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Example 41 with APIDTO

use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class ApisApiServiceImpl method importAsyncAPISpecification.

 * Importing and AsyncAPI Specification and create and API
 * @param fileInputStream InputStream for the provided file
 * @param fileDetail File meta-data
 * @param url URL of the AsyncAPI Specification
 * @param additionalProperties API object (json) including additional properties like name, version, context
 * @param messageContext CXF message context
 * @return API import using AsyncAPI specification response
public Response importAsyncAPISpecification(InputStream fileInputStream, Attachment fileDetail, String url, String additionalProperties, MessageContext messageContext) throws APIManagementException {
    // validate 'additionalProperties' json
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(additionalProperties)) {
        RestApiUtil.handleBadRequest("'additionalProperties' is required and should not be null", log);
    // Convert the 'additionalProperties' json into an APIDTO object
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    APIDTO apiDTOFromProperties;
    try {
        apiDTOFromProperties = objectMapper.readValue(additionalProperties, APIDTO.class);
        if (apiDTOFromProperties.getType() == null) {
            RestApiUtil.handleBadRequest("Required property protocol is not specified for the Async API", log);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw RestApiUtil.buildBadRequestException("Error while parsing 'additionalProperties'", e);
    // validate whether ASYNC APIs created without advertise only enabled
    if (APIDTO.TypeEnum.ASYNC.equals(apiDTOFromProperties.getType()) && (apiDTOFromProperties.getAdvertiseInfo() == null || !apiDTOFromProperties.getAdvertiseInfo().isAdvertised())) {
        RestApiUtil.handleBadRequest("ASYNC type APIs only can be created as third party APIs", log);
    // validate websocket url and change transport types
    if (PublisherCommonUtils.isValidWSAPI(apiDTOFromProperties)) {
        ArrayList<String> websocketTransports = new ArrayList<>();
    // Import the API and Definition
    try {
        String organization = RestApiUtil.getValidatedOrganization(messageContext);
        APIDTO createdAPIDTO = importAsyncAPISpecification(fileInputStream, url, apiDTOFromProperties, fileDetail, null, organization);
        URI createdApiUri = new URI(RestApiConstants.RESOURCE_PATH_APIS + "/" + createdAPIDTO.getId());
        return Response.created(createdApiUri).entity(createdAPIDTO).build();
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        String errorMessage = "Error while retrieving API location : " + apiDTOFromProperties.getProvider() + "-" + apiDTOFromProperties.getName() + "-" + apiDTOFromProperties.getVersion();
        RestApiUtil.handleInternalServerError(errorMessage, e, log);
    return null;
Also used : APIDTO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( URISyntaxException( URI( ObjectMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)

Example 42 with APIDTO

use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class ImportUtils method importDependentAPIs.

