use of org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController in project Telegram-FOSS by Telegram-FOSS-Team.
the class DialogCell method buildLayout.
public void buildLayout() {
int thumbSize;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[1].setColor(Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[1].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_message_threeLines, resourcesProvider));
paintIndex = 1;
thumbSize = 18;
} else {
Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[0].setColor(Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[0].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_message, resourcesProvider));
paintIndex = 0;
thumbSize = 19;
currentDialogFolderDialogsCount = 0;
String nameString = "";
String timeString = "";
String countString = null;
String mentionString = null;
CharSequence messageString = "";
CharSequence messageNameString = null;
CharSequence printingString = null;
if (isDialogCell) {
printingString = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getPrintingString(currentDialogId, 0, true);
TextPaint currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex];
boolean checkMessage = true;
drawNameGroup = false;
drawNameBroadcast = false;
drawNameLock = false;
drawNameBot = false;
drawVerified = false;
drawScam = 0;
drawPinBackground = false;
hasMessageThumb = false;
int offsetName = 0;
boolean showChecks = !UserObject.isUserSelf(user) && !useMeForMyMessages;
boolean drawTime = true;
printingStringType = -1;
int printigStingReplaceIndex = -1;
String messageFormat;
boolean hasNameInMessage;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
messageFormat = "%2$s: \u2068%1$s\u2069";
hasNameInMessage = true;
} else {
messageFormat = "\u2068%s\u2069";
hasNameInMessage = false;
} else {
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
messageFormat = "%2$s: %1$s";
hasNameInMessage = true;
} else {
messageFormat = "%1$s";
hasNameInMessage = false;
CharSequence msgText = message != null ? message.messageText : null;
if (msgText instanceof Spannable) {
Spannable sp = new SpannableStringBuilder(msgText);
for (Object span : sp.getSpans(0, sp.length(), URLSpanNoUnderlineBold.class)) sp.removeSpan(span);
for (Object span : sp.getSpans(0, sp.length(), URLSpanNoUnderline.class)) sp.removeSpan(span);
msgText = sp;
lastMessageString = msgText;
if (customDialog != null) {
if (customDialog.type == 2) {
drawNameLock = true;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(12.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
} else {
drawVerified = customDialog.verified;
if (SharedConfig.drawDialogIcons && customDialog.type == 1) {
drawNameGroup = true;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(13.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(17.5f);
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
} else {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
if (customDialog.type == 1) {
messageNameString = LocaleController.getString("FromYou", R.string.FromYou);
checkMessage = false;
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder;
if (customDialog.isMedia) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, message.messageText));
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpanThemable(Theme.key_chats_attachMessage, resourcesProvider), 0, stringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
} else {
String mess = customDialog.message;
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.substring(0, 150);
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, mess, messageNameString));
} else {
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, mess.replace('\n', ' '), messageNameString));
messageString = Emoji.replaceEmoji(stringBuilder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(20), false);
} else {
messageString = customDialog.message;
if (customDialog.isMedia) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
timeString = LocaleController.stringForMessageListDate(;
if (customDialog.unread_count != 0) {
drawCount = true;
countString = String.format("%d", customDialog.unread_count);
} else {
drawCount = false;
if (customDialog.sent) {
drawCheck1 = true;
drawCheck2 = true;
} else {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = false;
drawError = false;
nameString =;
} else {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
if (encryptedChat != null) {
if (currentDialogFolderId == 0) {
drawNameLock = true;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(12.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
} else {
if (currentDialogFolderId == 0) {
if (chat != null) {
if (chat.scam) {
drawScam = 1;
} else if (chat.fake) {
drawScam = 2;
} else {
drawVerified = chat.verified;
if (SharedConfig.drawDialogIcons) {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if ( < 0 || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) {
drawNameBroadcast = true;
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(12.5f);
} else {
drawNameGroup = true;
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(13.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
if ( < 0 || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) {
drawNameBroadcast = true;
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16.5f);
} else {
drawNameGroup = true;
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(17.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
} else if (user != null) {
if (user.scam) {
drawScam = 1;
} else if (user.fake) {
drawScam = 2;
} else {
drawVerified = user.verified;
if (SharedConfig.drawDialogIcons && {
drawNameBot = true;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(12.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
int lastDate = lastMessageDate;
if (lastMessageDate == 0 && message != null) {
lastDate =;
if (isDialogCell) {
draftMessage = MediaDataController.getInstance(currentAccount).getDraft(currentDialogId, 0);
if (draftMessage != null && (TextUtils.isEmpty(draftMessage.message) && draftMessage.reply_to_msg_id == 0 || lastDate > && unreadCount != 0) || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup && !chat.creator && (chat.admin_rights == null || !chat.admin_rights.post_messages) || chat != null && (chat.left || chat.kicked)) {
draftMessage = null;
} else {
draftMessage = null;
if (printingString != null) {
lastPrintString = printingString;
printingStringType = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getPrintingStringType(currentDialogId, 0);
StatusDrawable statusDrawable = Theme.getChatStatusDrawable(printingStringType);
int startPadding = 0;
if (statusDrawable != null) {
startPadding = statusDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(3);
SpannableStringBuilder spannableStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
printingString = TextUtils.replace(printingString, new String[] { "..." }, new String[] { "" });
if (printingStringType == 5) {
printigStingReplaceIndex = printingString.toString().indexOf("**oo**");
if (printigStingReplaceIndex >= 0) {
spannableStringBuilder.append(printingString).setSpan(new FixedWidthSpan(Theme.getChatStatusDrawable(printingStringType).getIntrinsicWidth()), printigStingReplaceIndex, printigStingReplaceIndex + 6, 0);
} else {
spannableStringBuilder.append(" ").append(printingString).setSpan(new FixedWidthSpan(startPadding), 0, 1, 0);
messageString = spannableStringBuilder;
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
checkMessage = false;
} else {
lastPrintString = null;
if (draftMessage != null) {
checkMessage = false;
messageNameString = LocaleController.getString("Draft", R.string.Draft);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(draftMessage.message)) {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
messageString = "";
} else {
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(messageNameString);
