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Example 91 with VoltTable

use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class UpdateBaseProc method doWorkInProcAdHoc.

protected VoltTable[] doWorkInProcAdHoc(byte cid, long rid, byte[] value, byte shouldRollback) {
    voltQueueSQLExperimental("SELECT * FROM replicated r INNER JOIN dimension d ON r.cid=d.cid WHERE r.cid = ? ORDER BY r.cid, r.rid desc;", cid);
    voltQueueSQLExperimental("SELECT * FROM adhocr ORDER BY ts DESC, id LIMIT 1");
    voltQueueSQLExperimental("SELECT * FROM replview WHERE cid = ? ORDER BY cid desc;", cid);
    VoltTable[] results = voltExecuteSQL();
    VoltTable data = results[0];
    VoltTable adhoc = results[1];
    VoltTable view = results[2];
    final long txnid = getUniqueId();
    final long ts = getTransactionTime().getTime();
    long prevtxnid = 0;
    long prevrid = 0;
    long cnt = 0;
    // read data modified by AdHocMayhemThread for later insertion
    final long adhocInc = adhoc.getRowCount() > 0 ? adhoc.fetchRow(0).getLong("inc") : 0;
    final long adhocJmp = adhoc.getRowCount() > 0 ? adhoc.fetchRow(0).getLong("jmp") : 0;
    // compute the cheesy checksum of all of the table's contents based on
    // this cid to subsequently store in the new row
    final long cidallhash = MiscUtils.cheesyBufferCheckSum(data.getBuffer());
    // get the most recent row's data
    int rowCount = data.getRowCount();
    if (rowCount != 0) {
        VoltTableRow row = data.fetchRow(0);
        cnt = row.getLong("cnt") + 1;
        prevtxnid = row.getLong("txnid");
        prevrid = row.getLong("rid");
    validateCIDData(data, view, getClass().getName());
    // check the rids monotonically increase
    if (prevrid >= rid) {
        throw new VoltAbortException(getClass().getName() + " previous rid " + prevrid + " >= than current rid " + rid + " for cid " + cid);
    voltQueueSQLExperimental("INSERT INTO replicated (txnid, prevtxnid, ts, cid, cidallhash, rid, cnt, adhocinc, adhocjmp, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", txnid, prevtxnid, ts, cid, cidallhash, rid, cnt, adhocInc, adhocJmp, value);
    voltQueueSQLExperimental("INSERT INTO replicated_export VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", txnid, prevtxnid, ts, cid, cidallhash, rid, cnt, adhocInc, adhocJmp, value);
    voltQueueSQLExperimental("DELETE FROM replicated WHERE cid = ? and cnt < ?;", cid, cnt - 10);
    voltQueueSQLExperimental("SELECT * FROM replicated r INNER JOIN dimension d ON r.cid=d.cid WHERE r.cid = ? ORDER BY r.cid, r.rid desc;", cid);
    voltQueueSQLExperimental("SELECT * FROM replview WHERE cid = ? ORDER BY cid desc;", cid);
    VoltTable[] retval = voltExecuteSQL();
    // Verify that our update happened.  The client is reporting data errors on this validation
    // not seen by the server, hopefully this will bisect where they're occurring.
    data = retval[3];
    view = retval[4];
    validateCIDData(data, view, getClass().getName());
    VoltTableRow row = data.fetchRow(0);
    if (row.getVarbinary("value").length == 0)
        throw new VoltAbortException("Value column contained no data in UpdateBaseProc");
    if (shouldRollback != 0) {
        throw new VoltAbortException("EXPECTED ROLLBACK");
    return retval;
Also used : VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable) VoltTableRow(org.voltdb.VoltTableRow)

Example 92 with VoltTable

use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class UpdateClassesBenchmark method runBenchmark.

