignKeys();
ForeignKey fk = fks.get(0);
Table parentTable = fk.getParent();
// the name of the method to obtain the collection is the nameInSource of the foreginKey
String parentToChildMethod = fk.getNameInSource();
if (parentToChildMethod == null) {
// $NON-NLS-1$
final String msg = CoherencePlugin.Util.getString("CoherenceUpdateExecution.noNameInSourceForForeingKey", new Object[] { fk.getName() });
throw new TranslatorException(msg);
// there must only be 1 column in the primary key
String parentColName = visitor.getNameFromElement(fk.getPrimaryKey().getColumns().get(0));
Insert icommand = (Insert) command;
List<ColumnReference> insertElementList = icommand.getColumns();
List<Expression> insertValueList = ((ExpressionValueSource) icommand.getValueSource()).getValues();
if (insertElementList.size() != insertValueList.size()) {
throw new TranslatorException("Error: columns.size and values.size are not the same.");
ColumnReference insertElement;
String[] nameOfElement = new String[insertElementList.size()];
int parentValueLoc = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < insertElementList.size(); i++) {
insertElement = insertElementList.get(i);
// // call utility class to get NameInSource/Name of element
nameOfElement[i] = visitor.getNameFromElement(insertElement.getMetadataObject());
// match the parent column to the colum in the insert statement
if (nameOfElement[i].equalsIgnoreCase(parentColName)) {
parentValueLoc = i;
if (parentColName != null && parentValueLoc == -1) {
// $NON-NLS-1$
final String msg = CoherencePlugin.Util.getString("CoherenceUpdateExecution.noColumnMatchedForeignColumn", new Object[] { t.getName(), parentColName });
throw new TranslatorException(msg);
// get the parent key and find the root object
Object parentValue = insertValueList.get(parentValueLoc);
Object val;
if (parentValue instanceof Literal) {
Literal literalValue = (Literal) parentValue;
val = literalValue.getValue();
} else {
val = parentValue;
Object parentObject = null;
// get the parent object from the cache
try {
List<Object> result = this.connection.get(CoherenceFilterUtil.createCompareFilter(parentColName, val, Operator.EQ, val.getClass()));
// visitor.createFilter(parentColName + " = " + val));
if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) {
// $NON-NLS-1$
final String msg = CoherencePlugin.Util.getString("CoherenceUpdateExecution.noobjectfound", new Object[] { parentTable.getName(), parentColName, val });
throw new TranslatorException(msg);
parentObject = result.get(0);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
throw new TranslatorException(e);
// create and load the child object data
Object newChildObject = cacheTranslator.createObject(insertElementList, insertValueList, this.visitor, t);
// /--- questions
// / --- how to not process - setvalue for parent column
// / --- need to get the key value off the object of the parent
// get the key value to use to for adding to the cache
Object parentContainer = ObjectSourceMethodManager.getValue("get" + parentToChildMethod, parentObject);
if (parentContainer == null) {
// $NON-NLS-1$
final String msg = CoherencePlugin.Util.getString("CoherenceUpdateExecution.noParentContainerObjectFound", new Object[] { parentTable.getName(), parentToChildMethod });
throw new TranslatorException(msg);
if (parentContainer.getClass().isArray()) {
} else if (parentContainer instanceof Collection) {
Collection c = (Collection) parentContainer;
} else if (parentContainer instanceof Map) {
Map m = (Map) parentContainer;
m.put(1, newChildObject);
try {
this.connection.update(parentValue, parentObject);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
throw new TranslatorException(e);
use of org.teiid.language.ExpressionValueSource in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestInsertImpl method testExpressionsInInsert.
public void testExpressionsInInsert() throws Exception {
// $NON-NLS-1$
Insert insert = example2("a.b");
assertEquals(1, insert.getColumns().size());
for (Iterator i = insert.getColumns().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
assertTrue( instanceof ColumnReference);
assertEquals(1, ((ExpressionValueSource) insert.getValueSource()).getValues().size());
for (Iterator i = ((ExpressionValueSource) insert.getValueSource()).getValues().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
assertTrue( instanceof Expression);
use of org.teiid.language.ExpressionValueSource in project teiid by teiid.
the class SpreadsheetInsertVisitor method visit.
public void visit(Insert obj) {
worksheetTitle = obj.getTable().getName();
if (obj.getTable().getMetadataObject().getNameInSource() != null) {
worksheetTitle = obj.getTable().getMetadataObject().getNameInSource();
worksheetKey = info.getWorksheetByName(worksheetTitle).getId();
ExpressionValueSource evs = (ExpressionValueSource) obj.getValueSource();
for (int i = 0; i < evs.getValues().size(); i++) {
Expression e = evs.getValues().get(i);
if (!(e instanceof Literal)) {
throw new SpreadsheetOperationException("Only literals are allowed in the values section");
Literal l = (Literal) e;
if (l.getValue() == null) {
ColumnReference columnReference = obj.getColumns().get(i);
columnNameValuePair.put(columnReference.getMetadataObject().getSourceName(), l.getValue());