use of org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.DeviceManagementException in project product-iots by wso2.
the class DeviceTypeManager method updateDeviceInfo.
public boolean updateDeviceInfo(DeviceIdentifier deviceIdentifier, Device device) throws DeviceManagementException {
boolean status;
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("updating the details of sampledevice device : " + deviceIdentifier);
status = deviceTypeDAO.getDeviceTypeDAO().updateDevice(device);
} catch (DeviceMgtPluginException e) {
try {
} catch (DeviceMgtPluginException iotDAOEx) {
String msg = "Error occurred while roll back the update device info transaction :" + device.toString();
log.warn(msg, iotDAOEx);
String msg = "Error while updating the sampledevice device : " + deviceIdentifier;
log.error(msg, e);
throw new DeviceManagementException(msg, e);
return status;
use of org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.DeviceManagementException in project product-iots by wso2.
the class DeviceTypeManager method modifyEnrollment.
public boolean modifyEnrollment(Device device) throws DeviceManagementException {
boolean status;
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Modifying the sampledevice device enrollment data");
status = deviceTypeDAO.getDeviceTypeDAO().updateDevice(device);
} catch (DeviceMgtPluginException e) {
try {
} catch (DeviceMgtPluginException iotDAOEx) {
String msg = "Error occurred while roll back the update device transaction :" + device.toString();
log.warn(msg, iotDAOEx);
String msg = "Error while updating the enrollment of the sampledevice device : " + device.getDeviceIdentifier();
log.error(msg, e);
throw new DeviceManagementException(msg, e);
return status;
use of org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.DeviceManagementException in project product-iots by wso2.
the class DeviceTypeServiceImpl method register.
* Register device into device management service.
* @param deviceId unique identifier for given device type instance
* @param name name for the device type instance
* @return check whether device is installed into cdmf
private boolean register(String deviceId, String name) {
try {
DeviceIdentifier deviceIdentifier = new DeviceIdentifier();
if (APIUtil.getDeviceManagementService().isEnrolled(deviceIdentifier)) {
return false;
Device device = new Device();
EnrolmentInfo enrolmentInfo = new EnrolmentInfo();
enrolmentInfo.setDateOfEnrolment(new Date().getTime());
enrolmentInfo.setDateOfLastUpdate(new Date().getTime());
boolean added = APIUtil.getDeviceManagementService().enrollDevice(device);
return added;
} catch (DeviceManagementException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
use of org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.DeviceManagementException in project product-iots by wso2.
the class DeviceTypeServiceImpl method createDownloadFile.
private ZipArchive createDownloadFile(String owner, String deviceName, String sketchType) throws DeviceManagementException, JWTClientException, APIManagerException, UserStoreException {
// create new device id
String deviceId = shortUUID();
if (apiApplicationKey == null) {
String applicationUsername = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getUserRealm().getRealmConfiguration().getAdminUserName();
applicationUsername = applicationUsername + "@" + APIUtil.getAuthenticatedUserTenantDomain();
APIManagementProviderService apiManagementProviderService = APIUtil.getAPIManagementProviderService();
String[] tags = { DeviceTypeConstants.DEVICE_TYPE };
apiApplicationKey = apiManagementProviderService.generateAndRetrieveApplicationKeys(DeviceTypeConstants.DEVICE_TYPE, tags, KEY_TYPE, applicationUsername, true, "3600");
JWTClient jwtClient = APIUtil.getJWTClientManagerService().getJWTClient();
String scopes = "device_type_" + DeviceTypeConstants.DEVICE_TYPE + " device_" + deviceId;
AccessTokenInfo accessTokenInfo = jwtClient.getAccessToken(apiApplicationKey.getConsumerKey(), apiApplicationKey.getConsumerSecret(), owner + "@" + APIUtil.getAuthenticatedUserTenantDomain(), scopes);
// create token
String accessToken = accessTokenInfo.getAccessToken();
String refreshToken = accessTokenInfo.getRefreshToken();
boolean status = register(deviceId, deviceName);
if (!status) {
String msg = "Error occurred while registering the device with " + "id: " + deviceId + " owner:" + owner;
throw new DeviceManagementException(msg);
ZipUtil ziputil = new ZipUtil();
ZipArchive zipFile = ziputil.createZipFile(owner, APIUtil.getTenantDomainOftheUser(), sketchType, deviceId, deviceName, accessToken, refreshToken, apiApplicationKey.toString());
return zipFile;
use of org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.DeviceManagementException in project product-iots by wso2.
the class ZipUtil method createZipFile.
* Create agent zip file.
* @param owner Owner of device.
* @param tenantDomain Tenant of the device.
* @param deviceType Device type.
* @param deviceId Device ID.
* @param deviceName Device Name
* @param token Auth token to access the api.
* @param refreshToken Refresh token to generate new auth token.
* @param apiApplicationKey Application key.
* @return Zip archive.
* @throws DeviceManagementException Error creating zip archive.
public ZipArchive createZipFile(String owner, String tenantDomain, String deviceType, String deviceId, String deviceName, String token, String refreshToken, String apiApplicationKey) throws DeviceManagementException {
String sketchFolder = "repository" + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "sketches";
String archivesPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonHome() + File.separator + sketchFolder + File.separator + "archives" + File.separator + deviceId;
String templateSketchPath = sketchFolder + File.separator + deviceType;
String iotServerIP;
try {
iotServerIP = getServerUrl();
String httpsServerEP = Utils.replaceSystemProperty(HTTPS_PROTOCOL_URL);
String httpServerEP = Utils.replaceSystemProperty(HTTP_PROTOCOL_URL);
String mqttEndpoint = Utils.replaceSystemProperty(DEFAULT_MQTT_ENDPOINT);
if (mqttEndpoint.contains(LOCALHOST)) {
mqttEndpoint = mqttEndpoint.replace(LOCALHOST, iotServerIP);
httpsServerEP = httpsServerEP.replace(LOCALHOST, iotServerIP);
httpServerEP = httpServerEP.replace(LOCALHOST, iotServerIP);
String base64EncodedApplicationKey = getBase64EncodedAPIAppKey(apiApplicationKey).trim();
Map<String, String> contextParams = new HashMap<>();
contextParams.put("SERVER_NAME", APIUtil.getTenantDomainOftheUser());
contextParams.put("DEVICE_OWNER", owner);
contextParams.put("DEVICE_ID", deviceId);
contextParams.put("DEVICE_NAME", deviceName);
contextParams.put("HTTPS_EP", httpsServerEP);
contextParams.put("HTTP_EP", httpServerEP);
contextParams.put("APIM_EP", httpsServerEP);
contextParams.put("MQTT_EP", mqttEndpoint);
contextParams.put("DEVICE_TOKEN", token);
contextParams.put("DEVICE_REFRESH_TOKEN", refreshToken);
contextParams.put("API_APPLICATION_KEY", base64EncodedApplicationKey);
ZipArchive zipFile;
zipFile = getSketchArchive(archivesPath, templateSketchPath, contextParams, deviceName);
return zipFile;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DeviceManagementException("Zip File Creation Failed", e);