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Example 11 with NullCallback

use of org.voltdb.client.NullCallback in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class GenerateCPPTestFiles method main.

     * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    boolean generateGeoMessages = true;
    String clientDataDirName = ".";
    long clusterStartTime = CLUSTER_START_TIME;
    int clusterRoundTripTime = CLUSTER_ROUND_TRIP_TIME;
    long clientData = CLIENT_DATA;
    int leaderIPAddr = LEADER_IP_ADDR;
    String buildString = BUILD_STRING;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx += 1) {
        if ("--client-dir".equals(args[idx])) {
            idx += 1;
            clientDataDirName = args[idx];
        } else if ("--clusterStartTime".equals(args[idx])) {
            idx += 1;
            clusterStartTime = Long.valueOf(args[idx]);
        } else if ("--clientData".equals(args[idx])) {
            idx += 1;
            clientData = Long.valueOf(args[idx]);
        } else if ("--leaderIPAddr".equals(args[idx])) {
            idx += 1;
            leaderIPAddr = Integer.valueOf(args[idx]);
        } else if ("--clusterRoundTripTime".equals(args[idx])) {
            idx += 1;
            clusterRoundTripTime = Integer.valueOf(args[idx]);
        } else if ("--no-geo-messages".equals(args[idx])) {
            generateGeoMessages = false;
        } else {
            abend("Unknown command line argument \"%s\"\n", args[idx]);
    // Make the client data directory if necessary.
    File clientDataDir = new File(clientDataDirName);
    if (clientDataDir.exists() && !clientDataDir.isDirectory()) {
        if (!clientDataDir.isDirectory()) {
            abend("Client data dir \"%s\" exists but is not a directory.\n", clientDataDirName);
    } else {
    // Capture a HASH_SHA256 style authentication message.  We do this by
    // creating a fake server, then, in a separate thread, creating an ordinary
    // client which connects to the fake server.  We read the authentication
    // request from the client, save it, send a faked authentication response,
    // close the server and join with the created thread.
    ServerSocketChannel ssc =;
    ssc.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", FAKE_SERVER_PORT));
    ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig("hello", "world", (ClientStatusListenerExt) null, ClientAuthScheme.HASH_SHA256);
    final org.voltdb.client.Client client = ClientFactory.createClient(config);
    Thread clientThread = new Thread() {

        public void run() {
            try {
                client.createConnection("localhost", FAKE_SERVER_PORT);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    SocketChannel sc = ssc.accept();
    ByteBuffer authReqSHA256 = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(authReqSHA256, sc);
    writeDataFile(clientDataDir, "authentication_request_sha256.msg", authReqSHA256);
    writeServerAuthenticationResponse(sc, true);
    // Now, create a fake server again, and login with the HASH_SHA1 scheme.
    // We save this authentication request as well.  The client in the
    // separate thread then sends some procedure invocation messages.  We
    // save all of these in files and then join with the client thread.
    ssc =;
    ssc.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", FAKE_SERVER_PORT));
    config = new ClientConfig("hello", "world", (ClientStatusListenerExt) null, ClientAuthScheme.HASH_SHA1);
    final org.voltdb.client.Client oclient = ClientFactory.createClient(config);
    Thread oclientThread = new Thread() {

