use of org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.db.Database in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class MysqlSQLStatements method prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore.
* @see ApiDAOVendorSpecificStatements#prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore(Connection connection, List, List,
* Map, int, int)
public PreparedStatement prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore(Connection connection, List<String> roles, List<String> labels, Map<String, String> attributeMap, int offset, int limit) throws APIMgtDAOException {
StringBuilder roleListBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < roles.size() - 1; i++) {
StringBuilder searchQuery = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = attributeMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (entries.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, String> entry =;
if (APIMgtConstants.TAG_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())) {
} else if (APIMgtConstants.SUBCONTEXT_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())) {
} else {
searchQuery.append(") LIKE ?");
if (entries.hasNext()) {
searchQuery.append(" AND ");
// retrieve the attribute applicable for the search
String searchAttribute = attributeMap.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey();
// get the corresponding implementation based on the attribute to be searched
String query = searchMap.get(searchAttribute).getStoreAttributeSearchQuery(roleListBuilder, searchQuery, offset, limit);
query = "Select * from ( " + query + " ) A" + getStoreAPIsByLabelJoinQuery(labels);
try {
int queryIndex = 1;
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
// include the attribute in the query (for APIs with public visibility)
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributeMap.entrySet()) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, '%' + entry.getValue().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + '%');
// include user roles in the query
for (String role : roles) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, role);
// include the attribute in the query (for APIs with restricted visibility)
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributeMap.entrySet()) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, '%' + entry.getValue().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + '%');
for (String label : labels) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, label);
// setting 0 as the default offset based on store-api.yaml and MySQL specifications
statement.setInt(queryIndex, (offset < 0) ? 0 : offset);
statement.setInt(++queryIndex, limit);
return statement;
} catch (SQLException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while searching APIs for attributes in the database.";
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIMgtDAOException(errorMsg, e);
use of org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.db.Database in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class OracleSQLStatements method prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore.
* @see ApiDAOVendorSpecificStatements#prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore(Connection connection, List, List,
* Map, int, int)
public PreparedStatement prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore(Connection connection, List<String> roles, List<String> labels, Map<String, String> attributeMap, int offset, int limit) throws APIMgtDAOException {
StringBuilder roleListBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < roles.size() - 1; i++) {
StringBuilder searchQuery = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = attributeMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (entries.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, String> entry =;
if (APIMgtConstants.TAG_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())) {
} else if (APIMgtConstants.SUBCONTEXT_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())) {
} else {
searchQuery.append(") LIKE ?");
if (entries.hasNext()) {
searchQuery.append(" AND ");
// retrieve the attribute applicable for the search
String searchAttribute = attributeMap.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey();
// get the corresponding implementation based on the attribute to be searched
String query = searchMap.get(searchAttribute).getStoreAttributeSearchQuery(roleListBuilder, searchQuery, offset, limit);
query = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT A.*, rownum rnum FROM (Select * from ( " + query + " ) " + getStoreAPIsByLabelJoinQuery(labels) + " ORDER BY NAME) A WHERE rownum <= ?) " + "WHERE rnum >= ?";
try {
int queryIndex = 1;
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
// include the attribute in the query (for APIs with public visibility)
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributeMap.entrySet()) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, '%' + entry.getValue().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + '%');
// include user roles in the query
for (String role : roles) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, role);
// include the attribute in the query (for APIs with restricted visibility)
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributeMap.entrySet()) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, '%' + entry.getValue().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + '%');
for (String label : labels) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, label);
// setting 0 as the default offset based on store-api.yaml and Oracle specifications
statement.setInt(queryIndex, (offset < 0) ? 0 : offset);
statement.setInt(queryIndex, limit);
return statement;
} catch (SQLException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while searching APIs for attributes in the database.";
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIMgtDAOException(errorMsg, e);
use of org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.db.Database in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIStoreImpl method mapApplicationKeys.
public OAuthApplicationInfo mapApplicationKeys(String applicationId, String keyType, String clientId, String clientSecret) throws APIManagementException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Semi-manual client registering for App: " + applicationId + " and Client ID: " + clientId);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(applicationId) || StringUtils.isEmpty(clientId) || StringUtils.isEmpty(clientSecret)) {
String msg = "One of input values is null or empty. Application Id: " + applicationId + " Client Id: " + clientId + (StringUtils.isEmpty(clientSecret) ? " Client Secret: " + clientSecret : "");
throw new APIManagementException(msg, ExceptionCodes.OAUTH2_APP_MAP_FAILED);
// Checking whether given consumer key and secret match with an existing OAuth app.
// If they does not match, throw an exception.
OAuthApplicationInfo oAuthApp = getKeyManager().retrieveApplication(clientId);
if (oAuthApp == null || !clientSecret.equals(oAuthApp.getClientSecret())) {
String msg = "Unable to find OAuth app. The provided Client Id is invalid. Client Id: " + clientId;
throw new APIManagementException(msg, ExceptionCodes.OAUTH2_APP_MAP_FAILED);
try {
getApplicationDAO().addApplicationKeys(applicationId, keyType, clientId);
} catch (APIMgtDAOException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while saving key data.";
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, e.getErrorHandler());
log.debug("Application keys are successfully saved in the database");
List<SubscriptionValidationData> subscriptionValidationData = getApiSubscriptionDAO().getAPISubscriptionsOfAppForValidation(applicationId, keyType);
if (subscriptionValidationData != null && !subscriptionValidationData.isEmpty()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Semi-manual client registration was successful for application: " + applicationId + " and Client ID: " + clientId);
return oAuthApp;
use of org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.db.Database in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApiStoreSdkGenerationManager method generateSdkForApi.