     * Core benchmark code.
     * Connect. Initialize. Run the loop. Cleanup. Print Results.
     * @throws Exception if anything unexpected happens.
public void runBenchmark() throws Exception {
    // connect to one or more servers, loop until success
    FileWriter fw = null;
    if ((config.statsfile != null) && (config.statsfile.length() != 0)) {
        fw = new FileWriter(config.statsfile);
    System.out.println("\nRunning Benchmark for " +;
    VoltTable vt = null;
    String dirPath = config.dir;
    String jarPath = dirPath + "/jars/";
    byte[] jarBytes = readFileIntoByteArray(jarPath + "uac_base.jar");
    // setup the base case: 500 tables with 1000 procedures
    String stmts = new String(readFileIntoByteArray(jarPath + "stmts_base.txt"));
    UACTime uacTime = doUpdateClassesWork(client, null, jarBytes, null, stmts);
    System.out.println(String.format("Created %d procedure using %f ms", config.procedurecount, toMillis(uacTime.totalTime)));
    ProcBenchmark bench = fromString(;
    // Benchmark start time
    BenchmarkResult res = null;
    // TODO: refactor some of these codes when we have DEL/UPD benchmarks
    if (bench == ProcBenchmark.ADD) {
        res = runAdd(client, config, jarPath);
    } else if (bench == ProcBenchmark.ADD_BATCH) {
        res = runAddBatch(client, config, jarPath);
    } else if (bench == ProcBenchmark.DELETE) {
        res = runDel(client, config, jarPath);
    } else if (bench == ProcBenchmark.DELETE_BATCH) {
        res = runDelBatch(client, config, jarPath);
    } else if (bench == ProcBenchmark.UPDATE) {
        res = runUpd(client, config, jarPath);
    double avg = toMillis(res.sum / config.invocations);
    System.out.printf("\n(Benchmark %s ran %d times in average %f ms, max %f ms, " + "mp block average %f ms)\n",, config.invocations, avg, toMillis(res.max), toMillis(res.bsum / config.invocations));
    //retrieve stats
    ClientStats stats = fullStatsContext.fetch().getStats();
    // write stats to file
    //client.writeSummaryCSV(stats, config.statsfile);
    // name, duration,invocations/tps,avg block time,latmax,lat95,lat99
    fw.append(String.format("%s,-1,%f,0,0,%f,%f,0,0,0,0,0,0\n",, avg, toMillis(res.bsum / config.invocations), toMillis(res.max)));
    // block until all outstanding txns return
    // close down the client connections
Also used : ClientStats(org.voltdb.client.ClientStats) FileWriter( VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable)

Example 93 with VoltTable

use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class UpdateBaseProc method doWork.