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpanThemable(Theme.key_chats_draft, resourcesProvider), 0, messageNameString.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
messageString = stringBuilder;
} else {
String mess = draftMessage.message;
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.substring(0, 150);
Spannable messSpan = new SpannableStringBuilder(mess);
MediaDataController.addTextStyleRuns(draftMessage, messSpan, TextStyleSpan.FLAG_STYLE_SPOILER);
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder = AndroidUtilities.formatSpannable(messageFormat, AndroidUtilities.replaceNewLines(messSpan), messageNameString);
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpanThemable(Theme.key_chats_draft, resourcesProvider), 0, messageNameString.length() + 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
messageString = Emoji.replaceEmoji(stringBuilder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(20), false);
} else {
if (clearingDialog) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
messageString = LocaleController.getString("HistoryCleared", R.string.HistoryCleared);
} else if (message == null) {
if (encryptedChat != null) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
if (encryptedChat instanceof TLRPC.TL_encryptedChatRequested) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("EncryptionProcessing", R.string.EncryptionProcessing);
} else if (encryptedChat instanceof TLRPC.TL_encryptedChatWaiting) {
messageString = LocaleController.formatString("AwaitingEncryption", R.string.AwaitingEncryption, UserObject.getFirstName(user));
} else if (encryptedChat instanceof TLRPC.TL_encryptedChatDiscarded) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("EncryptionRejected", R.string.EncryptionRejected);
} else if (encryptedChat instanceof TLRPC.TL_encryptedChat) {
if (encryptedChat.admin_id == UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).getClientUserId()) {
messageString = LocaleController.formatString("EncryptedChatStartedOutgoing", R.string.EncryptedChatStartedOutgoing, UserObject.getFirstName(user));
} else {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("EncryptedChatStartedIncoming", R.string.EncryptedChatStartedIncoming);
} else {
if (dialogsType == 3 && UserObject.isUserSelf(user)) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("SavedMessagesInfo", R.string.SavedMessagesInfo);
showChecks = false;
drawTime = false;
} else {
messageString = "";
} else {
String restrictionReason = MessagesController.getRestrictionReason(message.messageOwner.restriction_reason);
TLRPC.User fromUser = null;
TLRPC.Chat fromChat = null;
long fromId = message.getFromChatId();
if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(fromId)) {
fromUser = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(fromId);
} else {
fromChat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(-fromId);
if (dialogsType == 3 && UserObject.isUserSelf(user)) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("SavedMessagesInfo", R.string.SavedMessagesInfo);
showChecks = false;
drawTime = false;
} else if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout && currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
checkMessage = false;
messageString = formatArchivedDialogNames();
} else if (message.messageOwner instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageService) {
if (ChatObject.isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(chat) && (message.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionHistoryClear || message.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom)) {
messageString = "";
showChecks = false;
} else {
messageString = msgText;
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
} else {
boolean needEmoji = true;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(restrictionReason) && currentDialogFolderId == 0 && encryptedChat == null && !message.needDrawBluredPreview() && (message.isPhoto() || message.isNewGif() || message.isVideo())) {
String type = message.isWebpage() ? : null;
if (!("app".equals(type) || "profile".equals(type) || "article".equals(type) || type != null && type.startsWith("telegram_"))) {
TLRPC.PhotoSize smallThumb = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(message.photoThumbs, 40);
TLRPC.PhotoSize bigThumb = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(message.photoThumbs, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize());
if (smallThumb == bigThumb) {
bigThumb = null;
if (smallThumb != null) {
hasMessageThumb = true;
drawPlay = message.isVideo();
String fileName = FileLoader.getAttachFileName(bigThumb);
if (message.mediaExists || DownloadController.getInstance(currentAccount).canDownloadMedia(message) || FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).isLoadingFile(fileName)) {
int size;
if (message.type == MessageObject.TYPE_PHOTO) {
size = bigThumb != null ? bigThumb.size : 0;
} else {
size = 0;
thumbImage.setImage(ImageLocation.getForObject(bigThumb, message.photoThumbsObject), "20_20", ImageLocation.getForObject(smallThumb, message.photoThumbsObject), "20_20", size, null, message, 0);
} else {
thumbImage.setImage(null, null, ImageLocation.getForObject(smallThumb, message.photoThumbsObject), "20_20", (Drawable) null, message, 0);
needEmoji = false;
if (chat != null && > 0 && fromChat == null && (!ChatObject.isChannel(chat) || ChatObject.isMegagroup(chat))) {
if (message.isOutOwner()) {
messageNameString = LocaleController.getString("FromYou", R.string.FromYou);
} else if (message != null && message.messageOwner.fwd_from != null && message.messageOwner.fwd_from.from_name != null) {
messageNameString = message.messageOwner.fwd_from.from_name;
} else if (fromUser != null) {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if (UserObject.isDeleted(fromUser)) {
messageNameString = LocaleController.getString("HiddenName", R.string.HiddenName);
} else {
messageNameString = ContactsController.formatName(fromUser.first_name, fromUser.last_name).replace("\n", "");
} else {
messageNameString = UserObject.getFirstName(fromUser).replace("\n", "");
} else {
messageNameString = "DELETED";
checkMessage = false;
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(restrictionReason)) {
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, restrictionReason, messageNameString));
} else if (message.caption != null) {
CharSequence mess = message.caption.toString();
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.subSequence(0, 150);
String emoji;
if (!needEmoji) {
emoji = "";
} else if (message.isVideo()) {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDCF9 ";
} else if (message.isVoice()) {
emoji = "\uD83C\uDFA4 ";
} else if (message.isMusic()) {
emoji = "\uD83C\uDFA7 ";
} else if (message.isPhoto()) {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDDBC ";
} else {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDCCE ";
SpannableStringBuilder msgBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(mess);
MediaDataController.addTextStyleRuns(message.messageOwner.entities, message.caption, msgBuilder, TextStyleSpan.FLAG_STYLE_SPOILER);
stringBuilder = AndroidUtilities.formatSpannable(messageFormat, new SpannableStringBuilder(emoji).append(AndroidUtilities.replaceNewLines(msgBuilder)), messageNameString);
} else if ( != null && !message.isMediaEmpty()) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
String innerMessage;
if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) {
TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll mediaPoll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll);
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83D\uDCCA \u2068%s\u2069", mediaPoll.poll.question);
} else {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83D\uDCCA %s", mediaPoll.poll.question);
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83C\uDFAE \u2068%s\u2069",;