        public void run() {
            NullCallback ncb = new NullCallback();
            try {
                oclient.createConnection("localhost", FAKE_SERVER_PORT);
                oclient.callProcedure("Insert", "Hello", "World", "English");
                try {
                    oclient.callProcedure("Insert", "Hello", "World", "English");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                oclient.callProcedure("Select", "English");
                // Geo support.
                // Insert a point and a polygon.
                oclient.callProcedure("InsertGeo", 200, GeographyValue.fromWKT(smallPolyTxt), GeographyPointValue.fromWKT(smallPointTxt));
                // Insert two nulls for points and polygons.
                oclient.callProcedure("InsertGeo", 201, null, null);
                // Select one row with a point and a polygon both.
                oclient.callProcedure("SelectGeo", 100);
                // Select another row with a different point and polygon.
                oclient.callProcedure("SelectGeo", 101);
                // Select one row with a null polygon and one non-null point.
                oclient.callProcedure("SelectGeo", 102);
                // Select one row with a non-null polygon and a null point.
                oclient.callProcedure("SelectGeo", 103);
                // Select one row with two nulls.
                oclient.callProcedure("SelectGeo", 104);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    sc = ssc.accept();
    ByteBuffer authReqSHA1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(authReqSHA1, sc);
    writeDataFile(clientDataDir, "authentication_request.msg", authReqSHA1);
    writeServerAuthenticationResponse(sc, true);
    // Read some call procedure messages.
    // The client engages us in some witty banter, which we don't
    // actually care about for the purposes of this program.  But
    // we need to read past it, and acknowledge it anyway.  We are
    // acting as a server here.  We don't need to change the client
    // data at all.
    ByteBuffer subscription_request = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(subscription_request, sc);
    writeServerCallResponse(sc, getRequestClientData(subscription_request));
    ByteBuffer stats_request = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(stats_request, sc);
    writeServerCallResponse(sc, getRequestClientData(stats_request));
    ByteBuffer syscat_request = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(syscat_request, sc);
    writeServerCallResponse(sc, getRequestClientData(stats_request));
    // Now, read the invocation requests from the client.  We can't
    // actually respond, so we fake up a response.  But this is good
    // enough for now, and we save the message.
    String[] vanillaFileNames = new String[] { "invocation_request_success.msg", "invocation_request_fail_cv.msg", "invocation_request_select.msg" };
    Map<String, ByteBuffer> vanillaMessages = new HashMap<String, ByteBuffer>();
    for (String fileName : vanillaFileNames) {
        ByteBuffer responseMessage = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
        vanillaMessages.put(fileName, responseMessage);
        readMessage(responseMessage, sc);
        writeServerCallResponse(sc, getRequestClientData(responseMessage));
        // Set the client data.  The value here is not important, but it
        // needs to be shared between this and the client unit tests.
        setRequestClientData(responseMessage, clientData);
        writeDataFile(clientDataDir, fileName, responseMessage);
    // Note that these names are somewhat stylized.  They name
    // the file which holds the request.  The response to this
    // request will be in a similarly named file, but with _request_
    // replaced by _response_.  So, make sure there is one _request_
    // substring in the file names.
    String[] geoFileNames = new String[] { "invocation_request_insert_geo.msg", "invocation_request_insert_geo_nulls.msg", "invocation_request_select_geo_both.msg", "invocation_request_select_geo_both_mid.msg", "invocation_request_select_geo_polynull.msg", "invocation_request_select_geo_ptnull.msg", "invocation_request_select_geo_bothnull.msg" };
    Map<String, ByteBuffer> geoMessages = new HashMap<String, ByteBuffer>();
    for (String filename : geoFileNames) {
        ByteBuffer requestMessage = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
        // We need to save these for later.
        geoMessages.put(filename, requestMessage);
        readMessage(requestMessage, sc);
        writeServerCallResponse(sc, getRequestClientData(requestMessage));
        setRequestClientData(requestMessage, clientData);
        if (generateGeoMessages) {
            writeDataFile(clientDataDir, filename, requestMessage);
    // Now, connect to a real server.  We are going to pretend to be a
    // client and write the messages we just read from the client, as we pretended to be
    // a server.  We will then capture the responses in files.
    SocketChannel voltsc = null;
    try {
        voltsc = InetSocketAddress("localhost", TRUE_SERVER_PORT));
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        abend("Can't connect to a server.  Is there a VoltDB server running?.\n");
    // Write the authentication message and then
    // read the response.  We need the response.  The
    // Client will engage in witty repartee with the
    // server, but we neither see nor care about that.
    // Note that for each of these responses we need to
    // set some parameters, so that they will not depend
    // on the particular context we executed.  This is the
    // cluster start time, the client data, the leader IP
    // address and the build string.  The client unit tests
    // will know these values.
    ByteBuffer scratch = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(scratch, voltsc);
    setClusterStartTimestamp(scratch, clusterStartTime);
    setLeaderIPAddr(scratch, leaderIPAddr);
    setBuildString(scratch, buildString);
    writeDataFile(clientDataDir, "authentication_response.msg", scratch);
    for (String filename : vanillaFileNames) {
        // Write the three procedure messages.
        ByteBuffer requestMessage = vanillaMessages.get(filename);
        if (requestMessage == null) {
            abend("Cannot find request message for file name \"%s\"\n", filename);
        readMessage(scratch, voltsc);
        setResponseClientData(scratch, clientData);
        setClusterRoundTripTime(scratch, clusterRoundTripTime);
        String responseFileName = filename.replaceAll("_request_", "_response_");
        writeDataFile(clientDataDir, responseFileName, scratch);
    if (generateGeoMessages) {
        for (String filename : geoFileNames) {
            // Write the three procedure messages.
            ByteBuffer requestMessage = geoMessages.get(filename);
            if (requestMessage == null) {
                abend("Cannot find request message for file name \"%s\"\n", filename);
            readMessage(scratch, voltsc);
            setResponseClientData(scratch, clientData);
            setClusterRoundTripTime(scratch, clusterRoundTripTime);
            String responseFileName = filename.replaceAll("_request_", "_response_");
            System.out.printf("Writing Response file \"%s\".\n", responseFileName);
            writeDataFile(clientDataDir, responseFileName, scratch);
    ssc =;
    ssc.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", FAKE_SERVER_PORT));
    clientThread = new Thread() {

