use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class ArchiveBasedHumanTaskDeploymentUnitBuilder method readInTheWSDLFile.
* Read the WSDL file given the input stream for the WSDL source
* @param in WSDL input stream
* @param entryName ZIP file entry name
* @param fromRegistry whether the wsdl is read from registry
* @return WSDL Definition
* @throws javax.wsdl.WSDLException at parser error
public static Definition readInTheWSDLFile(InputStream in, String entryName, boolean fromRegistry) throws WSDLException {
WSDLReader reader = WSDLFactory.newInstance().newWSDLReader();
// switch off the verbose mode for all usecases
reader.setFeature(HumanTaskConstants.JAVAX_WSDL_VERBOSE_MODE_KEY, false);
reader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true);
Definition def;
Document doc;
try {
doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(in);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.PARSER_ERROR, "Parser Configuration Error", e);
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.PARSER_ERROR, "Parser SAX Error", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.INVALID_WSDL, "IO Error", e);
// Log when and from where the WSDL is loaded.
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Reading 1.1 WSDL with base uri = " + entryName);
log.debug(" the document base uri = " + entryName);
if (fromRegistry) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This operation is not currently " + "supported in this version of WSO2 BPS.");
} else {
def = reader.readWSDL(entryName, doc.getDocumentElement());
return def;
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class IterableAnalyzer method calculatedGivenOutputArgs.
private List<BType> calculatedGivenOutputArgs(Operation operation) {
final List<BType> givenRetTypes;
if (operation.lambdaType.getReturnTypes().isEmpty()) {
givenRetTypes = Collections.emptyList();
operation.outputType = symTable.voidType;
} else {
final BType returnType = operation.outputType = operation.lambdaType.getReturnTypes().get(0);
if (returnType.tag == TypeTags.TUPLE) {
givenRetTypes = ((BTupleType) returnType).tupleTypes;
} else {
givenRetTypes = operation.lambdaType.getReturnTypes();
return givenRetTypes;
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class IterableAnalyzer method handlerIterableOperation.
public void handlerIterableOperation(BLangInvocation iExpr, BType expectedType, SymbolEnv env) {
final IterableContext context;
if (iExpr.expr.type.tag != TypeTags.INTERMEDIATE_COLLECTION) {
// This is a new iteration chain.
context = new IterableContext(iExpr.expr, env);
} else {
// Get context from previous invocation.
context = ((BLangInvocation) iExpr.expr).iContext;
iExpr.iContext = context;
final IterableKind iterableKind = IterableKind.getFromString(;
final Operation iOperation = new Operation(iterableKind, iExpr, expectedType);
if (iterableKind.isLambdaRequired()) {
handleLambdaBasedIterableOperation(context, iOperation);
} else {
if (iOperation.resultType != symTable.errType && context.foreachTypes.isEmpty()) {
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class IterableAnalyzer method validateIterableContext.
public void validateIterableContext(IterableContext context) {
final Operation lastOperation = context.operations.getLast();
final BType expectedType = lastOperation.expectedType;
final BType outputType = lastOperation.resultType;
if (expectedType.tag == TypeTags.VOID && outputType.tag == TypeTags.VOID) {
context.resultType = symTable.noType;
if (expectedType.tag == TypeTags.VOID) {
// This error already logged.
if (expectedType == symTable.errType) {
context.resultType = symTable.errType;
if (outputType.tag == TypeTags.VOID) {
dlog.error(lastOperation.pos, DiagnosticCode.DOES_NOT_RETURN_VALUE, lastOperation.kind);
context.resultType = symTable.errType;
// Calculate expected type, if this is an chained iterable operation.
if (outputType.tag == TypeTags.INTERMEDIATE_COLLECTION) {
BIntermediateCollectionType collectionType = (BIntermediateCollectionType) outputType;
final BTupleType tupleType = collectionType.tupleType;
if (expectedType.tag == TypeTags.ARRAY && tupleType.tupleTypes.size() == 1) {
// Convert result into an array.
context.resultType = new BArrayType(tupleType.tupleTypes.get(0));
} else if (expectedType.tag == TypeTags.MAP && tupleType.tupleTypes.size() == 2 && tupleType.tupleTypes.get(0).tag == TypeTags.STRING) {
// Convert result into a map.
context.resultType = new BMapType(TypeTags.MAP, tupleType.tupleTypes.get(1), null);
} else if (expectedType.tag == TypeTags.TABLE) {
// 3. Whether the returned struct is compatible with the constraint struct of the expected type(table)
if (tupleType.getTupleTypes().size() == 1 && tupleType.getTupleTypes().get(0).tag == TypeTags.STRUCT && types.isAssignable(tupleType.getTupleTypes().get(0), ((BTableType) expectedType).constraint)) {
context.resultType = symTable.tableType;
} else {
context.resultType = types.checkType(lastOperation.pos, outputType, ((BTableType) expectedType).constraint, DiagnosticCode.INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES);
} else if (expectedType.tag == TypeTags.ANY) {
context.resultType = symTable.errType;
dlog.error(lastOperation.pos, DiagnosticCode.ITERABLE_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH, lastOperation.kind);
} else if (expectedType.tag == TypeTags.NONE) {
context.resultType = symTable.noType;
// Validate compatibility with calculated and expected type.
context.resultType = types.checkType(lastOperation.pos, outputType, expectedType, DiagnosticCode.INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES);
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class IterableAnalyzer method assignOutputAndResultType.
private void assignOutputAndResultType(Operation op, List<BType> argTypes, List<BType> supportedRetTypes) {
if (supportedRetTypes.isEmpty()) {
op.outputType = op.resultType = symTable.voidType;
if (op.kind.isTerminal()) {
op.outputType = op.resultType = supportedRetTypes.get(0);
if (op.kind == IterableKind.FILTER) {
op.outputType = new BTupleType(argTypes);
op.resultType = new BIntermediateCollectionType((BTupleType) op.outputType);
if (supportedRetTypes.size() == 1) {
op.outputType = supportedRetTypes.get(0);
} else {
op.outputType = new BTupleType(supportedRetTypes);
op.resultType = new BIntermediateCollectionType(new BTupleType(supportedRetTypes));