} else {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83C\uDFAE %s",;
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice) {
innerMessage =;
} else if (message.type == 14) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83C\uDFA7 \u2068%s - %s\u2069", message.getMusicAuthor(), message.getMusicTitle());
} else {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83C\uDFA7 %s - %s", message.getMusicAuthor(), message.getMusicTitle());
} else {
innerMessage = msgText.toString();
innerMessage = innerMessage.replace('\n', ' ');
stringBuilder = AndroidUtilities.formatSpannable(messageFormat, innerMessage, messageNameString);
try {
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpanThemable(Theme.key_chats_attachMessage, resourcesProvider), hasNameInMessage ? messageNameString.length() + 2 : 0, stringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (message.messageOwner.message != null) {
CharSequence mess = message.messageOwner.message;
if (message.hasHighlightedWords()) {
if (message.messageTrimmedToHighlight != null) {
mess = message.messageTrimmedToHighlight;
int w = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 23 + 10);
if (hasNameInMessage) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(messageNameString)) {
w -= currentMessagePaint.measureText(messageNameString.toString());
w -= currentMessagePaint.measureText(": ");
if (w > 0) {
mess = AndroidUtilities.ellipsizeCenterEnd(mess, message.highlightedWords.get(0), w, currentMessagePaint, 130).toString();
} else {
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.subSequence(0, 150);
mess = AndroidUtilities.replaceNewLines(mess);
mess = new SpannableStringBuilder(mess);
MediaDataController.addTextStyleRuns(message, (Spannable) mess, TextStyleSpan.FLAG_STYLE_SPOILER);
stringBuilder = AndroidUtilities.formatSpannable(messageFormat, mess, messageNameString);
} else {
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf("");
int thumbInsertIndex = 0;
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || currentDialogFolderId != 0 && stringBuilder.length() > 0) {
try {
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpanThemable(Theme.key_chats_nameMessage, resourcesProvider), 0, thumbInsertIndex = messageNameString.length() + 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
offsetName = thumbInsertIndex;
} catch (Exception e) {
messageString = Emoji.replaceEmoji(stringBuilder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(20), false);
if (message.hasHighlightedWords()) {
CharSequence messageH = AndroidUtilities.highlightText(messageString, message.highlightedWords, resourcesProvider);
if (messageH != null) {
messageString = messageH;
if (hasMessageThumb) {
if (!(messageString instanceof SpannableStringBuilder)) {
messageString = new SpannableStringBuilder(messageString);
checkMessage = false;
SpannableStringBuilder builder = (SpannableStringBuilder) messageString;
builder.insert(thumbInsertIndex, " ");
builder.setSpan(new FixedWidthSpan(AndroidUtilities.dp(thumbSize + 6)), thumbInsertIndex, thumbInsertIndex + 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
} else {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(restrictionReason)) {
messageString = restrictionReason;
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto && instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoEmpty && != 0) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("AttachPhotoExpired", R.string.AttachPhotoExpired);
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument && instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentEmpty && != 0) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("AttachVideoExpired", R.string.AttachVideoExpired);
} else if (message.caption != null) {
String emoji;
if (!needEmoji) {
emoji = "";
} else if (message.isVideo()) {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDCF9 ";
} else if (message.isVoice()) {
emoji = "\uD83C\uDFA4 ";
} else if (message.isMusic()) {
emoji = "\uD83C\uDFA7 ";
} else if (message.isPhoto()) {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDDBC ";
} else {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDCCE ";
if (message.hasHighlightedWords() && !TextUtils.isEmpty(message.messageOwner.message)) {
String str = message.messageTrimmedToHighlight;
if (message.messageTrimmedToHighlight != null) {
str = message.messageTrimmedToHighlight;
int w = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 23 + 24);
if (hasNameInMessage) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(messageNameString)) {
w -= currentMessagePaint.measureText(messageNameString.toString());
w -= currentMessagePaint.measureText(": ");
if (w > 0) {
str = AndroidUtilities.ellipsizeCenterEnd(str, message.highlightedWords.get(0), w, currentMessagePaint, 130).toString();
messageString = emoji + str;
} else {
SpannableStringBuilder msgBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(message.caption);
MediaDataController.addTextStyleRuns(message.messageOwner.entities, message.caption, msgBuilder, TextStyleSpan.FLAG_STYLE_SPOILER);
messageString = new SpannableStringBuilder(emoji).append(msgBuilder);
} else {
if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) {
TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll mediaPoll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll);
messageString = "\uD83D\uDCCA " + mediaPoll.poll.question;
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame) {
messageString = "\uD83C\uDFAE " +;
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice) {
messageString =;
} else if (message.type == 14) {
messageString = String.format("\uD83C\uDFA7 %s - %s", message.getMusicAuthor(), message.getMusicTitle());
} else {
if (message.hasHighlightedWords() && !TextUtils.isEmpty(message.messageOwner.message)) {
messageString = message.messageTrimmedToHighlight;
if (message.messageTrimmedToHighlight != null) {
messageString = message.messageTrimmedToHighlight;
int w = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 23);
messageString = AndroidUtilities.ellipsizeCenterEnd(messageString, message.highlightedWords.get(0), w, currentMessagePaint, 130).toString();
} else {
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(msgText);
MediaDataController.addTextStyleRuns(message, stringBuilder, TextStyleSpan.FLAG_STYLE_SPOILER);
messageString = stringBuilder;
AndroidUtilities.highlightText(messageString, message.highlightedWords, resourcesProvider);
if ( != null && !message.isMediaEmpty()) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
if (hasMessageThumb) {
if (message.hasHighlightedWords() && !TextUtils.isEmpty(message.messageOwner.message)) {
messageString = message.messageTrimmedToHighlight;
if (message.messageTrimmedToHighlight != null) {
messageString = message.messageTrimmedToHighlight;
int w = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 23 + thumbSize + 6);
messageString = AndroidUtilities.ellipsizeCenterEnd(messageString, message.highlightedWords.get(0), w, currentMessagePaint, 130).toString();
} else {
if (messageString.length() > 150) {
messageString = messageString.subSequence(0, 150);
messageString = AndroidUtilities.replaceNewLines(messageString);
if (!(messageString instanceof SpannableStringBuilder)) {
messageString = new SpannableStringBuilder(messageString);
checkMessage = false;
SpannableStringBuilder builder = (SpannableStringBuilder) messageString;
builder.insert(0, " ");
builder.setSpan(new FixedWidthSpan(AndroidUtilities.dp(thumbSize + 6)), 0, 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
Emoji.replaceEmoji(builder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(17), false);
if (message.hasHighlightedWords()) {
CharSequence s = AndroidUtilities.highlightText(builder, message.highlightedWords, resourcesProvider);
if (s != null) {
messageString = s;
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
messageNameString = formatArchivedDialogNames();
