use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestInitStartAction method testInitWithClassesAndArtifacts.
/** Tests that when there are base classes and non-class files in the stored procedures,
* that these also exist in the staged catalog.
* @throws Exception upon failure or error
public void testInitWithClassesAndArtifacts() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Loading the schema from testprocs");
File resource = new File("tests/testprocs/org/voltdb_testprocs/fakeusecase/greetings/ddl.sql");
InputStream schemaReader = new FileInputStream(resource);
assertNotNull("Could not find " + resource, schemaReader);
String schema = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(schemaReader));
System.out.println("Creating a .jar file using all of the classes associated with this test.");
InMemoryJarfile originalInMemoryJar = new InMemoryJarfile();
VoltCompiler compiler = new VoltCompiler(false, false);
ClassPath classpath = ClassPath.from(this.getClass().getClassLoader());
String packageName = "org.voltdb_testprocs.fakeusecase.greetings";
int classesFound = 0;
for (ClassInfo myclass : classpath.getTopLevelClassesRecursive(packageName)) {
compiler.addClassToJar(originalInMemoryJar, myclass.load());
// check that classes were found and loaded. If another test modifies "fakeusecase.greetings" it should modify this assert also.
assertEquals(5, classesFound);
System.out.println("Writing " + classesFound + " classes to jar file");
File classesJarfile = File.createTempFile("TestInitStartWithClasses-procedures", ".jar");
Configuration c1 = new Configuration(new String[] { "initialize", "voltdbroot", rootDH.getPath(), "force", "schema", resource.getPath(), "classes", classesJarfile.getPath() });
ServerThread server = new ServerThread(c1);
validateStagedCatalog(schema, originalInMemoryJar);
use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestLiveDDLSchemaSwitch method verifyMasterWithAdhocDDL.
void verifyMasterWithAdhocDDL() throws Exception {
// UAC with schema should fail
boolean threw = false;
try {
m_client.updateApplicationCatalog(new File(m_pathToCatalog), null);
} catch (ProcCallException pce) {
threw = true;
assertTrue(pce.getMessage().contains("Use of @UpdateApplicationCatalog is forbidden"));
assertTrue("@UAC should have failed", threw);
// But, we can create that table with Adhoc DDL
try {
m_client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "create table FOO (ID integer, VAL varchar(50));");
} catch (ProcCallException pce) {
fail("Should be able to use Adhoc DDL to create a table.");
// And so should adhoc queries
// If the procedure doesn't already exist, add it using @UpdateClasses
if (!findClassInSystemCatalog("org.voltdb_testprocs.fullddlfeatures.testImportProc")) {
// Also, @UpdateClasses should only work with adhoc DDL
InMemoryJarfile jarfile = new InMemoryJarfile();
VoltCompiler comp = new VoltCompiler(false);
comp.addClassToJar(jarfile, org.voltdb_testprocs.fullddlfeatures.testImportProc.class);
try {
m_client.callProcedure("@UpdateClasses", jarfile.getFullJarBytes(), null);
} catch (ProcCallException pce) {
fail("Should be able to call @UpdateClasses when adhoc DDL enabled.");
use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestInitStartAction method validateStagedCatalog.
* "voltdb init --schema --procedures" tests:
* 1. Positive test with valid schema that requires no procedures
* 2a. Positive test with valid schema and procedures that are in CLASSPATH
* 2b. Negative test with valid files but not "init --force"
* 3. Negative test with a bad schema
* 4. Negative test with procedures missing
* Note that SimulatedExitException is thrown by the command line parser with no descriptive details.
* VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB() throws an AssertionError with the message "Faux crash of VoltDB successful."
/** Verifies that the staged catalog matches what VoltCompiler emits given the supplied schema.
