use of org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.TPCCProjectBuilder in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTwoSitePlans method setUp.
public void setUp() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// compile a catalog
String testDir = BuildDirectoryUtils.getBuildDirectoryPath();
String catalogJar = testDir + File.separator + JAR;
TPCCProjectBuilder pb = new TPCCProjectBuilder();
pb.addProcedures(MultiSiteSelect.class, InsertNewOrder.class);
pb.compile(catalogJar, 2, 0);
// load a catalog
byte[] bytes = MiscUtils.fileToBytes(new File(catalogJar));
String serializedCatalog = CatalogUtil.getSerializedCatalogStringFromJar(CatalogUtil.loadAndUpgradeCatalogFromJar(bytes, false).getFirst());
// create the catalog (that will be passed to the ClientInterface
catalog = new Catalog();
// update the catalog with the data from the deployment file
String pathToDeployment = pb.getPathToDeployment();
assertTrue(CatalogUtil.compileDeployment(catalog, pathToDeployment, false) == null);
cluster = catalog.getClusters().get("cluster");
CatalogMap<Procedure> procedures = cluster.getDatabases().get("database").getProcedures();
Procedure insertProc = procedures.get("InsertNewOrder");
assert (insertProc != null);
selectProc = procedures.get("MultiSiteSelect");
assert (selectProc != null);
// Each EE needs its own thread for correct initialization.
final AtomicReference<ExecutionEngine> site1Reference = new AtomicReference<ExecutionEngine>();
final byte[] configBytes = LegacyHashinator.getConfigureBytes(2);
Thread site1Thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
site1Reference.set(new ExecutionEngineJNI(cluster.getRelativeIndex(), 1, 0, 0, "", 0, 64 * 1024, 100, new HashinatorConfig(HashinatorType.LEGACY, configBytes, 0, 0), false));
final AtomicReference<ExecutionEngine> site2Reference = new AtomicReference<ExecutionEngine>();
Thread site2Thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
site2Reference.set(new ExecutionEngineJNI(cluster.getRelativeIndex(), 2, 1, 0, "", 0, 64 * 1024, 100, new HashinatorConfig(HashinatorType.LEGACY, configBytes, 0, 0), false));
// create two EEs
ee1 = site1Reference.get();
ee1.loadCatalog(0, catalog.serialize());
ee2 = site2Reference.get();
ee2.loadCatalog(0, catalog.serialize());
// cache some plan fragments
selectStmt = selectProc.getStatements().get("selectAll");
assert (selectStmt != null);
int i = 0;
// this kinda assumes the right order
for (PlanFragment f : selectStmt.getFragments()) {
if (i == 0)
selectTopFrag = f;
selectBottomFrag = f;
assert (selectTopFrag != null);
assert (selectBottomFrag != null);
if (selectTopFrag.getHasdependencies() == false) {
PlanFragment temp = selectTopFrag;
selectTopFrag = selectBottomFrag;
selectBottomFrag = temp;
// get the insert frag
Statement insertStmt = insertProc.getStatements().get("insert");
assert (insertStmt != null);
for (PlanFragment f : insertStmt.getFragments()) insertFrag = f;
// populate plan cache
ActivePlanRepository.addFragmentForTest(CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(selectBottomFrag), Encoder.decodeBase64AndDecompressToBytes(selectBottomFrag.getPlannodetree()), selectStmt.getSqltext());
ActivePlanRepository.addFragmentForTest(CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(selectTopFrag), Encoder.decodeBase64AndDecompressToBytes(selectTopFrag.getPlannodetree()), selectStmt.getSqltext());
ActivePlanRepository.addFragmentForTest(CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(insertFrag), Encoder.decodeBase64AndDecompressToBytes(insertFrag.getPlannodetree()), insertStmt.getSqltext());
// insert some data
ParameterSet params = ParameterSet.fromArrayNoCopy(1L, 1L, 1L);
FastDeserializer fragResult2 = ee2.executePlanFragments(1, new long[] { CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(insertFrag) }, null, new ParameterSet[] { params }, null, new String[] { selectStmt.getSqltext() }, null, null, 1, 1, 0, 42, Long.MAX_VALUE, false);
// ignore totalsize field in message
VoltTable[] results = TableHelper.convertBackedBufferToTables(fragResult2.buffer(), 1);
assert (results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
params = ParameterSet.fromArrayNoCopy(2L, 2L, 2L);
FastDeserializer fragResult1 = ee1.executePlanFragments(1, new long[] { CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(insertFrag) }, null, new ParameterSet[] { params }, null, new String[] { selectStmt.getSqltext() }, null, null, 2, 2, 1, 42, Long.MAX_VALUE, false);
// ignore totalsize field in message
results = TableHelper.convertBackedBufferToTables(fragResult1.buffer(), 1);
assert (fragResult1.buffer() != fragResult2.buffer());
assert (results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
use of org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.TPCCProjectBuilder in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TPCCDebugTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws IOException {
Class<?>[] procedures = ALL_PROCEDURES;
int siteCount = 1;
BackendTarget target = BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI;
String testDir = BuildDirectoryUtils.getBuildDirectoryPath();
String catalogJar = testDir + File.separator + JAR;
TPCCProjectBuilder pb = new TPCCProjectBuilder();
pb.compile(catalogJar, siteCount, 0);
// start VoltDB server using hzsqlsb backend
server = new ServerThread(catalogJar, pb.getPathToDeployment(), target);
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig("program", "none");
client = ClientFactory.createClient(clientConfig);
// connect
use of org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.TPCCProjectBuilder in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestMultiPartitionSuite method suite.
* Build a list of the tests that will be run when TestTPCCSuite gets run by JUnit.
* Use helper classes that are part of the RegressionSuite framework.
* This particular class runs all tests on the the local JNI backend with both
* one and two partition configurations, as well as on the hsql backend.
* @return The TestSuite containing all the tests to be run.
public static Test suite() {
// the suite made here will all be using the tests from this class
MultiConfigSuiteBuilder builder = new MultiConfigSuiteBuilder(TestMultiPartitionSuite.class);
// CONFIG #1: 1 Local Site/Partitions running on JNI backend
// get a server config for the native backend with one sites/partitions
VoltServerConfig config = new LocalCluster("distregression-onesite.jar", 1, 1, 0, BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI);
// build up a project builder for the workload
TPCCProjectBuilder project = new TPCCProjectBuilder();
project.addStmtProcedure("InsertNewOrder", "INSERT INTO NEW_ORDER VALUES (?, ?, ?);", "NEW_ORDER.NO_W_ID: 2");
// build the jarfile
boolean success = config.compile(project);
// add this config to the set of tests to run
// CONFIG #2: 1 Local Site/Partition running on HSQL backend
// get a server config that similar, but doesn't use the same backend
config = new LocalCluster("distregression-hsql.jar", 1, 1, 0, BackendTarget.HSQLDB_BACKEND);
// build the jarfile (note the reuse of the TPCC project)
success = config.compile(project);
// add this config to the set of tests to run
// CONFIG #3: N=3 K=1 Cluster
config = new LocalCluster("distregression-cluster.jar", 2, 3, 1, BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI);
success = config.compile(project);
return builder;