        public void run() {
            try {
                org.voltdb.client.Client newClient = ClientFactory.createClient();
                newClient.createConnection("localhost", FAKE_SERVER_PORT);
                String[] strings = new String[] { "oh", "noes" };
                byte[] bytes = new byte[] { 22, 33, 44 };
                short[] shorts = new short[] { 22, 33, 44 };
                int[] ints = new int[] { 22, 33, 44 };
                long[] longs = new long[] { 22, 33, 44 };
                double[] doubles = new double[] { 3, 3.1, 3.14, 3.1459 };
                TimestampType[] timestamps = new TimestampType[] { new TimestampType(33), new TimestampType(44) };
                BigDecimal[] bds = new BigDecimal[] { new BigDecimal("3"), new BigDecimal("3.14"), new BigDecimal("3.1459") };
                try {
                    newClient.callProcedure("foo", strings, bytes, shorts, ints, longs, doubles, timestamps, bds, null, "ohnoes!", (byte) 22, (short) 22, 22, (long) 22, 3.1459, new TimestampType(33), new BigDecimal("3.1459"));
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
    voltsc = ssc.accept();
    // Read the authentication message.  We don't need it.
    readMessage(scratch, voltsc);
    writeServerAuthenticationResponse(voltsc, true);
    // The client engages us in some dialog.  We don't need this
    // either, but we need to read past it.
    subscription_request = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(subscription_request, voltsc);
    writeServerCallResponse(voltsc, getRequestClientData(subscription_request));
    stats_request = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(stats_request, voltsc);
    writeServerCallResponse(voltsc, getRequestClientData(stats_request));
    syscat_request = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    readMessage(syscat_request, voltsc);
    writeServerCallResponse(voltsc, getRequestClientData(stats_request));
    // Read the all-types call procedure message.
    readMessage(scratch, voltsc);
    writeServerCallResponse(voltsc, getRequestClientData(scratch));
    setRequestClientData(scratch, clientData);
    writeDataFile(clientDataDir, "invocation_request_all_params.msg", scratch);
    // Serialize a message and write it.
    ColumnInfo[] columns = new ColumnInfo[] { new ColumnInfo("column1", VoltType.TINYINT), new ColumnInfo("column2", VoltType.STRING), new ColumnInfo("column3", VoltType.SMALLINT), new ColumnInfo("column4", VoltType.INTEGER), new ColumnInfo("column5", VoltType.BIGINT), new ColumnInfo("column6", VoltType.TIMESTAMP), new ColumnInfo("column7", VoltType.DECIMAL), new ColumnInfo("column8", VoltType.GEOGRAPHY), new ColumnInfo("column9", VoltType.GEOGRAPHY_POINT) };
    VoltTable vt = new VoltTable(columns);
    GeographyValue poly = GeographyValue.fromWKT(smallPolyTxt);
    GeographyPointValue pt = GeographyPointValue.fromWKT(smallPointTxt);
    vt.addRow(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, poly, pt);
    vt.addRow(0, "", 2, 4, 5, new TimestampType(44), new BigDecimal("3.1459"), poly, pt);
    vt.addRow(0, null, 2, 4, 5, null, null, poly, pt);
    vt.addRow(null, "woobie", null, null, null, new TimestampType(44), new BigDecimal("3.1459"), poly, pt);
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(vt.getSerializedSize());
    FastSerializer fs = new FastSerializer(vt.getSerializedSize());
    writeDataFile(clientDataDir, "serialized_table.bin", bb);
Also used : ServerSocketChannel(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel) SocketChannel(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) InetSocketAddress( FastSerializer(org.voltdb.messaging.FastSerializer) ColumnInfo(org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo) TimestampType(org.voltdb.types.TimestampType) NullCallback(org.voltdb.client.NullCallback) ClientConfig(org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig) ServerSocketChannel(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel) GeographyValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue) IOException( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) IOException( BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) ClientStatusListenerExt(org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt) File( GeographyPointValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)