protected VoltTable[] doWork(SQLStmt getCIDData, SQLStmt cleanUp, SQLStmt insert, SQLStmt export, SQLStmt getAdHocData, SQLStmt getViewData, byte cid, long rid, byte[] value, byte shouldRollback, boolean usestreamviews) {
    voltQueueSQL(getCIDData, cid);
    voltQueueSQL(d_getCount, cid);
    voltQueueSQL(getViewData, cid);
    VoltTable[] results = voltExecuteSQL();
    VoltTable data = results[0];
    VoltTable adhoc = results[1];
    VoltTable dim = results[2];
    VoltTable view = results[3];
    final long txnid = getUniqueId();
    final long ts = getTransactionTime().getTime();
    long prevtxnid = 0;
    long prevrid = 0;
    long cnt = 0;
    // read data modified by AdHocMayhemThread for later insertion
    final long adhocInc = adhoc.getRowCount() > 0 ? adhoc.fetchRow(0).getLong("inc") : 0;
    final long adhocJmp = adhoc.getRowCount() > 0 ? adhoc.fetchRow(0).getLong("jmp") : 0;
    // compute the cheesy checksum of all of the table's contents based on
    // this cid to subsequently store in the new row
    final long cidallhash = MiscUtils.cheesyBufferCheckSum(data.getBuffer());
    // get the most recent row's data
    int rowCount = data.getRowCount();
    if (rowCount != 0) {
        VoltTableRow row = data.fetchRow(0);
        cnt = row.getLong("cnt") + 1;
        prevtxnid = row.getLong("txnid");
        prevrid = row.getLong("rid");
    validateCIDData(data, view, getClass().getName());
    // check the rids monotonically increase
    if (prevrid >= rid) {
        throw new VoltAbortException(getClass().getName() + " previous rid " + prevrid + " >= than current rid " + rid + " for cid " + cid);
    voltQueueSQL(insert, txnid, prevtxnid, ts, cid, cidallhash, rid, cnt, adhocInc, adhocJmp, value);
    voltQueueSQL(export, txnid, prevtxnid, ts, cid, cidallhash, rid, cnt, adhocInc, adhocJmp, value);
    voltQueueSQL(cleanUp, cid, cnt - 10);
    voltQueueSQL(getCIDData, cid);
    voltQueueSQL(getViewData, cid);
    assert dim.getRowCount() == 1;
    VoltTable[] retval = voltExecuteSQL();
    // Is this comment below now obsolete and can be removed?
    // Verify that our update happened.  The client is reporting data errors on this validation
    // not seen by the server, hopefully this will bisect where they're occurring.
    data = retval[3];
    view = retval[4];
    VoltTableRow row = data.fetchRow(0);
    if (row.getVarbinary("value").length == 0)
        throw new VoltAbortException("Value column contained no data in UpdateBaseProc");
    validateCIDData(data, view, getClass().getName());
    if (usestreamviews) {
        // insert to export table done, check corresponding materialized view
        validateView(cid, cnt, "insert");
        // update export materialized view & validate
        // arbitrary. could use random but really doesn't matter
        int someData = 5;
        voltQueueSQL(p_updateExViewData, someData, someData + 1, someData + 2, someData + 3, cid);
        voltQueueSQL(p_updateExViewShadowData, someData, someData + 1, someData + 2, someData + 3, cid);
        validateView(cid, cnt, "update");
        // delete from export materialized view & validate
        voltQueueSQL(p_deleteExViewData, cid);
        voltQueueSQL(p_deleteExViewShadowData, cid);
        validateView(cid, cnt, "delete");
    if (shouldRollback != 0) {
        throw new VoltAbortException("EXPECTED ROLLBACK");
    return retval;
Also used : VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable) VoltTableRow(org.voltdb.VoltTableRow)

Example 94 with VoltTable

use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SwapTablesBase method run.

public VoltTable[] run(long p, byte shouldRollback, String storedProcName) {
    // and used before the SWAP TABLES (as ad hoc DML) feature is complete
    if (USE_FAKE_SWAP) {
        return runFakeSwap(p, shouldRollback, storedProcName);
    // Execute the SWAP TABLES query, with SELECT COUNT(*) queries before and after
    //        voltQueueSQL(swap);
    VoltTable[] results = voltExecuteSQL(true);
    // Check that the total (opt) counts of the two tables have been swapped
    VoltTable data = results[0];
    VoltTableRow row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long truCountBefore = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[1];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long swapCountBefore = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[5];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long truCountAfter = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[6];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long swapCountAfter = row.getLong(0);
    if (truCountBefore != swapCountAfter || swapCountBefore != truCountAfter) {
        throw new VoltAbortException("after swap (opt) counts (" + truCountAfter + "," + swapCountAfter + ") do not match reverse of those before (" + truCountBefore + "," + swapCountBefore + ")");
    // Check that the partial (scan) counts of the two tables have been swapped
    data = results[2];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long truScanCountBefore = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[3];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long swapScanCountBefore = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[7];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long truScanCountAfter = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[8];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long swapScanCountAfter = row.getLong(0);
    if (truScanCountBefore != swapScanCountAfter || swapScanCountBefore != truScanCountAfter) {
        throw new VoltAbortException("after swap (scan) counts (" + truScanCountAfter + "," + swapScanCountAfter + ") do not match reverse of those before (" + truScanCountBefore + "," + swapScanCountBefore + ")");
    if (shouldRollback != 0) {
        throw new VoltAbortException("EXPECTED SWAP ROLLBACK");
    return results;
Also used : VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable) VoltTableRow(org.voltdb.VoltTableRow) VoltAbortException(org.voltdb.VoltProcedure.VoltAbortException)

Example 95 with VoltTable

use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SwapTablesBase method runFakeSwap.

