use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API.APIBuilder in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIPublisherImpl method createNewAPIVersion.
* Create a new version of the <code>api</code>, with version <code>newVersion</code>
* @param apiId The API to be copied
* @param newVersion The version of the new API
* @return UUID of the newly created version.
* @throws APIManagementException If an error occurs while trying to create
* the new version of the API
public String createNewAPIVersion(String apiId, String newVersion) throws APIManagementException {
String newVersionedId;
LifecycleState lifecycleState;
// validate parameters
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newVersion)) {
String errorMsg = "New API version cannot be empty";
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, ExceptionCodes.PARAMETER_NOT_PROVIDED);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiId)) {
String errorMsg = "API ID cannot be empty";
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, ExceptionCodes.PARAMETER_NOT_PROVIDED);
try {
API api = getApiDAO().getAPI(apiId);
if (api.getVersion().equals(newVersion)) {
String errMsg = "New API version " + newVersion + " cannot be same as the previous version for " + "API " + api.getName();
throw new APIManagementException(errMsg, ExceptionCodes.API_ALREADY_EXISTS);
API.APIBuilder apiBuilder = new API.APIBuilder(api);;
apiBuilder.context(api.getContext().replace(api.getVersion(), newVersion));
lifecycleState = getApiLifecycleManager().addLifecycle(APIMgtConstants.API_LIFECYCLE, getUsername());
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiBuilder.getApiDefinition())) {
newVersionedId = apiBuilder.getId();
sendNotification(apiId, apiBuilder.getName(), newVersion);
} catch (APIMgtDAOException e) {
String errorMsg = "Couldn't create new API version from " + apiId;
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, e.getErrorHandler());
} catch (LifecycleException e) {
String errorMsg = "Couldn't Associate new API Lifecycle from " + apiId;
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, ExceptionCodes.APIMGT_LIFECYCLE_EXCEPTION);
return newVersionedId;
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API.APIBuilder in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIPublisherImpl method updateAPI.
* Updates design and implementation of an existing API. This method must not be used to change API status.
* Implementations should throw an exceptions when such attempts are made. All life cycle state changes
* should be carried out using the changeAPIStatus method of this interface.
* @param apiBuilder {@code org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API.APIBuilder} model object
* @throws APIManagementException if failed to update API
public void updateAPI(API.APIBuilder apiBuilder) throws APIManagementException {
APIGateway gateway = getApiGateway();
try {
API originalAPI = getAPIbyUUID(apiBuilder.getId());
if (originalAPI != null) {
// Checks whether the logged in user has the "UPDATE" permission for the API
verifyUserPermissionsToUpdateAPI(getUsername(), originalAPI);
// workflow status is an internal property and shouldn't be allowed to update externally
if ((originalAPI.getName().equals(apiBuilder.getName())) && (originalAPI.getVersion().equals(apiBuilder.getVersion())) && (originalAPI.getProvider().equals(apiBuilder.getProvider())) && originalAPI.getLifeCycleStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(apiBuilder.getLifeCycleStatus())) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiBuilder.getApiPermission())) {
Map<String, Integer> roleNamePermissionList;
roleNamePermissionList = getAPIPermissionArray(apiBuilder.getApiPermission());
Map<String, Endpoint> apiEndpointMap = apiBuilder.getEndpoint();
validateEndpoints(apiEndpointMap, true);
validateLabels(apiBuilder.getLabels(), originalAPI.hasOwnGateway());
createUriTemplateList(apiBuilder, true);
String updatedSwagger = apiDefinitionFromSwagger20.generateMergedResourceDefinition(getApiDAO().getApiSwaggerDefinition(apiBuilder.getId()),;
String gatewayConfig = getApiGatewayConfig(apiBuilder.getId());
GatewaySourceGenerator gatewaySourceGenerator = getGatewaySourceGenerator();
APIConfigContext apiConfigContext = new APIConfigContext(, config.getGatewayPackageName());
String updatedGatewayConfig = gatewaySourceGenerator.getGatewayConfigFromSwagger(gatewayConfig, updatedSwagger);
API api =;
// Add API to gateway
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("API : " + apiBuilder.getName() + " has been successfully updated in gateway");
if (originalAPI.getContext() != null && !originalAPI.getContext().equals(apiBuilder.getContext())) {
if (!checkIfAPIContextExists(api.getContext())) {
// if the API has public visibility, update the API without any role checking
if (API.Visibility.PUBLIC == api.getVisibility()) {
getApiDAO().updateAPI(api.getId(), api);
} else if (API.Visibility.RESTRICTED == api.getVisibility()) {
// get all the roles in the system
