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Example 36 with SiteModel

use of in project WordPress-Android by wordpress-mobile.

the class RoleSelectDialogFragment method onCreateDialog.

public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    SiteModel site = (SiteModel) getArguments().getSerializable(WordPress.SITE);
    final Role[] roles = Role.inviteRoles(site);
    final String[] stringRoles = new String[roles.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
        stringRoles[i] = roles[i].toDisplayString();
    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity(),;
    builder.setItems(stringRoles, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            if (!isAdded()) {
            if (getTargetFragment() instanceof OnRoleSelectListener) {
                ((OnRoleSelectListener) getTargetFragment()).onRoleSelected(roles[which]);
            } else if (getActivity() instanceof OnRoleSelectListener) {
                ((OnRoleSelectListener) getActivity()).onRoleSelected(roles[which]);
    return builder.create();
Also used : AlertDialog( DialogInterface(android.content.DialogInterface) SiteModel( Role(

Example 37 with SiteModel

use of in project WordPress-Android by wordpress-mobile.

the class StatsAbstractFragment method refreshStats.

// call an update for the stats shown in the fragment
void refreshStats(int pageNumberRequested, StatsService.StatsEndpointsEnum[] sections) {
    if (!isAdded()) {
    // if no sections to update is passed to the method, default to fragment
    if (sections == null) {
        sections = sectionsToUpdate();
    SiteModel site = mSiteStore.getSiteByLocalId(getLocalTableBlogID());
    if (site == null) {
        AppLog.w(AppLog.T.STATS, "Current blsiteog is null. This should never happen here.");
    final long siteId = site.getSiteId();
    // Make sure the blogId is available.
    if (siteId == 0) {
        AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "remote siteId is 0: " + site.getUrl());
    // Check credentials for jetpack blogs first
    if (!SiteUtils.isAccessibleViaWPComAPI(site) && !mAccountStore.hasAccessToken()) {
        AppLog.w(AppLog.T.STATS, "Current blog is accessible via .com API without valid .com credentials");
    // Do not pass the array of StatsEndpointsEnum to the Service. Otherwise we get
    // java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start service
    // with Intent { (has extras) }: java.lang.ClassCastException:
    // java.lang.Object[] cannot be cast to$StatsEndpointsEnum[]
    // on older devices.
    // We should use Enumset, or array of int. Going for the latter, since we have an array and cannot create an Enumset easily.
    int[] sectionsForTheService = new int[sections.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
        sectionsForTheService[i] = sections[i].ordinal();
    // start service to get stats
    Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), StatsService.class);
    intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_BLOG_ID, siteId);
    intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_PERIOD, mStatsTimeframe);
    intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_DATE, mDate);
    if (isSingleView()) {
        // Single Item screen: request 20 items per page on paged requests. Default to the first 100 items otherwise.
        int maxElementsToRetrieve = pageNumberRequested > 0 ? StatsService.MAX_RESULTS_REQUESTED_PER_PAGE : MAX_RESULTS_REQUESTED;
        intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_MAX_RESULTS, maxElementsToRetrieve);
    if (pageNumberRequested > 0) {
        intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_PAGE_REQUESTED, pageNumberRequested);
    intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_SECTION, sectionsForTheService);
Also used : SiteModel( Intent(android.content.Intent)

Example 38 with SiteModel

use of in project WordPress-Android by wordpress-mobile.

the class StatsService method updateWidgetsUI.

// Call an updates on the installed widgets if the blog is the primary, the endpoint is Visits
// the timeframe is DAY or INSIGHTS, and the date = TODAY
private void updateWidgetsUI(long siteId, final StatsEndpointsEnum endpointName, StatsTimeframe timeframe, String date, int pageRequested, Serializable responseObjectModel) {
    if (pageRequested != -1) {
    if (endpointName != StatsEndpointsEnum.VISITS) {
    if (timeframe != StatsTimeframe.DAY && timeframe != StatsTimeframe.INSIGHTS) {
    SiteModel site = mSiteStore.getSiteBySiteId(siteId);
    // make sure the data is for the current date
    if (!date.equals(StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site))) {
    if (responseObjectModel == null) {
        // TODO What we want to do here?
    if (!StatsWidgetProvider.isBlogDisplayedInWidget(siteId)) {
        AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "The blog with remoteID " + siteId + " is NOT displayed in any widget. Stats Service doesn't call an update of the widget.");
    if (responseObjectModel instanceof VisitsModel) {
        VisitsModel visitsModel = (VisitsModel) responseObjectModel;
        if (visitsModel.getVisits() == null || visitsModel.getVisits().size() == 0) {
        List<VisitModel> visits = visitsModel.getVisits();
        VisitModel data = visits.get(visits.size() - 1);
        StatsWidgetProvider.updateWidgets(getApplicationContext(), site, data);
    } else if (responseObjectModel instanceof VolleyError) {
        VolleyError error = (VolleyError) responseObjectModel;
        StatsWidgetProvider.updateWidgets(getApplicationContext(), site, mSiteStore, error);
    } else if (responseObjectModel instanceof StatsError) {
        StatsError statsError = (StatsError) responseObjectModel;
        StatsWidgetProvider.updateWidgets(getApplicationContext(), site, mSiteStore, statsError);
Also used : VolleyError( VisitModel( SiteModel( VisitsModel( StatsError(

Example 39 with SiteModel

use of in project WordPress-Android by wordpress-mobile.

the class StatsWidgetProvider method setupNewWidget.

