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Example 56 with Line

use of org.twak.utils.Line in project chordatlas by twak.

the class SkelFootprint method minMax.

private static double[] minMax(double expand, List<Line> footprint) {
    double[] out = new double[] { Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE };
    for (Line l : footprint) {
        out[0] = Math.min(l.start.x, out[0]);
        out[1] = Math.max(l.start.x, out[1]);
        out[2] = Math.min(l.start.y, out[2]);
        out[3] = Math.max(l.start.y, out[3]);
    out[0] -= expand;
    out[1] += expand;
    out[2] -= expand;
    out[3] += expand;
    return out;
Also used : Line(org.twak.utils.Line) SuperLine(org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine)

Example 57 with Line

use of org.twak.utils.Line in project chordatlas by twak.

the class SkelFootprint method fractureOnFeatures.

private void fractureOnFeatures(MultiMap<MegaFeatures, MFPoint> minis, List<Line> footprint, HalfMesh2 mesh) {
    for (MegaFeatures mf : minis.keySet()) pt: for (MFPoint pt : minis.get(mf)) {
        if (!Mathz.inRange(mf.megafacade.findPPram(pt), 0, 1))
        Vector2d dir = pt.mega.megafacade.dir();
        dir.set(dir.y, -dir.x);
        Point2d probe = new Point2d(dir);
        probe.scale(2 / dir.length());
        for (// don't fracture near minifacade boundaries...we can't distinguish nice block bondaries
        Point2d avoid : // don't fracture near minifacade boundaries...we can't distinguish nice block bondaries
        pt.mega.megafacade.points()) if (avoid.distanceSquared(pt) < 4)
            continue pt;
        double bestDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (HalfFace f : mesh.faces) for (HalfEdge e : f) if (e.line().dir().angle(dir) < 0.4) {
            double dist = e.line().distance(probe);
            if (dist < bestDist)
                bestDist = dist;
        if (bestDist > 0.3) {
            Vector2d end = new Vector2d(dir);
            end.scale(3 / end.length());
            Vector2d start = new Vector2d(dir);
            start.scale(0.5 / start.length());
            Line extra = new Line(new Point2d(start), new Point2d(end));
            SkelFootprint.insert(mesh, extra, 2, false, false);
Also used : Line(org.twak.utils.Line) SuperLine(org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine) MegaFeatures(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MegaFeatures) Vector2d(javax.vecmath.Vector2d) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) MFPoint(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MFPoint) HalfEdge(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfEdge) HalfFace(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfFace)

Example 58 with Line

use of org.twak.utils.Line in project chordatlas by twak.

the class LineGen method calculate.

public void calculate() {
    for (Spatial s : gNode.getChildren()) s.removeFromParent();
    Mesh m = new Mesh();
    List<Float> coords = new ArrayList();
    List<Integer> inds = new ArrayList();
    for (Line l : getLines()) {
        coords.add((float) l.start.x);
        coords.add((float) l.start.y);
        coords.add((float) l.end.x);
        coords.add((float) l.end.y);
    m.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position, 3, Arrayz.toFloatArray(coords));
    m.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Index, 2, Arrayz.toIntArray(inds));
    geom = new Geometry(filename, m);
    Material lineMaterial = new Material(tweed.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
    lineMaterial.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(color.getRed() / 255f, color.getGreen() / 255f, color.getBlue() / 255f, 1f));
    for (Spatial s : gNode.getChildren()) s.removeFromParent();
    geom.setLocalTranslation(0, height * 30, 0);
Also used : Line(org.twak.utils.Line) Geometry(com.jme3.scene.Geometry) ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) Spatial(com.jme3.scene.Spatial) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Mesh(com.jme3.scene.Mesh) Material(com.jme3.material.Material)

Example 59 with Line

use of org.twak.utils.Line in project chordatlas by twak.

the class ProfileGen method findMegaFaces.

