use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.util.Names in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class BallerinaDocGenerator method generateApiDocs.
* API to generate Ballerina API documentation.
* @param output path to the output directory where the API documentation will be written to.
* @param packageFilter comma separated list of package names to be filtered from the documentation.
* @param isNative whether the given packages are native or not.
* @param sources either the path to the directories where Ballerina source files reside or a
* path to a Ballerina file which does not belong to a package.
public static void generateApiDocs(String output, String packageFilter, boolean isNative, String... sources) {
out.println("docerina: API documentation generation for sources - " + Arrays.toString(sources));
for (String source : sources) {
source = source.trim();
try {
Map<String, BLangPackage> docsMap;
if (source.endsWith(".bal")) {
Path sourceFilePath = Paths.get(source);
Path parentDir = sourceFilePath.getParent();
Path fileName = sourceFilePath.getFileName();
if (fileName == null) {
log.warn("Skipping the source generation for invalid path: " + sourceFilePath);
if (parentDir == null) {
parentDir = Paths.get(".");
docsMap = generatePackageDocsFromBallerina(parentDir.toString(), fileName, packageFilter, isNative);
} else {
Path dirPath = Paths.get(source);
// TODO fix this properly
// TODO Temporary fix that creates .ballerina to create project structure
Path projectFolder = dirPath.resolve(ProjectDirConstants.DOT_BALLERINA_DIR_NAME);
Path sourceRootPath = LauncherUtils.getSourceRootPath(dirPath.toString());
docsMap = generatePackageDocsFromBallerina(sourceRootPath.toString(), dirPath, packageFilter, isNative);
if (docsMap.size() == 0) {
out.println("docerina: no package definitions found!");
if (BallerinaDocUtils.isDebugEnabled()) {
out.println("Generating HTML API documentation...");
String userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
// If output directory is empty
if (output == null) {
output = System.getProperty(BallerinaDocConstants.HTML_OUTPUT_PATH_KEY, userDir + File.separator + "api-docs" + File.separator + "html");
// Create output directories
// Sort packages by package path
List<BLangPackage> packageList = new ArrayList<>(docsMap.values());
packageList.sort(Comparator.comparing(pkg -> pkg.packageID.toString()));
// Iterate over the packages to generate the pages
List<String> packageNames = new ArrayList<>(docsMap.keySet());
// Sort the package names
List<Link> packageNameList = PackageName.convertList(packageNames);
if (packageNames.contains("ballerina.builtin")) {
StaticCaption primitivesLinkName = new StaticCaption(BallerinaDocConstants.PRIMITIVE_TYPES_PAGE_NAME);
packageNameList.add(0, new Link(primitivesLinkName, BallerinaDocConstants.PRIMITIVE_TYPES_PAGE_HREF, false));
// Generate pages for the packages
String packageTemplateName = System.getProperty(BallerinaDocConstants.PACKAGE_TEMPLATE_NAME_KEY, "page");
for (BLangPackage bLangPackage : packageList) {
// Sort functions, connectors, structs, type mappers and annotationDefs
bLangPackage.getFunctions().sort(Comparator.comparing(f -> (f.getReceiver() == null ? "" : f.getReceiver().getName()) + f.getName().getValue()));
bLangPackage.getConnectors().sort(Comparator.comparing(c -> c.getName().getValue()));
bLangPackage.getStructs().sort(Comparator.comparing(s -> s.getName().getValue()));
bLangPackage.getAnnotations().sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.getName().getValue()));
bLangPackage.getEnums().sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.getName().getValue()));
// Sort connector actions
if ((bLangPackage.getConnectors() != null) && (bLangPackage.getConnectors().size() > 0)) {
bLangPackage.getConnectors().forEach(connector -> connector.getActions().sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.getName().getValue())));
String packagePath = refinePackagePath(bLangPackage);
Page page = Generator.generatePage(bLangPackage, packageNameList);
String filePath = output + File.separator + packagePath + HTML;
Writer.writeHtmlDocument(page, packageTemplateName, filePath);
if ("ballerina.builtin".equals(packagePath)) {
Page primitivesPage = Generator.generatePageForPrimitives(bLangPackage, packageNameList);
String primitivesFilePath = output + File.separator + "primitive-types" + HTML;
Writer.writeHtmlDocument(primitivesPage, packageTemplateName, primitivesFilePath);
// Generate the index file with the list of all packages
String indexTemplateName = System.getProperty(BallerinaDocConstants.PACKAGE_TEMPLATE_NAME_KEY, "index");
String indexFilePath = output + File.separator + "index" + HTML;
Writer.writeHtmlDocument(packageNameList, indexTemplateName, indexFilePath);
if (BallerinaDocUtils.isDebugEnabled()) {
out.println("Copying HTML theme...");
BallerinaDocUtils.copyResources("docerina-theme", output);
} catch (IOException e) {
out.println(String.format("docerina: API documentation generation failed for %s: %s", source, e.getMessage()));
log.error(String.format("API documentation generation failed for %s", source), e);
try {
String zipPath = System.getProperty(BallerinaDocConstants.OUTPUT_ZIP_PATH);
if (zipPath != null) {
BallerinaDocUtils.packageToZipFile(output, zipPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
out.println(String.format("docerina: API documentation zip packaging failed for %s: %s", output, e.getMessage()));
log.error(String.format("API documentation zip packaging failed for %s", output), e);
use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.util.Names in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class BallerinaDocGenerator method generatePackageDocsFromBallerina.
