use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTPCCSuite method testPAYMENT.
public void testPAYMENT() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
Client client = getClient();
// create a District, Warehouse, and 4 Customers (multiple, since we
// want to test for correct behavior of paymentByCustomerName.
// long d_id, long d_w_id, String d_name, String d_street_1, String
// d_street_2, String d_city, String d_state, String d_zip, double
// d_tax, double d_ytd, long d_next_o_id
final double initialYTD = 15241.45;
VoltTable district = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", D_ID, W_ID, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", .0825, initialYTD, 21L).getResults()[0];
// check that a district was inserted
assertEquals(1L, district.asScalarLong());
// long w_id, String w_name, String w_street_1, String w_street_2,
// String w_city, String w_zip, double w_tax, long w_ytd
VoltTable warehouse = client.callProcedure("InsertWarehouse", W_ID, "EZ Street WHouse", "Headquarters", "77 Mass. Ave.", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", .1234, initialYTD).getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, warehouse.asScalarLong());
// long c_id, long c_d_id, long c_w_id, String c_first, String c_middle,
// String c_last, String c_street_1, String c_street_2, String d_city,
// String d_state, String d_zip, String c_phone, Date c_since, String
// c_credit, double c_credit_lim, double c_discount, double c_balance,
// double c_ytd_payment, double c_payment_cnt, double c_delivery_cnt,
// String c_data
final double initialBalance = 15.75;
VoltTable customer1 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID, D_ID, W_ID, "I", "Be", "lastname", "Place", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "91083", "(193) 099 - 9082", new TimestampType(), "BC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 0L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer1.asScalarLong());
VoltTable customer2 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 1, D_ID, W_ID, "We", "R", "Customer", "Random Department", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "13908", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 1L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer2.asScalarLong());
VoltTable customer3 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 2, D_ID, W_ID, "Who", "Is", "Customer", "Receiving", "450 Mass F.X.", "BiggerPlace", "CI", "91083", "(541) 931 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19899324.21, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 2L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer3.asScalarLong());
VoltTable customer4 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 3, D_ID, W_ID, "ICanBe", "", "Customer", "street", "place", "BiggerPlace", "MA", "91083", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 3L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer4.asScalarLong());
// long d_id, long w_id, double h_amount, String c_last, long c_w_id,
// long c_d_id
final double paymentAmount = 500.25;
VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("paymentByCustomerName", W_ID, D_ID, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID, "Customer", new TimestampType()).getResults();
assertEquals(3, results.length);
// check that the middle "Customer" was returned
assertEquals(C_ID + 1, results[2].fetchRow(0).getLong("c_id"));
assertEquals("", results[2].fetchRow(0).getString("c_data"));
// Verify that both warehouse, district and customer were updated
// correctly
VoltTable[] allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll").getResults();
warehouse = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("WAREHOUSE")];
assertEquals(1, warehouse.getRowCount());
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, warehouse.fetchRow(0).getDouble("W_YTD"));
district = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("DISTRICT")];
assertEquals(1, district.getRowCount());
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, district.fetchRow(0).getDouble("D_YTD"));
customer1 = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("CUSTOMER")];
assertEquals(4, customer1.getRowCount());
assertEquals(C_ID + 1, customer1.fetchRow(1).getLong("C_ID"));
assertEquals(initialBalance - paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_BALANCE"));
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_YTD_PAYMENT"));
assertEquals(2, customer1.fetchRow(1).getLong("C_PAYMENT_CNT"));
// long d_id, long w_id, double h_amount, String c_last, long c_w_id,
// long c_d_id
results = client.callProcedure("paymentByCustomerId", W_ID, D_ID, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID, C_ID, new TimestampType()).getResults();
// Also tests badcredit case.
assertEquals(3, results.length);
assertEquals(C_ID, results[2].fetchRow(0).getLong("c_id"));
// bad credit: insert history into c_data
String data = results[2].fetchRow(0).getString("c_data");
assertTrue(data.startsWith(new Long(C_ID).toString()));
// Verify that both warehouse and district's ytd values were incremented
// correctly
allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll").getResults();
warehouse = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("WAREHOUSE")];
assertEquals(1, warehouse.getRowCount());
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount * 2, warehouse.fetchRow(0).getDouble("W_YTD"));
district = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("DISTRICT")];
assertEquals(1, district.getRowCount());
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount * 2, district.fetchRow(0).getDouble("D_YTD"));
customer1 = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("CUSTOMER")];
assertEquals(4, customer1.getRowCount());
assertEquals(C_ID, customer1.fetchRow(0).getLong("C_ID"));
assertEquals(initialBalance - paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_BALANCE"));
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_YTD_PAYMENT"));
assertEquals(1, customer1.fetchRow(0).getLong("C_PAYMENT_CNT"));
use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTPCCSuite method testPAYMENTMultiPartition.
