use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.APIResource in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApisApiServiceImpl method deleteAPI.
* Delete API
* @param apiId API Id
* @param ifMatch If-Match header value
* @return Status of API Deletion
public Response deleteAPI(String apiId, String ifMatch, MessageContext messageContext) {
try {
String username = RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUsername();
String organization = RestApiUtil.getValidatedOrganization(messageContext);
APIProvider apiProvider = RestApiCommonUtil.getProvider(username);
boolean isAPIExistDB = false;
APIManagementException error = null;
APIInfo apiInfo = null;
try {
// validate if api exists
apiInfo = validateAPIExistence(apiId);
isAPIExistDB = true;
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
log.error("Error while validating API existence for deleting API " + apiId + " on organization " + organization);
error = e;
if (isAPIExistDB) {
// validate API update operation permitted based on the LC state
try {
// check if the API has subscriptions
// Todo : need to optimize this check. This method seems too costly to check if subscription exists
List<SubscribedAPI> apiUsages = apiProvider.getAPIUsageByAPIId(apiId, organization);
if (apiUsages != null && apiUsages.size() > 0) {
RestApiUtil.handleConflict("Cannot remove the API " + apiId + " as active subscriptions exist", log);
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
log.error("Error while checking active subscriptions for deleting API " + apiId + " on organization " + organization);
error = e;
try {
List<APIResource> usedProductResources = apiProvider.getUsedProductResources(apiId);
if (!usedProductResources.isEmpty()) {
RestApiUtil.handleConflict("Cannot remove the API because following resource paths " + usedProductResources.toString() + " are used by one or more API Products", log);
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
log.error("Error while checking API products using same resources for deleting API " + apiId + " on organization " + organization);
error = e;
// Delete the API
boolean isDeleted = false;
try {
apiProvider.deleteAPI(apiId, organization);
isDeleted = true;
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
log.error("Error while deleting API " + apiId + "on organization " + organization, e);
if (error != null) {
throw error;
} else if (!isDeleted) {
RestApiUtil.handleInternalServerError("Error while deleting API : " + apiId + " on organization " + organization, log);
return null;
return Response.ok().build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
// Auth failure occurs when cross tenant accessing APIs. Sends 404, since we don't need to expose the existence of the resource
if (RestApiUtil.isDueToResourceNotFound(e) || RestApiUtil.isDueToAuthorizationFailure(e)) {
RestApiUtil.handleResourceNotFoundError(RestApiConstants.RESOURCE_API, apiId, e, log);
} else if (isAuthorizationFailure(e)) {
RestApiUtil.handleAuthorizationFailure("Authorization failure while deleting API : " + apiId, e, log);
} else {
String errorMessage = "Error while deleting API : " + apiId;
RestApiUtil.handleInternalServerError(errorMessage, e, log);
return null;
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.APIResource in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIProviderImpl method getUsedProductResources.
public List<APIResource> getUsedProductResources(String uuid) throws APIManagementException {
List<APIResource> usedProductResources = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Integer, URITemplate> uriTemplates = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getURITemplatesOfAPIWithProductMapping(uuid);
for (URITemplate uriTemplate : uriTemplates.values()) {
// If existing URITemplate is used by any API Products
if (!uriTemplate.retrieveUsedByProducts().isEmpty()) {
APIResource apiResource = new APIResource(uriTemplate.getHTTPVerb(), uriTemplate.getUriTemplate());
return usedProductResources;
use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.APIResource in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIUtil method createSwaggerJSONContent.
* Create API Definition in JSON
* @param api API
* @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException if failed to generate the content and save
* @deprecated
public static String createSwaggerJSONContent(API api) throws APIManagementException {
APIIdentifier identifier = api.getId();
String organization = api.getOrganization();
Environment environment = (Environment) getEnvironments(organization).values().toArray()[0];
String endpoints = environment.getApiGatewayEndpoint();
String[] endpointsSet = endpoints.split(",");
String apiContext = api.getContext();
String version = identifier.getVersion();
Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = api.getUriTemplates();
String description = api.getDescription();
// With the new context version strategy, the URL prefix is the apiContext. the verison will be embedded in
// the apiContext.
String urlPrefix = apiContext;
if (endpointsSet.length < 1) {
throw new APIManagementException("Error in creating JSON representation of the API" + identifier.getApiName());
if (description == null || "".equals(description)) {
description = "";
} else {
description = description.trim();
Map<String, List<Operation>> uriTemplateDefinitions = new HashMap<String, List<Operation>>();
List<APIResource> apis = new ArrayList<APIResource>();
for (URITemplate template : uriTemplates) {
List<Operation> ops;
List<Parameter> parameters;
String path = urlPrefix + APIUtil.removeAnySymbolFromUriTempate(template.getUriTemplate());
/* path exists in uriTemplateDefinitions */
if (uriTemplateDefinitions.get(path) != null) {
ops = uriTemplateDefinitions.get(path);
parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
String httpVerb = template.getHTTPVerb();
/* For GET and DELETE Parameter name - Query Parameters */
if (Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_GET.equals(httpVerb) || Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_DELETE.equals(httpVerb)) {
Parameter queryParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.QUERY_PARAM_NAME, APIConstants.OperationParameter.QUERY_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
} else {
/* For POST, PUT and PATCH Parameter name - Payload */
Parameter payLoadParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_NAME, APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
Parameter authParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_NAME, APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
if (!"OPTIONS".equals(httpVerb)) {
Operation op = new Operation(httpVerb, description, description, parameters);
} else {
/* path not exists in uriTemplateDefinitions */
ops = new ArrayList<Operation>();
parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
String httpVerb = template.getHTTPVerb();
/* For GET and DELETE Parameter name - Query Parameters */
if (Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_GET.equals(httpVerb) || Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_DELETE.equals(httpVerb)) {
Parameter queryParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.QUERY_PARAM_NAME, APIConstants.OperationParameter.QUERY_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
} else {
/* For POST,PUT and PATCH Parameter name - Payload */
Parameter payLoadParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_NAME, APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
Parameter authParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_NAME, APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
if (!"OPTIONS".equals(httpVerb)) {
Operation op = new Operation(httpVerb, description, description, parameters);
uriTemplateDefinitions.put(path, ops);
final Set<Entry<String, List<Operation>>> entries = uriTemplateDefinitions.entrySet();
for (Entry entry : entries) {
APIResource apiResource = new APIResource((String) entry.getKey(), description, (List<Operation>) entry.getValue());
APIDefinition apidefinition = new APIDefinition(version, APIConstants.SWAGGER_VERSION, endpointsSet[0], apiContext, apis);
Gson gson = new Gson();
return gson.toJson(apidefinition);