if (draftMessage != null) {
timeString = LocaleController.stringForMessageListDate(;
} else if (lastMessageDate != 0) {
timeString = LocaleController.stringForMessageListDate(lastMessageDate);
} else if (message != null) {
timeString = LocaleController.stringForMessageListDate(;
if (message == null) {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = false;
drawCount = false;
drawMention = false;
drawReactionMention = false;
drawError = false;
} else {
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
if (unreadCount + mentionCount > 0) {
if (unreadCount > mentionCount) {
drawCount = true;
drawMention = false;
countString = String.format("%d", unreadCount + mentionCount);
} else {
drawCount = false;
drawMention = true;
mentionString = String.format("%d", unreadCount + mentionCount);
} else {
drawCount = false;
drawMention = false;
drawReactionMention = false;
} else {
if (clearingDialog) {
drawCount = false;
showChecks = false;
} else if (unreadCount != 0 && (unreadCount != 1 || unreadCount != mentionCount || message == null || !message.messageOwner.mentioned)) {
drawCount = true;
countString = String.format("%d", unreadCount);
} else if (markUnread) {
drawCount = true;
countString = "";
} else {
drawCount = false;
if (mentionCount != 0) {
drawMention = true;
mentionString = "@";
} else {
drawMention = false;
if (reactionMentionCount != 0) {
drawReactionMention = true;
} else {
drawReactionMention = false;
if (message.isOut() && draftMessage == null && showChecks && !(message.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionHistoryClear)) {
if (message.isSending()) {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = true;
drawError = false;
} else if (message.isSendError()) {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = false;
drawError = true;
drawCount = false;
drawMention = false;
} else if (message.isSent()) {
drawCheck1 = !message.isUnread() || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup;
drawCheck2 = true;
drawClock = false;
drawError = false;
} else {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = false;
drawError = false;
promoDialog = false;
MessagesController messagesController = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount);
if (dialogsType == 0 && messagesController.isPromoDialog(currentDialogId, true)) {
drawPinBackground = true;
promoDialog = true;
if (messagesController.promoDialogType == MessagesController.PROMO_TYPE_PROXY) {
timeString = LocaleController.getString("UseProxySponsor", R.string.UseProxySponsor);
} else if (messagesController.promoDialogType == MessagesController.PROMO_TYPE_PSA) {
timeString = LocaleController.getString("PsaType_" + messagesController.promoPsaType);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(timeString)) {
timeString = LocaleController.getString("PsaTypeDefault", R.string.PsaTypeDefault);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(messagesController.promoPsaMessage)) {
messageString = messagesController.promoPsaMessage;
hasMessageThumb = false;
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
nameString = LocaleController.getString("ArchivedChats", R.string.ArchivedChats);
} else {
if (chat != null) {
nameString = chat.title;
} else if (user != null) {
if (UserObject.isReplyUser(user)) {
nameString = LocaleController.getString("RepliesTitle", R.string.RepliesTitle);
} else if (UserObject.isUserSelf(user)) {
if (useMeForMyMessages) {
nameString = LocaleController.getString("FromYou", R.string.FromYou);
} else {
if (dialogsType == 3) {
drawPinBackground = true;
nameString = LocaleController.getString("SavedMessages", R.string.SavedMessages);
} else {
nameString = UserObject.getUserName(user);
if (nameString.length() == 0) {
nameString = LocaleController.getString("HiddenName", R.string.HiddenName);
int timeWidth;
if (drawTime) {
timeWidth = (int) Math.ceil(Theme.dialogs_timePaint.measureText(timeString));
timeLayout = new StaticLayout(timeString, Theme.dialogs_timePaint, timeWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
timeLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(15) - timeWidth;
} else {
timeLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(15);
} else {
timeWidth = 0;
timeLayout = null;
timeLeft = 0;
int nameWidth;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - nameLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(14) - timeWidth;
} else {
nameWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - nameLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(77) - timeWidth;
nameLeft += timeWidth;
if (drawNameLock) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(4) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else if (drawNameGroup) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(4) + Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else if (drawNameBroadcast) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(4) + Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else if (drawNameBot) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(4) + Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
if (drawClock) {
int w = Theme.dialogs_clockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
nameWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
clockDrawLeft = timeLeft - w;
} else {
clockDrawLeft = timeLeft + timeWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
nameLeft += w;
} else if (drawCheck2) {
int w = Theme.dialogs_checkDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
nameWidth -= w;
if (drawCheck1) {
nameWidth -= Theme.dialogs_halfCheckDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(8);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
halfCheckDrawLeft = timeLeft - w;
checkDrawLeft = halfCheckDrawLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(5.5f);
} else {
checkDrawLeft = timeLeft + timeWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
halfCheckDrawLeft = checkDrawLeft + AndroidUtilities.dp(5.5f);
nameLeft += w + Theme.dialogs_halfCheckDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(8);
} else {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
checkDrawLeft1 = timeLeft - w;
} else {
checkDrawLeft1 = timeLeft + timeWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
nameLeft += w;
if (dialogMuted && !drawVerified && drawScam == 0) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(6) + Theme.dialogs_muteDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameWidth -= w;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft += w;
} else if (drawVerified) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(6) + Theme.dialogs_verifiedDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameWidth -= w;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft += w;
} else if (drawScam != 0) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(6) + (drawScam == 1 ? Theme.dialogs_scamDrawable : Theme.dialogs_fakeDrawable).getIntrinsicWidth();
nameWidth -= w;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft += w;
nameWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), nameWidth);
try {
CharSequence nameStringFinal = TextUtils.ellipsize(nameString.replace('\n', ' '), Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex], nameWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(12), TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
if (message != null && message.hasHighlightedWords()) {
CharSequence s = AndroidUtilities.highlightText(nameStringFinal, message.highlightedWords, resourcesProvider);
if (s != null) {
nameStringFinal = s;
nameLayout = new StaticLayout(nameStringFinal, Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex], nameWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
int messageWidth;
int avatarLeft;
int avatarTop;
int thumbLeft;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
avatarTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(11);
messageNameTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(32);
timeTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(13);
errorTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(43);
pinTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(43);
countTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(43);
checkDrawTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(13);
messageWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 21);
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
messageLeft = messageNameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(16);
avatarLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(66);
thumbLeft = avatarLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(13 + 18);
} else {
messageLeft = messageNameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
avatarLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(10);
thumbLeft = avatarLeft + AndroidUtilities.dp(56 + 13);
avatarImage.setImageCoords(avatarLeft, avatarTop, AndroidUtilities.dp(56), AndroidUtilities.dp(56));
thumbImage.setImageCoords(thumbLeft, avatarTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(31), AndroidUtilities.dp(18), AndroidUtilities.dp(18));
} else {
avatarTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(9);
messageNameTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(31);
timeTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16);
errorTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(39);
pinTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(39);
countTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(39);
checkDrawTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(17);
messageWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 23);
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
messageLeft = messageNameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
avatarLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(64);
thumbLeft = avatarLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(11 + thumbSize);
} else {
messageLeft = messageNameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
avatarLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(10);
thumbLeft = avatarLeft + AndroidUtilities.dp(56 + 11);
avatarImage.setImageCoords(avatarLeft, avatarTop, AndroidUtilities.dp(54), AndroidUtilities.dp(54));
thumbImage.setImageCoords(thumbLeft, avatarTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(30), AndroidUtilities.dp(thumbSize), AndroidUtilities.dp(thumbSize));
if (drawPin) {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
pinLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - Theme.dialogs_pinnedDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
} else {
pinLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
if (drawError) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(23 + 8);
messageWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
errorLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(23 + 11);
} else {
errorLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(11);
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
} else if (countString != null || mentionString != null || drawReactionMention) {
if (countString != null) {
countWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), (int) Math.ceil(Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint.measureText(countString)));
countLayout = new StaticLayout(countString, Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint, countWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
int w = countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
messageWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
countLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - countWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(20);
} else {
countLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(20);
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
drawCount = true;
} else {
countWidth = 0;
if (mentionString != null) {
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
mentionWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), (int) Math.ceil(Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint.measureText(mentionString)));
mentionLayout = new StaticLayout(mentionString, Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint, mentionWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
} else {
mentionWidth = AndroidUtilities.dp(12);
int w = mentionWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
messageWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
mentionLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - mentionWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(20) - (countWidth != 0 ? countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18) : 0);
} else {
mentionLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(20) + (countWidth != 0 ? countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18) : 0);
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
drawMention = true;
if (drawReactionMention) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(24);
messageWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
reactionMentionLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(32) - (mentionWidth != 0 ? (mentionWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18)) : 0) - (countWidth != 0 ? countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18) : 0);
} else {
reactionMentionLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(20) + (countWidth != 0 ? countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18) : 0);
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
} else {
if (drawPin) {
int w = Theme.dialogs_pinnedDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(8);
messageWidth -= w;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
drawCount = false;
drawMention = false;
if (checkMessage) {
if (messageString == null) {
messageString = "";
CharSequence mess = messageString;
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.subSequence(0, 150);
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || messageNameString != null) {
mess = AndroidUtilities.replaceNewLines(mess);
} else {
mess = AndroidUtilities.replaceTwoNewLinesToOne(mess);
messageString = Emoji.replaceEmoji(mess, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(17), false);
if (message != null) {
CharSequence s = AndroidUtilities.highlightText(messageString, message.highlightedWords, resourcesProvider);
if (s != null) {
messageString = s;
messageWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), messageWidth);
if ((useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) && messageNameString != null && (currentDialogFolderId == 0 || currentDialogFolderDialogsCount == 1)) {
try {
if (message != null && message.hasHighlightedWords()) {
CharSequence s = AndroidUtilities.highlightText(messageNameString, message.highlightedWords, resourcesProvider);
if (s != null) {
messageNameString = s;
messageNameLayout = StaticLayoutEx.createStaticLayout(messageNameString, Theme.dialogs_messageNamePaint, messageWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0, false, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, messageWidth, 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
messageTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(32 + 19);
thumbImage.setImageY(avatarTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(40));
} else {
messageNameLayout = null;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
messageTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(32);
thumbImage.setImageY(avatarTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(21));
} else {
messageTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(39);
try {
CharSequence messageStringFinal;
if ((useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) && currentDialogFolderId != 0 && currentDialogFolderDialogsCount > 1) {
