use of org.webpieces.ctx.api.RequestContext in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class Actions method redirectFlashAll.
public static Redirect redirectFlashAll(RouteId addRoute, RouteId editRoute, FlashAndRedirect redirect) {
RequestContext ctx = redirect.getContext();
if (redirect.getIdValue() == null) {
// If id is null, this is an add(not an edit) so redirect back to add route
return redirectFlashAllSecure(addRoute, ctx, redirect.getPageArgs(), redirect.getSecureFields());
} else {
// If id is not null, this is an edit(not an add) so redirect back to edit route
String[] args = redirect.getPageArgs();
Object[] allArgs = new Object[args.length + 2];
allArgs[0] = redirect.getIdField();
allArgs[1] = redirect.getIdValue();
System.arraycopy(args, 0, allArgs, 2, args.length);
return redirectFlashAllSecure(editRoute, ctx, allArgs, redirect.getSecureFields());
use of org.webpieces.ctx.api.RequestContext in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class PropertiesController method postBean.
public Redirect postBean(String category, String name, boolean thisServerOnly) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
Map<String, List<String>> multiPartFields = Current.getContext().getRequest().multiPartFields;
BeanMeta meta = beanMetaData.getBeanMeta(category, name);
List<PropertyInfo> props = meta.getProperties();
// first validate the strings are of the right type for each return type and gather error messages up
// 1. lookup converter. if not exist, add validation error
// 2. convert and catch conversion exception if needed and add validation error
// 3. store all values while doing 1 and 2. apply in next loop below
List<ValueInfo> values = new ArrayList<>();
for (PropertyInfo info : props) {
if (info.isReadOnly())
List<String> valueList = multiPartFields.get(info.getName());
String valueAsString = valueList.get(0);
Class<?> returnType = info.getGetter().getReturnType();
ObjectStringConverter<?> converter = invoker.fetchConverter(info);
try {
Object objectValue = converter.stringToObject(valueAsString);
values.add(new ValueInfo(info, objectValue, valueAsString));
} catch (Exception e) {
Current.validation().addError(info.getName(), "Converter=" + converter.getClass().getName() + " cannot convert String to " + returnType.getName());
RequestContext ctx = Current.getContext();
if (Current.validation().hasErrors()) {
ctx.moveFormParamsToFlash(new HashSet<>());
return Actions.redirect(PropertiesRouteId.BEAN_ROUTE, "category", category, "name", name);
// KISS: not doing rollback code so if one prop fails to set, it does not save to database
// and is partially applied. (ie. keep your setter code simple!!).
// ALSO, we are taking an apply all properties type of approach to keep it simple for now. in the future,
// we could read all props and only call setXXX on changes (in case they wrote extra not idempotent type code so
// that code does not run on accident)
Map<String, String> propertiesToSaveToDatabase = new HashMap<>();
for (ValueInfo value : values) {
updateProperty(value.getInfo(), value.getValue());
String key = KeyUtil.formKey(category, name, value.getInfo().getName());
propertiesToSaveToDatabase.put(key, value.getValueAsString());
if (thisServerOnly) {
Current.flash().setMessage("Modified Bean '" + name + ".class' ONLY on this server in-memory. (Changes not applied to database for restarts)");
} else {
XFuture<Void> future =, propertiesToSaveToDatabase);
// synchronously wait in case it fails so user is told it failed to save to database
Current.flash().setMessage("Modified Bean '" + name + ".class' and persisted to Database");
return Actions.redirect(PropertiesRouteId.MAIN_PROPERTIES);
use of org.webpieces.ctx.api.RequestContext in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class RecordingFilter method filter.
public XFuture<Action> filter(MethodMeta meta, Service<MethodMeta, Action> nextFilter) {
RequestContext context = Current.getContext();
List<RouterHeader> routerHeaders = context.getRequest().getHeaders().get(MicroSvcHeader.RECORDING.getHeaderName());
if (routerHeaders == null)
return nextFilter.invoke(meta);
Map<String, Object> fullRequestContext = Context.copyContext();
// let the recording begin...
Context.put(TestCaseRecorder.RECORDER_KEY, new TestCaseRecorderImpl(Current.getContext().getRequest().originalRequest, meta, fullRequestContext));
return nextFilter.invoke(meta).thenApply((resp) -> writeOutTestCase(resp));
use of org.webpieces.ctx.api.RequestContext in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class JsonController method myStream.
// Method signature cannot have RequestContext since in microservices, we implement an api as the server
// AND a client implements the same api AND client does not have a RequestContext!!
public StreamRef myStream(ResponseStreamHandle handle2) {
RouterStreamHandle handle = (RouterStreamHandle) handle2;
RequestContext requestCtx = Current.getContext();
Http2Response response = handle.createBaseResponse(requestCtx.getRequest().originalRequest, "text/plain", 200, "Ok");
XFuture<StreamWriter> responseWriter = handle.process(response);
return new RequestStreamEchoWriter(requestCtx, handle, responseWriter);
use of org.webpieces.ctx.api.RequestContext in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class ReverseRoutes method createUrl.
private String createUrl(ReversableRouter routeMeta, String urlPath) {
RequestContext ctx = Current.getContext();
RouterRequest request = ctx.getRequest();
boolean isBoth = routeMeta.getMatchInfo().getExposedPorts() == Port.BOTH;
// 2. OR if request is https, we can also just use the relative path since it will stay in https
if (isBoth || request.isHttps)
return urlPath;
// else request is HTTP and route to go to is HTTPS so we have to do more work
// we are rendering an http page with a link to https so need to do special magic
String domain = request.domain;
int httpsPort = redirectFormation.calculateHttpsPort(request);
return "https://" + domain + ":" + httpsPort + urlPath;