 * This method imports dependent APIs of the API Product.
 * @param path                     Location of the extracted folder of the API Product
 * @param currentUser              The current logged in user
 * @param isDefaultProviderAllowed Decision to keep or replace the provider
 * @param apiProvider              API provider
 * @param overwriteAPIs            Whether to overwrite the APIs or not
 * @param apiProductDto            API Product DTO
 * @param tokenScopes              Scopes of the token
 * @param organization  Organization Identifier
 * @return Modified API Product DTO with the correct API UUIDs
 * @throws IOException              If there is an error while reading an API file
 * @throws APIImportExportException If there is an error in importing an API
 * @throws APIManagementException   If failed to get the API Provider of an API, or failed when
 *                                  checking the existence of an API
private static APIProductDTO importDependentAPIs(String path, String currentUser, boolean isDefaultProviderAllowed, APIProvider apiProvider, boolean overwriteAPIs, Boolean rotateRevision, APIProductDTO apiProductDto, String[] tokenScopes, String organization) throws IOException, APIManagementException {
    JsonObject dependentAPIParamsConfigObject = null;
    // Retrieve the dependent APIs param configurations from the params file of the API Product
    JsonObject dependentAPIsParams = APIControllerUtil.getDependentAPIsParams(path);
    String apisDirectoryPath = path + File.separator + ImportExportConstants.APIS_DIRECTORY;
    File apisDirectory = new File(apisDirectoryPath);
    File[] apisDirectoryListing = apisDirectory.listFiles();
    if (apisDirectoryListing != null) {
        for (File apiDirectory : apisDirectoryListing) {
            String apiDirectoryPath = path + File.separator + ImportExportConstants.APIS_DIRECTORY + File.separator + apiDirectory.getName();
            // API in the API directory will be retrieved if available
            if (dependentAPIsParams != null) {
                dependentAPIParamsConfigObject = APIControllerUtil.getDependentAPIParams(dependentAPIsParams, apiDirectory.getName());
                // If the "certificates" directory is specified, copy it inside Deployment directory of the
                // dependent API since there may be certificates required for APIs
                String deploymentCertificatesDirectoryPath = path + ImportExportConstants.DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY + ImportExportConstants.CERTIFICATE_DIRECTORY;
                if (CommonUtil.checkFileExistence(deploymentCertificatesDirectoryPath)) {
                    try {
                        CommonUtil.copyDirectory(deploymentCertificatesDirectoryPath, apiDirectoryPath + ImportExportConstants.DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY + ImportExportConstants.CERTIFICATE_DIRECTORY);
                    } catch (APIImportExportException e) {
                        throw new APIManagementException("Error while copying the directory " + deploymentCertificatesDirectoryPath, e);
            JsonElement jsonObject = retrieveValidatedDTOObject(apiDirectoryPath, isDefaultProviderAllowed, currentUser, ImportExportConstants.TYPE_API);
            APIDTO apiDtoToImport = new Gson().fromJson(jsonObject, APIDTO.class);
            API importedApi = null;
            String apiName = apiDtoToImport.getName();
            String apiVersion = apiDtoToImport.getVersion();
            if (isDefaultProviderAllowed) {
                APIIdentifier apiIdentifier = new APIIdentifier(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomain(apiDtoToImport.getProvider()), apiName, apiVersion);
                // Checking whether the API exists
                if (apiProvider.isAPIAvailable(apiIdentifier, organization)) {
                    // otherwise do not update the API. (Just skip it)
                    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(overwriteAPIs)) {
                        importedApi = importApi(apiDirectoryPath, apiDtoToImport, isDefaultProviderAllowed, rotateRevision, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, tokenScopes, dependentAPIParamsConfigObject, organization);
                } else {
                    // If the API is not already imported, import it
                    importedApi = importApi(apiDirectoryPath, apiDtoToImport, isDefaultProviderAllowed, rotateRevision, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE, tokenScopes, dependentAPIParamsConfigObject, organization);
            } else {
                // Retrieve the current tenant domain of the logged in user
                String currentTenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(currentUser));
                // Get the provider of the API if the API is in current user's tenant domain.
                String apiProviderInCurrentTenantDomain = APIUtil.getAPIProviderFromAPINameVersionTenant(apiName, apiVersion, currentTenantDomain);
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(apiProviderInCurrentTenantDomain)) {
                    // If there is no API in the current tenant domain (which means the provider name is blank)
                    // then the API should be imported freshly
                    importedApi = importApi(apiDirectoryPath, apiDtoToImport, isDefaultProviderAllowed, rotateRevision, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE, tokenScopes, dependentAPIParamsConfigObject, organization);
                } else {
                    // otherwise do not import/update the API. (Just skip it)
                    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(overwriteAPIs)) {
                        importedApi = importApi(apiDirectoryPath, apiDtoToImport, isDefaultProviderAllowed, rotateRevision, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, tokenScopes, dependentAPIParamsConfigObject, organization);
            if (importedApi == null) {
                // Retrieve the API from the environment (This happens when you have not specified
                // the overwrite flag, so that we should retrieve the API from inside)
                importedApi = retrieveApiToOverwrite(apiDtoToImport.getName(), apiDtoToImport.getVersion(), MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(currentUser)), apiProvider, Boolean.FALSE, organization);
            updateApiUuidInApiProduct(apiProductDto, importedApi);
    } else {
        String msg = "No dependent APIs supplied. Continuing ...";;
    return apiProductDto;
Also used : APIDTO( ProductAPIDTO( APIManagementException(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException) JsonElement( APIImportExportException(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.importexport.APIImportExportException) JsonObject( Gson( API(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.API) APIIdentifier(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.APIIdentifier) File(

Example 43 with APIDTO

use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class ImportUtils method importApi.