messageStringFinal = messageNameString;
messageNameString = null;
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex];
} else if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || messageNameString != null) {
messageStringFinal = TextUtils.ellipsize(messageString, currentMessagePaint, messageWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(12), TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
} else {
messageStringFinal = messageString;
// Removing links and bold spans to get rid of underlining and boldness
if (messageStringFinal instanceof Spannable) {
Spannable messageStringSpannable = (Spannable) messageStringFinal;
for (CharacterStyle span : messageStringSpannable.getSpans(0, messageStringSpannable.length(), CharacterStyle.class)) {
if (span instanceof ClickableSpan || (span instanceof StyleSpan && ((StyleSpan) span).getStyle() == {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if (hasMessageThumb && messageNameString != null) {
messageWidth += AndroidUtilities.dp(6);
messageLayout = StaticLayoutEx.createStaticLayout(messageStringFinal, currentMessagePaint, messageWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, AndroidUtilities.dp(1), false, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, messageWidth, messageNameString != null ? 1 : 2);
} else {
if (hasMessageThumb) {
messageWidth += thumbSize + AndroidUtilities.dp(6);
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
messageLeft -= thumbSize + AndroidUtilities.dp(6);
messageLayout = new StaticLayout(messageStringFinal, currentMessagePaint, messageWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
SpoilerEffect.addSpoilers(this, messageLayout, spoilersPool, spoilers);
} catch (Exception e) {
messageLayout = null;
double widthpx;
float left;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
if (nameLayout != null && nameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = nameLayout.getLineLeft(0);
widthpx = Math.ceil(nameLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (dialogMuted && !drawVerified && drawScam == 0) {
nameMuteLeft = (int) (nameLeft + (nameWidth - widthpx) - AndroidUtilities.dp(6) - Theme.dialogs_muteDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else if (drawVerified) {
nameMuteLeft = (int) (nameLeft + (nameWidth - widthpx) - AndroidUtilities.dp(6) - Theme.dialogs_verifiedDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else if (drawScam != 0) {
nameMuteLeft = (int) (nameLeft + (nameWidth - widthpx) - AndroidUtilities.dp(6) - (drawScam == 1 ? Theme.dialogs_scamDrawable : Theme.dialogs_fakeDrawable).getIntrinsicWidth());
if (left == 0) {
if (widthpx < nameWidth) {
nameLeft += (nameWidth - widthpx);
if (messageLayout != null) {
int lineCount = messageLayout.getLineCount();
if (lineCount > 0) {
int w = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int a = 0; a < lineCount; a++) {
left = messageLayout.getLineLeft(a);
if (left == 0) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(messageLayout.getLineWidth(a));
w = Math.min(w, (int) (messageWidth - widthpx));
} else {
w = 0;
if (w != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
messageLeft += w;
if (messageNameLayout != null && messageNameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = messageNameLayout.getLineLeft(0);
if (left == 0) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(messageNameLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (widthpx < messageWidth) {
messageNameLeft += (messageWidth - widthpx);
} else {
if (nameLayout != null && nameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = nameLayout.getLineRight(0);
if (left == nameWidth) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(nameLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (widthpx < nameWidth) {
nameLeft -= (nameWidth - widthpx);
if (dialogMuted || drawVerified || drawScam != 0) {
nameMuteLeft = (int) (nameLeft + left + AndroidUtilities.dp(6));
if (messageLayout != null) {
int lineCount = messageLayout.getLineCount();
if (lineCount > 0) {
left = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int a = 0; a < lineCount; a++) {
left = Math.min(left, messageLayout.getLineLeft(a));
messageLeft -= left;
if (messageNameLayout != null && messageNameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
messageNameLeft -= messageNameLayout.getLineLeft(0);
if (messageLayout != null && hasMessageThumb) {
try {
int textLen = messageLayout.getText().length();
if (offsetName >= textLen) {
offsetName = textLen - 1;
float x1 = messageLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offsetName);
float x2 = messageLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offsetName + 1);
int offset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.min(x1, x2));
if (offset != 0) {
offset += AndroidUtilities.dp(3);
thumbImage.setImageX(messageLeft + offset);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (messageLayout != null && printingStringType >= 0) {
float x1, x2;
if (printigStingReplaceIndex >= 0 && printigStingReplaceIndex + 1 < messageLayout.getText().length()) {
x1 = messageLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(printigStingReplaceIndex);
x2 = messageLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(printigStingReplaceIndex + 1);
} else {
x1 = messageLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(0);
x2 = messageLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(1);
if (x1 < x2) {
statusDrawableLeft = (int) (messageLeft + x1);
} else {
statusDrawableLeft = (int) (messageLeft + x2 + AndroidUtilities.dp(3));
use of org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController in project Telegram-FOSS by Telegram-FOSS-Team.
the class ReactedUsersListView method load.
private void load() {
isLoading = true;
MessagesController ctrl = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount);
TLRPC.TL_messages_getMessageReactionsList getList = new TLRPC.TL_messages_getMessageReactionsList();
getList.peer = ctrl.getInputPeer(message.getDialogId()); = message.getId();
getList.limit = getLoadCount();
getList.reaction = filter;
getList.offset = offset;
if (filter != null)
getList.flags |= 1;
if (offset != null)
getList.flags |= 2;
ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).sendRequest(getList, (response, error) -> {
if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_messageReactionsList) {
TLRPC.TL_messages_messageReactionsList l = (TLRPC.TL_messages_messageReactionsList) response;
for (TLRPC.User u : l.users) {
MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).putUser(u, false);
users.put(, u);
// It's safer to create a new list to prevent inconsistency
int prev = userReactions.size();
List<TLRPC.TL_messagePeerReaction> newReactions = new ArrayList<>(userReactions.size() + l.reactions.size());
if (onlySeenNow) {
Collections.sort(newReactions, (o1, o2) -> != null ? 1 : 0, o2.reaction != null ? 1 : 0));
AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> NotificationCenter.getInstance(currentAccount).doOnIdle(() -> {
userReactions = newReactions;
if (onlySeenNow) {
onlySeenNow = false;
} else
adapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(prev, l.reactions.size());
if (!isLoaded) {
ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1).setDuration(150);
anim.addUpdateListener(animation -> {
float val = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue();
loadingView.setAlpha(1f - val);
anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
isLoaded = true;
offset = l.next_offset;
if (offset == null)
canLoadMore = false;
isLoading = false;
} else
isLoading = false;
}, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagInvokeAfter);
use of org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController in project Telegram-FOSS by Telegram-FOSS-Team.
the class VoIPService method initiateActualEncryptedCall.