// TODO: this is a temporary method, so that the test code can be tested
// and used before the SWAP TABLES (as ad hoc DML) feature is complete.
private VoltTable[] runFakeSwap(long p, byte shouldRollback, String storedProcName) {
    // Execute the SWAP TABLES query, with SELECT COUNT(*) queries before and after
    // "Fake" swap, using a temp table:
    VoltTable[] results = voltExecuteSQL(true);
    // Check that the total (opt) counts of the two tables have been swapped
    VoltTable data = results[0];
    VoltTableRow row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long truCountBefore = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[1];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long swapCountBefore = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[15];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long truCountAfter = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[16];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long swapCountAfter = row.getLong(0);
    if (truCountBefore != swapCountAfter || swapCountBefore != truCountAfter) {
        throw new VoltAbortException("after swap (opt) counts (" + truCountAfter + "," + swapCountAfter + ") do not match reverse of those before (" + truCountBefore + "," + swapCountBefore + ")");
    // Check that the partial (scan) counts of the two tables have been swapped
    data = results[2];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long truScanCountBefore = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[3];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long swapScanCountBefore = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[17];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long truScanCountAfter = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[18];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long swapScanCountAfter = row.getLong(0);
    if (truScanCountBefore != swapScanCountAfter || swapScanCountBefore != truScanCountAfter) {
        throw new VoltAbortException("after swap (scan) counts (" + truScanCountAfter + "," + swapScanCountAfter + ") do not match reverse of those before (" + truScanCountBefore + "," + swapScanCountBefore + ")");
    // TODO: temporary debug print:
    data = results[4];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long countTemp0 = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[6];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long countTemp1 = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[12];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long countTemp2 = row.getLong(0);
    data = results[14];
    row = data.fetchRow(0);
    long countTemp3 = row.getLong(0);
    System.out.println("In " + storedProcName + ": shouldRollback: " + shouldRollback + "\n  truCountBefore: " + truCountBefore + " swapCountBefore: " + swapCountBefore + "; truCountAfter: " + truCountAfter + " swapCountAfter: " + swapCountAfter + "\n  truScanCountBefore: " + truScanCountBefore + " swapScanCountBefore: " + swapScanCountBefore + "; truScanCountAfter: " + truScanCountAfter + " swapScanCountAfter: " + swapScanCountAfter + "\n  countTemp0: " + countTemp0 + " countTemp1: " + countTemp1 + "; countTemp2: " + countTemp2 + " countTemp3: " + countTemp3);
    if (shouldRollback != 0) {
        throw new VoltAbortException("EXPECTED SWAP ROLLBACK");
    return results;
Also used : VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable) VoltTableRow(org.voltdb.VoltTableRow) VoltAbortException(org.voltdb.VoltProcedure.VoltAbortException)


VoltTable (org.voltdb.VoltTable)887 Client (org.voltdb.client.Client)497 ClientResponse (org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse)193 ProcCallException (org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException)144 IOException ( VoltTableRow (org.voltdb.VoltTableRow)57 NoConnectionsException (org.voltdb.client.NoConnectionsException)52 ColumnInfo (org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo)42 TimestampType (org.voltdb.types.TimestampType)37 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)30 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)27 Test (org.junit.Test)26 File ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)21 ClientResponseImpl (org.voltdb.ClientResponseImpl)20 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)15 Date (java.util.Date)15 VoltDB (org.voltdb.VoltDB)15 DependencyPair (org.voltdb.DependencyPair)14 Configuration (org.voltdb.VoltDB.Configuration)14