use of org.voltdb.VoltTableRow in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestSqlAggregateSuite method testAggregatesOnEmptyTable.
public void testAggregatesOnEmptyTable() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
String[] aggs = { "count", "sum", "min", "max" };
String[] tables = { "P1", "R1" };
for (String table : tables) {
Client client = getClient();
for (int i = 0; i < aggs.length; ++i) {
String query = String.format("select %s(%s.NUM) from %s", aggs[i], table, table);
VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", query).getResults();
if (aggs[i].equals("count")) {
assertEquals(0, results[0].asScalarLong());
} else {
final VoltTableRow row = results[0].fetchRow(0);
row.get(0, results[0].getColumnType(0));
if (!isHSQL()) {
// Do avg separately since the column is a float and makes
// asScalarLong() unhappy
String query = String.format("select avg(%s.NUM) from %s", table, table);
VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", query).getResults();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") final double value = ((Number) results[0].get(0, results[0].getColumnType(0))).doubleValue();
if (!isHSQL()) {
use of org.voltdb.VoltTableRow in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class paymentByCustomerName method run.
public VoltTable[] run(short w_id, byte d_id, double h_amount, short c_w_id, byte c_d_id, String c_last, TimestampType timestamp) throws VoltAbortException {
voltQueueSQL(getCustomersByLastName, c_last, c_d_id, c_w_id);
final VoltTable customers = voltExecuteSQL()[0];
final int namecnt = customers.getRowCount();
if (namecnt == 0) {
throw new VoltAbortException("no customers with last name: " + c_last + " in warehouse: " + c_w_id + " and in district " + c_d_id);
final int index = (namecnt - 1) / 2;
final VoltTableRow customer = customers.fetchRow(index);
final int c_id = (int) customer.getLong(C_ID_IDX);
return processPayment(w_id, d_id, c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id, h_amount, customer, timestamp);
use of org.voltdb.VoltTableRow in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class paymentByCustomerNameC method run.
public VoltTable[] run(short w_id, byte d_id, double h_amount, short c_w_id, byte c_d_id, byte[] c_last, TimestampType timestamp) throws VoltAbortException {
voltQueueSQL(getCustomersByLastName, c_last, c_d_id, c_w_id);
final VoltTable customers = voltExecuteSQL()[0];
final int namecnt = customers.getRowCount();
if (namecnt == 0) {
String c_lastString = null;
try {
c_lastString = new String(c_last, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
throw new VoltAbortException("paymentByCustomerNameC: no customers with last name: " + c_lastString + " in warehouse: " + c_w_id + " and in district " + c_d_id);
final int index = (namecnt - 1) / 2;
final VoltTableRow customer = customers.fetchRow(index);
final int c_id = (int) customer.getLong(C_ID_IDX);
return processPayment(w_id, d_id, c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id, h_amount, customer, timestamp);
use of org.voltdb.VoltTableRow in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class delivery method run.
