use of org.teiid.query.optimizer.capabilities.DefaultCapabilitiesFinder in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestTriggerActions method testInsert.
public void testInsert() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata metadata = TestUpdateValidator.example1();
TestUpdateValidator.createView("select 1 as x, 2 as y", metadata, GX);
Table t = metadata.getMetadataStore().getSchemas().get(VM1).getTables().get(GX);
t.setInsertPlan("FOR EACH ROW BEGIN insert into pm1.g1 (e1) values (new.x); END");
String sql = "insert into gx (x, y) values (1, 2)";
FakeDataManager dm = new FakeDataManager();
FakeDataStore.addTable("pm1.g1", dm, metadata);
CommandContext context = createCommandContext();
BasicSourceCapabilities caps = TestOptimizer.getTypicalCapabilities();
ProcessorPlan plan = TestProcessor.helpGetPlan(TestResolver.helpResolve(sql, metadata), metadata, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(caps), context);
List<?>[] expected = new List[] { Arrays.asList(1) };
helpProcess(plan, context, dm, expected);
use of org.teiid.query.optimizer.capabilities.DefaultCapabilitiesFinder in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestTriggerActions method testDynamicRecursion.
public void testDynamicRecursion() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata metadata = TestUpdateValidator.example1();
TestUpdateValidator.createView("select 'a' as x, 2 as y", metadata, GX);
Table t = metadata.getMetadataStore().getSchemas().get(VM1).getTables().get(GX);
t.setDeletePlan("FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ATOMIC insert into gx (x, y) values (old.x, old.y); END");
t.setInsertPlan("FOR EACH ROW BEGIN execute immediate 'delete from gx where gx.x = new.x'; END");
String sql = "insert into gx (x, y) select e1, e2 from pm1.g1";
FakeDataManager dm = new FakeDataManager();
FakeDataStore.addTable("pm1.g1", dm, metadata);
CommandContext context = createCommandContext();
BasicSourceCapabilities caps = TestOptimizer.getTypicalCapabilities();
ProcessorPlan plan = TestProcessor.helpGetPlan(TestResolver.helpResolve(sql, metadata), metadata, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(caps), context);
try {
helpProcess(plan, context, dm, null);
} catch (QueryProcessingException e) {
assertEquals("TEIID30168 Couldn't execute the dynamic SQL command \"EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'delete from gx where gx.x = new.x'\" with the SQL statement \"delete from gx where gx.x = new.x\" due to: TEIID30347 There is a recursive invocation of group 'I gx'. Please correct the SQL.", e.getMessage());
use of org.teiid.query.optimizer.capabilities.DefaultCapabilitiesFinder in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestTriggerActions method testDynamic.
public void testDynamic() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata metadata = TestUpdateValidator.example1();
TestUpdateValidator.createView("select '1' as x, 2 as y", metadata, GX);
Table t = metadata.getMetadataStore().getSchemas().get(VM1).getTables().get(GX);
t.setInsertPlan("FOR EACH ROW BEGIN execute immediate 'delete from gx where gx.x = new.x'; END");
String sql = "insert into gx (x, y) select e1, e2 from pm1.g1";
FakeDataManager dm = new FakeDataManager();
FakeDataStore.addTable("pm1.g1", dm, metadata);
CommandContext context = createCommandContext();
BasicSourceCapabilities caps = TestOptimizer.getTypicalCapabilities();
ProcessorPlan plan = TestProcessor.helpGetPlan(TestResolver.helpResolve(sql, metadata), metadata, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(caps), context);
List<?>[] expected = new List[] { Arrays.asList(6) };
helpProcess(plan, context, dm, expected);
use of org.teiid.query.optimizer.capabilities.DefaultCapabilitiesFinder in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestTriggerActions method testUpdateWithNonConstant.
public void testUpdateWithNonConstant() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata metadata = TestUpdateValidator.example1();
TestUpdateValidator.createView("select 1 as x, 2 as y", metadata, GX);
Table t = metadata.getMetadataStore().getSchemas().get(VM1).getTables().get(GX);
t.setUpdatePlan("FOR EACH ROW BEGIN update pm1.g1 set e2 = new.y where e2 = old.y; END");
String sql = "update gx set y = x";
FakeDataManager dm = new FakeDataManager();
FakeDataStore.addTable("pm1.g1", dm, metadata);
CommandContext context = createCommandContext();
BasicSourceCapabilities caps = TestOptimizer.getTypicalCapabilities();
ProcessorPlan plan = TestProcessor.helpGetPlan(TestResolver.helpResolve(sql, metadata), metadata, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(caps), context);
List<?>[] expected = new List[] { Arrays.asList(1) };
helpProcess(plan, context, dm, expected);
assertEquals("UPDATE pm1.g1 SET e2 = 1 WHERE e2 = 2", dm.getQueries().get(0));
use of org.teiid.query.optimizer.capabilities.DefaultCapabilitiesFinder in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestTriggerActions method testUpdateIfDistinct.
public void testUpdateIfDistinct() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata metadata = RealMetadataFactory.fromDDL("create foreign table g1 (e1 string, e2 integer) options (updatable true);" + " create view GX options (updatable true) as select '1' as x, 2 as y union all select '2' as x, 2 as y;" + " create trigger on GX instead of update as for each row begin if (\"new\" is distinct from \"old\") update g1 set e1 = new.x, e2 = new.y where e2 = old.y; END", "x", "y");
String sql = "update gx set x = x || 'a' where y = 2";
HardcodedDataManager dm = new HardcodedDataManager();
dm.addData("UPDATE g1 SET e1 = '1a', e2 = 2 WHERE e2 = 2", new List[] { Arrays.asList(1) });
dm.addData("UPDATE g1 SET e1 = '2a', e2 = 2 WHERE e2 = 2", new List[] { Arrays.asList(1) });
CommandContext context = createCommandContext();
BasicSourceCapabilities caps = TestOptimizer.getTypicalCapabilities();
ProcessorPlan plan = TestProcessor.helpGetPlan(TestResolver.helpResolve(sql, metadata), metadata, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(caps), context);
List<?>[] expected = new List[] { Arrays.asList(2) };
helpProcess(plan, context, dm, expected);
metadata = RealMetadataFactory.fromDDL("create foreign table g1 (e1 string, e2 integer) options (updatable true);" + " create view GX options (updatable true) as select '1' as x, 2 as y union all select '2' as x, 2 as y;" + " create trigger on GX instead of update as for each row begin if (\"new\" is not distinct from \"old\") update g1 set e1 = new.x, e2 = new.y where e2 = old.y; END", "x", "y");
// no updates expected
context = createCommandContext();
plan = TestProcessor.helpGetPlan(TestResolver.helpResolve(sql, metadata), metadata, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(caps), context);
expected = new List[] { Arrays.asList(2) };
helpProcess(plan, context, dm, expected);