use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class BaseController method checkDeviceInfoId.
DeviceInfo checkDeviceInfoId(DeviceId deviceId, Operation operation) throws ThingsboardException {
try {
validateId(deviceId, "Incorrect deviceId " + deviceId);
DeviceInfo device = deviceService.findDeviceInfoById(getCurrentUser().getTenantId(), deviceId);
checkNotNull(device, "Device with id [" + deviceId + "] is not found");
accessControlService.checkPermission(getCurrentUser(), Resource.DEVICE, operation, deviceId, device);
return device;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e, false);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class BaseController method checkWidgetTypeId.
WidgetTypeDetails checkWidgetTypeId(WidgetTypeId widgetTypeId, Operation operation) throws ThingsboardException {
try {
validateId(widgetTypeId, "Incorrect widgetTypeId " + widgetTypeId);
WidgetTypeDetails widgetTypeDetails = widgetTypeService.findWidgetTypeDetailsById(getCurrentUser().getTenantId(), widgetTypeId);
checkNotNull(widgetTypeDetails, "Widget type with id [" + widgetTypeId + "] is not found");
accessControlService.checkPermission(getCurrentUser(), Resource.WIDGET_TYPE, operation, widgetTypeId, widgetTypeDetails);
return widgetTypeDetails;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e, false);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class AlarmController method saveAlarm.
@ApiOperation(value = "Create or update Alarm (saveAlarm)", notes = "Creates or Updates the Alarm. " + "When creating alarm, platform generates Alarm Id as " + UUID_WIKI_LINK + "The newly created Alarm id will be present in the response. Specify existing Alarm id to update the alarm. " + "Referencing non-existing Alarm Id will cause 'Not Found' error. " + "\n\nPlatform also deduplicate the alarms based on the entity id of originator and alarm 'type'. " + "For example, if the user or system component create the alarm with the type 'HighTemperature' for device 'Device A' the new active alarm is created. " + "If the user tries to create 'HighTemperature' alarm for the same device again, the previous alarm will be updated (the 'end_ts' will be set to current timestamp). " + "If the user clears the alarm (see 'Clear Alarm(clearAlarm)'), than new alarm with the same type and same device may be created. " + TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('TENANT_ADMIN', 'CUSTOMER_USER')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/alarm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Alarm saveAlarm(@ApiParam(value = "A JSON value representing the alarm.") @RequestBody Alarm alarm) throws ThingsboardException {
try {
checkEntity(alarm.getId(), alarm, Resource.ALARM);
Alarm savedAlarm = checkNotNull(alarmService.createOrUpdateAlarm(alarm));
logEntityAction(savedAlarm.getOriginator(), savedAlarm, getCurrentUser().getCustomerId(), alarm.getId() == null ? ActionType.ADDED : ActionType.UPDATED, null);
sendEntityNotificationMsg(getTenantId(), savedAlarm.getId(), alarm.getId() == null ? EdgeEventActionType.ADDED : EdgeEventActionType.UPDATED);
return savedAlarm;
} catch (Exception e) {
logEntityAction(emptyId(EntityType.ALARM), alarm, null, alarm.getId() == null ? ActionType.ADDED : ActionType.UPDATED, e);
throw handleException(e);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class AlarmController method getAlarms.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Alarms (getAlarms)", notes = "Returns a page of alarms for the selected entity. Specifying both parameters 'searchStatus' and 'status' at the same time will cause an error. " + PAGE_DATA_PARAMETERS + TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('SYS_ADMIN', 'TENANT_ADMIN', 'CUSTOMER_USER')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/alarm/{entityType}/{entityId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public PageData<AlarmInfo> getAlarms(@ApiParam(value = ENTITY_TYPE_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, required = true, defaultValue = "DEVICE") @PathVariable(ENTITY_TYPE) String strEntityType, @ApiParam(value = ENTITY_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @PathVariable(ENTITY_ID) String strEntityId, @ApiParam(value = ALARM_QUERY_SEARCH_STATUS_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = ALARM_QUERY_SEARCH_STATUS_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String searchStatus, @ApiParam(value = ALARM_QUERY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = ALARM_QUERY_STATUS_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String status, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_SIZE_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam int pageSize, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam int page, @ApiParam(value = ALARM_QUERY_TEXT_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) String textSearch, @ApiParam(value = SORT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = ALARM_SORT_PROPERTY_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortProperty, @ApiParam(value = SORT_ORDER_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = SORT_ORDER_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortOrder, @ApiParam(value = ALARM_QUERY_START_TIME_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) Long startTime, @ApiParam(value = ALARM_QUERY_END_TIME_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) Long endTime, @ApiParam(value = ALARM_QUERY_FETCH_ORIGINATOR_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean fetchOriginator) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter("EntityId", strEntityId);
checkParameter("EntityType", strEntityType);
EntityId entityId = EntityIdFactory.getByTypeAndId(strEntityType, strEntityId);
AlarmSearchStatus alarmSearchStatus = StringUtils.isEmpty(searchStatus) ? null : AlarmSearchStatus.valueOf(searchStatus);
AlarmStatus alarmStatus = StringUtils.isEmpty(status) ? null : AlarmStatus.valueOf(status);
if (alarmSearchStatus != null && alarmStatus != null) {
throw new ThingsboardException("Invalid alarms search query: Both parameters 'searchStatus' " + "and 'status' can't be specified at the same time!", ThingsboardErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST_PARAMS);
checkEntityId(entityId, Operation.READ);
TimePageLink pageLink = createTimePageLink(pageSize, page, textSearch, sortProperty, sortOrder, startTime, endTime);
try {
return checkNotNull(alarmService.findAlarms(getCurrentUser().getTenantId(), new AlarmQuery(entityId, pageLink, alarmSearchStatus, alarmStatus, fetchOriginator)).get());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class AlarmController method deleteAlarm.
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete Alarm (deleteAlarm)", notes = "Deletes the Alarm. Referencing non-existing Alarm Id will cause an error." + TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('TENANT_ADMIN', 'CUSTOMER_USER')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/alarm/{alarmId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public Boolean deleteAlarm(@ApiParam(value = ALARM_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) @PathVariable(ALARM_ID) String strAlarmId) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter(ALARM_ID, strAlarmId);
try {
AlarmId alarmId = new AlarmId(toUUID(strAlarmId));
Alarm alarm = checkAlarmId(alarmId, Operation.WRITE);
List<EdgeId> relatedEdgeIds = findRelatedEdgeIds(getTenantId(), alarm.getOriginator());
logEntityAction(alarm.getOriginator(), alarm, getCurrentUser().getCustomerId(), ActionType.ALARM_DELETE, null);
sendAlarmDeleteNotificationMsg(getTenantId(), alarmId, relatedEdgeIds, alarm);
return alarmService.deleteAlarm(getTenantId(), alarmId);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);