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Example 91 with Wsdl

use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Wsdl in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class AxisServiceUtils method createAxisService.

 * Build the underlying Axis Service from Service QName and Port Name of interest using given WSDL
 * for BPEL document.
 * In the current implementation we are extracting service name from the soap:address' location property.
 * But specified port may not contain soap:adress instead it may contains http:address. We need to handle that
 * situation.
 * @param axisConfiguration AxisConfiguration to which we should publish the service
 * @param processProxy      BPELProcessProxy
 * @return Axis Service build using WSDL, Service and Port
 * @throws org.apache.axis2.AxisFault on error
public static AxisService createAxisService(AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration, BPELProcessProxy processProxy) throws AxisFault {
    QName serviceName = processProxy.getServiceName();
    String portName = processProxy.getPort();
    Definition wsdlDefinition = processProxy.getWsdlDefinition();
    ProcessConf processConfiguration = processProxy.getProcessConfiguration();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Creating AxisService: Service=" + serviceName + " port=" + portName + " WSDL=" + wsdlDefinition.getDocumentBaseURI() + " BPEL=" + processConfiguration.getBpelDocument());
    WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = createAxisServiceBuilder(processProxy);
     * Need to figure out a way to handle service name extractoin. According to my perspective extracting
     * the service name from the EPR is not a good decision. But we need to handle JMS case properly.
     * I am keeping JMS handling untouched until we figureout best solution.
    /* String axisServiceName = extractServiceName(processConf, wsdlServiceName, portName);*/
    AxisService axisService = populateAxisService(processProxy, axisConfiguration, serviceBuilder);
    Iterator operations = axisService.getOperations();
    BPELMessageReceiver messageRec = new BPELMessageReceiver();
     * Set the corresponding BPELService to message receivers
    while (operations.hasNext()) {
        AxisOperation operation = (AxisOperation);
        // Setting WSDLAwareMessage Receiver even if operation has a message receiver specified.
        // This is to fix the issue when build service configuration using services.xml(Always RPCMessageReceiver
        // is set to operations).
     * TODO: JMS Destination handling.
    return axisService;
Also used : AxisOperation(org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) ProcessConf(org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.ProcessConf) AxisService(org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService) Definition(javax.wsdl.Definition) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder(org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder) BPELMessageReceiver(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.core.ode.integration.axis2.receivers.BPELMessageReceiver)

Example 92 with Wsdl

use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Wsdl in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class SOAPUtils method handleSoapHeaderPartDef.

private static void handleSoapHeaderPartDef(org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Message odeMessage, Definition wsdl, SOAPHeader header, javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeader headerdef, Message msgType) throws BPELFault {
    // Is this header part of the "payload" messsage?
    boolean payloadMessageHeader = headerdef.getMessage() == null || headerdef.getMessage().equals(msgType.getQName());
    boolean requiredHeader = payloadMessageHeader || (headerdef.getRequired() != null && headerdef.getRequired());
    if (requiredHeader && header == null) {
        throw new BPELFault("SOAP Header missing required element.");
    if (header == null) {
    Message hdrMsg = wsdl.getMessage(headerdef.getMessage());
    if (hdrMsg == null) {
    Part p = hdrMsg.getPart(headerdef.getPart());
    if (p == null || p.getElementName() == null) {
    OMElement headerEl = header.getFirstChildWithName(p.getElementName());
    if (requiredHeader && headerEl == null) {
        throw new BPELFault("SOAP Header missing required element: " + p.getElementName());
    if (headerEl == null) {
    odeMessage.setHeaderPart(p.getName(), OMUtils.toDOM(headerEl));
Also used : BPELFault(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.core.ode.integration.BPELFault) Message(javax.wsdl.Message) Part(javax.wsdl.Part) OMElement(

Example 93 with Wsdl

use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Wsdl in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class SOAPUtils method handleSOAPHeaderElementsInBindingOperation.