 * This method imports an API.
 * @param extractedFolderPath            Location of the extracted folder of the API
 * @param importedApiDTO                 API DTO of the importing API
 *                                       (This will not be null when importing dependent APIs with API Products)
 * @param preserveProvider               Decision to keep or replace the provider
 * @param overwrite                      Whether to update the API or not
 * @param tokenScopes                    Scopes of the token
 * @param dependentAPIParamsConfigObject Params configuration of an API (this will not be null if a dependent API
 *                                       of an
 *                                       API product wants to override the parameters)
 * @param organization  Identifier of an Organization
 * @throws APIImportExportException If there is an error in importing an API
 * @@return Imported API
public static API importApi(String extractedFolderPath, APIDTO importedApiDTO, Boolean preserveProvider, Boolean rotateRevision, Boolean overwrite, Boolean dependentAPIFromProduct, String[] tokenScopes, JsonObject dependentAPIParamsConfigObject, String organization) throws APIManagementException {
    String userName = RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUsername();
    APIDefinitionValidationResponse validationResponse = null;
    String graphQLSchema = null;
    API importedApi = null;
    String currentStatus;
    String targetStatus;
    String lifecycleAction;
    GraphqlComplexityInfo graphqlComplexityInfo = null;
    int tenantId = 0;
    JsonArray deploymentInfoArray = null;
    JsonObject paramsConfigObject;
    try {
        if (importedApiDTO == null) {
            JsonElement jsonObject = retrieveValidatedDTOObject(extractedFolderPath, preserveProvider, userName, ImportExportConstants.TYPE_API);
            importedApiDTO = new Gson().fromJson(jsonObject, APIDTO.class);
        // If the provided dependent APIs params config is null, it means this happening when importing an API (not
        // because when importing a dependent API of an API Product). Hence, try to retrieve the definition from
        // the API folder path
        paramsConfigObject = (dependentAPIParamsConfigObject != null) ? dependentAPIParamsConfigObject : APIControllerUtil.resolveAPIControllerEnvParams(extractedFolderPath);
        // If above the params configurations are not null, then resolve those
        if (paramsConfigObject != null) {
            importedApiDTO = APIControllerUtil.injectEnvParamsToAPI(importedApiDTO, paramsConfigObject, extractedFolderPath);
            if (!isAdvertiseOnlyAPI(importedApiDTO)) {
                JsonElement deploymentsParam = paramsConfigObject.get(ImportExportConstants.DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENTS);
                if (deploymentsParam != null && !deploymentsParam.isJsonNull()) {
                    deploymentInfoArray = deploymentsParam.getAsJsonArray();
        String apiType = importedApiDTO.getType().toString();
        APIProvider apiProvider = RestApiCommonUtil.getProvider(importedApiDTO.getProvider());
        // Validate swagger content except for streaming APIs
        if (!PublisherCommonUtils.isStreamingAPI(importedApiDTO) && !APIConstants.APITransportType.GRAPHQL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(apiType)) {
            validationResponse = retrieveValidatedSwaggerDefinitionFromArchive(extractedFolderPath);
        // Validate the GraphQL schema
        if (APIConstants.APITransportType.GRAPHQL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(apiType)) {
            graphQLSchema = retrieveValidatedGraphqlSchemaFromArchive(extractedFolderPath);
        // Validate the WSDL of SOAP APIs
        if (APIConstants.API_TYPE_SOAP.equalsIgnoreCase(apiType)) {
            validateWSDLFromArchive(extractedFolderPath, importedApiDTO);
        // Validate the AsyncAPI definition of streaming APIs
        if (PublisherCommonUtils.isStreamingAPI(importedApiDTO)) {
            validationResponse = retrieveValidatedAsyncApiDefinitionFromArchive(extractedFolderPath);
        String currentTenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(userName));
        // The status of the importing API should be stored separately to do the lifecycle change at the end
        targetStatus = importedApiDTO.getLifeCycleStatus();
        API targetApi = retrieveApiToOverwrite(importedApiDTO.getName(), importedApiDTO.getVersion(), currentTenantDomain, apiProvider, Boolean.TRUE, organization);
        if (isAdvertiseOnlyAPI(importedApiDTO)) {
            processAdvertiseOnlyPropertiesInDTO(importedApiDTO, tokenScopes);
        Map<String, List<OperationPolicy>> extractedPoliciesMap = extractAndDropOperationPoliciesFromURITemplate(importedApiDTO.getOperations());
        // If the overwrite is set to true (which means an update), retrieve the existing API
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(overwrite) && targetApi != null) {
  "Existing API found, attempting to update it...");
            currentStatus = targetApi.getStatus();
            // Set the status of imported API to current status of target API when updating