Set<String> availableRoles = APIUtils.getAllAvailableRoles();
// get the roles needed to be associated with the API
Set<String> apiRoleList = api.getVisibleRoles();
// if the API has role based visibility, update the API with role checking
if (APIUtils.checkAllowedRoles(availableRoles, apiRoleList)) {
getApiDAO().updateAPI(api.getId(), api);
getApiDAO().updateApiDefinition(api.getId(), updatedSwagger, api.getUpdatedBy());
getApiDAO().updateGatewayConfig(api.getId(), updatedGatewayConfig, api.getUpdatedBy());
} else {
throw new APIManagementException("Context already Exist", ExceptionCodes.API_ALREADY_EXISTS);
} else {
// if the API has public visibility, update the API without any role checking
if (API.Visibility.PUBLIC == api.getVisibility()) {
getApiDAO().updateAPI(api.getId(), api);
} else if (API.Visibility.RESTRICTED == api.getVisibility()) {
// get all the roles in the system
Set<String> allAvailableRoles = APIUtils.getAllAvailableRoles();
// get the roles needed to be associated with the API
Set<String> apiRoleList = api.getVisibleRoles();
// if the API has role based visibility, update the API with role checking
if (APIUtils.checkAllowedRoles(allAvailableRoles, apiRoleList)) {
getApiDAO().updateAPI(api.getId(), api);
getApiDAO().updateApiDefinition(api.getId(), updatedSwagger, api.getUpdatedBy());
getApiDAO().updateGatewayConfig(api.getId(), updatedGatewayConfig, api.getUpdatedBy());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("API " + api.getName() + "-" + api.getVersion() + " was updated successfully.");
// 'API_M Functions' related code
// Create a payload with event specific details
Map<String, String> eventPayload = new HashMap<>();
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_ID, api.getId());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_NAME, api.getName());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_VERSION, api.getVersion());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_DESCRIPTION, api.getDescription());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_CONTEXT, api.getContext());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_LC_STATUS, api.getLifeCycleStatus());
// This will notify all the EventObservers(Asynchronous)
ObserverNotifier observerNotifier = new ObserverNotifier(Event.API_UPDATE, getUsername(),, eventPayload, this);
} else {
APIUtils.verifyValidityOfApiUpdate(apiBuilder, originalAPI);
} else {
log.error("Couldn't found API with ID " + apiBuilder.getId());
throw new APIManagementException("Couldn't found API with ID " + apiBuilder.getId(), ExceptionCodes.API_NOT_FOUND);
} catch (APIMgtDAOException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while updating the API - " + apiBuilder.getName();
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, e.getErrorHandler());
} catch (ParseException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while parsing the permission json from swagger - " + apiBuilder.getName();
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, ExceptionCodes.SWAGGER_PARSE_EXCEPTION);
} catch (GatewayException e) {
String message = "Error occurred while updating API - " + apiBuilder.getName() + " in gateway";
log.error(message, e);
throw new APIManagementException(message, ExceptionCodes.GATEWAY_EXCEPTION);
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API.APIBuilder in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIPublisherImpl method updateAPIStatus.
* @see org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.api.APIPublisher#updateAPIStatus(String, String, Map)
public WorkflowResponse updateAPIStatus(String apiId, String status, Map<String, Boolean> checkListItemMap) throws APIManagementException {
WorkflowResponse workflowResponse = null;
try {
API api = getApiDAO().getAPI(apiId);
if (api != null && !APILCWorkflowStatus.PENDING.toString().equals(api.getWorkflowStatus())) {
API.APIBuilder apiBuilder = new API.APIBuilder(api);
LifecycleState currentState = getApiLifecycleManager().getLifecycleDataForState(apiBuilder.getLifecycleInstanceId(), apiBuilder.getLifeCycleStatus());
for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> checkListItem : checkListItemMap.entrySet()) {
getApiLifecycleManager().checkListItemEvent(api.getLifecycleInstanceId(), api.getLifeCycleStatus(), checkListItem.getKey(), checkListItem.getValue());
API originalAPI =;
WorkflowExecutor executor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_API_STATE);
APIStateChangeWorkflow workflow = new APIStateChangeWorkflow(getApiDAO(), getApiSubscriptionDAO(), getWorkflowDAO(), getApiLifecycleManager(), getApiGateway(), getLabelDAO());
// setting attributes for internal use. These are set to use from outside the executor's method
// these will be saved in the AM_WORKFLOW table so these can be retrieved later
workflow.setAttribute(WorkflowConstants.ATTRIBUTE_API_CUR_STATE, currentState.getState());
workflow.setAttribute(WorkflowConstants.ATTRIBUTE_API_TARGET_STATE, status);
workflow.setAttribute(WorkflowConstants.ATTRIBUTE_API_LC_INVOKER, getUsername());