private static void handleSOAPHeaderElementsInBindingOperation(SOAPEnvelope soapEnvelope, SOAPFactory soapFactory, org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Message messageFromOde, Operation wsdlOperation, final javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeader soapHeaderElementDefinition) throws BPELFault {
    Map<String, Node> headerParts = messageFromOde.getHeaderParts();
    Message responseMessageDefinition = wsdlOperation.getOutput() != null ? wsdlOperation.getOutput().getMessage() : null;
    // If there isn't a message attribute in header element definition or if the
    // message attribute value is equal to the response message QName, then this
    // header element is part of the actual payload.
    // Refer SOAP Binding specification at
    final boolean isHeaderElementAPartOfPayload = soapHeaderElementDefinition.getMessage() == null || ((wsdlOperation.getStyle() != OperationType.ONE_WAY) && soapHeaderElementDefinition.getMessage().equals(responseMessageDefinition.getQName()));
    if (soapHeaderElementDefinition.getPart() == null) {
        // Part information not found. Ignoring this header definition.
    if (isHeaderElementAPartOfPayload && (responseMessageDefinition != null && responseMessageDefinition.getPart(soapHeaderElementDefinition.getPart()) == null)) {
        // we should throw a exception.
        throw new BPELFault("SOAP Header Element Definition refer unknown part.");
    Element partElement = null;
    if (headerParts.size() > 0 && isHeaderElementAPartOfPayload) {
        try {
            partElement = (Element) headerParts.get(soapHeaderElementDefinition.getPart());
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new BPELFault("SOAP Header must be a DOM Element.", e);
    // message payload. This is because, some headers will provided by SOAP engine.
    if (partElement == null && isHeaderElementAPartOfPayload) {
        if (messageFromOde.getPart(soapHeaderElementDefinition.getPart()) != null) {
            partElement = messageFromOde.getPart(soapHeaderElementDefinition.getPart());
        } else {
            throw new BPELFault("Missing Required part in response message.");
    // and can be found and extracted from the odeMessage object
    if (partElement == null && messageFromOde.getParts().size() > 0 && !isHeaderElementAPartOfPayload) {
        try {
            partElement = (Element) messageFromOde.getPart(soapHeaderElementDefinition.getPart());
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new BPELFault("Soap header must be an element" + messageFromOde.getPart(soapHeaderElementDefinition.getPart()));
    // just ignore this case.
    if (partElement == null) {
    org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeader soapHeader = soapEnvelope.getHeader();
    if (soapHeader == null) {
        soapHeader = soapFactory.createSOAPHeader(soapEnvelope);
    OMElement omPart = OMUtils.toOM(partElement, soapFactory);
    for (Iterator<OMNode> i = omPart.getChildren(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Also used : Message(javax.wsdl.Message) BPELFault(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.core.ode.integration.BPELFault) OMNode( Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) OMElement( Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) OMElement( SOAPHeader(org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeader) OMNode(

Example 94 with Wsdl

use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Wsdl in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class SOAPUtils method parseSOAPResponseFromPartner.

public static org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Message parseSOAPResponseFromPartner(BPELMessageContext partnerInvocationContext, MessageExchange partnerRoleMessageExchange) throws BPELFault {
    org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Message messageToODE = partnerRoleMessageExchange.createMessage(partnerRoleMessageExchange.getOperation().getOutput().getMessage().getQName());
    BindingOperation bindingOp = getBindingOperation(partnerInvocationContext, partnerRoleMessageExchange.getOperationName());
    BindingOutput bindingOutPut = getBindingOutPut(bindingOp);
    SOAPEnvelope responseFromPartnerService = partnerInvocationContext.getOutMessageContext().getEnvelope();
    if (partnerInvocationContext.isSoap12()) {
        javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Body soapBodyDefinition = getSOAP12Body(bindingOutPut);
        if (soapBodyDefinition != null) {
            if (responseFromPartnerService.getBody() != null) {
                extractSOAPBodyParts(partnerRoleMessageExchange, messageToODE, responseFromPartnerService.getBody(), soapBodyDefinition.getParts(), soapBodyDefinition.getNamespaceURI(), partnerInvocationContext.isRPCStyleOperation());
            } else {
                throw new BPELFault("SOAP Body cannot be null for WSDL operation which " + "requires SOAP Body.");
    } else {
        javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody soapBodyDefinition = getSOAP11Body(bindingOutPut);
        if (soapBodyDefinition != null) {
            if (responseFromPartnerService.getBody() != null) {
                extractSOAPBodyParts(partnerRoleMessageExchange, messageToODE, responseFromPartnerService.getBody(), soapBodyDefinition.getParts(), soapBodyDefinition.getNamespaceURI(), partnerInvocationContext.isRPCStyleOperation());
            } else {
                throw new BPELFault("SOAP Body cannot be null for WSDL operation which " + "requires SOAP Body.");
    if (getSOAPHeaders(bindingOutPut) != null && responseFromPartnerService.getHeader() != null) {
        extractSoapHeaderParts(messageToODE, partnerInvocationContext.getBpelServiceWSDLDefinition(), responseFromPartnerService.getHeader(), getSOAPHeaders(bindingOutPut), partnerRoleMessageExchange.getOperation().getOutput().getMessage());
    return messageToODE;
Also used : BindingOutput(javax.wsdl.BindingOutput) BPELFault(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.core.ode.integration.BPELFault) SOAPEnvelope(org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope) SOAPFaultCode(org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFaultCode) OMNode( Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) BindingOperation(javax.wsdl.BindingOperation) SOAP12Body(javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Body)

