Search in sources :

Example 26 with ColumnRef

use of org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class DDLCompiler method checkValidPartitionTableIndex.

private void checkValidPartitionTableIndex(Index index, Column partitionCol, String tableName) throws VoltCompilerException {
    // skip checking for non-unique indexes.
    if (!index.getUnique()) {
    boolean containsPartitionColumn = false;
    String jsonExpr = index.getExpressionsjson();
    // if this is a pure-column index...
    if (jsonExpr.isEmpty()) {
        for (ColumnRef cref : index.getColumns()) {
            Column col = cref.getColumn();
            // unique index contains partitioned column
            if (col.equals(partitionCol)) {
                containsPartitionColumn = true;
    } else // if this is a fancy expression-based index...
        try {
            int partitionColIndex = partitionCol.getIndex();
            List<AbstractExpression> indexExpressions = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(jsonExpr, null);
            for (AbstractExpression expr : indexExpressions) {
                if (expr instanceof TupleValueExpression && ((TupleValueExpression) expr).getColumnIndex() == partitionColIndex) {
                    containsPartitionColumn = true;
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            // danger will robinson
            assert (false);
    if (containsPartitionColumn) {
        if (index.getAssumeunique()) {
            String exceptionMsg = String.format("ASSUMEUNIQUE is not valid " + "for an index that includes the partitioning column. Please use UNIQUE instead.");
            throw VoltCompilerException(exceptionMsg);
    } else if (!index.getAssumeunique()) {
        // Throw compiler exception.
        String indexName = index.getTypeName();
        String keyword = "";
        if (indexName.startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_PRIMARY_KEY_PREFIX)) {
            indexName = "PRIMARY KEY";
            keyword = "PRIMARY KEY";
        } else {
            indexName = "UNIQUE INDEX " + indexName;
            keyword = "UNIQUE";
        String exceptionMsg = "Invalid use of " + keyword + ". The " + indexName + " on the partitioned table " + tableName + " does not include the partitioning column " + partitionCol.getName() + ". See the documentation for the 'CREATE TABLE' and 'CREATE INDEX' commands and the 'ASSUMEUNIQUE' keyword.";
        throw VoltCompilerException(exceptionMsg);
Also used : TupleValueExpression(org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression) AbstractExpression(org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression) Column(org.voltdb.catalog.Column) JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) ColumnRef(org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef) VoltCompilerException(org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException) Constraint(org.voltdb.catalog.Constraint)

Example 27 with ColumnRef

use of org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SubPlanAssembler method getRelevantAccessPathForIndex.