// This is called by the Widget config activity at the end if the process
static void setupNewWidget(Context context, int widgetID, int localBlogID, SiteStore siteStore) {
    AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "setupNewWidget called");
    SiteModel site = siteStore.getSiteByLocalId(localBlogID);
    if (site == null) {
        // it's unlikely that blog is null here.
        // This method is called from config activity which has loaded the blog fine.
        showMessage(context, new int[] { widgetID }, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_readd_widget), siteStore);
        AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "setupNewWidget: No blog found in the db!");
    // At this point the remote ID cannot be null.
    long remoteBlogID = site.getSiteId();
    // Add the following check just to be safe
    if (remoteBlogID == 0) {
        showMessage(context, new int[] { widgetID }, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_readd_widget), siteStore);
    AnalyticsUtils.trackWithSiteDetails(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.STATS_WIDGET_ADDED, site);
    // Store the association between the widget ID and the remote blog id into prefs.
    setRemoteBlogIDForWidgetIDs(new int[] { widgetID }, site.getSiteId());
    String currentDate = StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site);
    // Load cached data if available and show it immediately
    JSONObject cache = getCacheDataForBlog(remoteBlogID, currentDate);
    if (cache != null) {
        showStatsData(context, new int[] { widgetID }, site, cache);
    if (!NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(context)) {
        showMessage(context, new int[] { widgetID }, context.getString(R.string.no_network_title), siteStore);
    } else {
        showMessage(context, new int[] { widgetID }, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_loading_data), siteStore);
        enqueueStatsRequestForBlog(context, remoteBlogID, currentDate);
Also used : JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) SiteModel(

Example 40 with SiteModel

use of in project WordPress-Android by wordpress-mobile.

the class StatsWidgetProvider method refreshWidgets.

private static void refreshWidgets(Context context, int[] appWidgetIds, SiteStore siteStore) {
    // TODO: FluxC: This file must be refactored, we probably want a "WidgetManager" and keep the bare minimum
    // here in the AppWidgetProvider.
    // if (!mAccountStore.isSignedIn()) {
    //     showMessage(context, appWidgetIds, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_no_account));
    //     return;
    // }
    SparseArray<ArrayList<Integer>> blogsToWidgetIDs = new SparseArray<>();
    for (int widgetId : appWidgetIds) {
        int remoteBlogID = getRemoteBlogIDFromWidgetID(widgetId);
        if (remoteBlogID == 0) {
            // This could happen on logout when prefs are erased completely since we cannot remove
            // widgets programmatically from the screen, or during the configuration of new widgets!!!
            AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "No remote blog ID for widget ID " + widgetId);
            showMessage(context, new int[] { widgetId }, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_readd_widget), siteStore);
        ArrayList<Integer> widgetIDs = blogsToWidgetIDs.get(remoteBlogID, new ArrayList<Integer>());
        blogsToWidgetIDs.append(remoteBlogID, widgetIDs);
    // we now have an optimized data structure for our needs. BlogId -> widgetIDs list
    for (int i = 0; i < blogsToWidgetIDs.size(); i++) {
        int remoteBlogID = blogsToWidgetIDs.keyAt(i);
        // get the object by the key.
        ArrayList<Integer> widgetsList = blogsToWidgetIDs.get(remoteBlogID);
        int[] currentWidgets = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(widgetsList.toArray(new Integer[widgetsList.size()]));
        SiteModel site = siteStore.getSiteBySiteId(remoteBlogID);
        if (site == null) {
            // No site in the app
            showMessage(context, currentWidgets, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_readd_widget), siteStore);
        String currentDate = StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site);
        // Load cached data if available and show it immediately
        JSONObject cache = getCacheDataForBlog(remoteBlogID, currentDate);
        if (cache != null) {
            showStatsData(context, currentWidgets, site, cache);
        // If network is available always start a refresh, and show prev data or the loading in progress message.
        if (!NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(context)) {
            if (cache == null) {
                showMessage(context, currentWidgets, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_generic), siteStore);
        } else {
            if (cache == null) {
                showMessage(context, currentWidgets, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_loading_data), siteStore);
            // Make sure to refresh widget data now.
            enqueueStatsRequestForBlog(context, remoteBlogID, currentDate);
Also used : SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SiteModel(


SiteModel ( Intent (android.content.Intent)7 Subscribe (org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe)5 View (android.view.View)4 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)3 TextView (android.widget.TextView)3 VolleyError ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)3 AlertDialog ( Context (android.content.Context)2 DialogInterface (android.content.DialogInterface)2 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)2 ScrollView (android.widget.ScrollView)2 RestRequest ( CommentModel ( PostModel ( WPNetworkImageView ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)1 Activity (