Example 12 with NullCallback

use of org.voltdb.client.NullCallback in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class AsyncBenchmark method runBenchmark.

     * Core benchmark code.
     * Connect. Initialize. Run the loop. Cleanup. Print Results.
     * @throws Exception if anything unexpected happens.
public void runBenchmark() throws Exception {
    System.out.println(" Setup & Initialization");
    // connect to one or more servers, loop until success
    // preload keys if requested
    if (config.preload) {
        System.out.println("Preloading data store...");
        for (int i = 0; i < config.poolsize; i++) {
            client.callProcedure(new NullCallback(), "STORE.upsert", String.format(processor.KeyFormat, i), processor.generateForStore().getStoreValue());
        System.out.println("Preloading complete.\n");
    System.out.println(" Starting Benchmark");
    // Run the benchmark loop for the requested warmup time
    // The throughput may be throttled depending on client configuration
    System.out.println("Warming up...");
    final long warmupEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000l * config.warmup);
    while (warmupEndTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) {
        // Decide whether to perform a GET or PUT operation
        if (rand.nextDouble() < config.getputratio) {
            // Get a key/value pair using inbuilt select procedure, asynchronously
            client.callProcedure(new NullCallback(), "", processor.generateRandomKeyForRetrieval());
        } else {
            // Put a key/value pair using inbuilt upsert procedure, asynchronously
            final PayloadProcessor.Pair pair = processor.generateForStore();
            client.callProcedure(new NullCallback(), "STORE.upsert", pair.Key, pair.getStoreValue());
    // reset the stats after warmup
    // print periodic statistics to the console
    benchmarkStartTS = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Run the benchmark loop for the requested duration
    // The throughput may be throttled depending on client configuration
    System.out.println("\nRunning benchmark...");
    final long benchmarkEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000l * config.duration);
    while (benchmarkEndTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) {
        // Decide whether to perform a GET or PUT operation
        if (rand.nextDouble() < config.getputratio) {
            // Get a key/value pair using inbuilt select procedure, asynchronously
            client.callProcedure(new GetCallback(), "", processor.generateRandomKeyForRetrieval());
        } else {
            // Put a key/value pair using inbuilt upsert procedure, asynchronously
            final PayloadProcessor.Pair pair = processor.generateForStore();
            client.callProcedure(new PutCallback(pair), "STORE.upsert", pair.Key, pair.getStoreValue());
    // cancel periodic stats printing
    // block until all outstanding txns return
    // print the summary results
    // close down the client connections
Also used : NullCallback(org.voltdb.client.NullCallback)

