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Example 6 with ProcedureExecution

use of org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution in project teiid by teiid.

the class TestSwaggerQueryExecution method testSimpleInputArray.

public void testSimpleInputArray() throws Exception {
    String query = "exec findPetsByStatus(status=>('available',));";
    String expectedURL = "";
    String response = "[\n" + "  {\n" + "\"id\": 7,\n" + "    \"category\": {\n" + "         \"id\": 4,\n" + "         \"name\": \"Lions\"\n" + "    },\n" + "    \"name\": \"Lion 1\",\n" + "    \"photoUrls\": [\n" + "      \"url1\",\n" + "      \"url2\"\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n" + "      {\n" + "        \"id\": 1,\n" + "        \"name\": \"tag1\"\n" + "      },\n" + "      {\n" + "        \"id\": 2,\n" + "        \"name\": \"tag2\"\n" + "      }\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"status\": \"available\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  {\n" + "    \"id\": 10008,\n" + "    \"category\": {\n" + "      \"id\": 0,\n" + "      \"name\": \"string\"\n" + "    },\n" + "    \"name\": \"doggie\",\n" + "    \"photoUrls\": [\n" + "      \"string\"\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n" + "      {\n" + "        \"id\": 0,\n" + "        \"name\": \"string\"\n" + "      }\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"status\": \"available\"\n" + "  }]";
    ProcedureExecution excution = helpProcedureExecute(query, response, expectedURL, 200);
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { 7L, 4L, "Lions", "Lion 1", new String[] { "url1", "url2" }, 1L, "tag1", "available" }, Object[8]));
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { 7L, 4L, "Lions", "Lion 1", new String[] { "url1", "url2" }, 2L, "tag2", "available" }, Object[8]));
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { 10008L, 0L, "string", "doggie", new String[] { "string" }, 0L, "string", "available" }, Object[8]));
Also used : ProcedureExecution(org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with ProcedureExecution

use of org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution in project teiid by teiid.

the class TestSwaggerQueryExecution method testOptionalParameter.

public void testOptionalParameter() throws Exception {
    String query = "exec updatePet(name=>'fido');";
    String expectedURL = "";
    String response = "";
    ProcedureExecution excution = helpProcedureExecute(query, response, expectedURL, 200, true, "PUT", null, getHeaders());
Also used : ProcedureExecution(org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with ProcedureExecution

use of org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution in project teiid by teiid.

the class TestSwaggerQueryExecution method testErrorResponse.

@Test(expected = TranslatorException.class)
public void testErrorResponse() throws Exception {
    String query = "exec getPetById(petId=>687789);";
    String expectedURL = "";
    String response = "";
    ProcedureExecution excution = helpProcedureExecute(query, response, expectedURL, 400, true, "GET", null, getHeaders());
Also used : ProcedureExecution(org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 9 with ProcedureExecution

use of org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution in project teiid by teiid.

the class TestSwaggerQueryExecution method helpProcedureExecute.

private ProcedureExecution helpProcedureExecute(String query, final String resultJson, String expectedURL, int responseCode, boolean decode, String expectedMethod, String expectedInput, Map<String, Object> userHeaders) throws Exception {
    userHeaders.put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, new HashMap<String, List<String>>());
    userHeaders.put(WSConnection.STATUS_CODE, new Integer(responseCode));
    userHeaders.put("Content-Type", Arrays.asList("application/json"));
    SwaggerExecutionFactory translator = new SwaggerExecutionFactory();
    TranslationUtility utility = new TranslationUtility(TestSwaggerMetadataProcessor.getTransformationMetadata(TestSwaggerMetadataProcessor.petstoreMetadata(translator), translator));
    Command cmd = utility.parseCommand(query);
    ExecutionContext context = Mockito.mock(ExecutionContext.class);
    WSConnection connection = Mockito.mock(WSConnection.class);
    Dispatch<DataSource> dispatch = Mockito.mock(Dispatch.class);
    Mockito.stub(connection.createDispatch(Mockito.eq(HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.eq(DataSource.class), Mockito.eq(Mode.MESSAGE))).toReturn(dispatch);
    DataSource outputDS = new DataSource() {

        public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
            return new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        public String getName() {
            return "result";

        public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
            ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(resultJson.getBytes());
            return in;

        public String getContentType() {
            return "application/json";
    ProcedureExecution execution = translator.createProcedureExecution((Call) cmd, context, utility.createRuntimeMetadata(), connection);
    ArgumentCaptor<String> endpoint = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
    ArgumentCaptor<String> binding = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
    ArgumentCaptor<DataSource> input = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DataSource.class);
    Mockito.verify(connection).createDispatch(binding.capture(), endpoint.capture(), Mockito.eq(DataSource.class), Mockito.eq(Mode.MESSAGE));
    assertEquals(expectedURL, decode ? URLDecoder.decode(endpoint.getValue(), "utf-8") : endpoint.getValue());
    assertEquals(expectedMethod, dispatch.getRequestContext().get(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD));
    if (expectedInput != null) {
        assertEquals(expectedInput, ObjectConverterUtil.convertToString(input.getValue().getInputStream()));
    return execution;
Also used : WSConnection(org.teiid.translator.WSConnection) TranslationUtility(org.teiid.cdk.api.TranslationUtility) ByteArrayOutputStream( DataSource(javax.activation.DataSource) ExecutionContext(org.teiid.translator.ExecutionContext) Command(org.teiid.language.Command) ByteArrayInputStream( ProcedureExecution(org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution) List(java.util.List)

Example 10 with ProcedureExecution

use of org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution in project teiid by teiid.

the class TestSwaggerQueryExecution method testMapReturn.

public void testMapReturn() throws Exception {
    String query = "exec getInventory();";
    String expectedURL = "";
    String response = "{\n" + "  \"sold\": 6,\n" + "  \"string\": 7,\n" + "  \"pending\": 62,\n" + "  \"available\": 891,\n" + "  \"Live\": 7,\n" + "  \"fulfilled\": 1\n" + "}";
    ProcedureExecution excution = helpProcedureExecute(query, response, expectedURL, 200, true, "GET", null, getHeaders());
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "sold", 6 }, Object[2]));
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "string", 7 }, Object[2]));
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "pending", 62 }, Object[2]));
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "available", 891 }, Object[2]));
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "Live", 7 }, Object[2]));
    assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "fulfilled", 1 }, Object[2]));
Also used : ProcedureExecution(org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution) Test(org.junit.Test)


ProcedureExecution (org.teiid.translator.ProcedureExecution)24 Test (org.junit.Test)20 MetadataFactory (org.teiid.metadata.MetadataFactory)7 CsdlReturnType (org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlReturnType)6 List (java.util.List)5 ExecutionContext (org.teiid.translator.ExecutionContext)4 CsdlComplexType (org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlComplexType)3 Call (org.teiid.language.Call)3 Command (org.teiid.language.Command)3 TranslatorException (org.teiid.translator.TranslatorException)3 ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( File ( Connection (java.sql.Connection)2 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Properties (java.util.Properties)2 DataSource (javax.activation.DataSource)2 TranslationUtility (org.teiid.cdk.api.TranslationUtility)2 DataNotAvailableException (org.teiid.translator.DataNotAvailableException)2