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Example 11 with GeographyPointValue

use of org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TestPolygonFactory method makeRegularConvexPolygons.

     * Create many regular convex polygons.  In returnValue.get(n).get(k) we put an
     * (n+3)-sided polygon with the given center and start vertex, with hole size
     * equal to k/numHoleSizes.  If k == 0 there is no hole.  Note that k ranges between
     * 0 and 4, so k/NumHoleSizes ranges between 0 and (1-1/numHoleSizes).  If k == 0
     * there is no hole.
     * @return
private static List<List<GeographyValue>> makeRegularConvexPolygons(GeographyPointValue firstCenter, GeographyPointValue firstFirstVertex, int minNumberVertices, int maxNumberVertices, int numHoleSizes, double xmul, double ymul) {
    List<List<GeographyValue>> answer = new ArrayList<List<GeographyValue>>();
    for (int numVertices = minNumberVertices; numVertices <= maxNumberVertices; numVertices += 1) {
        int idx = numVertices - minNumberVertices;
        List<GeographyValue> oneSize = new ArrayList<GeographyValue>();
        // The x coordinate is humHoleSizes*idx.
        GeographyPointValue sCenter = firstCenter.add(x.mul(numHoleSizes * idx));
        for (int hidx = 0; hidx < numHoleSizes; hidx += 1) {
            // The y coordinate is ymul * hidx.
            GeographyPointValue offset = sCenter.add(y.mul(ymul * hidx));
            GeographyPointValue center = firstCenter.add(offset);
            GeographyPointValue firstVertex = firstFirstVertex.add(offset);
            oneSize.add(PolygonFactory.CreateRegularConvex(center, firstVertex, numVertices, (hidx + 0.0) / numHoleSizes));
    return answer;
Also used : GeographyValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GeographyPointValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)

Example 12 with GeographyPointValue

use of org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TestPolygonFactory method main.

     * This main routine is useful for manual testing.  The idea is that one
     * runs this routine and WKT polygons are printed.  These can be displayed
     * with qgis or some other display tool.
     * @param arg
public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean doStars = false;
    boolean doRegs = false;
    int minVerts = 3;
    int maxVerts = 12;
    int numIRs = 5;
    int numHoles = 5;
    double xmul = 3.0;
    double ymul = 3.0;
    for (int arg = 0; arg < args.length; arg += 1) {
        if (args[arg].equals("--stars")) {
            doStars = true;
        } else if (args[arg].equals("--reg")) {
            doRegs = true;
        } else if (args[arg].equals("--minVerts")) {
            minVerts = getIntArg(args, ++arg, "--minVerts expects one integer parameters");
        } else if (args[arg].equals("--maxVerts")) {
            maxVerts = getIntArg(args, ++arg, "--maxVerts expects one integer parameters");
        } else if (args[arg].equals("--numHoles")) {
            numHoles = getIntArg(args, ++arg, "--numHoles expects one integer parameter");
        } else if (args[arg].equals("--numIRs")) {
            numIRs = getIntArg(args, ++arg, "--numIRs expects one integer parameter");
        } else if (args[arg].equals("--xmul")) {
            xmul = getDoubleArg(args, ++arg, "--xmul expects one double parameter");
        } else if (args[arg].equals("--ymul")) {
            ymul = getDoubleArg(args, ++arg, "--ymul expects one double parameter");
        } else {
            System.err.printf("Unknown command line parameter \"%s\"\n", args[arg]);
    GeographyPointValue center = origin.add(x.mul(10).add(y.mul(10)));
    GeographyPointValue firstVertex = center.add(x.mul(CENTER_SHRINK * xmul).add(y.mul(CENTER_SHRINK * ymul)));
    if (doRegs) {
        List<List<GeographyValue>> polys = makeRegularConvexPolygons(center, firstVertex, minVerts, maxVerts, numHoles, xmul, ymul);
        for (int nsides = 0; nsides < polys.size(); nsides += 1) {
            for (int holeSize = 0; holeSize < 5; holeSize += 1) {
                System.out.printf("%s\n", formatWKT(polys.get(nsides).get(holeSize).toString()));
    if (doStars) {
        GeographyPointValue scenter = center;
        GeographyPointValue sfirstVertex = firstVertex;
        List<List<List<GeographyValue>>> stars = makeStarPolygons(scenter, sfirstVertex, minVerts, maxVerts, numIRs, numHoles, xmul, ymul);
        for (int nsides = 0; nsides < stars.size(); nsides += 1) {
            List<List<GeographyValue>> oneSize = stars.get(nsides);
            for (int innerRadiusIdx = 0; innerRadiusIdx < oneSize.size(); innerRadiusIdx += 1) {
                List<GeographyValue> oneInnerRadius = oneSize.get(innerRadiusIdx);
                for (int holeSizeIdx = 0; holeSizeIdx < oneInnerRadius.size(); holeSizeIdx += 1) {
                    GeographyValue oneStar = oneInnerRadius.get(holeSizeIdx);
                    System.out.printf("%s\n", formatWKT(oneStar.toString()));
Also used : GeographyValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GeographyPointValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)

Example 13 with GeographyPointValue

use of org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TestPolygonFactory method testRegularConvexPolygon.

