use of org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestCatalogSerialization method testSimplest.
public void testSimplest() throws IOException {
Catalog catalog1 = TPCCProjectBuilder.getTPCCSchemaCatalog();
String commands = catalog1.serialize();
// System.out.println(commands);
Catalog catalog2 = new Catalog();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
String commands2 = catalog2.serialize();
Catalog catalog3 = catalog2.deepCopy();
String commands3 = catalog3.serialize();
use of org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class UpdateApplicationBase method prepareApplicationCatalogDiff.
* @param operationBytes The bytes for the catalog operation, if any. May be null in all cases.
* For UpdateApplicationCatalog, this will contain the compiled catalog jarfile bytes
* For UpdateClasses, this will contain the class jarfile bytes
* For AdHoc DDL work, this will be null
* @param operationString The string for the catalog operation, if any. May be null in all cases.
* For UpdateApplicationCatalog, this will contain the deployment string to apply
* For UpdateClasses, this will contain the class deletion patterns
* For AdHoc DDL work, this will be null
public static CatalogChangeResult prepareApplicationCatalogDiff(String invocationName, final byte[] operationBytes, final String operationString, final String[] adhocDDLStmts, final byte[] replayHashOverride, final boolean isPromotion, final DrRoleType drRole, final boolean useAdhocDDL, boolean adminConnection, String hostname, String user) throws PrepareDiffFailureException {
// create the change result and set up all the boiler plate
CatalogChangeResult retval = new CatalogChangeResult();
// ensure non-null
retval.tablesThatMustBeEmpty = new String[0];
retval.hasSchemaChange = true;
if (replayHashOverride != null) {
retval.isForReplay = true;
try {
// catalog change specific boiler plate
CatalogContext context = VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext();
// Start by assuming we're doing an @UpdateApplicationCatalog. If-ladder below
// will complete with newCatalogBytes actually containing the bytes of the
// catalog to be applied, and deploymentString will contain an actual deployment string,
// or null if it still needs to be filled in.
InMemoryJarfile newCatalogJar = null;
InMemoryJarfile oldJar = context.getCatalogJar().deepCopy();
boolean updatedClass = false;
String deploymentString = operationString;
if ("@UpdateApplicationCatalog".equals(invocationName)) {
// Grab the current catalog bytes if @UAC had a null catalog from deployment-only update
if ((operationBytes == null) || (operationBytes.length == 0)) {
newCatalogJar = oldJar;
} else {
newCatalogJar = CatalogUtil.loadInMemoryJarFile(operationBytes);
// If the deploymentString is null, we'll fill it in with current deployment later
// Otherwise, deploymentString has the right contents, don't need to touch it
} else if ("@UpdateClasses".equals(invocationName)) {
// provided newCatalogJar is the jarfile with the new classes
if (operationBytes != null) {
newCatalogJar = new InMemoryJarfile(operationBytes);
try {
InMemoryJarfile modifiedJar = modifyCatalogClasses(context.catalog, oldJar, operationString, newCatalogJar, drRole == DrRoleType.XDCR);
if (modifiedJar == null) {
newCatalogJar = oldJar;
} else {
newCatalogJar = modifiedJar;
updatedClass = true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE, "Unexpected error in @UpdateClasses modifying classes from catalog: " + e.getMessage());
// Real deploymentString should be the current deployment, just set it to null
// here and let it get filled in correctly later.
deploymentString = null;
// mark it as non-schema change
retval.hasSchemaChange = false;
} else if ("@AdHoc".equals(invocationName)) {
// work.adhocDDLStmts should be applied to the current catalog
try {
newCatalogJar = addDDLToCatalog(context.catalog, oldJar, adhocDDLStmts, drRole == DrRoleType.XDCR);
} catch (VoltCompilerException vce) {
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE, vce.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE, ioe.getMessage());
} catch (Throwable t) {
String msg = "Unexpected condition occurred applying DDL statements: " + t.toString();
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE, msg);
assert (newCatalogJar != null);
if (newCatalogJar == null) {
// Shouldn't ever get here
String msg = "Unexpected failure in applying DDL statements to original catalog";
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE, msg);
// Real deploymentString should be the current deployment, just set it to null
// here and let it get filled in correctly later.
deploymentString = null;
} else {
// TODO: this if-chain doesn't feel like it even should exist
assert (false);
// get the diff between catalogs
// try to get the new catalog from the params
Pair<InMemoryJarfile, String> loadResults = null;
try {
loadResults = CatalogUtil.loadAndUpgradeCatalogFromJar(newCatalogJar, drRole == DrRoleType.XDCR);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// falling through to the ZOMG message in the big catch
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE, ioe.getMessage());
retval.catalogBytes = loadResults.getFirst().getFullJarBytes();
if (!retval.isForReplay) {
retval.catalogHash = loadResults.getFirst().getSha1Hash();
} else {
retval.catalogHash = replayHashOverride;
String newCatalogCommands = CatalogUtil.getSerializedCatalogStringFromJar(loadResults.getFirst());
retval.upgradedFromVersion = loadResults.getSecond();
if (newCatalogCommands == null) {
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE, "Unable to read from catalog bytes");
Catalog newCatalog = new Catalog();
// Retrieve the original deployment string, if necessary
if (deploymentString == null) {
// Go get the deployment string from the current catalog context
byte[] deploymentBytes = context.getDeploymentBytes();
if (deploymentBytes != null) {
deploymentString = new String(deploymentBytes, Constants.UTF8ENCODING);
if (deploymentBytes == null || deploymentString == null) {
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE, "No deployment file provided and unable to recover previous deployment settings.");
DeploymentType dt = CatalogUtil.parseDeploymentFromString(deploymentString);
if (dt == null) {
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE, "Unable to update deployment configuration: Error parsing deployment string");
if (isPromotion && drRole == DrRoleType.REPLICA) {
assert dt.getDr().getRole() == DrRoleType.REPLICA;
String result = CatalogUtil.compileDeployment(newCatalog, dt, false);
if (result != null) {
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE, "Unable to update deployment configuration: " + result);
//In non legacy mode discard the path element.
if (!VoltDB.instance().isRunningWithOldVerbs()) {
//Always get deployment after its adjusted.
retval.deploymentString = CatalogUtil.getDeployment(dt, true);
retval.deploymentHash = CatalogUtil.makeDeploymentHash(retval.deploymentString.getBytes(Constants.UTF8ENCODING));
// store the version of the catalog the diffs were created against.
