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Example 26 with ActivityInterface

use of org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class FlowImpl method getDimensions.

 * At the start: width=0, height=0
 * @return dimensions of the composite activity i.e. the final width and height after doing calculations by
 * iterating
 * through the dimensions of the subActivities
public SVGDimension getDimensions() {
    if (dimensions == null) {
        int width = 0;
        int height = 0;
        // Set the dimensions at the start to (0,0)
        dimensions = new SVGDimension(width, height);
        // Dimensons of the subActivities
        SVGDimension subActivityDim = null;
        ActivityInterface activity = null;
        // Iterates through the subActivites inside the composite activity
        Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
            // Gets the dimensions of each subActivity separately
            subActivityDim = activity.getDimensions();
            // Checks whether the height of the subActivity is greater than zero
            if (subActivityDim.getHeight() > height) {
                height += subActivityDim.getHeight();
            // Width of each subActivity is added to the final width of the main/composite activity
            width += subActivityDim.getWidth();
        /*After iterating through all the subActivities and altering the dimensions of the composite activity
              to get more spacing , Xspacing and Yspacing is added to the height and the width of the composite activity
        height += (getYSpacing() * 2) + getStartIconHeight() + getEndIconHeight();
        width += getXSpacing();
        // Set the Calculated dimensions for the SVG height and width
    return dimensions;
Also used : ActivityInterface(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface) SVGDimension(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension)

Example 27 with ActivityInterface

use of org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class FlowImpl method layoutVertical.

 * Sets the x and y positions of the activities
 * At the start: startXLeft=0, startYTop=0
 * centreOfMyLayout- center of the the SVG
 * @param startXLeft x-coordinate
 * @param startYTop  y-coordinate
public void layoutVertical(int startXLeft, int startYTop) {
    if (dimensions != null) {
        // Aligns the activities to the center of the layout
        int centreOfMyLayout = startXLeft + (dimensions.getWidth() / 2);
        // Positioning the startIcon
        int xLeft = centreOfMyLayout - (getStartIconWidth() / 2);
        int yTop = startYTop + (getYSpacing() / 2);
        // Positioning the endIcon
        int endXLeft = centreOfMyLayout - (getEndIconWidth() / 2);
        int endYTop = startYTop + dimensions.getHeight() - getEndIconHeight() - (getYSpacing() / 2);
        ActivityInterface activity = null;
        Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
        // Adjusting the childXLeft and childYTop positions
        int childYTop = yTop + getStartIconHeight() + (getYSpacing() / 2);
        int childXLeft = startXLeft + (getXSpacing() / 2);
        // Iterates through all the subActivities
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
            /* If the activity inside Flow activity is an instance of If activity, then setCheckIfinFlow becomes
                This If check is done to space the subActivities when an If activity is inside a Flow activity.
                This is a special case.
            if (activity instanceof IfImpl) {
                ((IfImpl) activity).setCheckIfinFlow(true);
            /* If the activity inside Flow activity is an instance of ForEach, Repeat Until, While or If activity,
                    then increase the yTop position of start icon of those activities , as the start icon is placed
                    on the scope/box which contains the subActivities.This requires more spacing, so the yTop of the
                    activity following it i.e. the activity after it is also increased.
            if (activity instanceof RepeatUntilImpl || activity instanceof ForEachImpl || activity instanceof WhileImpl || activity instanceof IfImpl) {
                int x = childYTop + (getYSpacing() / 2);
                // Sets the xLeft and yTop position of the iterated activity
                activity.layout(childXLeft, x);
                // Calculate the yTop position of the next activity
                childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();
            } else {
                // Sets the xLeft and yTop position of the iterated activity
                activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
                // Calculate the yTop position of the next activity
                childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();
        // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the start icon
        // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the end icon
        // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the start icon text
        setStartIconTextXLeft(startXLeft + BOX_MARGIN);
        setStartIconTextYTop(startYTop + BOX_MARGIN + BPEL2SVGFactory.TEXT_ADJUST);
        // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the SVG  of the composite activity after setting the dimensions
Also used : ActivityInterface(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface)

Example 28 with ActivityInterface

use of org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class FlowImpl method layoutHorizontal.

