use of org.wso2.carbon.governance.custom.lifecycles.checklist.util.CheckListItem in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class PublisherCommonUtils method changeApiOrApiProductLifecycle.
* Change the lifecycle state of an API or API Product identified by UUID
* @param action LC state change action
* @param apiTypeWrapper API Type Wrapper (API or API Product)
* @param lcChecklist LC state change check list
* @param organization Organization of logged-in user
* @return APIStateChangeResponse
* @throws APIManagementException Exception if there is an error when changing the LC state of API or API Product
public static APIStateChangeResponse changeApiOrApiProductLifecycle(String action, ApiTypeWrapper apiTypeWrapper, String lcChecklist, String organization) throws APIManagementException {
String[] checkListItems = lcChecklist != null ? lcChecklist.split(APIConstants.DELEM_COMMA) : new String[0];
APIProvider apiProvider = RestApiCommonUtil.getLoggedInUserProvider();
Map<String, Object> apiLCData = apiProvider.getAPILifeCycleData(apiTypeWrapper.getUuid(), organization);
String[] nextAllowedStates = (String[]) apiLCData.get(APIConstants.LC_NEXT_STATES);
if (!ArrayUtils.contains(nextAllowedStates, action)) {
throw new APIManagementException("Action '" + action + "' is not allowed. Allowed actions are " + Arrays.toString(nextAllowedStates), ExceptionCodes.from(ExceptionCodes.UNSUPPORTED_LIFECYCLE_ACTION, action));
// check and set lifecycle check list items including "Deprecate Old Versions" and "Require Re-Subscription".
Map<String, Boolean> lcMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String checkListItem : checkListItems) {
String[] attributeValPair = checkListItem.split(APIConstants.DELEM_COLON);
if (attributeValPair.length == 2) {
String checkListItemName = attributeValPair[0].trim();
boolean checkListItemValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(attributeValPair[1].trim());
lcMap.put(checkListItemName, checkListItemValue);
try {
return apiProvider.changeLifeCycleStatus(organization, apiTypeWrapper, action, lcMap);
} catch (FaultGatewaysException e) {
throw new APIManagementException("Error while change the state of artifact with name - " + apiTypeWrapper.getName(), e);
use of org.wso2.carbon.governance.custom.lifecycles.checklist.util.CheckListItem in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIPublisherImpl method updateCheckListItem.
* This method used to Update the lifecycle checklist of API
* @param apiId UUID of the API
* @param status Current API lifecycle status.
* @param checkListItemMap Check list item values.
* @throws APIManagementException If failed to update checklist item values.
public void updateCheckListItem(String apiId, String status, Map<String, Boolean> checkListItemMap) throws APIManagementException {
API api = getApiDAO().getAPI(apiId);
try {
API.APIBuilder apiBuilder = new API.APIBuilder(api);
apiBuilder.lifecycleState(getApiLifecycleManager().getLifecycleDataForState(apiBuilder.getLifecycleInstanceId(), apiBuilder.getLifeCycleStatus()));
for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> checkListItem : checkListItemMap.entrySet()) {
getApiLifecycleManager().checkListItemEvent(api.getLifecycleInstanceId(), api.getLifeCycleStatus(), checkListItem.getKey(), checkListItem.getValue());
} catch (LifecycleException e) {
String errorMsg = "Couldn't get the lifecycle status of api ID " + apiId;
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, ExceptionCodes.APIMGT_LIFECYCLE_EXCEPTION);
use of org.wso2.carbon.governance.custom.lifecycles.checklist.util.CheckListItem in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIProviderImpl method checkAndChangeAPILCCheckListItem.
* This method is to set a lifecycle check list item given the APIIdentifier and the checklist item name.
* If the given item not in the allowed lifecycle check items list or item is already checked, this will stay
* silent and return false. Otherwise, the checklist item will be updated and returns true.
* @param apiIdentifier APIIdentifier
* @param checkItemName Name of the checklist item
* @param checkItemValue Value to be set to the checklist item
* @return boolean value representing success not not
* @throws APIManagementException
public boolean checkAndChangeAPILCCheckListItem(APIIdentifier apiIdentifier, String checkItemName, boolean checkItemValue) throws APIManagementException {
Map<String, Object> lifeCycleData = getAPILifeCycleData(apiIdentifier);
if (lifeCycleData != null && lifeCycleData.get(APIConstants.LC_CHECK_ITEMS) != null && lifeCycleData.get(APIConstants.LC_CHECK_ITEMS) instanceof ArrayList) {
List checkListItems = (List) lifeCycleData.get(APIConstants.LC_CHECK_ITEMS);
for (Object item : checkListItems) {
if (item instanceof CheckListItem) {
CheckListItem checkListItem = (CheckListItem) item;
int index = Integer.parseInt(checkListItem.getOrder());
if (checkListItem.getName().equals(checkItemName)) {
changeAPILCCheckListItems(apiIdentifier, index, checkItemValue);
return true;
return false;