// verified when / if the update procedure runs in order to verify
// catalogs only move forward
retval.expectedCatalogVersion = context.catalogVersion;
// compute the diff in StringBuilder
CatalogDiffEngine diff = new CatalogDiffEngine(context.catalog, newCatalog);
if (!diff.supported()) {
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE, "The requested catalog change(s) are not supported:\n" + diff.errors());
String commands = diff.commands();;
retval.requireCatalogDiffCmdsApplyToEE = diff.requiresCatalogDiffCmdsApplyToEE();
// since diff commands can be stupidly big, compress them here
retval.encodedDiffCommands = Encoder.compressAndBase64Encode(commands);
retval.diffCommandsLength = commands.length();
String[][] emptyTablesAndReasons = diff.tablesThatMustBeEmpty();
assert (emptyTablesAndReasons.length == 2);
assert (emptyTablesAndReasons[0].length == emptyTablesAndReasons[1].length);
retval.tablesThatMustBeEmpty = emptyTablesAndReasons[0];
retval.reasonsForEmptyTables = emptyTablesAndReasons[1];
retval.requiresSnapshotIsolation = diff.requiresSnapshotIsolation();
retval.requiresNewExportGeneration = diff.requiresNewExportGeneration();
retval.worksWithElastic = diff.worksWithElastic();
} catch (PrepareDiffFailureException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Unexpected error in adhoc or catalog update: " + e.getClass() + ", " + e.getMessage();
compilerLog.warn(msg, e);
throw new PrepareDiffFailureException(ClientResponse.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE, msg);
return retval;
use of org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestInitStartAction method validateStagedCatalog.
* "voltdb init --schema --procedures" tests:
* 1. Positive test with valid schema that requires no procedures
* 2a. Positive test with valid schema and procedures that are in CLASSPATH
* 2b. Negative test with valid files but not "init --force"
* 3. Negative test with a bad schema
* 4. Negative test with procedures missing
* Note that SimulatedExitException is thrown by the command line parser with no descriptive details.
* VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB() throws an AssertionError with the message "Faux crash of VoltDB successful."
/** Verifies that the staged catalog matches what VoltCompiler emits given the supplied schema.
* @param schema Schema used to generate the staged catalog
* @throws Exception upon test failure or error (unable to write temp file for example)
private void validateStagedCatalog(String schema, InMemoryJarfile proceduresJar) throws Exception {
// setup reference point for the supplied schema
File schemaFile = VoltProjectBuilder.writeStringToTempFile(schema);
File referenceFile = File.createTempFile("reference", ".jar");
VoltCompiler compiler = new VoltCompiler(false);
final boolean success = compiler.compileFromDDL(referenceFile.getAbsolutePath(), schemaFile.getPath());
assertEquals(true, success);
InMemoryJarfile referenceCatalogJar = new InMemoryJarfile(referenceFile);
Catalog referenceCatalog = new Catalog();
// verify that the staged catalog is identical
File stagedJarFile = new VoltFile(RealVoltDB.getStagedCatalogPath(rootDH.getPath() + File.separator + "voltdbroot"));
assertEquals(true, stagedJarFile.isFile());
InMemoryJarfile stagedCatalogJar = new InMemoryJarfile(stagedJarFile);
Catalog stagedCatalog = new Catalog();
assertEquals(true, referenceCatalog.equals(stagedCatalog));
assertEquals(true, stagedCatalog.equals(referenceCatalog));
assertEquals(true, referenceFile.delete());
assertEquals(true, schemaFile.delete());
if (proceduresJar != null) {
// Validate that the list of files in the supplied jarfile are present in the staged catalog also.
InMemoryJarfile strippedReferenceJar = CatalogUtil.getCatalogJarWithoutDefaultArtifacts(proceduresJar);
InMemoryJarfile strippedTestJar = CatalogUtil.getCatalogJarWithoutDefaultArtifacts(stagedCatalogJar);
for (Entry<String, byte[]> entry : strippedReferenceJar.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("Checking " + entry.getKey());
byte[] testClass = strippedTestJar.get(entry.getKey());
assertNotNull(entry.getKey() + " was not found in staged catalog", testClass);
assertArrayEquals(entry.getValue(), testClass);
use of org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TPCCProjectBuilder method compileAllCatalogs.
public String[] compileAllCatalogs(int sitesPerHost, int length, int kFactor, String voltRoot) {
Catalog catalog = compile(m_jarFileName, sitesPerHost, length, kFactor, voltRoot);
if (catalog == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bingo project builder failed app compilation.");
return new String[] { m_jarFileName };
use of org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class RegressionSuite method getCurrentCatalog.
private static Catalog getCurrentCatalog() {
CatalogContext context = VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext();
if (context == null) {
return null;
InMemoryJarfile currentCatalogJar = context.getCatalogJar();
String serializedCatalogString = CatalogUtil.getSerializedCatalogStringFromJar(currentCatalogJar);
Catalog c = new Catalog();
return c;