private void initiateActualEncryptedCall() {
if (timeoutRunnable != null) {
timeoutRunnable = null;
try {
if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
FileLog.d("InitCall: keyID=" + keyFingerprint);
SharedPreferences nprefs = MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount);
Set<String> set = nprefs.getStringSet("calls_access_hashes", null);
HashSet<String> hashes;
if (set != null) {
hashes = new HashSet<>(set);
} else {
hashes = new HashSet<>();
hashes.add( + " " + privateCall.access_hash + " " + System.currentTimeMillis());
while (hashes.size() > 20) {
String oldest = null;
long oldestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
Iterator<String> itr = hashes.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
String item =;
String[] s = item.split(" ");
if (s.length < 2) {
} else {
try {
long t = Long.parseLong(s[2]);
if (t < oldestTime) {
oldestTime = t;
oldest = item;
} catch (Exception x) {
if (oldest != null) {
nprefs.edit().putStringSet("calls_access_hashes", hashes).commit();
boolean sysAecAvailable = false, sysNsAvailable = false;
try {
sysAecAvailable = AcousticEchoCanceler.isAvailable();
} catch (Exception ignored) {
try {
sysNsAvailable = NoiseSuppressor.isAvailable();
} catch (Exception ignored) {
final SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings();
// config
final MessagesController messagesController = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount);
final double initializationTimeout = messagesController.callConnectTimeout / 1000.0;
final double receiveTimeout = messagesController.callPacketTimeout / 1000.0;
final int voipDataSaving = convertDataSavingMode(preferences.getInt("VoipDataSaving", VoIPHelper.getDataSavingDefault()));
final Instance.ServerConfig serverConfig = Instance.getGlobalServerConfig();
final boolean enableAec = !(sysAecAvailable && serverConfig.useSystemAec);
final boolean enableNs = !(sysNsAvailable && serverConfig.useSystemNs);
final String logFilePath = BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION ? VoIPHelper.getLogFilePath("voip" + : VoIPHelper.getLogFilePath(, false);
final String statisLogFilePath = "";
final Instance.Config config = new Instance.Config(initializationTimeout, receiveTimeout, voipDataSaving, privateCall.p2p_allowed, enableAec, enableNs, true, false, serverConfig.enableStunMarking, logFilePath, statisLogFilePath, privateCall.protocol.max_layer);
// persistent state
final String persistentStateFilePath = new File(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getFilesDir(), "voip_persistent_state.json").getAbsolutePath();
// endpoints
final boolean forceTcp = preferences.getBoolean("dbg_force_tcp_in_calls", false);
final int endpointType = forceTcp ? Instance.ENDPOINT_TYPE_TCP_RELAY : Instance.ENDPOINT_TYPE_UDP_RELAY;
final Instance.Endpoint[] endpoints = new Instance.Endpoint[privateCall.connections.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < endpoints.length; i++) {
final TLRPC.PhoneConnection connection = privateCall.connections.get(i);
endpoints[i] = new Instance.Endpoint(connection instanceof TLRPC.TL_phoneConnectionWebrtc,, connection.ip, connection.ipv6, connection.port, endpointType, connection.peer_tag, connection.turn, connection.stun, connection.username, connection.password);
if (forceTcp) {
AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> Toast.makeText(VoIPService.this, "This call uses TCP which will degrade its quality.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());
// proxy
Instance.Proxy proxy = null;
if (preferences.getBoolean("proxy_enabled", false) && preferences.getBoolean("proxy_enabled_calls", false)) {
final String server = preferences.getString("proxy_ip", null);
final String secret = preferences.getString("proxy_secret", null);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(server) && TextUtils.isEmpty(secret)) {
proxy = new Instance.Proxy(server, preferences.getInt("proxy_port", 0), preferences.getString("proxy_user", null), preferences.getString("proxy_pass", null));
// encryption key
final Instance.EncryptionKey encryptionKey = new Instance.EncryptionKey(authKey, isOutgoing);
boolean newAvailable = "2.7.7".compareTo(privateCall.protocol.library_versions.get(0)) <= 0;
if (captureDevice[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA] != 0 && !newAvailable) {
captureDevice[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA] = 0;
if (!isOutgoing) {
if (videoCall && (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23 || checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.CAMERA) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)) {
captureDevice[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA] = NativeInstance.createVideoCapturer(localSink[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA], isFrontFaceCamera ? 1 : 0);
} else {
// init
tgVoip[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA] = Instance.makeInstance(privateCall.protocol.library_versions.get(0), config, persistentStateFilePath, endpoints, proxy, getNetworkType(), encryptionKey, remoteSink[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA], captureDevice[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA], (uids, levels, voice) -> {
if (sharedInstance == null || privateCall == null) {
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.webRtcMicAmplitudeEvent, levels[0]);
tgVoip[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA].setOnRemoteMediaStateUpdatedListener((audioState, videoState) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> {
remoteAudioState = audioState;
remoteVideoState = videoState;
for (int a = 0; a < stateListeners.size(); a++) {
StateListener l = stateListeners.get(a);
l.onMediaStateUpdated(audioState, videoState);
if (newAvailable != isVideoAvailable) {
isVideoAvailable = newAvailable;
for (int a = 0; a < stateListeners.size(); a++) {
StateListener l = stateListeners.get(a);
destroyCaptureDevice[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA] = false;
AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (tgVoip[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA] != null) {
updateTrafficStats(tgVoip[CAPTURE_DEVICE_CAMERA], null);
AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(this, 5000);
}, 5000);
} catch (Exception x) {
if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) {
FileLog.e("error starting call", x);
use of org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController in project Telegram-FOSS by Telegram-FOSS-Team.
the class ChatActivity method searchLinks.