Example 13 with NullCallback

use of org.voltdb.client.NullCallback in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TestGroupByComplexSuite method turnOfftestAggregateOnJoinForMemoryIssue.

// This test case will trigger temp table "delete as we go" feature on join node
// Turn off this test cases because of valgrind timeout.
public void turnOfftestAggregateOnJoinForMemoryIssue() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
    Client client = this.getClient();
    ClientResponse cr;
    VoltTable vt;
    long[][] expected;
    // Empty data from table.
    for (String tb : tbs) {
        cr = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "delete from " + tb);
        assertEquals(ClientResponse.SUCCESS, cr.getStatus());
    int scale = 10;
    int numOfRecords = scale * 1000;
    // Insert records into the table.
    // id, wage, dept, rate
    String timeStamp = "2013-06-18 02:00:00.123457";
    String[] myProcs = { "R1.insert", "P1.insert" };
    for (String insertProc : myProcs) {
        for (int ii = 1; ii <= numOfRecords; ii++) {
            client.callProcedure(new NullCallback(), insertProc, ii, ii % 1000, ii % 2, timeStamp);
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    // Serial aggregation because of no group by
    cr = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "SELECT sum(R1.wage) " + " from R1, P1 WHERE = ;");
    assertEquals(ClientResponse.SUCCESS, cr.getStatus());
    vt = cr.getResults()[0];
    expected = new long[][] { { 499500 * scale } };
    validateTableOfLongs(vt, expected);
    // hash aggregation because of no index on group by key
    cr = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "SELECT R1.dept, sum(R1.wage) " + " from R1, P1 WHERE = Group by R1.dept order by R1.dept;");
    assertEquals(ClientResponse.SUCCESS, cr.getStatus());
    vt = cr.getResults()[0];
    expected = new long[][] { { 0, 249500 * scale }, { 1, 250000 * scale } };
    validateTableOfLongs(vt, expected);
Also used : ClientResponse(org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse) NullCallback(org.voltdb.client.NullCallback) Client(org.voltdb.client.Client) VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable)

Example 14 with NullCallback

use of org.voltdb.client.NullCallback in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TestSystemProcedureSuite method testLoadMultipartitionTableAndIndexStatsAndValidatePartitioning.

