use of org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactManager in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIConsumerImpl method getTopRatedAPIs.
public Set<API> getTopRatedAPIs(int limit) throws APIManagementException {
int returnLimit = 0;
SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator());
try {
GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
if (artifactManager == null) {
String errorMessage = "Artifact manager is null when retrieving top rated APIs.";
throw new APIManagementException(errorMessage);
GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.getAllGenericArtifacts();
if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) {
return apiSortedSet;
for (GenericArtifact genericArtifact : genericArtifacts) {
String status = APIUtil.getLcStateFromArtifact(genericArtifact);
if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status)) {
String artifactPath = genericArtifact.getPath();
float rating = registry.getAverageRating(artifactPath);
if (rating > APIConstants.TOP_TATE_MARGIN && (returnLimit < limit)) {
API api = APIUtil.getAPI(genericArtifact, registry);
if (api != null) {
} catch (RegistryException e) {
handleException("Failed to get top rated API", e);
return apiSortedSet;
use of org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactManager in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIConsumerImpl method getAllPaginatedPublishedAPIs.
* The method to get APIs to Store view *
* @return Set<API> Set of APIs
* @throws APIManagementException
public Map<String, Object> getAllPaginatedPublishedAPIs(String tenantDomain, int start, int end) throws APIManagementException {
Boolean displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus = false;
try {
if (tenantDomain != null) {
PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);
displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus();
} finally {
Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// Check the api-manager.xml config file entry <DisplayAllAPIs> value is false
if (!displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus) {
// Create the search attribute map
listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() {
} else {
return getAllPaginatedAPIs(tenantDomain, start, end);
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator());
SortedSet<API> apiVersionsSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator());
int totalLength = 0;
try {
Registry userRegistry;
boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null);
if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {
// Tenant store anonymous mode
int tenantId = getTenantId(tenantDomain);
// explicitly load the tenant's registry
userRegistry = getGovernanceUserRegistry(tenantId);
} else {
userRegistry = registry;
this.isTenantModeStoreView = isTenantMode;
this.requestedTenant = tenantDomain;
Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>();
List<API> multiVersionedAPIs = new ArrayList<API>();
Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator();
Boolean displayMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions();
PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
if (artifactManager != null) {
GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap);
totalLength = PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength();
if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) {
result.put("apis", apiSortedSet);
result.put("totalLength", totalLength);
return result;
for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) {
if (artifact == null) {
log.error("Failed to retrieve artifact when getting paginated published API.");
// adding the API provider can mark the latest API .
API api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact);
if (api != null) {
String key;
// Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false
if (!displayMultipleVersions) {
// If allow only showing the latest version of an API
key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName();
API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key);
if (existingAPI != null) {
// this one has a higher version number
if (, existingAPI) > 0) {
latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api);
} else {
// We haven't seen this API before
latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api);
} else {
// If allow showing multiple versions of an API
if (!displayMultipleVersions) {
result.put("apis", apiSortedSet);
result.put("totalLength", totalLength);
return result;
} else {
result.put("apis", apiVersionsSortedSet);
result.put("totalLength", totalLength);
return result;
} else {
String errorMessage = "Artifact manager is null for tenant domain " + tenantDomain + " when retrieving all Published APIs.";
} catch (RegistryException e) {
handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e);
} catch (UserStoreException e) {
handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e);
} finally {
result.put("apis", apiSortedSet);
result.put("totalLength", totalLength);
return result;
use of org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactManager in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIConsumerImpl method getRecentlyAddedAPIs.
* Get the recently added APIs set
* @param limit no limit. Return everything else, limit the return list to specified value.