private void searchLinks(final CharSequence charSequence, final boolean force) {
if (currentEncryptedChat != null && getMessagesController().secretWebpagePreview == 0 || editingMessageObject != null && !editingMessageObject.isWebpage()) {
if (force && foundWebPage != null) {
if (foundWebPage.url != null) {
int index = TextUtils.indexOf(charSequence, foundWebPage.url);
char lastChar = 0;
boolean lenEqual = false;
if (index == -1) {
if (foundWebPage.display_url != null) {
index = TextUtils.indexOf(charSequence, foundWebPage.display_url);
lenEqual = index != -1 && index + foundWebPage.display_url.length() == charSequence.length();
lastChar = index != -1 && !lenEqual ? charSequence.charAt(index + foundWebPage.display_url.length()) : 0;
} else {
lenEqual = index + foundWebPage.url.length() == charSequence.length();
lastChar = !lenEqual ? charSequence.charAt(index + foundWebPage.url.length()) : 0;
if (index != -1 && (lenEqual || lastChar == ' ' || lastChar == ',' || lastChar == '.' || lastChar == '!' || lastChar == '/')) {
pendingLinkSearchString = null;
foundUrls = null;
showFieldPanelForWebPage(false, foundWebPage, false);
final MessagesController messagesController = getMessagesController();
Utilities.searchQueue.postRunnable(() -> {
if (linkSearchRequestId != 0) {
getConnectionsManager().cancelRequest(linkSearchRequestId, true);
linkSearchRequestId = 0;
ArrayList<CharSequence> urls = null;
CharSequence textToCheck;
try {
Matcher m = AndroidUtilities.WEB_URL.matcher(charSequence);
while (m.find()) {
if (m.start() > 0) {
if (charSequence.charAt(m.start() - 1) == '@') {
if (urls == null) {
urls = new ArrayList<>();
urls.add(charSequence.subSequence(m.start(), m.end()));
if (charSequence instanceof Spannable) {
URLSpanReplacement[] spans = ((Spannable) charSequence).getSpans(0, charSequence.length(), URLSpanReplacement.class);
if (spans != null && spans.length > 0) {
if (urls == null) {
urls = new ArrayList<>();
for (int a = 0; a < spans.length; a++) {
if (urls != null && foundUrls != null && urls.size() == foundUrls.size()) {
boolean clear = true;
for (int a = 0; a < urls.size(); a++) {
if (!TextUtils.equals(urls.get(a), foundUrls.get(a))) {
clear = false;
if (clear) {
foundUrls = urls;
if (urls == null) {
AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> {
if (foundWebPage != null) {
showFieldPanelForWebPage(false, foundWebPage, false);
foundWebPage = null;
textToCheck = TextUtils.join(" ", urls);
} catch (Exception e) {
String text = charSequence.toString().toLowerCase();
if (charSequence.length() < 13 || !text.contains("http://") && !text.contains("https://")) {
AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> {
if (foundWebPage != null) {
showFieldPanelForWebPage(false, foundWebPage, false);
foundWebPage = null;
textToCheck = charSequence;
if (currentEncryptedChat != null && messagesController.secretWebpagePreview == 2) {
AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> {
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity(), themeDelegate);
builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName));
builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), (dialog, which) -> {
messagesController.secretWebpagePreview = 1;
MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings().edit().putInt("secretWebpage2", getMessagesController().secretWebpagePreview).commit();
foundUrls = null;
searchLinks(charSequence, force);
builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null);
builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("SecretLinkPreviewAlert", R.string.SecretLinkPreviewAlert));
messagesController.secretWebpagePreview = 0;
MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings().edit().putInt("secretWebpage2", messagesController.secretWebpagePreview).commit();
final TLRPC.TL_messages_getWebPagePreview req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_getWebPagePreview();
if (textToCheck instanceof String) {
req.message = (String) textToCheck;
} else {
req.message = textToCheck.toString();
linkSearchRequestId = getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> {
linkSearchRequestId = 0;
if (error == null) {
if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) {
foundWebPage = ((TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) response).webpage;
if (foundWebPage instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPage || foundWebPage instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPagePending) {
if (foundWebPage instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPagePending) {
pendingLinkSearchString = req.message;
if (currentEncryptedChat != null && foundWebPage instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPagePending) {
foundWebPage.url = req.message;
showFieldPanelForWebPage(true, foundWebPage, false);
} else {
if (foundWebPage != null) {
showFieldPanelForWebPage(false, foundWebPage, false);
foundWebPage = null;
} else {
if (foundWebPage != null) {
showFieldPanelForWebPage(false, foundWebPage, false);
foundWebPage = null;
getConnectionsManager().bindRequestToGuid(linkSearchRequestId, classGuid);
use of org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController in project Telegram-FOSS by Telegram-FOSS-Team.
the class ChatPullingDownDrawable method getNextUnreadDialog.
public static TLRPC.Dialog getNextUnreadDialog(long currentDialogId, int folderId, int filterId, boolean searchNext, int[] params) {
MessagesController messagesController = AccountInstance.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount).getMessagesController();
if (params != null) {
params[0] = 0;
params[1] = folderId;
params[2] = filterId;
ArrayList<TLRPC.Dialog> dialogs;
if (filterId != 0) {
MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = messagesController.dialogFiltersById.get(filterId);
if (filter == null) {
return null;
dialogs = filter.dialogs;
} else {
dialogs = messagesController.getDialogs(folderId);
if (dialogs == null) {
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < dialogs.size(); i++) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = dialogs.get(i);
TLRPC.Chat chat = messagesController.getChat(;
if (chat != null && != currentDialogId && dialog.unread_count > 0 && DialogObject.isChannel(dialog) && !chat.megagroup && !messagesController.isPromoDialog(, false)) {
String reason = MessagesController.getRestrictionReason(chat.restriction_reason);
if (reason == null) {
return dialog;
if (searchNext) {
if (filterId != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < messagesController.dialogFilters.size(); i++) {
int newFilterId = messagesController.dialogFilters.get(i).id;
if (filterId != newFilterId) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = getNextUnreadDialog(currentDialogId, folderId, newFilterId, false, params);
if (dialog != null) {
if (params != null) {
params[0] = 1;
return dialog;
for (int i = 0; i < messagesController.dialogsByFolder.size(); i++) {
int newFolderId = messagesController.dialogsByFolder.keyAt(i);
if (folderId != newFolderId) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = getNextUnreadDialog(currentDialogId, newFolderId, 0, false, params);
if (dialog != null) {
if (params != null) {
params[0] = 1;
return dialog;
return null;