* This method generates the client side SDK for the API with API ID (apiID) and SDK language (language)
* @param apiId ID for the specific API
* @param language preferred language to generate the SDK
* @throws ApiStoreSdkGenerationException if failed to generate the SDK
* */
public String generateSdkForApi(String apiId, String language, String userName) throws ApiStoreSdkGenerationException, APIManagementException {
APIStore apiStore = APIManagerFactory.getInstance().getAPIConsumer(userName);
API api = apiStore.getAPIbyUUID(apiId);
if (api == null) {
String errorMessage = "Cannot find API for specified API ID";
throw new APIManagementException(errorMessage, ExceptionCodes.API_NOT_FOUND);
String apiName = api.getName();
String apiVersion = api.getVersion();
String swaggerDefinitionForApi = null;
try {
swaggerDefinitionForApi = apiStore.getApiSwaggerDefinition(apiId);
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
handleSdkGenException("Error retrieving swagger definition for API " + apiId + " from database.", e);
Swagger swaggerDoc = new SwaggerParser().parse(swaggerDefinitionForApi);
if (swaggerDoc == null) {
handleSdkGenException("Error while parsing retrieved swagger definition");
// Format the swagger definition as a string before writing to the file.
String formattedSwaggerDefinitionForSdk = Json.pretty(swaggerDoc);
Path tempSdkGenDir = null;
File swaggerDefJsonFile = null;
try {
// Create a temporary directory to store the API files
tempSdkGenDir = Files.createTempDirectory(apiName + "_" + language + "_" + apiVersion);
// Create a temporary file to store the swagger definition
swaggerDefJsonFile = Files.createTempFile(tempSdkGenDir, apiId + "_" + language, APIMgtConstants.APIFileUtilConstants.JSON_EXTENSION).toFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
handleSdkGenException("Error creating temporary directory or json file for swagger definition!", e);
String tempZipFilePath = "";
if (swaggerDefJsonFile.exists()) {
try (Writer swaggerFileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(swaggerDefJsonFile.getAbsoluteFile()), "UTF-8"))) {
log.debug("Writing the swagger definition was sucessful to file {}", swaggerDefJsonFile.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (IOException e) {
handleSdkGenException("Error writing swagger definition to file in " + tempSdkGenDir, e);
// Generate the SDK for the specified language
generateSdkForSwaggerDef(language, swaggerDefJsonFile.getAbsolutePath(), tempSdkGenDir.toString());
log.debug("Generating SDK for the swagger definition {} was successful.", swaggerDefJsonFile.getAbsolutePath());
String archiveName = apiName + "_" + language + "_" + apiVersion;
tempZipFilePath = tempSdkGenDir + File.separator + archiveName + ".zip";
APIFileUtils.archiveDirectory(tempSdkGenDir.toString(), tempSdkGenDir.toString(), archiveName);
log.debug("Generating the archive was successful for directory {}.", tempSdkGenDir.toString());
} else {
handleSdkGenException("Swagger definition file not found!");
try {
// Set deleteOnExit property to generated SDK directory, all sub directories and files.
} catch (IOException e) {
handleSdkGenException("Error while deleting temporary directory " + tempSdkGenDir, e);
return tempZipFilePath;
use of org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.db.Database in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class H2SQLStatements method prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore.
* @see ApiDAOVendorSpecificStatements#prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore(Connection connection, List, List,
* Map, int, int)
public PreparedStatement prepareAttributeSearchStatementForStore(Connection connection, List<String> roles, List<String> labels, Map<String, String> attributeMap, int offset, int limit) throws APIMgtDAOException {
StringBuilder roleListBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < roles.size() - 1; i++) {
StringBuilder searchQuery = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = attributeMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (entries.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, String> entry =;
if (APIMgtConstants.TAG_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())) {
} else if (APIMgtConstants.SUBCONTEXT_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())) {
} else {
searchQuery.append(") LIKE ?");
if (entries.hasNext()) {
searchQuery.append(" AND ");
// retrieve the attribute applicable for the search
String searchAttribute = attributeMap.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey();
// get the corresponding implementation based on the attribute to be searched
String query = searchMap.get(searchAttribute).getStoreAttributeSearchQuery(roleListBuilder, searchQuery, offset, limit);
query = "Select * from ( " + query + " ) " + getStoreAPIsByLabelJoinQuery(labels);
try {
int queryIndex = 1;
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
// include the attribute in the query (for APIs with public visibility)
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributeMap.entrySet()) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, '%' + entry.getValue().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + '%');
// include user roles in the query
for (String role : roles) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, role);
// include the attribute in the query (for APIs with restricted visibility)
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributeMap.entrySet()) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, '%' + entry.getValue().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + '%');
for (String label : labels) {
statement.setString(queryIndex, label);
// setting 0 as the default offset based on store-api.yaml and H2 specifications
statement.setInt(queryIndex, (offset < 0) ? 0 : offset);
statement.setInt(++queryIndex, limit);
return statement;
} catch (SQLException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while searching APIs for attributes in the database.";
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIMgtDAOException(errorMsg, e);