use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project charon by wso2.
the class GroupResourceManager method updateWithPATCH.
* method which corresponds to HTTP PATCH - patch the group
* @param existingId
* @param scimObjectString
* @param usermanager
* @param attributes
* @param excludeAttributes
* @return
public SCIMResponse updateWithPATCH(String existingId, String scimObjectString, UserManager userManager, String attributes, String excludeAttributes) {
try {
if (userManager == null) {
String error = "Provided user manager handler is null.";
throw new InternalErrorException(error);
// obtain the json decoder.
JSONDecoder decoder = getDecoder();
// decode the SCIM User object, encoded in the submitted payload.
List<PatchOperation> opList = decoder.decodeRequest(scimObjectString);
SCIMResourceTypeSchema schema = SCIMResourceSchemaManager.getInstance().getGroupResourceSchema();
// get the group from the user core
Group oldGroup = userManager.getGroup(existingId, ResourceManagerUtil.getAllAttributeURIs(schema));
if (oldGroup == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("No group with the id : " + existingId + " in the user store.");
// make a copy of the original group
Group copyOfOldGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(oldGroup);
// make another copy of original group.
// this will be used to restore to the original condition if failure occurs.
Group originalGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(copyOfOldGroup);
Group newGroup = null;
for (PatchOperation operation : opList) {
if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.ADD)) {
if (newGroup == null) {
newGroup = (Group) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchAdd(operation, getDecoder(), oldGroup, copyOfOldGroup, schema);
copyOfOldGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newGroup);
} else {
newGroup = (Group) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchAdd(operation, getDecoder(), newGroup, copyOfOldGroup, schema);
copyOfOldGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newGroup);
} else if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.REMOVE)) {
if (newGroup == null) {
newGroup = (Group) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchRemove(operation, oldGroup, copyOfOldGroup, schema);
copyOfOldGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newGroup);
} else {
newGroup = (Group) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchRemove(operation, newGroup, copyOfOldGroup, schema);
copyOfOldGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newGroup);
} else if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.REPLACE)) {
if (newGroup == null) {
newGroup = (Group) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchReplace(operation, getDecoder(), oldGroup, copyOfOldGroup, schema);
copyOfOldGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newGroup);
} else {
newGroup = (Group) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchReplace(operation, getDecoder(), newGroup, copyOfOldGroup, schema);
copyOfOldGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newGroup);
} else {
throw new BadRequestException("Unknown operation.", ResponseCodeConstants.INVALID_SYNTAX);
// get the URIs of required attributes which must be given a value
Map<String, Boolean> requiredAttributes = ResourceManagerUtil.getOnlyRequiredAttributesURIs((SCIMResourceTypeSchema) CopyUtil.deepCopy(schema), attributes, excludeAttributes);
Group validatedGroup = (Group) ServerSideValidator.validateUpdatedSCIMObject(originalGroup, newGroup, schema);
newGroup = userManager.updateGroup(originalGroup, validatedGroup, requiredAttributes);
// encode the newly created SCIM group object and add id attribute to Location header.
String encodedGroup;
Map<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (newGroup != null) {
// create a deep copy of the group object since we are going to change it.
Group copiedGroup = (Group) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newGroup);
// validate before return.
ServerSideValidator.validateReturnedAttributes(copiedGroup, attributes, excludeAttributes);
encodedGroup = getEncoder().encodeSCIMObject(copiedGroup);
// add location header
httpHeaders.put(SCIMConstants.LOCATION_HEADER, getResourceEndpointURL(SCIMConstants.USER_ENDPOINT) + "/" + newGroup.getId());
} else {
String error = "Updated group resource is null.";
throw new CharonException(error);
// put the URI of the User object in the response header parameter.
return new SCIMResponse(ResponseCodeConstants.CODE_OK, encodedGroup, httpHeaders);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
return AbstractResourceManager.encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
return AbstractResourceManager.encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (NotImplementedException e) {
return AbstractResourceManager.encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (CharonException e) {
return AbstractResourceManager.encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (InternalErrorException e) {
return AbstractResourceManager.encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
CharonException e1 = new CharonException("Error in performing the patch operation on group resource.", e);
return AbstractResourceManager.encodeSCIMException(e1);
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project charon by wso2.
the class MeResourceManager method updateWithPATCH.
* Update the user resource by sequence of operations.
* @param existingId
* @param scimObjectString
* @param userManager
* @param attributes
* @param excludeAttributes
* @return
public SCIMResponse updateWithPATCH(String existingId, String scimObjectString, UserManager userManager, String attributes, String excludeAttributes) {
try {
if (userManager == null) {
String error = "Provided user manager handler is null.";
throw new InternalErrorException(error);
// obtain the json decoder.
JSONDecoder decoder = getDecoder();
// decode the SCIM User object, encoded in the submitted payload.
List<PatchOperation> opList = decoder.decodeRequest(scimObjectString);
SCIMResourceTypeSchema schema = SCIMResourceSchemaManager.getInstance().getUserResourceSchema();
// get the user from the user core
User oldUser = userManager.getMe(existingId, ResourceManagerUtil.getAllAttributeURIs(schema));
if (oldUser == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("No associated user exits in the user store.");
// make a copy of the original user
User copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(oldUser);
// make another copy of original user.