            // when updating an API from the UI there is at least one resource (operation) inside the DTO.
            if (importedApiDTO.getOperations().isEmpty()) {
                setOperationsToDTO(importedApiDTO, validationResponse);
            importedApi = PublisherCommonUtils.updateApi(targetApi, importedApiDTO, RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUserProvider(), tokenScopes);
        } else {
            if (targetApi == null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(overwrite)) {
      "Cannot find : " + importedApiDTO.getName() + "-" + importedApiDTO.getVersion() + ". Creating it.");
            // Initialize to CREATED when import
            currentStatus = APIStatus.CREATED.toString();
            importedApi = PublisherCommonUtils.addAPIWithGeneratedSwaggerDefinition(importedApiDTO, ImportExportConstants.OAS_VERSION_3, importedApiDTO.getProvider(), organization);
            // Set API definition to validationResponse if the API is imported with sample API definition
            if (validationResponse.isInit()) {
        if (!extractedPoliciesMap.isEmpty()) {
            importedApi.setUriTemplates(validateOperationPolicies(importedApi, apiProvider, extractedFolderPath, extractedPoliciesMap, currentTenantDomain));
        // Retrieving the life cycle action to do the lifecycle state change explicitly later
        lifecycleAction = getLifeCycleAction(currentTenantDomain, currentStatus, targetStatus, apiProvider);
        // Add/update swagger content except for streaming APIs and GraphQL APIs
        if (!PublisherCommonUtils.isStreamingAPI(importedApiDTO) && !APIConstants.APITransportType.GRAPHQL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(apiType)) {
            // Add the validated swagger separately since the UI does the same procedure
            PublisherCommonUtils.updateSwagger(importedApi.getUuid(), validationResponse, false, organization);
        // Add the GraphQL schema
        if (APIConstants.APITransportType.GRAPHQL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(apiType)) {
            PublisherCommonUtils.addGraphQLSchema(importedApi, graphQLSchema, apiProvider);
            graphqlComplexityInfo = retrieveGraphqlComplexityInfoFromArchive(extractedFolderPath, graphQLSchema);
            if (graphqlComplexityInfo != null && graphqlComplexityInfo.getList().size() != 0) {
                apiProvider.addOrUpdateComplexityDetails(importedApi.getUuid(), graphqlComplexityInfo);
        // Add/update Async API definition for streaming APIs
        if (PublisherCommonUtils.isStreamingAPI(importedApiDTO)) {
            // Add the validated Async API definition separately since the UI does the same procedure
            PublisherCommonUtils.updateAsyncAPIDefinition(importedApi.getUuid(), validationResponse, organization);
        tenantId = APIUtil.getTenantId(RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUsername());
        // Since Image, documents, sequences and WSDL are optional, exceptions are logged and ignored in
        // implementation
        ApiTypeWrapper apiTypeWrapperWithUpdatedApi = new ApiTypeWrapper(importedApi);
        addThumbnailImage(extractedFolderPath, apiTypeWrapperWithUpdatedApi, apiProvider);
        addDocumentation(extractedFolderPath, apiTypeWrapperWithUpdatedApi, apiProvider, organization);
        addAPIWsdl(extractedFolderPath, importedApi, apiProvider);
        if (StringUtils.equals(importedApi.getType().toLowerCase(), APIConstants.API_TYPE_SOAPTOREST.toLowerCase())) {
            addSOAPToREST(importedApi, validationResponse.getContent(), apiProvider);
        if (!isAdvertiseOnlyAPI(importedApiDTO)) {
            addAPISequences(extractedFolderPath, importedApi, apiProvider);
            addAPISpecificSequences(extractedFolderPath, importedApi, apiProvider);
            addEndpointCertificates(extractedFolderPath, importedApi, apiProvider, tenantId);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Mutual SSL enabled. Importing client certificates.");
            addClientCertificates(extractedFolderPath, apiProvider, preserveProvider, importedApi.getId().getProviderName(), organization);
        // Change API lifecycle if state transition is required
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lifecycleAction)) {
            apiProvider = RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUserProvider();
  "Changing lifecycle from " + currentStatus + " to " + targetStatus);
            if (StringUtils.equals(lifecycleAction, APIConstants.LC_PUBLISH_LC_STATE)) {
                apiProvider.changeAPILCCheckListItems(importedApi.getId(), ImportExportConstants.REFER_REQUIRE_RE_SUBSCRIPTION_CHECK_ITEM, true);
            apiProvider.changeLifeCycleStatus(currentTenantDomain, new ApiTypeWrapper(importedApi), lifecycleAction, new HashMap<>());
        String tenantDomain = RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUserTenantDomain();
        if (deploymentInfoArray == null && !isAdvertiseOnlyAPI(importedApiDTO)) {
            // If the params have not overwritten the deployment environments, yaml file will be read
            deploymentInfoArray = retrieveDeploymentLabelsFromArchive(extractedFolderPath, dependentAPIFromProduct);