workflow.setAttribute(WorkflowConstants.ATTRIBUTE_API_NAME, originalAPI.getId());
workflow.setAttribute(WorkflowConstants.ATTRIBUTE_API_HAS_OWN_GATEWAY, String.valueOf(originalAPI.hasOwnGateway()));
if (originalAPI.hasOwnGateway()) {
List<String> gwLabels = originalAPI.getLabels();
for (String label : gwLabels) {
if (label.contains(ContainerBasedGatewayConstants.PRIVATE_JET_API_PREFIX)) {
workflow.setAttribute(WorkflowConstants.ATTRIBUTE_API_AUTOGEN_LABEL, label);
workflow.setAttribute(WorkflowConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HAS_OWN_GATEWAY, String.valueOf(originalAPI.hasOwnGateway()));
workflow.setAttribute(WorkflowConstants.ATTRIBUTE_API_LAST_UPTIME, originalAPI.getLastUpdatedTime().toString());
String workflowDescription = "API [" + workflow.getApiName() + " - " + workflow.getApiVersion() + "] state change [" + workflow.getCurrentState() + " to " + workflow.getTransitionState() + "] request from " + getUsername();
workflowResponse = executor.execute(workflow);
if (WorkflowStatus.CREATED != workflowResponse.getWorkflowStatus()) {
completeWorkflow(executor, workflow);
} else {
// add entry to workflow table if it is only in pending state
getApiDAO().updateAPIWorkflowStatus(api.getId(), APILCWorkflowStatus.PENDING);
} else if (api != null && APILCWorkflowStatus.PENDING.toString().equals(api.getWorkflowStatus())) {
String message = "Pending state transition for api :" + api.getName();
throw new APIManagementException(message, ExceptionCodes.WORKFLOW_PENDING);
} else {
throw new APIMgtResourceNotFoundException("Requested API " + apiId + " Not Available");
} catch (APIMgtDAOException e) {
String errorMsg = "Couldn't change the status of api ID " + apiId;
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, e.getErrorHandler());
} catch (LifecycleException e) {
String errorMsg = "Couldn't change the status of api ID " + apiId;
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, ExceptionCodes.APIMGT_LIFECYCLE_EXCEPTION);
return workflowResponse;
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API.APIBuilder in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIPublisherImpl method addApiFromDefinition.
* Create api from Definition
* @param apiDefinition API definition stream.
* @return UUID of the added API.
* @throws APIManagementException If failed to add the API.
public String addApiFromDefinition(InputStream apiDefinition) throws APIManagementException {
try {
String apiDefinitionString = IOUtils.toString(apiDefinition);
API.APIBuilder apiBuilder = apiDefinitionFromSwagger20.generateApiFromSwaggerResource(getUsername(), apiDefinitionString);
Map<String, String> scopes = apiDefinitionFromSwagger20.getScopesFromSecurityDefinition(apiDefinitionString);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> scopeEntry : scopes.entrySet()) {
getKeyManager().registerScope(new Scope(scopeEntry.getKey(), scopeEntry.getValue()));
apiBuilder.corsConfiguration(new CorsConfiguration());
return apiBuilder.getId();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new APIManagementException("Couldn't Generate ApiDefinition from file", ExceptionCodes.API_DEFINITION_MALFORMED);
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API.APIBuilder in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIStoreImpl method addCompositeApiFromDefinition.
* {@inheritDoc}
public String addCompositeApiFromDefinition(String swaggerResourceUrl) throws APIManagementException {
try {
URL url = new URL(swaggerResourceUrl);
HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
int responseCode = urlConn.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == 200) {
String responseStr = new String(IOUtils.toByteArray(urlConn.getInputStream()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
CompositeAPI.Builder apiBuilder = apiDefinitionFromSwagger20.generateCompositeApiFromSwaggerResource(getUsername(), responseStr);
return apiBuilder.getId();
} else {
throw new APIManagementException("Error while getting swagger resource from url : " + url, ExceptionCodes.API_DEFINITION_MALFORMED);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
String msg = "Unsupported encoding exception while getting the swagger resource from url";
log.error(msg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(msg, ExceptionCodes.API_DEFINITION_MALFORMED);
} catch (ProtocolException e) {
String msg = "Protocol exception while getting the swagger resource from url";
log.error(msg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(msg, ExceptionCodes.API_DEFINITION_MALFORMED);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
String msg = "Malformed url while getting the swagger resource from url";
log.error(msg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(msg, ExceptionCodes.API_DEFINITION_MALFORMED);
} catch (IOException e) {
String msg = "Error while getting the swagger resource from url";
log.error(msg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(msg, ExceptionCodes.API_DEFINITION_MALFORMED);