public void testPAYMENTMultiPartition() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
Client client = getClient();
// create 2 Districts, 2 Warehouses, and 2 Customers on each Warehouse/District
// long d_id, long d_w_id, String d_name, String d_street_1, String
// d_street_2, String d_city, String d_state, String d_zip, double
// d_tax, double d_ytd, long d_next_o_id
final double initialYTD = 15241.45;
VoltTable district1 = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", D_ID, W_ID, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", .0825, initialYTD, 21L).getResults()[0];
// check that a district was inserted
assertEquals(1L, district1.asScalarLong());
VoltTable district2 = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", D2_ID, W2_ID, "fdsdfaaaaa", "fsdfsdfasas", "fda", "asdasfddsds", "MA", "99999", .0825, initialYTD, 21L).getResults()[0];
assertEquals(1L, district2.asScalarLong());
// long w_id, String w_name, String w_street_1, String w_street_2,
// String w_city, String w_zip, double w_tax, long w_ytd
VoltTable warehouse1 = client.callProcedure("InsertWarehouse", W_ID, "EZ Street WHouse", "Headquarters", "77 Mass. Ave.", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", .1234, initialYTD).getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, warehouse1.asScalarLong());
VoltTable warehouse2 = client.callProcedure("InsertWarehouse", W2_ID, "easdsdfsdfddfdsd", "asfadasffass", "fdswwwwaafff", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", .1234, initialYTD).getResults()[0];
assertEquals(1L, warehouse2.asScalarLong());
// customer 1 and 2 are in district1, 3 and 4 are in district2
// long c_id, long c_d_id, long c_w_id, String c_first, String c_middle,
// String c_last, String c_street_1, String c_street_2, String d_city,
// String d_state, String d_zip, String c_phone, Date c_since, String
// c_credit, double c_credit_lim, double c_discount, double c_balance,
// double c_ytd_payment, double c_payment_cnt, double c_delivery_cnt,
// String c_data
final double initialBalance = 15.75;
VoltTable customer1 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID, D_ID, W_ID, "I", "Be", "lastname", "Place", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "91083", "(193) 099 - 9082", new TimestampType(), "BC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 0L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer1.asScalarLong());
client.callProcedure("InsertCustomerName", C_ID, D_ID, W_ID, "I", "lastname");
VoltTable customer2 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 1, D_ID, W_ID, "We", "R", "Customer", "Random Department", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "13908", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 1L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer2.asScalarLong());
client.callProcedure("InsertCustomerName", C_ID + 1, D_ID, W_ID, "We", "Customer");
VoltTable customer3 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 2, D2_ID, W2_ID, "Who", "Is", "Customer", "Receiving", "450 Mass F.X.", "BiggerPlace", "CI", "91083", "(541) 931 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19899324.21, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 2L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer3.asScalarLong());
client.callProcedure("InsertCustomerName", C_ID + 2, D2_ID, W2_ID, "Who", "Customer");
VoltTable customer4 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 3, D2_ID, W2_ID, "ICanBe", "", "Customer", "street", "place", "BiggerPlace", "MA", "91083", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 3L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer4.asScalarLong());
client.callProcedure("InsertCustomerName", C_ID + 3, D2_ID, W2_ID, "ICanBe", "Customer");
final double paymentAmount = 500.25;
// long d_id, long w_id, double h_amount, String c_last, long c_w_id,
// long c_d_id
// w_id =Warehouse2 but c_w_id=warehouse1 !
VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("paymentByCustomerName", W2_ID, D2_ID, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID, "Customer", new TimestampType()).getResults();
assertEquals(3, results.length);
assertTrue(results[0].getRowCount() > 0);
// only customer2 should be returned as this is a query on warehouse1
assertEquals(C_ID + 1, results[2].fetchRow(0).getLong("c_id"));
assertEquals("", results[2].fetchRow(0).getString("c_data"));
/* TODO : SelectAll doesn't work for multi-partition. how to check results?
// Verify that both warehouse, district and customer were updated
// correctly
VoltTable[] allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll");
warehouse = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("WAREHOUSE")];
assertEquals(1, warehouse.getRowCount());
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, warehouse.fetchRow(0)
district = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("DISTRICT")];
assertEquals(1, district.getRowCount());
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, district.fetchRow(0)
customer1 = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("CUSTOMER")];
assertEquals(4, customer1.getRowCount());
assertEquals(C_ID + 1, customer1.fetchRow(1).getLong("C_ID"));
assertEquals(initialBalance - paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1)
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1)
assertEquals(2, customer1.fetchRow(1).getLong("C_PAYMENT_CNT"));
// long d_id, long w_id, double h_amount, String c_last, long c_w_id,
// long c_d_id
// w_id =Warehouse2 but c_w_id=warehouse1 !
results = client.callProcedure("paymentByCustomerId", W2_ID, D2_ID, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID, C_ID, new TimestampType()).getResults();
// Also tests badcredit case.
assertEquals(3, results.length);
assertEquals(C_ID, results[2].fetchRow(0).getLong("c_id"));
// bad credit: insert history into c_data
String data = results[2].fetchRow(0).getString("c_data");
assertTrue(data.startsWith(new Long(C_ID).toString()));
/* TODO : SelectAll doesn't work for multi-partition. how to check results?