public VoltTable run(short w_id, int o_carrier_id, TimestampType timestamp) throws VoltAbortException {
for (long d_id = 1; d_id <= Constants.DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE; ++d_id) {
voltQueueSQL(getNewOrder, d_id, w_id);
final VoltTable[] neworderresults = voltExecuteSQL();
assert neworderresults.length == Constants.DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE;
final Long[] no_o_ids = new Long[Constants.DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE];
int valid_neworders = 0;
int[] result_offsets = new int[Constants.DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE];
for (long d_id = 1; d_id <= Constants.DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE; ++d_id) {
final VoltTable newOrder = neworderresults[(int) d_id - 1];
if (newOrder.getRowCount() == 0) {
// No orders for this district: skip it. Note: This must be reported if > 1%
result_offsets[(int) d_id - 1] = -1;
assert newOrder.getRowCount() == 1;
result_offsets[(int) d_id - 1] = valid_neworders * 2;
final Long no_o_id = newOrder.asScalarLong();
no_o_ids[(int) d_id - 1] = no_o_id;
voltQueueSQL(getCId, no_o_id, d_id, w_id);
voltQueueSQL(sumOLAmount, no_o_id, d_id, w_id);
final VoltTable[] otherresults = voltExecuteSQL();
assert otherresults.length == valid_neworders * 2;
for (long d_id = 1; d_id <= Constants.DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE; ++d_id) {
final VoltTable newOrder = neworderresults[(int) d_id - 1];
if (newOrder.getRowCount() == 0) {
// No orders for this district: skip it. Note: This must be reported if > 1%
assert newOrder.getRowCount() == 1;
final Long no_o_id = newOrder.asScalarLong();
no_o_ids[(int) d_id - 1] = no_o_id;
voltQueueSQL(deleteNewOrder, d_id, w_id, no_o_id);
voltQueueSQL(updateOrders, o_carrier_id, no_o_id, d_id, w_id);
voltQueueSQL(updateOrderLine, timestamp, no_o_id, d_id, w_id);
// these must be logged in the "result file" according to TPC-C (page 39)
// We remove the queued time, completed time, w_id, and o_carrier_id: the client can figure
// them out
final VoltTable result = result_template.clone(1024);
for (long d_id = 1; d_id <= Constants.DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE; ++d_id) {
int resultoffset = result_offsets[(int) d_id - 1];
if (resultoffset < 0) {
assert otherresults[resultoffset + 0].getRowCount() == 1;
assert otherresults[resultoffset + 1].getRowCount() == 1;
final long c_id = (otherresults[resultoffset + 0].asScalarLong());
final VoltTableRow row = otherresults[resultoffset + 1].fetchRow(0);
final double ol_total = row.getDouble(0);
final boolean ol_total_wasnull = row.wasNull();
// If there are no order lines, SUM returns null. There should always be order lines.
if (ol_total_wasnull) {
throw new VoltAbortException("ol_total is NULL: there are no order lines. This should not happen");
assert ol_total > 0.0;
voltQueueSQL(updateCustomer, ol_total, c_id, d_id, w_id);
final Long no_o_id = no_o_ids[(int) d_id - 1];
result.addRow(d_id, no_o_id);
return result;
use of org.voltdb.VoltTableRow in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class neworder method run.
public VoltTable[] run(short w_id, byte d_id, int c_id, TimestampType timestamp, int[] item_id, short[] supware, int[] quantity) throws VoltAbortException {
assert item_id.length > 0;
assert item_id.length == supware.length;
assert item_id.length == quantity.length;
// CHEAT: Validate all items to see if we will need to abort.
// Also determine if this is an all local order or not
final VoltTableRow[] items = new VoltTableRow[item_id.length];
boolean isAllLocal = true;
for (int i = 0; i < item_id.length; ++i) {
isAllLocal = isAllLocal && supware[i] == w_id;
voltQueueSQL(getItemInfo, item_id[i]);
voltQueueSQL(getWarehouseTaxRate, w_id);
voltQueueSQL(getDistrict, d_id, w_id);
voltQueueSQL(getCustomer, w_id, d_id, c_id);
final VoltTable[] itemresults = voltExecuteSQL();
assert itemresults.length == item_id.length + 3;
for (int i = 0; i < item_id.length; ++i) {
if (itemresults[i].getRowCount() == 0) {
// TPCC defines 1% of neworder gives a wrong itemid, causing rollback.