// this will be used to restore to the original condition if failure occurs.
User originalUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(copyOfOldUser);
User newUser = null;
for (PatchOperation operation : opList) {
if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.ADD)) {
if (newUser == null) {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchAdd(operation, getDecoder(), oldUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchAdd(operation, getDecoder(), newUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.REMOVE)) {
if (newUser == null) {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchRemove(operation, oldUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchRemove(operation, newUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.REPLACE)) {
if (newUser == null) {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchReplace(operation, getDecoder(), oldUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchReplace(operation, getDecoder(), newUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else {
throw new BadRequestException("Unknown operation.", ResponseCodeConstants.INVALID_SYNTAX);
// get the URIs of required attributes which must be given a value
Map<String, Boolean> requiredAttributes = ResourceManagerUtil.getOnlyRequiredAttributesURIs((SCIMResourceTypeSchema) CopyUtil.deepCopy(schema), attributes, excludeAttributes);
User validatedUser = (User) ServerSideValidator.validateUpdatedSCIMObject(originalUser, newUser, schema);
newUser = userManager.updateMe(validatedUser, requiredAttributes);
// encode the newly created SCIM user object and add id attribute to Location header.
String encodedUser;
Map<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (newUser != null) {
// create a deep copy of the user object since we are going to change it.
User copiedUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
// need to remove password before returning
ServerSideValidator.validateReturnedAttributes(copiedUser, attributes, excludeAttributes);
encodedUser = getEncoder().encodeSCIMObject(copiedUser);
// add location header
httpHeaders.put(SCIMConstants.LOCATION_HEADER, getResourceEndpointURL(SCIMConstants.USER_ENDPOINT) + "/" + newUser.getId());
} else {
String error = "Updated User resource is null.";
throw new CharonException(error);
// put the URI of the User object in the response header parameter.
return new SCIMResponse(ResponseCodeConstants.CODE_OK, encodedUser, httpHeaders);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (NotImplementedException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (CharonException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (InternalErrorException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
CharonException e1 = new CharonException("Error in performing the patch operation on user resource.", e);
return encodeSCIMException(e1);
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project jaggery by wso2.
the class RegistryHostObject method jsFunction_get.
public static Scriptable jsFunction_get(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] arguments, Function funObj) throws ScriptException {
RegistryHostObject rho = (RegistryHostObject) thisObj;
if (arguments.length == 1) {
if (arguments[0] instanceof String) {
try {
Scriptable hostObject;
Resource resource = rho.registry.get((String) arguments[0]);
if (resource instanceof Collection) {
hostObject = cx.newObject(rho, "Collection", new Object[] { resource });
} else {
hostObject = cx.newObject(rho, "Resource", new Object[] { resource });
return hostObject;
} catch (RegistryException e) {
throw new ScriptException("Registry error occurred while executing get() operation", e);
} else {
throw new ScriptException("Path argument of method get() should be a string");
} else if (arguments.length == 3) {
if (arguments[0] instanceof String && arguments[1] instanceof Number && arguments[2] instanceof Number) {
try {
Collection collection = rho.registry.get((String) arguments[0], ((Number) arguments[1]).intValue(), ((Number) arguments[2]).intValue());
CollectionHostObject cho = (CollectionHostObject) cx.newObject(rho, "Collection", new Object[] { collection });
return cho;
} catch (RegistryException e) {
throw new ScriptException("Registry error occurred while executing get() operation", e);
} else {
throw new ScriptException("Invalid argument types for get() method");
} else {
throw new ScriptException("Invalid no. of arguments for get() method");
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class AbstractAPIManager method populateDevPortalAPIInformation.