     * Given a table, a set of predicate expressions and a specific index, find the best way to
     * access the data using the given index, or return null if no good way exists.
     * @param table The table we want data from.
     * @param exprs The set of predicate expressions.
     * @param index The index we want to use to access the data.
     * @return A valid access path using the data or null if none found.
protected AccessPath getRelevantAccessPathForIndex(StmtTableScan tableScan, List<AbstractExpression> exprs, Index index) {
    if (tableScan instanceof StmtTargetTableScan == false) {
        return null;
    // Copy the expressions to a new working list that can be culled as filters are processed.
    List<AbstractExpression> filtersToCover = new ArrayList<>(exprs);
    boolean indexIsGeographical;
    String exprsjson = index.getExpressionsjson();
    // This list remains null if the index is just on simple columns.
    List<AbstractExpression> indexedExprs = null;
    // This vector of indexed columns remains null if indexedExprs is in use.
    List<ColumnRef> indexedColRefs = null;
    int[] indexedColIds = null;
    int keyComponentCount;
    if (exprsjson.isEmpty()) {
        // Don't bother to build a dummy indexedExprs list for a simple index on columns.
        // Just leave it null and handle this simpler case specially via indexedColRefs or
        // indexedColIds, all along the way.
        indexedColRefs = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(index.getColumns(), "index");
        keyComponentCount = indexedColRefs.size();
        indexedColIds = new int[keyComponentCount];
        int ii = 0;
        for (ColumnRef cr : indexedColRefs) {
            indexedColIds[ii++] = cr.getColumn().getIndex();
        indexIsGeographical = isAGeoColumnIndex(indexedColRefs);
    } else {
        try {
            // This MAY want to happen once when the plan is loaded from the catalog
            // and cached in a sticky cached index-to-expressions map?
            indexedExprs = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(exprsjson, tableScan);
            keyComponentCount = indexedExprs.size();
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assert (false);
            return null;
        indexIsGeographical = isAGeoExpressionIndex(indexedExprs);
    AccessPath retval = new AccessPath();
    retval.index = index;
    // in tandem with other indexes within one more powerful indexscan.
    if (indexIsGeographical) {
        return getRelevantAccessPathForGeoIndex(retval, tableScan, indexedExprs, indexedColRefs, filtersToCover);
    // Hope for the best -- full coverage with equality matches on every expression in the index.
    retval.use = IndexUseType.COVERING_UNIQUE_EQUALITY;
    // Try to use the index scan's inherent ordering to implement the ORDER BY clause.
    // The effects of determineIndexOrdering are reflected in
    // retval.sortDirection, orderSpoilers, nSpoilers and bindingsForOrder.
    // In some borderline cases, the determination to use the index's order is optimistic and
    // provisional; it can be undone later in this function as new info comes to light.
    int[] orderSpoilers = new int[keyComponentCount];
    List<AbstractExpression> bindingsForOrder = new ArrayList<>();
    int nSpoilers = determineIndexOrdering(tableScan, keyComponentCount, indexedExprs, indexedColRefs, retval, orderSpoilers, bindingsForOrder);
    // Use as many covering indexed expressions as possible to optimize comparator expressions that can use them.
    // Start with equality comparisons on as many (prefix) indexed expressions as possible.
    int coveredCount = 0;
    // If determineIndexOrdering found one or more spoilers,
    // index key components that might interfere with the desired ordering of the result,
    // their ill effects are eliminated when they are constrained to be equal to constants.
    // These are called "recovered spoilers".
    // When their count reaches the count of spoilers, the order of the result will be as desired.
    // Initial "prefix key component" spoilers can be recovered in the normal course
    // of finding prefix equality filters for those key components.
    // The spoiler key component positions are listed (ascending) in orderSpoilers.
    // After the last prefix equality filter has been found,
    // nRecoveredSpoilers in comparison to nSpoilers may indicate remaining unrecovered spoilers.
    // That edge case motivates a renewed search for (non-prefix) equality filters solely for the purpose
    // of recovering the spoilers and confirming the relevance of the result's index ordering.
    int nRecoveredSpoilers = 0;
    AbstractExpression coveringExpr = null;
    int coveringColId = -1;
    // Currently, an index can be used with at most one IN LIST filter expression.
    // Otherwise, MaterializedScans would have to be multi-column and populated by a cross-product
    // of multiple lists OR multiple MaterializedScans would have to be cross-joined to get a
    // multi-column LHS for the injected NestLoopIndexJoin used for IN LIST indexing.
    // So, note the one IN LIST filter when it is found, mostly to remember that one has been found.
    // This has implications for what kinds of filters on other key components can be included in
    // the index scan.
    IndexableExpression inListExpr = null;
    for (; (coveredCount < keyComponentCount) && !filtersToCover.isEmpty(); ++coveredCount) {
        if (indexedExprs == null) {
            coveringColId = indexedColIds[coveredCount];
        } else {
            coveringExpr = indexedExprs.get(coveredCount);
        // Equality filters get first priority.
        boolean allowIndexedJoinFilters = (inListExpr == null);
        IndexableExpression eqExpr = getIndexableExpressionFromFilters(// The only difference is that NULL is not distinct from NULL, but NULL != NULL. (ENG-11096)
        ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, ExpressionType.COMPARE_NOTDISTINCT, coveringExpr, coveringColId, tableScan, filtersToCover, allowIndexedJoinFilters, EXCLUDE_FROM_POST_FILTERS);
        if (eqExpr == null) {
            // So, only the first IN LIST filter matching a key component is considered.
            if (inListExpr == null) {
                // Also, it can not be considered if there was a prior key component that has an
                // equality filter that is based on another table.
                // Accepting an IN LIST filter implies rejecting later any filters based on other
                // tables' columns.
                inListExpr = getIndexableExpressionFromFilters(ExpressionType.COMPARE_IN, ExpressionType.COMPARE_IN, coveringExpr, coveringColId, tableScan, filtersToCover, false, EXCLUDE_FROM_POST_FILTERS);
                if (inListExpr != null) {
                    // were based on constants and/or parameters.
                    for (AbstractExpression eq_comparator : retval.indexExprs) {
                        AbstractExpression otherExpr = eq_comparator.getRight();
                        if (otherExpr.hasTupleValueSubexpression()) {
                            // Can't index this IN LIST filter without some kind of three-way NLIJ,
                            // so, add it to the post-filters.
                            AbstractExpression in_list_comparator = inListExpr.getOriginalFilter();
                            inListExpr = null;
                    eqExpr = inListExpr;
            if (eqExpr == null) {
        AbstractExpression comparator = eqExpr.getFilter();
        // A non-empty endExprs has the later side effect of invalidating descending sort order
        // in all cases except the edge case of full coverage equality comparison.
        // Even that case must be further qualified to exclude indexed IN-LIST
        // unless/until the MaterializedScan can be configured to iterate in descending order
        // (vs. always ascending).
        // In the case of the IN LIST expression, both the search key and the end condition need
        // to be rewritten to enforce equality in turn with each list element "row" produced by
        // the MaterializedScan. This happens in getIndexAccessPlanForTable.
        // In this case, consider the spoiler recovered.
        if (nRecoveredSpoilers < nSpoilers && orderSpoilers[nRecoveredSpoilers] == coveredCount) {
            // In the case of IN-LIST equality, the key component will not have a constant value.
            if (eqExpr != inListExpr) {
                // One recovery closer to confirming the sort order.
    // which happens to be the only use case for non-scannable (i.e. HASH) indexes.
    if (coveredCount == keyComponentCount) {
        // All remaining filters get covered as post-filters
        // to be applied after the "random access" to the exact index key.
        if (retval.sortDirection != SortDirectionType.INVALID) {
            // This IS an odd (maybe non-existent) case
            // -- equality filters found on on all ORDER BY expressions?
            // That said, with all key components covered, there can't be any spoilers.
        return retval;
    if (!IndexType.isScannable(index.getType())) {
        // Failure to equality-match all expressions in a non-scannable index is unacceptable.
        return null;
    // by continuing the search for (non-prefix) constant equality filters.
    if (nRecoveredSpoilers < nSpoilers) {
        // There's an order to spoil.
        assert (retval.sortDirection != SortDirectionType.INVALID);
        // Try to associate each skipped index key component with an equality filter.
        // If a key component equals a constant, its value can't actually spoil the ordering.
        // This extra checking is only needed when all of these conditions hold:
        //   -- There are three or more index key components.
        //   -- Two or more of them are in the ORDER BY clause
        //   -- One or more of them are "spoilers", i.e. are not in the ORDER BY clause.
        //   -- A "spoiler" falls between two non-spoilers in the index key component list.
        // e.g. "CREATE INDEX ... ON (A, B, C);" then "SELECT ... WHERE B=? ORDER BY A, C;"
        List<AbstractExpression> otherBindingsForOrder = recoverOrderSpoilers(orderSpoilers, nSpoilers, nRecoveredSpoilers, indexedExprs, indexedColIds, tableScan, filtersToCover);
        if (otherBindingsForOrder == null) {
            // Some order spoiler didn't have an equality filter.
            // Invalidate the provisional indexed ordering.
            retval.sortDirection = SortDirectionType.INVALID;
            retval.m_stmtOrderByIsCompatible = false;
            retval.m_windowFunctionUsesIndex = NO_INDEX_USE;
            // suddenly irrelevant
        } else {
            // Any non-null bindings list, even an empty one,
            // denotes success -- all spoilers were equality filtered.
    IndexableExpression startingBoundExpr = null;
    IndexableExpression endingBoundExpr = null;
    if (!filtersToCover.isEmpty()) {
        // A scannable index allows inequality matches, but only on the first key component
        // missing a usable equality comparator.
        // Look for a double-ended bound on it.
        // This is always the result of an edge case:
        // "indexed-general-expression LIKE prefix-constant".
        // The simpler case "column LIKE prefix-constant"
        // has already been re-written by the HSQL parser
        // into separate upper and lower bound inequalities.
        IndexableExpression doubleBoundExpr = getIndexableExpressionFromFilters(ExpressionType.COMPARE_LIKE, ExpressionType.COMPARE_LIKE, coveringExpr, coveringColId, tableScan, filtersToCover, false, EXCLUDE_FROM_POST_FILTERS);
        // This MIGHT not always provide the most selective filtering.