public void testLoadMultipartitionTableAndIndexStatsAndValidatePartitioning() throws Exception {
    // using insert for @Load*Table
    byte upsertMode = (byte) 0;
    Client client = getClient();
    // Load a little partitioned data for the mispartitioned row check
    Random r = new Random(0);
    for (int ii = 0; ii < 50; ii++) {
        client.callProcedure(new NullCallback(), "@AdHoc", "INSERT INTO new_order values (" + (short) (r.nextDouble() * Short.MAX_VALUE) + ");");
    // try the failure case first
    try {
        client.callProcedure("@LoadMultipartitionTable", "DOES_NOT_EXIST", upsertMode, null);
        fail("ORLY - @LoadMultipartitionTable DOES_NOT_EXIST succeeds");
    } catch (ProcCallException ex) {
        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Table not present in catalog"));
    // make a TPCC warehouse table
    VoltTable partitioned_table = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_ID", org.voltdb.VoltType.SMALLINT), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_NAME", org.voltdb.VoltType.get((byte) 9)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_STREET_1", org.voltdb.VoltType.get((byte) 9)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_STREET_2", org.voltdb.VoltType.get((byte) 9)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_CITY", org.voltdb.VoltType.get((byte) 9)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_STATE", org.voltdb.VoltType.get((byte) 9)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_ZIP", org.voltdb.VoltType.get((byte) 9)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_TAX", org.voltdb.VoltType.get((byte) 8)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("W_YTD", org.voltdb.VoltType.get((byte) 8)));
    for (int i = 1; i < 21; i++) {
        Object[] row = new Object[] { new Short((short) i), "name_" + i, "street1_" + i, "street2_" + i, "city_" + i, "ma", "zip_" + i, new Double(i), new Double(i) };
    // make a TPCC item table
    VoltTable replicated_table = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("I_ID", VoltType.INTEGER), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("I_IM_ID", VoltType.INTEGER), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("I_NAME", VoltType.STRING), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("I_PRICE", VoltType.FLOAT), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("I_DATA", VoltType.STRING));
    for (int i = 1; i < 21; i++) {
        Object[] row = new Object[] { i, i, "name_" + i, new Double(i), "data_" + i };
    try {
        try {
            client.callProcedure("@LoadMultipartitionTable", "WAREHOUSE", upsertMode, partitioned_table);
            fail("ORLY - @LoadMultipartitionTable succeeds on partitioned WAREHOUSE table?");
        } catch (ProcCallException ex) {
            assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("LoadMultipartitionTable no longer supports loading partitioned tables"));
        client.callProcedure("@LoadMultipartitionTable", "ITEM", upsertMode, replicated_table);
        // 20 rows per site for the replicated table.  Wait for it...
        int rowcount = 0;
        VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("@Statistics", "table", 0).getResults();
        while (rowcount != (20 * SITES * HOSTS)) {
            rowcount = 0;
            results = client.callProcedure("@Statistics", "table", 0).getResults();
            // Check that tables loaded correctly
            while (results[0].advanceRow()) {
                if (results[0].getString("TABLE_NAME").equals("ITEM")) {
                    rowcount += results[0].getLong("TUPLE_COUNT");
        //*enable to debug*/ System.out.println(results[0]);
        // Check that tables loaded correctly
        int foundItem = 0;
        results = client.callProcedure("@Statistics", "table", 0).getResults();
        while (results[0].advanceRow()) {
            if (results[0].getString("TABLE_NAME").equals("ITEM")) {
                //Different values depending on local cluster vs. single process hence ||
                assertEquals(20, results[0].getLong("TUPLE_COUNT"));
        assertEquals(MiscUtils.isPro() ? 6 : 3, foundItem);
        // Table finally loaded fully should mean that index is okay on first read.
        VoltTable indexStats = client.callProcedure("@Statistics", "INDEX", 0).getResults()[0];
        //*enable to debug*/ System.out.println(indexStats);
        long memorySum = 0;
        while (indexStats.advanceRow()) {
            memorySum += indexStats.getLong("MEMORY_ESTIMATE");
        // It takes about a minute to spin through this 1000 times.
        // Should definitely give a 1 second tick time to fire
        long indexMemorySum = 0;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < 1000; ii++) {
            indexMemorySum = 0;
            indexStats = client.callProcedure("@Statistics", "MEMORY", 0).getResults()[0];
            //*enable to debug*/ System.out.println(indexStats);
            while (indexStats.advanceRow()) {
                indexMemorySum += indexStats.getLong("INDEXMEMORY");
            //That is a row count, not memory usage
            boolean success = indexMemorySum != 120;
            if (success) {
                success = memorySum == indexMemorySum;
                if (success) {
        //That is a row count, not memory usage
        assertTrue(indexMemorySum != 120);
        assertEquals(memorySum, indexMemorySum);
        // Test once using the current correct hash function,
        // expect no mispartitioned rows
        ClientResponse cr = client.callProcedure("@ValidatePartitioning", 0, null);
        VoltTable hashinatorMatches = cr.getResults()[1];
        while (hashinatorMatches.advanceRow()) {
            assertEquals(1L, hashinatorMatches.getLong("HASHINATOR_MATCHES"));
        VoltTable validateResult = cr.getResults()[0];
        //*enable to debug*/ System.out.println(validateResult);
        while (validateResult.advanceRow()) {
            assertEquals(0L, validateResult.getLong("MISPARTITIONED_ROWS"));
        // Test again with a bad hash function, expect mispartitioned rows
        cr = client.callProcedure("@ValidatePartitioning", 0, new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 9 });
        hashinatorMatches = cr.getResults()[1];
        while (hashinatorMatches.advanceRow()) {
            assertEquals(0L, hashinatorMatches.getLong("HASHINATOR_MATCHES"));
        validateResult = cr.getResults()[0];
        //*enable to debug*/ System.out.println(validateResult);
        while (validateResult.advanceRow()) {
            if (validateResult.getString("TABLE").equals("NEW_ORDER")) {
                assertTrue(validateResult.getLong("MISPARTITIONED_ROWS") > 0);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
Also used : ClientResponse(org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse) VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable) IOException( ProcCallException(org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException) Random(java.util.Random) NullCallback(org.voltdb.client.NullCallback) Client(org.voltdb.client.Client) ProcCallException(org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException)

