use of in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class InstanceManagementServiceSkeleton method getActivityLifeCycleEventsFromScope.
private ActivityLifeCycleEventsListType getActivityLifeCycleEventsFromScope(ScopeDAO scope) throws InstanceManagementException {
final ActivityLifeCycleEventsListType activityLifeCycleEventsList = new ActivityLifeCycleEventsListType();
/*dbexec(new BpelDatabase.Callable<Object>() {
public Object run(BpelDAOConnection conn) throws InstanceManagementException {
ScopeDAO scope = conn.getScope(siid);
if (scope == null) {
String errMsg = "Scope " + siid + " not found.";
throw new InstanceManagementException(errMsg);
fillActivityLifeCycleEventsFromScope(activityLifeCycleEventsList, scope);
return null;
fillActivityLifeCycleEventsFromScope(activityLifeCycleEventsList, scope);
return activityLifeCycleEventsList;
use of in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class InstanceManagementServiceSkeleton method getInstanceInformationWithEvents.
private InstanceInfoWithEventsType getInstanceInformationWithEvents(final long iid) throws InstanceManagementException {
final InstanceInfoWithEventsType instanceInfoWithEvents = new InstanceInfoWithEventsType();
dbexec(new BpelDatabase.Callable<Object>() {
public Object run(BpelDAOConnection conn) throws InstanceManagementException {
ProcessInstanceDAO instance = conn.getInstanceEagerly(iid, true);
if (instance == null) {
String errMsg = "Instance " + iid + " not found.";
throw new InstanceManagementException(errMsg);
fillInstanceInfoWithEvents(instanceInfoWithEvents, instance);
return null;
return instanceInfoWithEvents;
use of in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class Instance method getInstanceInfoFromInstanceId.
public String[] getInstanceInfoFromInstanceId() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
PaginatedInstanceList paginatedInstanceList;
String[] instanceInfoArray = null;
int arrayCount = 0;
try {
paginatedInstanceList = getPaginatedInstanceList(" ", "-last-active", 200, 0);
LimitedInstanceInfoType[] instanceArray = paginatedInstanceList.getInstance();
instanceInfoArray = new String[instanceArray.length];
for (LimitedInstanceInfoType instance : instanceArray) {
buffer.append("Instance id=" + instance.getIid());
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.append("Process id=" + instance.getPid());
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.append("Status =" + instance.getStatus());
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.append("Started Date=" + instance.getDateStarted().get(5));
buffer.append("-" + instance.getDateStarted().get(2));
buffer.append("-" + instance.getDateStarted().get(1));
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.append(":" + instance.getDateStarted().get(12));
buffer.append(":" + instance.getDateStarted().get(13));
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.append("Date Last Activate=" + instance.getDateLastActive().get(5));
buffer.append("-" + instance.getDateLastActive().get(2));
buffer.append("-" + instance.getDateLastActive().get(1));
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.append(":" + instance.getDateLastActive().get(12));
buffer.append(":" + instance.getDateLastActive().get(13));
buffer.append(" ");
instanceInfoArray[arrayCount] = buffer.toString();
buffer.delete(0, buffer.length());
} catch (InstanceManagementException e) {
String errMsg = "failed to get instance information from instance id";
log.error(errMsg, e);
return instanceInfoArray;
use of in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class InstanceManagementServiceSkeleton method getPaginatedInstanceList.
