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Example 11 with TimestampType

use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TPCCSimulation method doPayment.

/** Executes a payment transaction. */
public void doPayment() throws IOException {
    int x = generator.number(1, 100);
    int y = generator.number(1, 100);
    short w_id = generateWarehouseId();
    byte d_id = generateDistrict();
    short c_w_id;
    byte c_d_id;
    if (parameters.warehouses == 1 || x <= 85) {
        // 85%: paying through own warehouse (or there is only 1 warehouse)
        c_w_id = w_id;
        c_d_id = d_id;
    } else {
        // 15%: paying through another warehouse:
        // select in range [1, num_warehouses] excluding w_id
        c_w_id = (short) generator.numberExcluding(1, parameters.warehouses, w_id);
        assert c_w_id != w_id;
        c_d_id = generateDistrict();
    double h_amount = generator.fixedPoint(2, Constants.MIN_PAYMENT, Constants.MAX_PAYMENT);
    TimestampType now = clock.getDateTime();
    if (y <= 60) {
        // 60%: payment by last name
        String c_last = generator.makeRandomLastName(parameters.customersPerDistrict);
        client.callPaymentByName(w_id, d_id, h_amount, c_w_id, c_d_id, c_last, now);
    } else {
        // 40%: payment by id
        assert y > 60;
        client.callPaymentById(w_id, d_id, h_amount, c_w_id, c_d_id, generateCID(), now);
Also used : TimestampType(org.voltdb.types.TimestampType)

Example 12 with TimestampType

use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class PassAllArgTypes method run.

public VoltTable[] run(byte b, byte[] bArray, short s, short[] sArray, int i, int[] iArray, long l, long[] lArray, String str, byte[] bString, TimestampType tst, java.util.Date utild, java.sql.Date sqld, java.sql.Timestamp ts) throws VoltAbortException {
    if (b != 100)
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (bArray[0] != 100 || bArray[1] != 101 || bArray[2] != 102)
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (s != 32000)
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (sArray[0] != 32000 || sArray[1] != 32001 || sArray[2] != 32002)
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (i != 2147483640)
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (iArray[0] != 2147483640 || iArray[1] != 2147483641 || iArray[2] != 2147483642)
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (l != Long.MAX_VALUE - 10)
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (lArray[0] != Long.MAX_VALUE - 10 || lArray[1] != Long.MAX_VALUE - 9 || lArray[2] != Long.MAX_VALUE - 8)
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (!str.equals("foo"))
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    try {
        if (!(new String(bString, "UTF-8").equals("bar")))
            throw new VoltAbortException();
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    if (!tst.equals(new TimestampType(MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH_TEST_VALUE * 1000))) {
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (!utild.equals(new java.util.Date(MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH_TEST_VALUE))) {
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (!sqld.equals(new java.sql.Date(MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH_TEST_VALUE))) {
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    if (!ts.equals(new java.sql.Timestamp(MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH_TEST_VALUE))) {
        throw new VoltAbortException();
    VoltTable result0 = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("b", VoltType.typeFromClass(byte.class)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("bArray", VoltType.typeFromClass(byte[].class)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("s", VoltType.typeFromClass(short.class)), // new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("sArray", VoltType.typeFromClass(short[].class)),
    new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("i", VoltType.typeFromClass(int.class)), // new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("iArray", VoltType.typeFromClass(int[].class)),
    new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("l", VoltType.typeFromClass(long.class)), // new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("lArray", VoltType.typeFromClass(long[].class)),
    new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("str", VoltType.typeFromClass(String.class)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("bString", VoltType.typeFromClass(byte[].class)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("tst", VoltType.typeFromClass(TimestampType.class)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("utild", VoltType.typeFromClass(java.util.Date.class)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("sqld", VoltType.typeFromClass(java.sql.Date.class)), new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("ts", VoltType.typeFromClass(java.sql.Timestamp.class)));
    result0.addRow(b, bArray, s, /*sArray,*/
    i, /*iArray,*/
    l, /*lArray,*/
    str, bString, tst, utild, sqld, ts);
    VoltTable result1 = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("sArray", VoltType.typeFromClass(short.class)));
    for (int j = 0; j < sArray.length; j++) {
    VoltTable result2 = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("iArray", VoltType.typeFromClass(int.class)));
    for (int j = 0; j < iArray.length; j++) {
    VoltTable result3 = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("lArray", VoltType.typeFromClass(long.class)));
    for (int j = 0; j < lArray.length; j++) {
    return new VoltTable[] { result0, result1, result2, result3 };
Also used : UnsupportedEncodingException( TimestampType(org.voltdb.types.TimestampType) VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable)