Example 15 with NullCallback

use of org.voltdb.client.NullCallback in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class OneShotBenchmark method runBenchmark.

     * Core benchmark code.
     * Connect. Initialize. Run the loop. Cleanup. Print Results.
     * @throws Exception if anything unexpected happens.
public void runBenchmark() throws Exception {
    System.out.println(" Setup & Initialization");
    // connect to one or more servers, loop until success
    connect(client, config.servers);
    connect(mpClient, config.servers);
    // preload keys if requested
    if (config.preload) {
        System.out.println("Preloading data store...");
        for (int i = 0; i < config.poolsize; i++) {
            client.callProcedure(new NullCallback(), "Put", String.format(processor.KeyFormat, i), processor.generateForStore().getStoreValue());
        System.out.println("Preloading complete.\n");
    System.out.println("Starting Benchmark");
    // create/start the requested number of threads
    ArrayList<Thread> kvThreads = new ArrayList<Thread>();
    for (int i = 0; i < config.threads; ++i) {
        kvThreads.add(new Thread(new KVThread(client, true)));
    for (int i = 0; i < config.mpthreads; ++i) {
        kvThreads.add(new Thread(new KVThread(mpClient, false)));
    for (Thread thread : kvThreads) {
    // Run the benchmark loop for the requested warmup time
    System.out.println("Warming up...");
    Thread.sleep(1000l * config.warmup);
    // signal to threads to end the warmup phase
    // reset the stats after warmup
    // print periodic statistics to the console
    benchmarkStartTS = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Run the benchmark loop for the requested warmup time
    System.out.println("\nRunning benchmark...");
    Thread.sleep(1000l * config.duration);
    // stop the threads
    // cancel periodic stats printing
    // block until all outstanding txns return
    // join on the threads
    for (Thread t : kvThreads) {
    // print the summary results
    // close down the client connections
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NullCallback(org.voltdb.client.NullCallback)


NullCallback (org.voltdb.client.NullCallback)19 IOException ( ProcCallException (org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException)4 VoltTable (org.voltdb.VoltTable)3 ClientResponse (org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse)3 AtomicLong (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong)2 Client (org.voltdb.client.Client)2 GeographyPointValue (org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)2 GeographyValue (org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue)2 TimestampType (org.voltdb.types.TimestampType)2 File ( BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 InetSocketAddress ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)1 ServerSocketChannel (java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel)1 SocketChannel (java.nio.channels.SocketChannel)1 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Random (java.util.Random)1