* Get paginated instance list
* @param filter Instance tFilter
* @param order The field on which to be ordered
* @param limit The maximum number of instances to be fetched
* @param page The page number
* @return Instances that are filtered through "tFilter", ordered by "order" that fits into
* 'page'th page
* @throws InstanceManagementException When an error occurs
public PaginatedInstanceList getPaginatedInstanceList(String filter, final String order, final int limit, final int page) throws InstanceManagementException {
String tFilter = filter;
final PaginatedInstanceList instanceList = new PaginatedInstanceList();
Integer tenantId = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId();
TenantProcessStoreImpl tenantProcessStore = (TenantProcessStoreImpl) bpelServer.getMultiTenantProcessStore().getTenantsProcessStore(tenantId);
if (tenantProcessStore.getProcessConfigMap().size() <= 0) {
return instanceList;
if (!tFilter.contains(" pid=")) {
tFilter = tFilter + getTenantsProcessList(tenantProcessStore.getProcessConfigMap().keySet());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Instance Filter:" + tFilter);
final InstanceFilter instanceFilter = new InstanceFilter(tFilter, order, limit);
try {
BpelDatabase bpelDb = bpelServer.getODEBPELServer().getBpelDb();
bpelDb.exec(new BpelDatabase.Callable<Object>() {
public Object run(BpelDAOConnection conn) throws InstanceManagementException {
Collection<ProcessInstanceDAO> instances = conn.instanceQuery(instanceFilter);
int pageNum = page;
if (pageNum < 0 || pageNum == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
pageNum = 0;
int startIndexOfCurrentPage = pageNum * BPELConstants.ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
int endIndexOfCurrentPage = (pageNum + 1) * BPELConstants.ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
int instanceListSize = instances.size();
int pages = (int) Math.ceil((double) instanceListSize / BPELConstants.ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
ProcessInstanceDAO[] instanceArray = instances.toArray(new ProcessInstanceDAO[instanceListSize]);
for (int i = startIndexOfCurrentPage; (i < endIndexOfCurrentPage && i < instanceListSize); i++) {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
String errMsg = "Error querying instances from database. Instance Filter:" + instanceFilter.toString();
log.error(errMsg, e);
throw new InstanceManagementException(errMsg, e);
return instanceList;
use of in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class InstanceManagementServiceSkeleton method deleteInstances.
* Delete Instances that matches the filter
* @param filter Instance filter
* @return Number of instances deleted
* @throws InstanceManagementException If the filter is invalid or an exception occurred during
* instance deletion
public int deleteInstances(String filter, final boolean deleteMessageExchanges) throws InstanceManagementException {
String tFilter = filter;
Integer tenantId = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId();
TenantProcessStoreImpl tenantProcessStore = (TenantProcessStoreImpl) bpelServer.getMultiTenantProcessStore().getTenantsProcessStore(tenantId);
if (isInvalidFilter(tFilter)) {
String errMsg = "Invalid instance filter: " + tFilter;
throw new InstanceManagementException(errMsg);
if (!isSecureFilter(new InstanceFilter(tFilter), tenantProcessStore.getProcessConfigMap().keySet())) {
String errMsg = "Instance deletion operation not permitted due to insecure filter: " + tFilter;
throw new InstanceManagementException(errMsg);
if (!tFilter.contains(" pid=")) {
tFilter = tFilter + getTenantsProcessList(tenantProcessStore.getProcessConfigMap().keySet());
final InstanceFilter instanceFilter = new InstanceFilter(tFilter);
final List<Long> ret = new LinkedList<Long>();
try {
final int deletionBatchSize = BPELServerImpl.getInstance().getBpelServerConfiguration().getBpelInstanceDeletionLimit();
dbexec(new BpelDatabase.Callable<Object>() {
public Object run(BpelDAOConnection conn) throws IllegalAccessException {
Collection<ProcessInstanceDAO> instances = conn.instanceQuery(instanceFilter);
// not delete other instances also.
for (ProcessInstanceDAO instance : instances) {
int count = 1;
for (ProcessInstanceDAO instance : instances) {
instance.delete(EnumSet.allOf(ProcessConf.CLEANUP_CATEGORY.class), deleteMessageExchanges);
// limiting number of instances that can be deleted to avoid timeout exceptions
if (count > deletionBatchSize) {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
String errMsg = "Exception during instance deletion. Filter: " + instanceFilter.toString();
log.error(errMsg, e);
throw new InstanceManagementException(errMsg, e);
return ret.size();