use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class PoliciesApiServiceImpl method policiesThrottlingCustomPost.
* Add a Custom Policy.
* @param body DTO of new policy to be created
* @param request msf4j request object
* @return Created policy along with the location of it with Location header
* @throws NotFoundException if an error occurred when particular resource does not exits in the system.
public Response policiesThrottlingCustomPost(CustomRuleDTO body, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Received Custom Policy POST request " + body);
try {
APIMgtAdminService apiMgtAdminService = RestApiUtil.getAPIMgtAdminService();
CustomPolicy customPolicy = CustomPolicyMappingUtil.fromCustomPolicyDTOToModel(body);
String uuid = apiMgtAdminService.addCustomRule(customPolicy);
return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(CustomPolicyMappingUtil.fromCustomPolicyToDTO(apiMgtAdminService.getCustomRuleByUUID(uuid))).build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while adding custom policy, policy name: " + body.getPolicyName();
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler());
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class PoliciesApiServiceImpl method policiesThrottlingSubscriptionPost.
* Add subscription level policy
* @param body DTO object including the Policy meta information
* @param request msf4j request object
* @return Response object
* @throws NotFoundException if an error occurred when particular resource does not exits in the system.
public Response policiesThrottlingSubscriptionPost(SubscriptionThrottlePolicyDTO body, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
APIMgtAdminService.PolicyLevel tierLevel = APIMgtAdminService.PolicyLevel.subscription;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {"Received Subscription Policy POST request " + body + " with tierLevel = " + tierLevel);
try {
APIMgtAdminService apiMgtAdminService = RestApiUtil.getAPIMgtAdminService();
SubscriptionPolicy subscriptionPolicy = SubscriptionThrottlePolicyMappingUtil.fromSubscriptionThrottlePolicyDTOToModel(body);
String policyId = apiMgtAdminService.addSubscriptionPolicy(subscriptionPolicy);
return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(SubscriptionThrottlePolicyMappingUtil.fromSubscriptionThrottlePolicyToDTO(apiMgtAdminService.getSubscriptionPolicyByUuid(policyId))).build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while adding Subscription Policy. policy name: " + body.getPolicyName();
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler());
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class PoliciesApiServiceImpl method policiesThrottlingAdvancedPost.
* Create Policy
* @param body DTO object including the Policy meta information
* @param request msf4j request object
* @return Response object
* @throws NotFoundException if an error occurred when particular resource does not exits in the system.
public Response policiesThrottlingAdvancedPost(AdvancedThrottlePolicyDTO body, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
APIMgtAdminService.PolicyLevel tierLevel = APIMgtAdminService.PolicyLevel.api;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {"Received Advance Policy POST request " + body + " with tierLevel = " + tierLevel);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {"Received Advance Policy PUT request " + body + " with tierLevel = " + tierLevel);
try {
APIMgtAdminService apiMgtAdminService = RestApiUtil.getAPIMgtAdminService();
APIPolicy apiPolicy = AdvancedThrottlePolicyMappingUtil.fromAdvancedPolicyDTOToPolicy(body);
String policyId = apiMgtAdminService.addApiPolicy(apiPolicy);
return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(AdvancedThrottlePolicyMappingUtil.fromAdvancedPolicyToDTO(apiMgtAdminService.getApiPolicyByUuid(policyId))).build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while adding Advanced Throttle Policy, policy name: " + body.getPolicyName();
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler());
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class BlacklistApiServiceImpl method blacklistConditionIdDelete.
* Delete blacklist condition using ID
* @param conditionId condition ID of the block condition
* @param ifMatch IF-Match header value
* @param ifUnmodifiedSince If-Unmodified-Since header value
* @param request msf4j request object
* @return Response Object
* @throws NotFoundException Iif an error occurred when particular resource does not exits in the system.
public Response blacklistConditionIdDelete(String conditionId, String ifMatch, String ifUnmodifiedSince, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Received Blacklist Condition DELETE request with id: " + conditionId);
try {
APIMgtAdminService apiMgtAdminService = RestApiUtil.getAPIMgtAdminService();
return Response.ok().build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while deleting blacklist condition with UUID " + conditionId; errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler());
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class BlacklistApiServiceImpl method blacklistGet.
* Get blacklist conditions.
* @param ifNoneMatch If-None-Match header value
* @param ifModifiedSince If-Modified-Since header value
* @param request msf4j request object
* @return Response object
* @throws NotFoundException if an error occurred when particular resource does not exits in the system.
public Response blacklistGet(String ifNoneMatch, String ifModifiedSince, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Received BlockCondition GET request");
try {
APIMgtAdminService apiMgtAdminService = RestApiUtil.getAPIMgtAdminService();
List<BlockConditions> blockConditions = apiMgtAdminService.getBlockConditions();
BlockingConditionListDTO listDTO = BlockingConditionMappingUtil.fromBlockConditionListToListDTO(blockConditions);
return Response.ok().entity(listDTO).build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting blacklist ";
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler());
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();