use of org.terasology.rendering.nui.SubRegion in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class UIDropdownScrollable method createScrollbarItems.
* Located in the onDraw method, this draws the menu items with a scrollbar.
* @param canvas {@link Canvas} from the onDraw method.
* @param frame Menu frame.
* @param font {@link Font} used in the menu.
* @param itemMargin Margin around every menu item.
* @param height Total menu height.
* @param itemHeight Height per menu item.
private void createScrollbarItems(Canvas canvas, Rect2i frame, Font font, Border itemMargin, int height, int itemHeight) {
// Scrollable Area
Rect2i scrollableArea = Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(0, canvas.size().y, canvas.size().x, height - itemMargin.getBottom());
// Scrollbar Measurement
int scrollbarWidth = canvas.calculateRestrictedSize(verticalBar, new Vector2i(canvas.size().x, canvas.size().y)).x;
int scrollbarHeight = frame.size().y - itemMargin.getTop();
int availableWidth = frame.size().x - scrollbarWidth;
int scrollbarXPos = availableWidth - itemMargin.getRight();
int scrollbarYPos = itemMargin.getTotalHeight() * 2 + font.getLineHeight();
// Draw Scrollbar
Rect2i scrollbarRegion = Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(scrollbarXPos, scrollbarYPos, scrollbarWidth, scrollbarHeight);
canvas.drawWidget(verticalBar, scrollbarRegion);
// Set the range of Scrollbar
float maxVertBarDesired = itemHeight * (optionListeners.size() - visibleOptionsNum - 0.5f) + itemMargin.getBottom();
verticalBar.setRange((int) maxVertBarDesired);
for (int i = 0; i < optionListeners.size(); ++i) {
readItemMouseOver(canvas, i);
Rect2i itemRegion = Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(0, itemHeight * i - verticalBar.getValue(), availableWidth, itemHeight);
// If outside location, then hide
try (SubRegion ignored = canvas.subRegion(scrollableArea, true)) {
drawItem(canvas, itemMargin, i, itemRegion);
use of org.terasology.rendering.nui.SubRegion in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class UISlider method onDraw.
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
String display = getDisplayText();
int tickerWidth = canvas.getCurrentStyle().getFont().getWidth(display);
tickerWidth += canvas.getCurrentStyle().getMargin().getTotalWidth();
sliderWidth = canvas.size().x - tickerWidth;
int drawLocation = pixelOffsetFor(getValue(), sliderWidth);
Rect2i tickerRegion = Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(drawLocation, 0, tickerWidth, canvas.size().y);
try (SubRegion ignored = canvas.subRegion(tickerRegion, false)) {
if (isEnabled()) {
use of org.terasology.rendering.nui.SubRegion in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class BehaviorEditor method onDraw.
public void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) {
try (SubRegion subRegion = canvas.subRegion(canvas.getRegion(), false)) {
for (UIWidget widget : getWidgets()) {
if (!widget.isVisible()) {
if (widget instanceof RenderableNode) {
RenderableNode renderableNode = (RenderableNode) widget;
for (Port port : renderableNode.getPorts()) {
Port targetPort = port.getTargetPort();
if (port.isInput() || targetPort == null || !targetPort.node.isVisible()) {
drawConnection(canvas, port, targetPort, port == activeConnectionStart ? Color.BLACK : Color.GREY);
if (activeConnectionStart != null) {
drawConnection(canvas, activeConnectionStart, mouseWorldPosition, Color.WHITE);
if (selectedNode != null) {
Vector2f size = selectedNode.getSize();
Vector2f topLeft = selectedNode.getPosition();
Vector2f topRight = new Vector2f(topLeft);
topRight.add(new Vector2f(size.x + .1f, 0));
Vector2f bottomLeft = new Vector2f(topLeft);
bottomLeft.add(new Vector2f(0, size.y + .1f));
Vector2f bottomRight = new Vector2f(topLeft);
bottomRight.add(new Vector2f(size.x + 0.1f, size.y + 0.1f));
drawConnection(canvas, topLeft, topRight, Color.GREEN);
drawConnection(canvas, topRight, bottomRight, Color.GREEN);
drawConnection(canvas, bottomRight, bottomLeft, Color.GREEN);
drawConnection(canvas, bottomLeft, topLeft, Color.GREEN);
if (newNode != null) {
newNode.visit(node -> drawWidget(canvas, node));