* @param schema Schema used to generate the staged catalog
* @throws Exception upon test failure or error (unable to write temp file for example)
private void validateStagedCatalog(String schema, InMemoryJarfile proceduresJar) throws Exception {
// setup reference point for the supplied schema
File schemaFile = VoltProjectBuilder.writeStringToTempFile(schema);
File referenceFile = File.createTempFile("reference", ".jar");
VoltCompiler compiler = new VoltCompiler(false);
final boolean success = compiler.compileFromDDL(referenceFile.getAbsolutePath(), schemaFile.getPath());
assertEquals(true, success);
InMemoryJarfile referenceCatalogJar = new InMemoryJarfile(referenceFile);
Catalog referenceCatalog = new Catalog();
// verify that the staged catalog is identical
File stagedJarFile = new VoltFile(RealVoltDB.getStagedCatalogPath(rootDH.getPath() + File.separator + "voltdbroot"));
assertEquals(true, stagedJarFile.isFile());
InMemoryJarfile stagedCatalogJar = new InMemoryJarfile(stagedJarFile);
Catalog stagedCatalog = new Catalog();
assertEquals(true, referenceCatalog.equals(stagedCatalog));
assertEquals(true, stagedCatalog.equals(referenceCatalog));
assertEquals(true, referenceFile.delete());
assertEquals(true, schemaFile.delete());
if (proceduresJar != null) {
// Validate that the list of files in the supplied jarfile are present in the staged catalog also.
InMemoryJarfile strippedReferenceJar = CatalogUtil.getCatalogJarWithoutDefaultArtifacts(proceduresJar);
InMemoryJarfile strippedTestJar = CatalogUtil.getCatalogJarWithoutDefaultArtifacts(stagedCatalogJar);
for (Entry<String, byte[]> entry : strippedReferenceJar.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("Checking " + entry.getKey());
byte[] testClass = strippedTestJar.get(entry.getKey());
assertNotNull(entry.getKey() + " was not found in staged catalog", testClass);
assertArrayEquals(entry.getValue(), testClass);
use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestJdbcDatabaseMetaDataGenerator method compileForDDLTest2.
private VoltCompiler compileForDDLTest2(String ddl) throws Exception {
String ddlPath = getPathForSchema(ddl);
final VoltCompiler compiler = new VoltCompiler(false);
boolean success = compiler.compileFromDDL(testout_jar, ddlPath);
assertTrue("Catalog compile failed!", success);
return compiler;
use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestJdbcDatabaseMetaDataGenerator method testGetPrimaryKeys.
public void testGetPrimaryKeys() throws Exception {
String schema = "create table Table1 (Column1 smallint not null, constraint primary1 primary key (Column1));" + "partition table Table1 on column Column1;" + "create table Table2 (Column2 smallint not null, Column3 smallint not null, Column4 smallint not null, " + " constraint primary2 primary key (Column2, Column3, Column4));" + "create procedure sample as select * from Table1;";
VoltCompiler c = compileForDDLTest2(schema);
JdbcDatabaseMetaDataGenerator dut = new JdbcDatabaseMetaDataGenerator(c.getCatalog(), null, new InMemoryJarfile(testout_jar));
VoltTable pkeys = dut.getMetaData("PrimaryKeys");
assertEquals(6, pkeys.getColumnCount());
assertEquals(4, pkeys.getRowCount());
assertTrue(VoltTableTestHelpers.moveToMatchingRow(pkeys, "COLUMN_NAME", "Column1"));
assertEquals("TABLE1", pkeys.get("TABLE_NAME", VoltType.STRING));
assertEquals((short) 1, pkeys.get("KEY_SEQ", VoltType.SMALLINT));
assertEquals("PRIMARY1", pkeys.get("PK_NAME", VoltType.STRING));
assertTrue(VoltTableTestHelpers.moveToMatchingRow(pkeys, "COLUMN_NAME", "Column2"));
assertEquals("TABLE2", pkeys.get("TABLE_NAME", VoltType.STRING));
assertEquals((short) 1, pkeys.get("KEY_SEQ", VoltType.SMALLINT));
assertEquals("PRIMARY2", pkeys.get("PK_NAME", VoltType.STRING));
assertTrue(VoltTableTestHelpers.moveToMatchingRow(pkeys, "COLUMN_NAME", "Column3"));
assertEquals("TABLE2", pkeys.get("TABLE_NAME", VoltType.STRING));
assertEquals((short) 2, pkeys.get("KEY_SEQ", VoltType.SMALLINT));
assertEquals("PRIMARY2", pkeys.get("PK_NAME", VoltType.STRING));
assertTrue(VoltTableTestHelpers.moveToMatchingRow(pkeys, "COLUMN_NAME", "Column4"));
assertEquals("TABLE2", pkeys.get("TABLE_NAME", VoltType.STRING));
assertEquals((short) 3, pkeys.get("KEY_SEQ", VoltType.SMALLINT));
assertEquals("PRIMARY2", pkeys.get("PK_NAME", VoltType.STRING));