Example 95 with Wsdl

use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Wsdl in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class ProcessManagementServiceSkeleton method fillPartnerLinks.

// private java.lang.String[] getServiceLocationForProcess(QName processId)
// throws ProcessManagementException {
// AxisConfiguration axisConf = getConfigContext().getAxisConfiguration();
// Map<String, AxisService> services = axisConf.getServices();
// ArrayList<String> serviceEPRs = new ArrayList<String>();
// for (AxisService service : services.values()) {
// Parameter pIdParam = service.getParameter(BPELConstants.PROCESS_ID);
// if (pIdParam != null) {
// if (pIdParam.getValue().equals(processId)) {
// serviceEPRs.addAll(Arrays.asList(service.getEPRs()));
// }
// }
// }
// if (serviceEPRs.size() > 0) {
// return serviceEPRs.toArray(new String[serviceEPRs.size()]);
// }
// String errMsg = "Cannot find service for process: " + processId;
// log.error(errMsg);
// throw new ProcessManagementException(errMsg);
// }
private void fillPartnerLinks(ProcessInfoType pInfo, TDeployment.Process processInfo) throws ProcessManagementException {
    if (processInfo.getProvideList() != null) {
        EndpointReferencesType eprsType = new EndpointReferencesType();
        for (TProvide provide : processInfo.getProvideList()) {
            String plinkName = provide.getPartnerLink();
            TService service = provide.getService();
            /* NOTE:Service cannot be null for provider partner link*/
            if (service == null) {
                String errorMsg = "Error in <provide> element for process " + processInfo.getName() + " partnerlink" + plinkName + " did not identify an endpoint";
                throw new ProcessManagementException(errorMsg);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Processing <provide> element for process " + processInfo.getName() + ": partnerlink " + plinkName + " --> " + service.getName() + " : " + service.getPort());
            QName serviceName = service.getName();
            EndpointRef_type0 eprType = new EndpointRef_type0();
            ServiceLocation sLocation = new ServiceLocation();
            try {
                String url = Utils.getTryitURL(serviceName.getLocalPart(), getConfigContext());
                String[] wsdls = Utils.getWsdlInformation(serviceName.getLocalPart(), getConfigContext().getAxisConfiguration());
                if (wsdls.length == 2) {
                    if (wsdls[0].endsWith("?wsdl")) {
                    } else {
            } catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
                String errMsg = "Error while getting try-it url for the service: " + serviceName;
                log.error(errMsg, axisFault);
                throw new ProcessManagementException(errMsg, axisFault);
// if (processInfo.getInvokeList() != null) {
// for (TInvoke invoke : processInfo.getInvokeList()) {
// String plinkName = invoke.getPartnerLink();
// TService service = invoke.getService();
// /* NOTE:Service can be null for partner links*/
// if (service == null) {
// continue;
// }
// if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
// log.debug("Processing <invoke> element for process " + processInfo.getName() + ": partnerlink" +
// plinkName + " -->" + service);
// }
// QName serviceName = service.getName();
// }
// }
Also used : AxisFault(org.apache.axis2.AxisFault) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) ServiceLocation( EndpointReferencesType( EndpointRef_type0( TProvide(org.apache.ode.bpel.dd.TProvide) TService(org.apache.ode.bpel.dd.TService) ProcessManagementException(


APIManagementException (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException)64 IOException ( APIMgtWSDLException (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.wsdl.exceptions.APIMgtWSDLException)33 Test (org.junit.Test)30 PrepareForTest (org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest)29 API (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API)28 File ( APIMgtWSDLException (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.exception.APIMgtWSDLException)24 ByteArrayInputStream ( FileInputStream ( InputStream ( RegistryException (org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException)22 WSDLException (javax.wsdl.WSDLException)21 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)20 Resource (org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Resource)20 MalformedURLException ( Map (java.util.Map)16 Response ( ParserConfigurationException (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException)16 SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)16