Example 13 with TimestampType

use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class AllTypesUpdateJavaAbort method run.

public long run(int id) {
    // update 100 times using different values
    byte base = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++, base++) {
        char[] uninlineable = new char[1000];
        for (int j = 0; j < uninlineable.length; j++) uninlineable[j] = (char) (base + 32);
        voltQueueSQL(update, base + 1, base + 2, base + 3, new TimestampType().getTime(), (double) base / 100.0, new BigDecimal(base), String.valueOf(base + 32), String.valueOf(uninlineable), id);
    long tupleChanged = voltExecuteSQL()[0].asScalarLong();
    assert (tupleChanged > 0);
    throw new VoltAbortException("Hungry Chicken");
Also used : TimestampType(org.voltdb.types.TimestampType) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 14 with TimestampType

use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class AllTypesUpdateJavaError method run.

public long run(int id) {
    // update 100 times using different values
    byte base = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++, base++) {
        char[] uninlineable = new char[1000];
        for (int j = 0; j < uninlineable.length; j++) uninlineable[j] = (char) (base + 32);
        voltQueueSQL(update, base + 1, base + 2, base + 3, new TimestampType().getTime(), (double) base / 100.0, new BigDecimal(base), String.valueOf(base + 32), String.valueOf(uninlineable), id);
    long tupleChanged = voltExecuteSQL()[0].asScalarLong();
    assert (tupleChanged > 0);
    // divide by 0 to ensure the transaction gets rolled back
    return (5 / 0);
Also used : TimestampType(org.voltdb.types.TimestampType) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 15 with TimestampType

use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TestTPCCSuite method testPAYMENT.