throw new VoltAbortException(Constants.INVALID_ITEM_MESSAGE);
assert itemresults[i].getRowCount() == 1;
items[i] = itemresults[i].fetchRow(0);
//final VoltTable[] backgroundInfo = executeSQL();
VoltTable customer = itemresults[item_id.length + 2];
final double w_tax = itemresults[item_id.length].fetchRow(0).getDouble(0);
final int D_TAX_COL = 0, D_NEXT_O_ID = 1;
final int C_DISCOUNT = 0;
final VoltTableRow tempRow = itemresults[item_id.length + 1].fetchRow(0);
final double d_tax = tempRow.getDouble(D_TAX_COL);
final double c_discount = itemresults[item_id.length + 2].fetchRow(0).getDouble(C_DISCOUNT);
final long d_next_o_id = tempRow.getLong(D_NEXT_O_ID);
final long ol_cnt = item_id.length;
final long all_local = isAllLocal ? 1 : 0;
voltQueueSQL(incrementNextOrderId, d_next_o_id + 1, d_id, w_id);
voltQueueSQL(createOrder, d_next_o_id, d_id, w_id, c_id, timestamp, Constants.NULL_CARRIER_ID, ol_cnt, all_local);
voltQueueSQL(createNewOrder, d_next_o_id, d_id, w_id);
// values the client is missing: i_name, s_quantity, brand_generic, i_price, ol_amount
final VoltTable item_data = item_data_template.clone(2048);
double total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < item_id.length; ++i) {
final long ol_supply_w_id = supware[i];
final long ol_i_id = item_id[i];
// One getStockInfo SQL statement for each district
voltQueueSQL(getStockInfo[d_id - 1], ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id);
final VoltTable[] stockresults = voltExecuteSQL();
assert stockresults.length == item_id.length;
for (int i = 0; i < item_id.length; ++i) {
final long ol_number = i + 1;
final long ol_supply_w_id = supware[i];
final long ol_i_id = item_id[i];
final long ol_quantity = quantity[i];
assert stockresults[i].getRowCount() == 1 : "Cannot find stock info for item; should not happen with valid database";
final VoltTableRow itemInfo = items[i];
final VoltTableRow stockInfo = stockresults[i].fetchRow(0);
final int I_PRICE = 0, I_NAME = 1, I_DATA = 2;
final byte[] i_name = itemInfo.getStringAsBytes(I_NAME);
final byte[] i_data = itemInfo.getStringAsBytes(I_DATA);
final double i_price = itemInfo.getDouble(I_PRICE);
final int S_QUANTITY = 0, S_DATA = 1, S_YTD = 2, S_ORDER_CNT = 3, S_REMOTE_CNT = 4, S_DIST_XX = 5;
long s_quantity = stockInfo.getLong(S_QUANTITY);
long s_ytd = stockInfo.getLong(S_YTD);
long s_order_cnt = stockInfo.getLong(S_ORDER_CNT);
long s_remote_cnt = stockInfo.getLong(S_REMOTE_CNT);
final byte[] s_data = stockInfo.getStringAsBytes(S_DATA);
// Fetches data from the s_dist_[d_id] column
final byte[] s_dist_xx = stockInfo.getStringAsBytes(S_DIST_XX);
// Update stock
s_ytd += ol_quantity;
if (s_quantity >= ol_quantity + 10) {
s_quantity = s_quantity - ol_quantity;
} else {
s_quantity = s_quantity + 91 - ol_quantity;
if (ol_supply_w_id != w_id)
// TODO(evanj): Faster to do s_ytd and s_order_cnt increment in SQL?
// Saves fetching those columns the first time
voltQueueSQL(updateStock, s_quantity, s_ytd, s_order_cnt, s_remote_cnt, ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id);
byte[] brand_generic;
if (indexOf(i_data, Constants.ORIGINAL_BYTES) != -1 && indexOf(s_data, Constants.ORIGINAL_BYTES) != -1) {
brand_generic = new byte[] { 'B' };
} else {
brand_generic = new byte[] { 'G' };
//Transaction profile states to use "ol_quantity * i_price"
final double ol_amount = ol_quantity * i_price;
total += ol_amount;
voltQueueSQL(createOrderLine, d_next_o_id, d_id, w_id, ol_number, ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id, timestamp, ol_quantity, ol_amount, s_dist_xx);
// Add the info to be returned
item_data.addRow(i_name, s_quantity, brand_generic, i_price, ol_amount);
// Adjust the total for the discount
total *= (1 - c_discount) * (1 + w_tax + d_tax);
// pack up values the client is missing (see TPC-C
final VoltTable misc = misc_template.clone(256);
misc.addRow(w_tax, d_tax, d_next_o_id, total);
return new VoltTable[] { customer, misc, item_data };