        if (doubleBoundExpr != null) {
            startingBoundExpr = doubleBoundExpr.extractStartFromPrefixLike();
            endingBoundExpr = doubleBoundExpr.extractEndFromPrefixLike();
        } else {
            boolean allowIndexedJoinFilters = (inListExpr == null);
            // Look for a lower bound.
            startingBoundExpr = getIndexableExpressionFromFilters(ExpressionType.COMPARE_GREATERTHAN, ExpressionType.COMPARE_GREATERTHANOREQUALTO, coveringExpr, coveringColId, tableScan, filtersToCover, allowIndexedJoinFilters, EXCLUDE_FROM_POST_FILTERS);
            // Look for an upper bound.
            endingBoundExpr = getIndexableExpressionFromFilters(ExpressionType.COMPARE_LESSTHAN, ExpressionType.COMPARE_LESSTHANOREQUALTO, coveringExpr, coveringColId, tableScan, filtersToCover, allowIndexedJoinFilters, EXCLUDE_FROM_POST_FILTERS);
        if (startingBoundExpr != null) {
            AbstractExpression lowerBoundExpr = startingBoundExpr.getFilter();
            if (lowerBoundExpr.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPARE_GREATERTHAN) {
                retval.lookupType = IndexLookupType.GT;
            } else {
                assert (lowerBoundExpr.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPARE_GREATERTHANOREQUALTO);
                retval.lookupType = IndexLookupType.GTE;
            retval.use = IndexUseType.INDEX_SCAN;
        if (endingBoundExpr != null) {
            AbstractExpression upperBoundComparator = endingBoundExpr.getFilter();
            retval.use = IndexUseType.INDEX_SCAN;
            // do not do the reverse scan optimization
            if (retval.sortDirection != SortDirectionType.DESC && (startingBoundExpr != null || retval.sortDirection == SortDirectionType.ASC)) {
                if (retval.lookupType == IndexLookupType.EQ) {
                    retval.lookupType = IndexLookupType.GTE;
            } else {
                // only do reverse scan optimization when no lowerBoundExpr and lookup type is either < or <=.
                if (upperBoundComparator.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPARE_LESSTHAN) {
                    retval.lookupType = IndexLookupType.LT;
                } else {
                    assert upperBoundComparator.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPARE_LESSTHANOREQUALTO;
                    retval.lookupType = IndexLookupType.LTE;
                // that here to optimize out the "NOT NULL" comparator for NOT NULL columns
                if (startingBoundExpr == null) {
                    AbstractExpression newComparator = new OperatorExpression(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_NOT, new OperatorExpression(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_IS_NULL), null);
                } else {
                    int lastIdx = retval.indexExprs.size() - 1;
                    AbstractExpression lowerBoundComparator = startingBoundExpr.getFilter();
                // add to indexExprs because it will be used as part of searchKey
                // initialExpr is set for both cases
                // but will be used for LTE and only when overflow case of LT.
                // The initial expression is needed to control a (short?) forward scan to
                // adjust the start of a reverse iteration after it had to initially settle
                // for starting at "greater than a prefix key".
    if (endingBoundExpr == null) {
        if (retval.sortDirection == SortDirectionType.DESC) {
            // Optimizable to use reverse scan.
            if (retval.endExprs.size() == 0) {
                // no prefix equality filters
                if (startingBoundExpr != null) {
                    AbstractExpression comparator = startingBoundExpr.getFilter();
                    // The initial expression is needed to control a (short?) forward scan to
                    // adjust the start of a reverse iteration after it had to initially settle
                    // for starting at "greater than a prefix key".
                // Look up type here does not matter in EE, because the # of active search keys is 0.
                // EE use m_index->moveToEnd(false) to get END, setting scan to reverse scan.
                // retval.lookupType = IndexLookupType.LTE;
            } else {
                // there are prefix equality filters -- possible for a reverse scan?
                // set forward scan.
                retval.sortDirection = SortDirectionType.INVALID;
            // Turn this part on when we have EE support for reverse scan with query GT and GTE.
                    boolean isReverseScanPossible = true;
                    if (filtersToCover.size() > 0) {
                        // Look forward to see the remainning filters.
                        for (int ii = coveredCount + 1; ii < keyComponentCount; ++ii) {
                            if (indexedExprs == null) {
                                coveringColId = indexedColIds[ii];
                            } else {
                                coveringExpr = indexedExprs.get(ii);
                            // Equality filters get first priority.
                            boolean allowIndexedJoinFilters = (inListExpr == null);
                            IndexableExpression eqExpr = getIndexableExpressionFromFilters(
                                ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL,
                                coveringExpr, coveringColId, table, filtersToCover,
                                allowIndexedJoinFilters, KEEP_IN_POST_FILTERS);
                            if (eqExpr == null) {
                                isReverseScanPossible = false;
                    if (isReverseScanPossible) {
                        if (startingBoundExpr != null) {
                            int lastIdx = retval.indexExprs.size() -1;