protected void populateDevPortalAPIInformation(String uuid, String organization, API api) throws APIManagementException, OASPersistenceException, ParseException {
Organization org = new Organization(organization);
if (api.getUuid() == null) {
// environment
String environmentString = null;
if (api.getEnvironments() != null) {
environmentString = String.join(",", api.getEnvironments());
api.setEnvironments(APIUtil.extractEnvironmentsForAPI(environmentString, organization));
// workflow status
APIIdentifier apiId = api.getId();
String currentApiUuid = uuid;
if (api.isRevision() && api.getRevisionedApiId() != null) {
currentApiUuid = api.getRevisionedApiId();
// TODO try to use a single query to get info from db
// Ratings
int internalId = apiMgtDAO.getAPIID(currentApiUuid);
// api level tier
String apiLevelTier = apiMgtDAO.getAPILevelTier(internalId);
// available tier
String tiers = null;
Set<Tier> tiersSet = api.getAvailableTiers();
Set<String> tierNameSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (Tier t : tiersSet) {
if (api.getAvailableTiers() != null) {
tiers = String.join("||", tierNameSet);
Map<String, Tier> definedTiers = APIUtil.getTiers(APIUtil.getInternalOrganizationId(organization));
Set<Tier> availableTier = APIUtil.getAvailableTiers(definedTiers, tiers, api.getId().getApiName());
// Scopes
Map<String, Scope> scopeToKeyMapping = APIUtil.getAPIScopes(currentApiUuid, organization);
api.setScopes(new LinkedHashSet<>(scopeToKeyMapping.values()));
// templates
String resourceConfigsString = null;
if (api.getSwaggerDefinition() != null) {
resourceConfigsString = api.getSwaggerDefinition();
} else {
resourceConfigsString = apiPersistenceInstance.getOASDefinition(org, uuid);
if (api.getType() != null && APIConstants.APITransportType.GRAPHQL.toString().equals(api.getType())) {
api.setGraphQLSchema(getGraphqlSchemaDefinition(uuid, organization));
JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser();
JSONObject paths = null;
if (resourceConfigsString != null) {
JSONObject resourceConfigsJSON = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(resourceConfigsString);
paths = (JSONObject) resourceConfigsJSON.get(APIConstants.SWAGGER_PATHS);
Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = apiMgtDAO.getURITemplatesOfAPI(api.getUuid());
for (URITemplate uriTemplate : uriTemplates) {
String uTemplate = uriTemplate.getUriTemplate();
String method = uriTemplate.getHTTPVerb();
List<Scope> oldTemplateScopes = uriTemplate.retrieveAllScopes();
List<Scope> newTemplateScopes = new ArrayList<>();
if (!oldTemplateScopes.isEmpty()) {
for (Scope templateScope : oldTemplateScopes) {
Scope scope = scopeToKeyMapping.get(templateScope.getKey());
// AWS Lambda: set arn & timeout to URI template
if (paths != null) {
JSONObject path = (JSONObject) paths.get(uTemplate);
if (path != null) {
JSONObject operation = (JSONObject) path.get(method.toLowerCase());
if (operation != null) {
if (operation.containsKey(APIConstants.SWAGGER_X_AMZN_RESOURCE_NAME)) {
uriTemplate.setAmznResourceName((String) operation.get(APIConstants.SWAGGER_X_AMZN_RESOURCE_NAME));
if (operation.containsKey(APIConstants.SWAGGER_X_AMZN_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT)) {
uriTemplate.setAmznResourceTimeout(((Long) operation.get(APIConstants.SWAGGER_X_AMZN_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT)).intValue());
if (APIConstants.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_INLINE.equalsIgnoreCase(api.getImplementation())) {
for (URITemplate template : uriTemplates) {
// CORS . if null is returned, set default config from the configuration
if (api.getCorsConfiguration() == null) {
// set category
List<APICategory> categories = api.getApiCategories();
if (categories != null) {
List<String> categoriesOfAPI = new ArrayList<String>();
for (APICategory apiCategory : categories) {
List<APICategory> categoryList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!categoriesOfAPI.isEmpty()) {
// category array retrieved from artifact has only the category name, therefore we need to fetch
// categories
// and fill out missing attributes before attaching the list to the api
List<APICategory> allCategories = APIUtil.getAllAPICategoriesOfOrganization(organization);
for (String categoryName : categoriesOfAPI) {
for (APICategory category : allCategories) {
if (categoryName.equals(category.getName())) {
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class RegistryPersistenceImpl method restoreAPIRevision.
public void restoreAPIRevision(Organization org, String apiUUID, String revisionUUID, int revisionId) throws APIPersistenceException {
boolean transactionCommitted = false;
Registry registry = null;
boolean tenantFlowStarted = false;
try {
RegistryHolder holder = getRegistry(org.getName());
registry = holder.getRegistry();
tenantFlowStarted = holder.isTenantFlowStarted();
GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = RegistryPersistenceUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
GenericArtifact apiArtifact = artifactManager.getGenericArtifact(apiUUID);
String lcState = ((GenericArtifactImpl) apiArtifact).getLcState();
if (apiArtifact != null) {
String apiPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, apiUUID);
int prependIndex = apiPath.lastIndexOf("/api");
String apiSourcePath = apiPath.substring(0, prependIndex);
String revisionTargetPath = RegistryPersistenceUtil.getRevisionPath(apiUUID, revisionId);
registry.copy(revisionTargetPath, apiSourcePath);
Resource newAPIArtifact = registry.get(apiPath);
newAPIArtifact.setProperty("registry.lifecycle.APILifeCycle.state", java.util.Arrays.asList((lcState)));
registry.put(apiPath, newAPIArtifact);
transactionCommitted = true;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
String logMessage = "Revision ID" + revisionId + " for API UUID: " + apiUUID + " restored";
} catch (RegistryException e) {
try {
} catch (RegistryException re) {
// Throwing an error here would mask the original exception
log.error("Error while rolling back the transaction for API Revision restore for API: " + apiUUID, re);
throw new APIPersistenceException("Error while performing registry transaction operation", e);
} finally {
try {
if (tenantFlowStarted) {
if (!transactionCommitted) {
} catch (RegistryException ex) {
throw new APIPersistenceException("Error while rolling back the transaction for API Revision restore for API: " + apiUUID, ex);