private List<MegaFacade> findMegaFaces(double delta) {
    SliceParameters P = new SliceParameters(SLICE_SCALE);
    List<LineAtHeight> lines = new ArrayList();
    Map<Integer, LineSoup> slices = new HashMap<>();
    for (int hi = 0; getHeight(hi) < extent[3]; hi++) {
        int _i = hi;
        boolean error;
        int count = 0;
        do {
            error = false;
            try {
                LineSoup soup = new LineSoup(ObjSlice.sliceTri(blockGen.getCroppedMesh(), getHeight(hi), majorAxis));
                FindLines foundLines = new FindLines(soup, TweedSettings.settings.useGis ? gisBias : null, -1, null, P);
       -> lines.add(new LineAtHeight(_i, delta, x, foundLines.result.all)));
                slices.put(hi, foundLines.result);
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                error = true;
        } while (error && count++ < 10);
    Collections.sort(lines, new LAHComparator());
    // new Plot( (lah -> lah.line).collect(Collectors.toList() ), gis);
    faces = new ArrayList<>();
    while (!lines.isEmpty()) {
        System.out.println("clustering megafacdes " + lines.size());
        // longest line
        LineAtHeight start = lines.get(0);
        MegaFacade face = new MegaFacade(start);
        Set<LineAtHeight> toProcess = new HashSet<>();
        while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
            LineAtHeight lah = toProcess.iterator().next();
            for (int _pmDelta : new int[] { -2, -1, 1, 2 }) {
                int hi = lah.height + _pmDelta;
                LineSoup ls = slices.get(hi);
                if (ls != null) {
                    for (Line l : ls.all) {
                        double lps = start.line.findPPram(l.start), lpe = start.line.findPPram(l.end);
                        double overlap = 0;
                        if (lpe < lps)
                            overlap = 0;
                        else if (lps > face.minP && lpe < face.maxP || lps < face.minP && lpe > face.maxP)
                            overlap = 1;
                        else if (lps < face.minP && lpe > face.minP)
                            overlap = (lpe - face.minP) / (lpe - lps);
                        else if (lps < face.maxP && lpe > face.maxP)
                            overlap = (face.maxP - lps) / (lpe - lps);
                        double angle = l.absAngle(start.line);
                        if (overlap > 0.8 && angle < 0.3 || overlap > 0.5 && /* 0.1 for aggressive clustering */
                        angle < 0.1) {
                            // if (overlap > 0.1 && angle < 0.5 ) {
                            if (l.distance(lah.line) < delta * TweedSettings.settings.megafacacadeClusterGradient) {
                                LineAtHeight toProc = new LineAtHeight(hi, l);
                                if (lines.contains(toProc)) {
                                    face.put(hi, l);
                                    // bit strange: depends on the processing order of the set
                                    face.minP = Mathz.min(face.minP, lps);
                                    face.maxP = Mathz.max(face.maxP, lpe);
        if (face.values().stream().flatMap(x -> > 5)
            System.out.println("skipping small megafacade");
    return faces;
Also used : FindLines(org.twak.viewTrace.FindLines) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CullHint(com.jme3.scene.Spatial.CullHint) Line(org.twak.utils.Line) SuperLine(org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine) SliceParameters(org.twak.viewTrace.SliceParameters) LineSoup(org.twak.viewTrace.LineSoup) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


Line (org.twak.utils.Line)59 Point2d (javax.vecmath.Point2d)38 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)25 SuperLine (org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine)22 List (java.util.List)16 Point3d (javax.vecmath.Point3d)14 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)13 LinearForm (org.twak.utils.geom.LinearForm)13 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)12 Map (java.util.Map)11 Set (java.util.Set)11 HalfEdge (org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfEdge)11 HalfFace (org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfFace)11 Collectors ( Vector2d (javax.vecmath.Vector2d)10 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)9 Vector3d (javax.vecmath.Vector3d)9 Tweed (org.twak.tweed.Tweed)8 TweedSettings (org.twak.tweed.TweedSettings)8 MFPoint (org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MFPoint)8