                            AbstractExpression comparator = startingBoundExpr.getFilter();

                            retval.lookupType = IndexLookupType.LTE;

                    } else {
                        // set forward scan.
                        retval.sortDirection = SortDirectionType.INVALID;
    // index not relevant to expression
    if (retval.indexExprs.size() == 0 && retval.endExprs.size() == 0 && retval.sortDirection == SortDirectionType.INVALID) {
        return null;
    // components that are not being filtered.
    if (retval.indexExprs.size() < keyComponentCount) {
        correctAccessPathForPrefixKeyCoverage(retval, startingBoundExpr);
    // All remaining filters get applied as post-filters
    // on tuples fetched from the index.
    if (retval.sortDirection != SortDirectionType.INVALID) {
    return retval;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) AbstractExpression(org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression) OperatorExpression(org.voltdb.expressions.OperatorExpression) StmtTargetTableScan(org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.StmtTargetTableScan) ColumnRef(org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef)

Example 28 with ColumnRef

use of org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SubPlanAssembler method findBindingsForOneIndexedExpression.

     * Match the indexEntry, which is from an index, with
     * a statement expression or column.  The nextStatementEOC
     * must be an expression, not a column reference.
     * @param nextStatementEOC The expression or column in the SQL statement.
     * @param indexEntry The expression or column in the index.
     * @return A list of bindings for this match.  Return null if
     *         there is no match.  If there are no bindings but the
     *         expressions match, return an empty, non-null list.
private static List<AbstractExpression> findBindingsForOneIndexedExpression(ExpressionOrColumn nextStatementEOC, ExpressionOrColumn indexEntry) {
    assert (nextStatementEOC.m_expr != null);
    AbstractExpression nextStatementExpr = nextStatementEOC.m_expr;
    if (indexEntry.m_colRef != null) {
        ColumnRef indexColRef = indexEntry.m_colRef;
        // with the expression in nextStatementEOC.
        if (matchExpressionAndColumnRef(nextStatementExpr, indexColRef, indexEntry.m_tableScan)) {
            return s_reusableImmutableEmptyBinding;
        return null;
    // So, this index entry is an expression.
    List<AbstractExpression> moreBindings = nextStatementEOC.m_expr.bindingToIndexedExpression(indexEntry.m_expr);
    if (moreBindings != null) {
        return moreBindings;
    return null;
Also used : AbstractExpression(org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression) ColumnRef(org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef)

Example 29 with ColumnRef

use of org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class CatalogUtil method getPrimaryKeyColumns.

     * Return all the of the primary key columns for a particular table
     * If the table does not have a primary key, then the returned list will be empty
     * @param catalogTable
     * @return An ordered list of the primary key columns
public static Collection<Column> getPrimaryKeyColumns(Table catalogTable) {
    Collection<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
    Index catalog_idx = null;
    try {
        catalog_idx = CatalogUtil.getPrimaryKeyIndex(catalogTable);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        // IGNORE
        return (columns);
    assert (catalog_idx != null);
    for (ColumnRef catalog_col_ref : getSortedCatalogItems(catalog_idx.getColumns(), "index")) {
    return (columns);
Also used : Column(org.voltdb.catalog.Column) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Index(org.voltdb.catalog.Index) ColumnRef(org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef) NoSuchAlgorithmException( IOException( URISyntaxException( JAXBException(javax.xml.bind.JAXBException) FileNotFoundException( JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) KeeperException(org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException) MalformedURLException(


ColumnRef (org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef)29 AbstractExpression (org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression)19 Column (org.voltdb.catalog.Column)18 Constraint (org.voltdb.catalog.Constraint)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 JSONException (org.json_voltpatches.JSONException)14 Index (org.voltdb.catalog.Index)9 Table (org.voltdb.catalog.Table)9 TupleValueExpression (org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression)9 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 StmtTableScan (org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.StmtTableScan)5 StmtTargetTableScan (org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.StmtTargetTableScan)4 SchemaColumn (org.voltdb.plannodes.SchemaColumn)4 VoltType (org.voltdb.VoltType)3 VoltCompilerException (org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException)3 ConstantValueExpression (org.voltdb.expressions.ConstantValueExpression)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Set (java.util.Set)2 VoltXMLElement (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.VoltXMLElement)2 Procedure (org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure)2