        List<APIRevisionDeployment> apiRevisionDeployments = getValidatedDeploymentsList(deploymentInfoArray, tenantDomain, apiProvider, organization);
        if (apiRevisionDeployments.size() > 0) {
            String importedAPIUuid = importedApi.getUuid();
            String revisionId;
            APIRevision apiRevision = new APIRevision();
            apiRevision.setDescription("Revision created after importing the API");
            try {
                revisionId = apiProvider.addAPIRevision(apiRevision, tenantDomain);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("A new revision has been created for API " + importedApi.getId().getApiName() + "_" + importedApi.getId().getVersion());
            } catch (APIManagementException e) {
                // enabled, earliest revision will be deleted before creating a revision again
                if (e.getErrorHandler().getErrorCode() == ExceptionCodes.from(ExceptionCodes.MAXIMUM_REVISIONS_REACHED).getErrorCode() && rotateRevision) {
                    String earliestRevisionUuid = apiProvider.getEarliestRevisionUUID(importedAPIUuid);
                    List<APIRevisionDeployment> deploymentsList = apiProvider.getAPIRevisionDeploymentList(earliestRevisionUuid);
                    // if the earliest revision is already deployed in gateway environments, it will be undeployed
                    // before deleting
                    apiProvider.undeployAPIRevisionDeployment(importedAPIUuid, earliestRevisionUuid, deploymentsList, organization);
                    apiProvider.deleteAPIRevision(importedAPIUuid, earliestRevisionUuid, tenantDomain);
                    revisionId = apiProvider.addAPIRevision(apiRevision, tenantDomain);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Revision ID: " + earliestRevisionUuid + " has been undeployed from " + deploymentsList.size() + " gateway environments and created a new revision ID: " + revisionId + " for API " + importedApi.getId().getApiName() + "_" + importedApi.getId().getVersion());
                } else {
                    throw new APIManagementException("Error occurred while creating a new revision for the API: " + importedApi.getId().getApiName(), e);
            // Once the new revision successfully created, artifacts will be deployed in mentioned gateway
            // environments
            apiProvider.deployAPIRevision(importedAPIUuid, revisionId, apiRevisionDeployments, organization);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("API: " + importedApi.getId().getApiName() + "_" + importedApi.getId().getVersion() + " was deployed in " + apiRevisionDeployments.size() + " gateway environments.");
        } else {
  "Valid deployment environments were not found for the imported artifact. Only working copy " + "was updated and not deployed in any of the gateway environments.");
        return importedApi;
    } catch (CryptoException | IOException e) {
        throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading API meta information from path: " + extractedFolderPath, e, ExceptionCodes.ERROR_READING_META_DATA);
    } catch (FaultGatewaysException e) {
        throw new APIManagementException("Error while updating API: " + importedApi.getId().getApiName(), e);
    } catch (APIMgtAuthorizationFailedException e) {
        throw new APIManagementException("Please enable preserveProvider property for cross tenant API Import.", e, ExceptionCodes.TENANT_MISMATCH);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new APIManagementException("Error while parsing the endpoint configuration of the API", ExceptionCodes.JSON_PARSE_ERROR);
    } catch (APIManagementException e) {
        String errorMessage = "Error while importing API: ";
        if (importedApi != null) {
            errorMessage += importedApi.getId().getApiName() + StringUtils.SPACE + APIConstants.API_DATA_VERSION + ": " + importedApi.getId().getVersion();
        throw new APIManagementException(errorMessage + StringUtils.SPACE + e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : ApiTypeWrapper(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.ApiTypeWrapper) APIMgtAuthorizationFailedException(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIMgtAuthorizationFailedException) JsonObject( Gson( APIRevisionDeployment(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.APIRevisionDeployment) APIProvider(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIProvider) APIManagementException(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) GraphqlComplexityInfo(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.graphql.queryanalysis.GraphqlComplexityInfo) APIRevision(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.APIRevision) FaultGatewaysException(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.FaultGatewaysException) IOException( APIDefinitionValidationResponse(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIDefinitionValidationResponse) JsonArray( APIDTO( ProductAPIDTO( JsonElement( API(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.API) JsonParseException( ParseException(org.json.simple.parser.ParseException) CryptoException(org.wso2.carbon.core.util.CryptoException)