* @return Set<API>
* @throws APIManagementException
public Set<API> getRecentlyAddedAPIs(int limit, String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException {
SortedSet<API> recentlyAddedAPIs = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator());
SortedSet<API> recentlyAddedAPIsWithMultipleVersions = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator());
Registry userRegistry;
APIManagerConfiguration config = getAPIManagerConfiguration();
boolean isRecentlyAddedAPICacheEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_RECENTLY_ADDED_API_CACHE_ENABLE));
boolean isTenantFlowStarted;
if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) {
PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);
isTenantFlowStarted = true;
} else {
PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME, true);
isTenantFlowStarted = true;
try {
boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null);
if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {
// Tenant based store anonymous mode
int tenantId = getTenantId(tenantDomain);
// explicitly load the tenant's registry
isTenantFlowStarted = true;
userRegistry = getGovernanceUserRegistry(tenantId);
} else {
userRegistry = registry;
isTenantFlowStarted = true;
if (isRecentlyAddedAPICacheEnabled) {
boolean isStatusChanged = false;
Set<API> recentlyAddedAPI = (Set<API>) Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER).getCache(APIConstants.RECENTLY_ADDED_API_CACHE_NAME).get(username + COLON_CHAR + tenantDomain);
if (recentlyAddedAPI != null) {
for (API api : recentlyAddedAPI) {
try {
if (!APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equalsIgnoreCase(userRegistry.get(APIUtil.getAPIPath(api.getId())).getProperty(APIConstants.API_STATUS))) {
isStatusChanged = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while checking API status for APP " + api.getId().getApiName() + '-' + api.getId().getVersion(), ex);
if (!isStatusChanged) {
return recentlyAddedAPI;
PaginationContext.init(0, limit, APIConstants.REGISTRY_ARTIFACT_SEARCH_DESC_ORDER, APIConstants.CREATED_DATE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() {
listMap.put(APIConstants.STORE_VIEW_ROLES, getUserRoleList());
String searchCriteria = APIConstants.LCSTATE_SEARCH_KEY + "= (" + APIConstants.PUBLISHED + ")";
// Find UUID
GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
if (artifactManager != null) {
GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGovernanceArtifacts(getSearchQuery(searchCriteria));
SortedSet<API> allAPIs = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator());
for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) {
API api = null;
try {
api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact);
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
// just log and continue since we want to go through the other APIs as well.
log.error("Error loading API " + artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME), e);
if (api != null) {
if (!APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions()) {
Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>();
Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator();
String key;
for (API api : allAPIs) {
key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName();
API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key);
if (existingAPI != null) {
// number
if (, existingAPI) > 0) {
latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api);
} else {
// We haven't seen this API before
latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api);
if (isRecentlyAddedAPICacheEnabled) {
Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER).getCache(APIConstants.RECENTLY_ADDED_API_CACHE_NAME).put(username + COLON_CHAR + tenantDomain, allAPIs);
return recentlyAddedAPIs;
} else {
if (isRecentlyAddedAPICacheEnabled) {
Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER).getCache(APIConstants.RECENTLY_ADDED_API_CACHE_NAME).put(username + COLON_CHAR + tenantDomain, allAPIs);
return recentlyAddedAPIsWithMultipleVersions;
} else {
String errorMessage = "Artifact manager is null when retrieving recently added APIs for tenant domain " + tenantDomain;
} catch (RegistryException e) {
handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e);
} catch (UserStoreException e) {
handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e);
} finally {
if (isTenantFlowStarted) {
return recentlyAddedAPIs;
use of org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactManager in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIConsumerImpl method getPublishedAPIsByProvider.
public Set<API> getPublishedAPIsByProvider(String providerId, String loggedUsername, int limit, String apiOwner, String apiBizOwner) throws APIManagementException {
try {
Boolean allowMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions();
Boolean showAllAPIs = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus();
String providerDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(providerId));
int tenantId = getTenantId(providerDomain);
final Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService().getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantId);
GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
if (artifactManager == null) {
String errorMessage = "Artifact manager is null when retrieving all published APIs by provider ID " + providerId;
throw new APIManagementException(errorMessage);
int publishedAPICount = 0;
Map<String, API> apiCollection = new HashMap<String, API>();
if (apiBizOwner != null && !apiBizOwner.isEmpty()) {
try {
final String bizOwner = apiBizOwner;
Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_BUSS_OWNER, new ArrayList<String>() {
GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap);
if (genericArtifacts != null && genericArtifacts.length > 0) {
for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) {
if (publishedAPICount >= limit) {
if (isCandidateAPI(artifact.getPath(), loggedUsername, artifactManager, tenantId, showAllAPIs, allowMultipleVersions, apiOwner, providerId, registry, apiCollection)) {
publishedAPICount += 1;
} catch (GovernanceException e) {
log.error("Error while finding APIs by business owner " + apiBizOwner, e);
return null;
} else {
String providerPath = APIConstants.API_ROOT_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + providerId;
Association[] associations = registry.getAssociations(providerPath, APIConstants.PROVIDER_ASSOCIATION);
for (Association association : associations) {
if (publishedAPICount >= limit) {
String apiPath = association.getDestinationPath();
if (isCandidateAPI(apiPath, loggedUsername, artifactManager, tenantId, showAllAPIs, allowMultipleVersions, apiOwner, providerId, registry, apiCollection)) {
publishedAPICount += 1;
return new HashSet<API>(apiCollection.values());
} catch (RegistryException e) {
handleException("Failed to get Published APIs for provider : " + providerId, e);
return null;
} catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) {
handleException("Failed to get Published APIs for provider : " + providerId, e);
return null;
} catch (UserStoreException e) {
handleException("Failed to get Published APIs for provider : " + providerId, e);
return null;
use of org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactManager in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIConsumerImpl method getAllPaginatedAPIs.
