use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltProjectBuilder in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestCatalogDiffs method testConnectorPropertiesChanges.
public void testConnectorPropertiesChanges() throws Exception {
// not supported in community
if (!MiscUtils.isPro()) {
String testDir = BuildDirectoryUtils.getBuildDirectoryPath();
final String ddl = "CREATE STREAM export_data export to target default ( id BIGINT default 0 , value BIGINT DEFAULT 0 );";
VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
final String origXml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>" + "<deployment>" + "<cluster hostcount='3' kfactor='1' sitesperhost='2'/>" + " <export>" + " <configuration target='default' enabled='true' type='file'>" + " <property name=\"type\">CSV</property>" + " <property name=\"with-schema\">false</property>" + " <property name=\"nonce\">pre-fix</property>" + " <property name=\"outdir\">" + m_dir + "</property>" + " </configuration>" + " </export>" + "</deployment>";
builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "propexport1.jar");
Catalog origCat = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "propexport1.jar");
final File origFile = VoltProjectBuilder.writeStringToTempFile(origXml);
DeploymentType origDepl = CatalogUtil.getDeployment(new FileInputStream(origFile));
String msg = CatalogUtil.compileDeployment(origCat, origDepl, false);
assertTrue("Deployment file failed to parse: " + msg, msg == null);
final String newPropXml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>" + "<deployment>" + "<cluster hostcount='3' kfactor='1' sitesperhost='2'/>" + " <export>" + " <configuration target='default' enabled='true' type='file'>" + " <property name=\"type\">CSV</property>" + " <property name=\"with-schema\">false</property>" + " <property name=\"nonce\">pre-fix</property>" + " <property name=\"outdir\">" + m_dir + "</property>" + " <property name=\"iamnew\">see_me_roar</property>" + " </configuration>" + " </export>" + "</deployment>";
builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "propexport2.jar");
Catalog newPropCat = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "propexport2.jar");
final File newPropFile = VoltProjectBuilder.writeStringToTempFile(newPropXml);
DeploymentType newPropDepl = CatalogUtil.getDeployment(new FileInputStream(newPropFile));
msg = CatalogUtil.compileDeployment(newPropCat, newPropDepl, false);
assertTrue("Deployment file failed to parse: " + msg, msg == null);
final String modPropXml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>" + "<deployment>" + "<cluster hostcount='3' kfactor='1' sitesperhost='2'/>" + " <export>" + " <configuration target='default' enabled='true' type='file'>" + " <property name=\"type\">TSV</property>" + " <property name=\"with-schema\">true</property>" + " <property name=\"nonce\">pre-fix-other</property>" + " <property name=\"outdir\">" + m_dir + "</property>" + " </configuration>" + " </export>" + "</deployment>";
builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "propexport3.jar");
Catalog modPropCat = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "propexport3.jar");
final File modPropFile = VoltProjectBuilder.writeStringToTempFile(modPropXml);
DeploymentType modPropDepl = CatalogUtil.getDeployment(new FileInputStream(modPropFile));
msg = CatalogUtil.compileDeployment(modPropCat, modPropDepl, false);
assertTrue("Deployment file failed to parse: " + msg, msg == null);
final String modTypeXml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>" + "<deployment>" + "<cluster hostcount='3' kfactor='1' sitesperhost='2'/>" + " <export>" + " <configuration target='default' enabled='false' type='custom' exportconnectorclass=\"org.voltdb.exportclient.NoOpTestExportClient\" >" + " <property name=\"foo\">false</property>" + " <property name=\"type\">CSV</property>" + " <property name=\"with-schema\">false</property>" + " </configuration>" + " </export>" + "</deployment>";
builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "propexport4.jar");
Catalog modTypeCat = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "propexport4.jar");
final File modTypeFile = VoltProjectBuilder.writeStringToTempFile(modTypeXml);
DeploymentType modTypeDepl = CatalogUtil.getDeployment(new FileInputStream(modTypeFile));
msg = CatalogUtil.compileDeployment(modTypeCat, modTypeDepl, false);
assertTrue("Deployment file failed to parse: " + msg, msg == null);
// test delete
verifyDiff(newPropCat, origCat, null, null, true, true, false);
// test add
verifyDiff(origCat, newPropCat, null, null, true, true, false);
// test modification
verifyDiff(origCat, modPropCat, null, null, true, true, false);
// test modification
verifyDiff(modPropCat, modTypeCat, null, null, true, true, false);
use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltProjectBuilder in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestCatalogDiffs method testDropTable.
public void testDropTable() throws IOException {
// Start with table A and B.
VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
builder.addPartitionInfo("A", "C1");
builder.addPartitionInfo("B", "C1");
builder.addProcedures(org.voltdb.catalog.ProcedureA.class, org.voltdb.catalog.ProcedureB.class);
String testDir = BuildDirectoryUtils.getBuildDirectoryPath();
assertTrue("Failed to compile schema", builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "testdroptable1.jar"));
Catalog catOriginal = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "testdroptable1.jar");
// Create a catalog with just table A
Catalog catUpdated = getCatalogForTable("A", "droptable2");
verifyDiff(catOriginal, catUpdated, false, null, true, false, true);
use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltProjectBuilder in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestCatalogDiffs method testModifyMaterializedViewStructureRejectedIfEmpty.
public void testModifyMaterializedViewStructureRejectedIfEmpty() throws IOException {
String testDir = BuildDirectoryUtils.getBuildDirectoryPath();
// with a view
VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE TABLE A (C1 BIGINT NOT NULL, C2 BIGINT NOT NULL);");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE TABLE B (C1 BIGINT NOT NULL, C2 BIGINT NOT NULL);");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE VIEW MATVIEW(C1, NUM) AS " + "\n SELECT C1, COUNT(*) FROM A GROUP BY C1;");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE VIEW MATVIEWJOIN(C1, NUM) AS " + "\n SELECT A.C1, COUNT(*) FROM A JOIN B ON A.C1=B.C2 GROUP BY A.C1;");
builder.addPartitionInfo("A", "C1");
assertTrue("Failed to compile schema", builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "modmatview1.jar"));
Catalog catOriginal = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "modmatview1.jar");
// with a quite different view
builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE TABLE A (C1 BIGINT NOT NULL, C2 BIGINT NOT NULL);");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE TABLE B (C1 BIGINT NOT NULL, C2 BIGINT NOT NULL);");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE VIEW MATVIEW(C2, C1, NUM) AS " + "\n SELECT C2, C1, COUNT(*) FROM A GROUP BY C2, C1;");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE VIEW MATVIEWJOIN(C1, NUM) AS " + "\n SELECT A.C2, COUNT(*) FROM A JOIN B ON A.C1=B.C1 GROUP BY A.C2;");
builder.addPartitionInfo("A", "C1");
assertTrue("Failed to compile schema", builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "modmatview2.jar"));
Catalog catUpdated = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "modmatview2.jar");
verifyDiffIfEmptyTable(catOriginal, catUpdated);
use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltProjectBuilder in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestCatalogDiffs method testDiffOfIdenticalCatalogs.
public void testDiffOfIdenticalCatalogs() throws IOException {
String testDir = BuildDirectoryUtils.getBuildDirectoryPath();
VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE TABLE A (C1 BIGINT NOT NULL, C2 BIGINT NOT NULL);");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE TABLE B (C1 BIGINT NOT NULL, C2 BIGINT NOT NULL);");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE VIEW MATVIEW(C1, NUM) AS " + "\n SELECT C1, COUNT(*) FROM A GROUP BY C1;");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE VIEW MATVIEWJOIN(C1, NUM) AS " + "\n SELECT A.C1, COUNT(*) FROM A JOIN B ON A.C1=B.C2 GROUP BY A.C1;");
builder.addPartitionInfo("A", "C1");
assertTrue("Failed to compile schema", builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "identical3.jar"));
Catalog c3 = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "identical3.jar");
builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE TABLE A (C1 BIGINT NOT NULL, C2 BIGINT NOT NULL);");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE TABLE B (C1 BIGINT NOT NULL, C2 BIGINT NOT NULL);");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE VIEW MATVIEW(C1, NUM) AS " + "\n SELECT C1, COUNT(*) FROM A GROUP BY C1;");
builder.addLiteralSchema("\nCREATE VIEW MATVIEWJOIN(C1, NUM) AS " + "\n SELECT A.C1, COUNT(*) FROM A JOIN B ON A.C1=B.C2 GROUP BY A.C1;");
builder.addPartitionInfo("A", "C1");
assertTrue("Failed to compile schema", builder.compile(testDir + File.separator + "identical4.jar"));
Catalog c4 = catalogForJar(testDir + File.separator + "identical4.jar");
CatalogDiffEngine diff = new CatalogDiffEngine(c3, c4);
// don't reach this point.
String updatedOriginalSerialized = c3.serialize();
assertEquals(updatedOriginalSerialized, c4.serialize());
use of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltProjectBuilder in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestCatalogDiffs method generateCatalogWithDeployment.
private static Catalog generateCatalogWithDeployment(String ddl, String defaultDepXml) throws IOException {
VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
final File jarPath = VoltFile.createTempFile("drrole", "jar");
Catalog catalog = catalogForJar(jarPath.getAbsolutePath());
File file = VoltProjectBuilder.writeStringToTempFile(defaultDepXml);
DeploymentType deployment = CatalogUtil.getDeployment(new FileInputStream(file));
CatalogUtil.compileDeployment(catalog, deployment, false);
return catalog;