use of org.teiid.query.util.CommandContext in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testSubqueryRewriteToJoinDistinct1.
// won't rewrite since we need distinct and don't have all equi join predicates
public void testSubqueryRewriteToJoinDistinct1() throws Exception {
CommandContext cc = new CommandContext();
cc.setOptions(new Options().subqueryUnnestDefault(true));
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm1.g1 as x where exists (select pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 where e1 = x.e1 and e2 < x.e2)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm1.g1 AS x WHERE EXISTS (SELECT pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 WHERE (e1 = x.e1) AND (e2 < x.e2) LIMIT 1)", RealMetadataFactory.example1Cached(), cc);
use of org.teiid.query.util.CommandContext in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testDontRewriteToJoinWithOtherCriteria.
public void testDontRewriteToJoinWithOtherCriteria() throws Exception {
CommandContext cc = new CommandContext();
cc.setOptions(new Options().subqueryUnnestDefault(true));
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm3.g1 where pm3.g1.e1 in /*+ NO_UNNEST */ (select pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 where e2 < pm3.g1.e2)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm3.g1 WHERE pm3.g1.e1 IN /*+ NO_UNNEST */ (SELECT pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 WHERE e2 < pm3.g1.e2)", RealMetadataFactory.example4(), cc);
use of org.teiid.query.util.CommandContext in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testPreEvaluationInAggregate1.
public void testPreEvaluationInAggregate1() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata tm = RealMetadataFactory.fromDDL("x", new DDLHolder("my", "CREATE foreign TABLE test_b (b integer, c integer)"), new DDLHolder("pg", "CREATE foreign TABLE test_a (a integer, b integer); CREATE foreign TABLE test_only_pg (a integer, b integer);"));
String sql = "SELECT SUM(x.b - (SELECT a FROM pg.test_only_pg WHERE b = 1)) FROM my.test_b x";
BasicSourceCapabilities bsc = getTypicalCapabilities();
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_SUBQUERIES_SCALAR, true);
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_SUBQUERIES_SCALAR_PROJECTION, true);
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_GROUP_BY, true);
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_AGGREGATES_SUM, true);
bsc.setFunctionSupport("-", true);
ProcessorPlan plan = // $NON-NLS-1$
TestOptimizer.helpPlan(// $NON-NLS-1$
sql, tm, null, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc), new String[] { "SELECT SUM((g_0.b - (SELECT a FROM pg.test_only_pg WHERE b = 1 LIMIT 2))) FROM my.test_b AS g_0" }, // $NON-NLS-1$
HardcodedDataManager hdm = new HardcodedDataManager(tm);
hdm.addData("SELECT g_0.a FROM test_only_pg AS g_0 WHERE g_0.b = 1", Arrays.asList(2));
hdm.addData("SELECT SUM((g_0.b - 2)) FROM test_b AS g_0", Arrays.asList(Long.valueOf(3)));
CommandContext cc = TestProcessor.createCommandContext();
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, hdm, new List[] { Arrays.asList(Long.valueOf(3)) });
use of org.teiid.query.util.CommandContext in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testSubqueryRewriteToJoin.
public void testSubqueryRewriteToJoin() throws Exception {
CommandContext cc = new CommandContext();
cc.setOptions(new Options().subqueryUnnestDefault(true));
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm3.g1 where exists (select pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 where e1 = pm3.g1.e1)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm3.g1, (SELECT e1 FROM pm1.g1) AS X__1 WHERE pm3.g1.e1 = X__1.e1", RealMetadataFactory.example4(), cc);
use of org.teiid.query.util.CommandContext in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testNestedCorrelation.
public void testNestedCorrelation() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata tm = RealMetadataFactory.fromDDL("CREATE foreign TABLE a (c1 integer, c2 integer); " + "CREATE foreign TABLE b (c3 integer, c4 integer); CREATE foreign TABLE c (c5 integer, c6 integer);", "x", "y");
String sql = "SELECT (select c2 from b where c3 = (select c5 from c where c6 = c1)) FROM a group by c1, c2";
BasicSourceCapabilities bsc = getTypicalCapabilities();
/*ProcessorPlan plan = TestOptimizer.helpPlan(sql, //$NON-NLS-1$
tm, null, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc),
new String[] {
"SELECT g_0.c1, g_0.c2 FROM y.a AS g_0"}, ComparisonMode.EXACT_COMMAND_STRING); //$NON-NLS-1$
HardcodedDataManager hdm = new HardcodedDataManager(tm);
hdm.addData("SELECT g_0.c1, g_0.c2 FROM a AS g_0", Arrays.asList(1, 2));
hdm.addData("SELECT g_0.c5 FROM c AS g_0 WHERE g_0.c6 = 1", Arrays.asList(1));
hdm.addData("SELECT 2 FROM b AS g_0 WHERE g_0.c3 = 1", Arrays.asList(2));
CommandContext cc = TestProcessor.createCommandContext();
// TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, hdm, new List[] {Arrays.asList(2)} );
// with conflicting aliases it should still work
sql = "SELECT (select c2 from b where c3 = (select c5 from c as x where c6 = c1)) FROM a as x group by c1, c2";
/* plan = TestOptimizer.helpPlan(sql, //$NON-NLS-1$
tm, null, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc),
new String[] {
"SELECT g_0.c1, g_0.c2 FROM y.a AS g_0"}, ComparisonMode.EXACT_COMMAND_STRING); //$NON-NLS-1$
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, hdm, new List[] {Arrays.asList(2)} );
// with conflicting aliases it should still work
sql = "SELECT (select c2 from b as x where c3 = (select c5 from c as x where c6 = c1)) FROM a as x group by c1, c2";
ProcessorPlan plan = // $NON-NLS-1$
TestOptimizer.helpPlan(// $NON-NLS-1$
sql, tm, null, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc), new String[] { "SELECT g_0.c1, g_0.c2 FROM y.a AS g_0" }, // $NON-NLS-1$
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, hdm, new List[] { Arrays.asList(2) });