* The method to get All PUBLISHED and DEPRECATED APIs, to Store view
* @return Set<API> Set of APIs
* @throws APIManagementException
public Map<String, Object> getAllPaginatedAPIs(String tenantDomain, int start, int end) throws APIManagementException {
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator());
SortedSet<API> apiVersionsSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator());
int totalLength = 0;
try {
Registry userRegistry;
boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null);
if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {
// Tenant store anonymous mode
int tenantId = getTenantId(tenantDomain);
userRegistry = getGovernanceUserRegistry(tenantId);
} else {
userRegistry = registry;
this.isTenantModeStoreView = isTenantMode;
this.requestedTenant = tenantDomain;
Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>();
List<API> multiVersionedAPIs = new ArrayList<API>();
Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator();
Boolean displayMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions();
GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
boolean noPublishedAPIs = false;
if (artifactManager != null) {
// Create the search attribute map for PUBLISHED APIs
Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() {
GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap);
totalLength = PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength();
if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) {
noPublishedAPIs = true;
int publishedAPICount;
if (genericArtifacts != null) {
for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) {
if (artifact == null) {
log.error("Failed to retrieve artifact when getting all paginated APIs.");
// adding the API provider can mark the latest API .
// String status = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS);
API api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact);
if (api != null) {
String key;
// Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false
if (!displayMultipleVersions) {
// If allow only showing the latest version of an API
key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName();
API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key);
if (existingAPI != null) {
// this one has a higher version number
if (, existingAPI) > 0) {
latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api);
} else {
// We haven't seen this API before
latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api);
} else {
// If allow showing multiple versions of an API
// key = api.getId().getProviderName() + ":" + api.getId().getApiName() + ":" + api.getId()
// .getVersion();
if (!displayMultipleVersions) {
publishedAPICount = latestPublishedAPIs.size();
} else {
publishedAPICount = multiVersionedAPIs.size();
if ((start + end) > publishedAPICount) {
if (publishedAPICount > 0) {
/*Starting to retrieve DEPRECATED APIs*/
start = 0;
/* publishedAPICount is always less than end*/
end = end - publishedAPICount;
} else {
start = start - totalLength;
PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// Create the search attribute map for DEPRECATED APIs
Map<String, List<String>> listMapForDeprecatedAPIs = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
listMapForDeprecatedAPIs.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() {
GenericArtifact[] genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMapForDeprecatedAPIs);
totalLength = totalLength + PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength();
if ((genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs == null || genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs.length == 0) && noPublishedAPIs) {
result.put("apis", apiSortedSet);
result.put("totalLength", totalLength);
return result;
if (genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs != null) {
for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs) {
if (artifact == null) {
log.error("Failed to retrieve artifact when getting deprecated APIs.");
// adding the API provider can mark the latest API .
API api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact);
if (api != null) {
String key;
// Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false
if (!displayMultipleVersions) {
// If allow only showing the latest version of an API
key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName();
API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key);
if (existingAPI != null) {
// this one has a higher version number
if (, existingAPI) > 0) {
latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api);
} else {
// We haven't seen this API before
latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api);
} else {
// If allow showing multiple versions of an API
if (!displayMultipleVersions) {
for (API api : latestPublishedAPIs.values()) {
result.put("apis", apiSortedSet);
result.put("totalLength", totalLength);
return result;
} else {
result.put("apis", apiVersionsSortedSet);
result.put("totalLength", totalLength);
return result;
} else {
String errorMessage = "Artifact manager is null for tenant domain " + tenantDomain + " when retrieving all paginated APIs.";
} catch (RegistryException e) {
handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e);
} catch (UserStoreException e) {
handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e);
} finally {
result.put("apis", apiSortedSet);
result.put("totalLength", totalLength);
return result;