 * Sets the x and y positions of the activities
 * At the start: startXLeft=0, startYTop=0
 * @param startXLeft x-coordinate
 * @param startYTop  y-coordinate
 *                   centreOfMyLayout- center of the the SVG
private void layoutHorizontal(int startXLeft, int startYTop) {
    // Aligns the activities to the center of the layout
    int centreOfMyLayout = startYTop + (dimensions.getHeight() / 2);
    // Positioning the startIcon
    int xLeft = startXLeft + (getYSpacing() / 2);
    int yTop = centreOfMyLayout - (getStartIconHeight() / 2);
    // Positioning the endIcon
    int endXLeft = startXLeft + dimensions.getWidth() - getEndIconWidth() - (getYSpacing() / 2);
    int endYTop = centreOfMyLayout - (getEndIconHeight() / 2);
    ActivityInterface activity = null;
    Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
    // Adjusting the childXLeft and childYTop positions
    int childXLeft = xLeft + getStartIconWidth() + (getYSpacing() / 2);
    int childYTop = startYTop + (getXSpacing() / 2);
    // Iterates through all the subActivities
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        activity =;
        // Sets the xLeft and yTop position of the iterated activity
        activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
        childYTop += activity.getDimensions().getHeight();
    // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the start icon
    // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the end icon
    // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the start icon text
    setStartIconTextXLeft(startXLeft + BOX_MARGIN);
    setStartIconTextYTop(startYTop + BOX_MARGIN + BPEL2SVGFactory.TEXT_ADJUST);
    // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the SVG of the composite activity after setting the dimensions
Also used : ActivityInterface(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface)

Example 29 with ActivityInterface

use of org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class IfImpl method layoutVertical.

 * Sets the x and y positions of the activities
 * At the start: startXLeft=0, startYTop=0
 * centreOfMyLayout- center of the the SVG
 * @param startXLeft x-coordinate
 * @param startYTop  y-coordinate
public void layoutVertical(int startXLeft, int startYTop) {
    // Aligns the activities to the center of the layout
    int centreOfMyLayout = startXLeft + (dimensions.getWidth() / 2);
    // Positioning the startIcon
    int xLeft;
    int yTop = startYTop - (getYSpacing() / 4);
    // Positioning the endIcon
    int endXLeft;
    int endYTop = startYTop + dimensions.getHeight() + 15 - getEndIconHeight();
    int centerNHLayout = startXLeft + (coreDimensions.getWidth() / 2);
    /* Checks whether its a simple layout i.e. whether the subActivities are instances of ElseIf or Else
           if so --> true , else --> false
    if (isSimpleLayout()) {
        xLeft = centreOfMyLayout - (getStartIconWidth() / 2);
        endXLeft = centreOfMyLayout - (getEndIconWidth() / 2);
    } else {
        xLeft = centerNHLayout - (getStartIconWidth() / 2) + (getXSpacing() / 2);
        endXLeft = centerNHLayout - (getEndIconWidth() / 2) + (getXSpacing() / 2);
    ActivityInterface activity = null;
    // Iterates through the subActivities
    Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
    // Adjusting the childXLeft and childYTop positions
    int childYTop = yTop + getStartIconHeight() + getYSpacing();
    int childXLeft = startXLeft + (getXSpacing() / 2);
    // Process None Handlers First
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        activity =;
            * This if check is a special case. It is done only when there is a If activity  inside a Flow activity.
            * When Flow activity iterates its subActivities, if a IF acivity is present it makes the isCheckIfinFlow
            * (true).
            * This is done to increase the spacing of the subActivities inside IF when its parent is a FLOW activity
            * */
        if (this.isCheckIfinFlow() == true) {
            // Checks whether the subActivity is a Sequence activity
            if (activity instanceof SequenceImpl) {
                childYTop = childYTop + getEndIconWidth() / 2;
                // Sets the xLeft and yTop position of the iterated activity
                activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
                childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();
            } else {
                // For all other activities except for Sequence
                childYTop = childYTop + getEndIconWidth() / 2 + 20;
                // Sets the xLeft and yTop position of the iterated activity
                activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
                childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();
        } else {
            // Checks whether the iterated activity is an ElseIf or an Else
            if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
            } else {
                // Sets the xLeft and yTop position of the iterated activity
                activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
                childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();
    // Process Handlers
    itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
    // Adjusting the childXLeft and childYTop positions
    childXLeft = startXLeft + coreDimensions.getWidth();
    childYTop = yTop + getElseIfAdjustment();
    // Iterates through the subActivities
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        activity =;
        // Checks whether the iterated activity is an ElseIf or an Else
        if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
            // Sets the xLeft and yTop position of the iterated activity
            activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
            childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();
    // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the start icon
    // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the end icon
    // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the start icon text
    setStartIconTextXLeft(startXLeft + BOX_MARGIN);
    setStartIconTextYTop(startYTop + BOX_MARGIN + BPEL2SVGFactory.TEXT_ADJUST);
    // Sets the xLeft and yTop positions of the SVG  of the composite activity after setting the dimensions
Also used : ActivityInterface(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface)