* Generates {@link BLangPackage} objects for each Ballerina package from the given ballerina files.
* @param sourceRoot points to the folder relative to which package path is given
* @param packagePath a {@link Path} object pointing either to a ballerina file or a folder with ballerina files.
* @param packageFilter comma separated list of package names/patterns to be filtered from the documentation.
* @param isNative whether the given packages are native or not.
* @return a map of {@link BLangPackage} objects. Key - Ballerina package name Value - {@link BLangPackage}
protected static Map<String, BLangPackage> generatePackageDocsFromBallerina(String sourceRoot, Path packagePath, String packageFilter, boolean isNative) throws IOException {
final List<Path> packagePaths = new ArrayList<>();
if (Files.isDirectory(packagePath)) {
BallerinaSubPackageVisitor subPackageVisitor = new BallerinaSubPackageVisitor(packagePath, packagePaths);
Files.walkFileTree(packagePath, subPackageVisitor);
} else {
BallerinaDocDataHolder dataHolder = BallerinaDocDataHolder.getInstance();
if (!isNative) {
// This is necessary to be true in order to Ballerina to work properly
System.setProperty("skipNatives", "true");
BLangPackage bLangPackage;
for (Path path : packagePaths) {
CompilerContext context = new CompilerContext();
CompilerOptions options = CompilerOptions.getInstance(context);
options.put(CompilerOptionName.PROJECT_DIR, sourceRoot);
options.put(CompilerOptionName.COMPILER_PHASE, CompilerPhase.DESUGAR.toString());
options.put(CompilerOptionName.PRESERVE_WHITESPACE, "false");
Compiler compiler = Compiler.getInstance(context);
// TODO: Remove this and the related constants once these are properly handled in the core
if (BAL_BUILTIN.equals(path) || BAL_BUILTIN_CORE.equals(path)) {
bLangPackage = loadBuiltInPackage(context);
} else {
// compile the given file
bLangPackage = compiler.compile(getPackageNameFromPath(path));
if (bLangPackage == null) {
out.println(String.format("docerina: invalid Ballerina package: %s", packagePath));
} else {
String packageName =;
if (isFilteredPackage(packageName, packageFilter)) {
if (BallerinaDocUtils.isDebugEnabled()) {
out.println("Package " + packageName + " excluded");
dataHolder.getPackageMap().put(packageName, bLangPackage);
return dataHolder.getPackageMap();
use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.util.Names in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class IdentifierLiteralServiceTest method testUsingIdentifierLiteralsInServiceAndResourceNames.
@Test(description = "Test using identifier literals in service and resource names", enabled = false)
public void testUsingIdentifierLiteralsInServiceAndResourceNames() {
HTTPTestRequest cMsg = MessageUtils.generateHTTPMessage("/identifierLiteral/resource", "GET");
HTTPCarbonMessage response = Services.invokeNew(application, cMsg);
BJSON bJson = new BJSON(new HttpMessageDataStreamer(response).getInputStream());
Assert.assertEquals(bJson.value().get("key").asText(), "keyVal");
Assert.assertEquals(bJson.value().get("value").asText(), "valueOfTheString");
use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.util.Names in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class HTTPSessionEssentialMethodsTest method testCheckPathValidityPerService.
@Test(description = "Test for path limitation per service")
public void testCheckPathValidityPerService() {
HTTPTestRequest cMsg = MessageUtils.generateHTTPMessage("/sample2/names", "GET");
HTTPCarbonMessage response = Services.invokeNew(compileResult, TEST_ENDPOINT_NAME, cMsg);
String responseMsgPayload = StringUtils.getStringFromInputStream(new HttpMessageDataStreamer(response).getInputStream());
Assert.assertEquals(responseMsgPayload, "arraysize:2");
String cookie = response.getHeader(RESPONSE_COOKIE_HEADER);
String sessionId = CookieUtils.getCookie(cookie).value;
cMsg = MessageUtils.generateHTTPMessage("/sample2/names3", "GET");
cMsg.setHeader(COOKIE_HEADER, SESSION_ID + sessionId);
response = Services.invokeNew(compileResult, TEST_ENDPOINT_NAME, cMsg);
responseMsgPayload = StringUtils.getStringFromInputStream(new HttpMessageDataStreamer(response).getInputStream());
Assert.assertEquals(responseMsgPayload, "4");