public void testRegularConvexPolygon() throws Exception {
    // Test a triangle.
    GeographyValue pt3 = PolygonFactory.CreateRegularConvex(origin, y.mul(20.0), 3, 0);
    String triangle = "POLYGON ((0.0 20.0, -17.320508075689 -10.0, 17.320508075689 -10.0, 0.0 20.0))";
    assertEquals(triangle, pt3.toString());
    // Test a square.
    GeographyValue pt4 = PolygonFactory.CreateRegularConvex(origin, y.mul(20).add(x.mul(20)), 4, 0);
    String square = "POLYGON ((20.0 20.0, -20.0 20.0, -20.0 -20.0, 20.0 -20.0, 20.0 20.0))";
    assertEquals(square, pt4.toString());
    GeographyPointValue offset = x.mul(20).add(y.mul(20));
    GeographyValue pt4plus = pt4.add(offset);
    String squareOff = "POLYGON ((40.0 40.0, 0.0 40.0, 0.0 0.0, 40.0 0.0, 40.0 40.0))";
    assertEquals(squareOff, pt4plus.toString());
    // For n = 3 to 10, generate a regular polygon with n points
    // centered at the origin starting at the given start vertex.
    GeographyPointValue startVertex = x.add(y);
    for (int npts = 3; npts < 10; npts += 1) {
        GeographyValue regularConvex = PolygonFactory.CreateRegularConvex(origin, startVertex, npts, 0.0);
        List<List<GeographyPointValue>> loops = regularConvex.getRings();
        assertEquals(1, loops.size());
        List<GeographyPointValue> loop = loops.get(0);
        assertEquals(npts + 1, loop.size());
        regularConvex = PolygonFactory.CreateRegularConvex(origin, startVertex, npts, 0.5);
        loops = regularConvex.getRings();
        assertEquals(2, loops.size());
        assertEquals(npts + 1, loops.get(0).size());
        assertEquals(npts + 1, loops.get(1).size());
Also used : GeographyValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GeographyPointValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)

Example 14 with GeographyPointValue

use of org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SampleGeoRecord method nextGeography.

// POLYGON ( ( 1.5 3.0, 0.0 0.0, 3.0 0.0, 1.5 3.0 ) )
private static Object nextGeography(Random rand, boolean isNullable, int minLength, int maxLength) {
    if (isNullable && rand.nextBoolean())
        return null;
    // we need to have at least 4 vertices
    int numVertices = rand.nextInt(6) + 4;
    double sizeOfHole = rand.nextDouble();
    GeographyPointValue center = GeographyPointValue.fromWKT("POINT(0 0)");
    GeographyPointValue firstVertex = GeographyPointValue.fromWKT("POINT(1 1)");
    GeographyValue poly = PolygonFactory.CreateRegularConvex(center, firstVertex, numVertices, sizeOfHole);
    return poly;
Also used : GeographyValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue) GeographyPointValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)

Example 15 with GeographyPointValue

use of org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class ProcToTestTypeConversion method getInListParameter.

private Object getInListParameter(byte valueTypeToPopulateWith, boolean strTs) {
    VoltType toType = VoltType.get(valueTypeToPopulateWith);
    switch(toType) {
        case TINYINT:
            byte[] tinyValue = { m_byteVal, m_byteVal };
            return tinyValue;
        case SMALLINT:
            short[] shortValue = { m_shortVal, m_shortVal };
            return shortValue;
        case INTEGER:
            int[] intValue = { m_intVal, m_intVal };
            return intValue;
        case BIGINT:
            long[] bigintValue = { m_bigIntVal, m_bigIntVal };
            return bigintValue;
        case FLOAT:
            double[] floatValue = { m_floatVal, m_floatVal };
            return floatValue;
        case DECIMAL:
            BigDecimal[] bigdecValue = { m_bigDecVal, m_bigDecVal };
            return bigdecValue;
        case TIMESTAMP:
            TimestampType[] tsValue = { m_tsVal, m_tsVal };
            return tsValue;
        case STRING:
            String str = strTs ? m_strTs : m_strNum;
            String[] strValue = { str, str };
            return strValue;
        case VARBINARY:
            byte[][] binValue = { { m_byteVal, m_byteVal }, { m_byteVal, m_byteVal } };
            return binValue;
        case GEOGRAPHY_POINT:
            GeographyPointValue[] ptValue = { m_pt, m_pt };
            return ptValue;
        case GEOGRAPHY:
            GeographyValue[] polyValue = { m_poly, m_poly };
            return polyValue;
            assert (false);
    return null;
Also used : GeographyValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) VoltType(org.voltdb.VoltType) TimestampType(org.voltdb.types.TimestampType) GeographyPointValue(org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)


GeographyPointValue (org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)38 GeographyValue (org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue)23 VoltTable (org.voltdb.VoltTable)11 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)10 TimestampType (org.voltdb.types.TimestampType)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 List (java.util.List)9 Client (org.voltdb.client.Client)7 IOException ( JSONString (org.json_voltpatches.JSONString)3 VoltType (org.voltdb.VoltType)3 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)2 ColumnInfo (org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo)2 NullCallback (org.voltdb.client.NullCallback)2 File ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)1 InetSocketAddress ( ServerSocketChannel (java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel)1 SocketChannel (java.nio.channels.SocketChannel)1 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)1