public void testPAYMENT() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
    Client client = getClient();
    // create a District, Warehouse, and 4 Customers (multiple, since we
    // want to test for correct behavior of paymentByCustomerName.
    // long d_id, long d_w_id, String d_name, String d_street_1, String
    // d_street_2, String d_city, String d_state, String d_zip, double
    // d_tax, double d_ytd, long d_next_o_id
    final double initialYTD = 15241.45;
    VoltTable district = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", D_ID, W_ID, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", .0825, initialYTD, 21L).getResults()[0];
    // check that a district was inserted
    assertEquals(1L, district.asScalarLong());
    // long w_id, String w_name, String w_street_1, String w_street_2,
    // String w_city, String w_zip, double w_tax, long w_ytd
    VoltTable warehouse = client.callProcedure("InsertWarehouse", W_ID, "EZ Street WHouse", "Headquarters", "77 Mass. Ave.", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", .1234, initialYTD).getResults()[0];
    // check for successful insertion.
    assertEquals(1L, warehouse.asScalarLong());
    // long c_id, long c_d_id, long c_w_id, String c_first, String c_middle,
    // String c_last, String c_street_1, String c_street_2, String d_city,
    // String d_state, String d_zip, String c_phone, Date c_since, String
    // c_credit, double c_credit_lim, double c_discount, double c_balance,
    // double c_ytd_payment, double c_payment_cnt, double c_delivery_cnt,
    // String c_data
    final double initialBalance = 15.75;
    VoltTable customer1 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID, D_ID, W_ID, "I", "Be", "lastname", "Place", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "91083", "(193) 099 - 9082", new TimestampType(), "BC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 0L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
    // check for successful insertion.
    assertEquals(1L, customer1.asScalarLong());
    VoltTable customer2 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 1, D_ID, W_ID, "We", "R", "Customer", "Random Department", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "13908", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 1L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
    // check for successful insertion.
    assertEquals(1L, customer2.asScalarLong());
    VoltTable customer3 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 2, D_ID, W_ID, "Who", "Is", "Customer", "Receiving", "450 Mass F.X.", "BiggerPlace", "CI", "91083", "(541) 931 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19899324.21, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 2L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
    // check for successful insertion.
    assertEquals(1L, customer3.asScalarLong());
    VoltTable customer4 = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID + 3, D_ID, W_ID, "ICanBe", "", "Customer", "street", "place", "BiggerPlace", "MA", "91083", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 3L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
    // check for successful insertion.
    assertEquals(1L, customer4.asScalarLong());
    // long d_id, long w_id, double h_amount, String c_last, long c_w_id,
    // long c_d_id
    final double paymentAmount = 500.25;
    VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("paymentByCustomerName", W_ID, D_ID, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID, "Customer", new TimestampType()).getResults();
    assertEquals(3, results.length);
    // check that the middle "Customer" was returned
    assertEquals(C_ID + 1, results[2].fetchRow(0).getLong("c_id"));
    assertEquals("", results[2].fetchRow(0).getString("c_data"));
    // Verify that both warehouse, district and customer were updated
    // correctly
    VoltTable[] allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll").getResults();
    warehouse = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("WAREHOUSE")];
    assertEquals(1, warehouse.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, warehouse.fetchRow(0).getDouble("W_YTD"));
    district = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("DISTRICT")];
    assertEquals(1, district.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, district.fetchRow(0).getDouble("D_YTD"));
    customer1 = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("CUSTOMER")];
    assertEquals(4, customer1.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(C_ID + 1, customer1.fetchRow(1).getLong("C_ID"));
    assertEquals(initialBalance - paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_BALANCE"));
    assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_YTD_PAYMENT"));
    assertEquals(2, customer1.fetchRow(1).getLong("C_PAYMENT_CNT"));
    // long d_id, long w_id, double h_amount, String c_last, long c_w_id,
    // long c_d_id
    results = client.callProcedure("paymentByCustomerId", W_ID, D_ID, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID, C_ID, new TimestampType()).getResults();
    // Also tests badcredit case.
    assertEquals(3, results.length);
    assertEquals(C_ID, results[2].fetchRow(0).getLong("c_id"));
    // bad credit: insert history into c_data
    String data = results[2].fetchRow(0).getString("c_data");
    assertTrue(data.startsWith(new Long(C_ID).toString()));
    // Verify that both warehouse and district's ytd values were incremented
    // correctly
    allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll").getResults();
    warehouse = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("WAREHOUSE")];
    assertEquals(1, warehouse.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount * 2, warehouse.fetchRow(0).getDouble("W_YTD"));
    district = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("DISTRICT")];
    assertEquals(1, district.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount * 2, district.fetchRow(0).getDouble("D_YTD"));
    customer1 = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("CUSTOMER")];
    assertEquals(4, customer1.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(C_ID, customer1.fetchRow(0).getLong("C_ID"));
    assertEquals(initialBalance - paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_BALANCE"));
    assertEquals(initialYTD + paymentAmount, customer1.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_YTD_PAYMENT"));
    assertEquals(1, customer1.fetchRow(0).getLong("C_PAYMENT_CNT"));
Also used : TimestampType(org.voltdb.types.TimestampType) Client(org.voltdb.client.Client) VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable)


TimestampType (org.voltdb.types.TimestampType)127 VoltTable (org.voltdb.VoltTable)37 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)30 Test (org.junit.Test)23 Client (org.voltdb.client.Client)19 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 IOException ( GeographyValue (org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue)11 GeographyPointValue (org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue)10 Date (java.util.Date)9 File ( VoltTableRow (org.voltdb.VoltTableRow)7 ProcCallException (org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException)7 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)5 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)5 ColumnInfo (org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo)5 ClientResponse (org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse)5 Random (java.util.Random)4 VoltType (org.voltdb.VoltType)3 UnsupportedEncodingException (