Example 30 with ActivityInterface

use of org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface in project carbon-business-process by wso2.

the class IfImpl method getDimensions.

 * At the start: width=0, height=0
 * @return dimensions of the composite activity i.e. the final width and height after doing calculations by
 * iterating
 * through the dimensions of the subActivities
public SVGDimension getDimensions() {
    if (dimensions == null) {
        int width = 0;
        int height = 0;
        int coreWidth = 0;
        int coreHeight = 0;
        int conWidth = 0;
        int conHeight = 0;
        // Set the dimensions at the start to (0,0)
        dimensions = new SVGDimension(coreWidth, coreHeight);
        coreDimensions = new SVGDimension(coreWidth, coreHeight);
        conditionalDimensions = new SVGDimension(conWidth, conHeight);
        // Dimensons of the subActivities
        SVGDimension subActivityDim = null;
        ActivityInterface activity = null;
        // Iterates through the subActivites inside the composite activity
        Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
            // Gets the dimensions of each subActivity separately
            subActivityDim = activity.getDimensions();
            // Checks whether the subActivity is a ElseIf or Else activity
            if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
                // Checks whether the icon height is greater than the conditional height
                if (subActivityDim.getHeight() > conHeight) {
                    // height of the icon is added to the conditional height
                    conHeight += subActivityDim.getHeight();
                // width of the subActivities added to the conditional width
                conWidth += subActivityDim.getWidth();
            } else {
                // If the subActivites are not instances of ElseIf and Else
                if (subActivityDim.getWidth() > coreWidth) {
                    // width of the subActivities added to the core width
                    coreWidth += subActivityDim.getWidth();
                // height of the subActivities added to the core height
                coreHeight += subActivityDim.getHeight();
        // Spacing the core height by adding ySpacing + startIcon height + endIcon height
        coreHeight += getYSpacing() + getStartIconHeight() + getEndIconHeight();
        /* The ElseIf spacing or adjustment is added to the conditional height as the conditional dimensions are
               with ElseIf and Else activities
        conHeight += getElseIfAdjustment();
        // Setting the core dimensions after calculations
        // Setting the conditional dimensions after calculations
        // Checks if the core height is greater than the conditional height
        if (coreHeight > conHeight) {
            height = coreHeight;
        } else {
            height = conHeight;
        // core width and conditional width is added to the final width of the composite activity
        width = coreWidth + conWidth;
        height += getYSpacing();
        width += getXSpacing();
        // Set the Calculated dimensions for the SVG height and width
    return dimensions;
Also used : ActivityInterface(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface) SVGDimension(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension)


ActivityInterface (org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface)52 SVGCoordinates (org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGCoordinates)14 OMElement ( Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)11 SVGDimension (org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension)10 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 Link (org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.Link)2 Map (java.util.Map)1 NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)1 Set (java.util.Set)1