Example 44 with APIDTO

use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class ApisApiServiceImpl method getAPI.

public Response getAPI(String apiId, String xWSO2Tenant, String ifNoneMatch, MessageContext messageContext) throws APIManagementException {
    APIProvider apiProvider = RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUserProvider();
    String organization = RestApiUtil.getValidatedOrganization(messageContext);
    APIDTO apiToReturn = getAPIByID(apiId, apiProvider, organization);
    return Response.ok().entity(apiToReturn).build();
Also used : APIDTO( APIProvider(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIProvider)

Example 45 with APIDTO

use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class ApisApiServiceImpl method createAPIRevision.

 * Create a new API revision
 * @param apiId             UUID of the API
 * @param apIRevisionDTO    API object that needs to be added
 * @param messageContext    message context object
 * @return response containing newly created APIRevision object
public Response createAPIRevision(String apiId, APIRevisionDTO apIRevisionDTO, MessageContext messageContext) {
    try {
        APIProvider apiProvider = RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUserProvider();
        String organization = RestApiUtil.getValidatedOrganization(messageContext);
        // validate if api exists
        APIInfo apiInfo = validateAPIExistence(apiId);
        // validate whether the API is advertise only
        APIDTO apiDto = getAPIByID(apiId, apiProvider, organization);
        if (apiDto != null && apiDto.getAdvertiseInfo() != null && apiDto.getAdvertiseInfo().isAdvertised()) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Creating API Revisions is not supported for third party APIs: " + apiId);
        // validate API update operation permitted based on the LC state
        APIRevision apiRevision = new APIRevision();
        // adding the api revision
        String revisionId = apiProvider.addAPIRevision(apiRevision, organization);
        // Retrieve the newly added APIRevision to send in the response payload
        APIRevision createdApiRevision = apiProvider.getAPIRevision(revisionId);
        APIRevisionDTO createdApiRevisionDTO = APIMappingUtil.fromAPIRevisiontoDTO(createdApiRevision);
        // This URI used to set the location header of the POST response
        URI createdApiUri = new URI(RestApiConstants.RESOURCE_PATH_APIS + "/" + createdApiRevisionDTO.getApiInfo().getId() + "/" + RestApiConstants.RESOURCE_PATH_REVISIONS + "/" + createdApiRevisionDTO.getId());
        return Response.created(createdApiUri).entity(createdApiRevisionDTO).build();
    } catch (APIManagementException e) {
        String errorMessage = "Error while adding new API Revision for API : " + apiId;
        RestApiUtil.handleInternalServerError(errorMessage, e, log);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        String errorMessage = "Error while retrieving created revision API location for API : " + apiId;
        RestApiUtil.handleInternalServerError(errorMessage, e, log);
    return null;
Also used : APIDTO( APIRevision(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.APIRevision) APIManagementException(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException) APIInfo(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.APIInfo) URISyntaxException( APIProvider(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIProvider) URI( APIRevisionDTO(


APIDTO ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)28 APIManagementException (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException)27 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)25 API (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.API)25 IOException ( API (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API)17 APIProvider (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIProvider)15 APIDTO ( ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)14 File ( Response ( Map (java.util.Map)11 APIManagementException (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.exception.APIManagementException)11 ImportExportAPI (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.importexport.ImportExportAPI)11 Test (org.junit.Test)10 SubscribedAPI (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.SubscribedAPI)10 APIPublisher (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.api.APIPublisher)10 WorkflowResponse (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.api.WorkflowResponse)10 GeneralWorkflowResponse (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.workflow.GeneralWorkflowResponse)10