// Verify that both warehouse and district's ytd values were incremented
// correctly
allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll");
warehouse = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("WAREHOUSE")];
assertEquals(1, warehouse.getRowCount());
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount * 2, warehouse.fetchRow(0)
district = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("DISTRICT")];
assertEquals(1, district.getRowCount());
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount * 2, district.fetchRow(0)
customer1 = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("CUSTOMER")];
assertEquals(4, customer1.getRowCount());
assertEquals(C_ID, customer1.fetchRow(0).getLong("C_ID"));
assertEquals(initialBalance - paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1)
assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1)
assertEquals(1, customer1.fetchRow(0).getLong("C_PAYMENT_CNT"));
use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTableCountSuite method testTableCountsWithOperation.
public void testTableCountsWithOperation() throws Exception {
Client client = getClient();
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 1, 1);
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 2, 2);
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 3, 3);
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 6, 6);
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 8, 8);
VoltTable table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "SELECT (COUNT(*)+1) FROM TU1").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(6, table.getLong(0));
// subquery temp table count
table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "select count(*) from (SELECT * FROM TU1) Temp").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(5, table.getLong(0));
use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTableCountSuite method testTableCounts.
public void testTableCounts() throws Exception {
Client client = getClient();
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 1, 1);
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 2, 2);
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 3, 3);
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 6, 6);
client.callProcedure("TU1.insert", 8, 8);
VoltTable table;
table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TU1").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(5, table.getLong(0));
// subquery temp table count
table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "select count(*) from (SELECT * FROM TU1) Temp").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(5, table.getLong(0));
table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "select count(*) " + "from (SELECT * FROM TU1 where id > 3) Temp").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(2, table.getLong(0));
// Unique Map, two column index
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 1, 1, 123);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 2, 2, 123);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 3, 3, 123);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 4, 6, 123);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 5, 8, 123);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 6, 1, 456);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 7, 2, 456);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 8, 3, 456);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 9, 6, 456);
client.callProcedure("TU3.insert", 10, 8, 456);
table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TU3").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(10, table.getLong(0));
// subquery temp table count
table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "select count(*) from (SELECT * FROM TU3) Temp").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(10, table.getLong(0));
// Multi-map, two column index
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 1, 1, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 2, 2, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 3, 3, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 4, 3, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 5, 3, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 6, 5, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 7, 6, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 8, 6, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 9, 8, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 10, 8, "xin");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 11, 1, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 12, 2, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 13, 3, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 14, 3, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 15, 3, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 16, 5, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 17, 6, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 18, 6, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 19, 8, "jia");
client.callProcedure("TM2.insert", 20, 8, "jia");
table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TM2").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(20, table.getLong(0));
// subquery temp table count
table = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "select count(*) from (SELECT * FROM TM2) Temp").getResults()[0];
assertTrue(table.getRowCount() == 1);
assertEquals(20, table.getLong(0));
use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestUnionSuite method testIntersect.
* Three table Intersect - A.I, B.I and C.I
* @throws NoConnectionsException
* @throws IOException
* @throws ProcCallException
public void testIntersect() throws NoConnectionsException, IOException, ProcCallException {
Client client = this.getClient();
VoltTable vt;
//In the final result set
client.callProcedure("InsertA", 0, 0);
//In the final result set
client.callProcedure("InsertA", 1, 1);
//Eliminated (duplicate)
client.callProcedure("InsertA", 2, 1);
//Eliminated (duplicate)
client.callProcedure("InsertB", 1, 0);
//Eliminated (duplicate)
client.callProcedure("InsertB", 2, 1);
//Eliminated (not in A)
client.callProcedure("InsertB", 3, 2);
//Eliminated (duplicate)
client.callProcedure("InsertC", 1, 1);
//Eliminated (not in A)
client.callProcedure("InsertC", 2, 2);
//Eliminated (duplicate)
client.callProcedure("InsertC", 3, 0);
vt = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "SELECT I FROM A INTERSECT SELECT I FROM B " + "INTERSECT SELECT I FROM C order by i;").getResults()[0];
assertEquals(2, vt.getRowCount());
validateTableOfScalarLongs(vt, new long[] { 0, 1 });
vt = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "(SELECT I FROM A INTERSECT SELECT I FROM B) " + "INTERSECT SELECT I FROM C order by i;").getResults()[0];
assertEquals(2, vt.getRowCount());
validateTableOfScalarLongs(vt, new long[] { 0, 1 });
vt = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "SELECT I FROM A INTERSECT " + "(SELECT I FROM B INTERSECT SELECT I FROM C) order by i;").getResults()[0];
assertEquals(2, vt.getRowCount());
validateTableOfScalarLongs(vt, new long[] { 0, 1 });