use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.api.server.idp.v1.model.Roles in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApiDAOImplIT method testGetAPIsByStatusStore.
public void testGetAPIsByStatusStore() throws Exception {
// Add few APIs with different attributes.
List<String> apiIDList = createAPIsAndGetIDsOfAddedAPIs();
Set<String> userRoles = new HashSet<>();
List<String> statuses = new ArrayList<>();
ApiDAO apiDAO = DAOFactory.getApiDAO();
String[] expectedAPINames;
List<API> apiResults;
// Asserting results for different search queries
// Role based API retrieval for a user with "admin" role
apiResults = apiDAO.getAPIsByStatus(userRoles, statuses, new ArrayList<>());
List<String> resultAPINameList = new ArrayList<>();
for (API api : apiResults) {
expectedAPINames = new String[] { "PublicAPI", "AdminManagerAPI" };
Assert.assertTrue(resultAPINameList.containsAll(Arrays.asList(expectedAPINames)) && Arrays.asList(expectedAPINames).containsAll(resultAPINameList));
// Role based API retrieval for a user with "manager" role
apiResults = apiDAO.getAPIsByStatus(userRoles, statuses, new ArrayList<>());
for (API api : apiResults) {
expectedAPINames = new String[] { "PublicAPI", "ManagerOnlyAPI", "AdminManagerAPI", "NonAdminAPI" };
Assert.assertTrue(resultAPINameList.containsAll(Arrays.asList(expectedAPINames)) && Arrays.asList(expectedAPINames).containsAll(resultAPINameList));
// Role based API retrieval for a user with "manager", "employee" and "customer" roles
apiResults = apiDAO.getAPIsByStatus(userRoles, statuses, new ArrayList<>());
for (API api : apiResults) {
expectedAPINames = new String[] { "PublicAPI", "ManagerOnlyAPI", "AdminManagerAPI", "EmployeeAPI", "NonAdminAPI" };
Assert.assertTrue(resultAPINameList.containsAll(Arrays.asList(expectedAPINames)) && Arrays.asList(expectedAPINames).containsAll(resultAPINameList));
use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.api.server.idp.v1.model.Roles in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApiDAOImplIT method testAttributeSearchAPIs.
@Test(description = "Retrieve summary of paginated data of all available APIs that match the given search criteria")
public void testAttributeSearchAPIs() throws Exception {
ApiDAO apiDAO = DAOFactory.getApiDAO();
API api = SampleTestObjectCreator.createDefaultAPI().build();
Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, String> attributeMap = new HashMap<>();
attributeMap.put("name", api.getName());
List<API> apiList = apiDAO.attributeSearchAPIs(roles, api.getProvider(), attributeMap, 0, 2);
Assert.assertTrue(apiList.size() > 0);
use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.api.server.idp.v1.model.Roles in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIPublisherImpl method replaceGroupNamesWithId.
* This method replaces the groupId field's value to the role id instead of the name passed by the user
* @param permissionString - the permission json string which contains role names in groupId field
* @return permission string with replaced groupId
* @throws ParseException - if there is an error parsing the json string
* @throws APIManagementException - if there is an error getting the IdentityProvider instance
private String replaceGroupNamesWithId(String permissionString) throws ParseException, APIManagementException {
JSONArray updatedPermissionArray = new JSONArray();
JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser();
JSONArray originalPermissionArray = (JSONArray) jsonParser.parse(permissionString);
try {
for (Object permissionObj : originalPermissionArray) {
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) permissionObj;
String groupName = (String) jsonObject.get(APIMgtConstants.Permission.GROUP_ID);
String groupId = getIdentityProvider().getRoleId(groupName);
JSONObject updatedPermissionJsonObj = new JSONObject();
updatedPermissionJsonObj.put(APIMgtConstants.Permission.GROUP_ID, groupId);
updatedPermissionJsonObj.put(APIMgtConstants.Permission.PERMISSION, jsonObject.get(APIMgtConstants.Permission.PERMISSION));
} catch (IdentityProviderException e) {
String errorMessage = "There are invalid roles in the permission string";
log.error(errorMessage, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMessage, e, ExceptionCodes.UNSUPPORTED_ROLE);
return updatedPermissionArray.toJSONString();
use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.api.server.idp.v1.model.Roles in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIPublisherImpl method updateAPI.
* Updates design and implementation of an existing API. This method must not be used to change API status.
* Implementations should throw an exceptions when such attempts are made. All life cycle state changes
* should be carried out using the changeAPIStatus method of this interface.
* @param apiBuilder {@code org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.models.API.APIBuilder} model object
* @throws APIManagementException if failed to update API
public void updateAPI(API.APIBuilder apiBuilder) throws APIManagementException {
APIGateway gateway = getApiGateway();
try {
API originalAPI = getAPIbyUUID(apiBuilder.getId());
if (originalAPI != null) {
// Checks whether the logged in user has the "UPDATE" permission for the API
verifyUserPermissionsToUpdateAPI(getUsername(), originalAPI);
// workflow status is an internal property and shouldn't be allowed to update externally
if ((originalAPI.getName().equals(apiBuilder.getName())) && (originalAPI.getVersion().equals(apiBuilder.getVersion())) && (originalAPI.getProvider().equals(apiBuilder.getProvider())) && originalAPI.getLifeCycleStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(apiBuilder.getLifeCycleStatus())) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiBuilder.getApiPermission())) {
Map<String, Integer> roleNamePermissionList;
roleNamePermissionList = getAPIPermissionArray(apiBuilder.getApiPermission());
Map<String, Endpoint> apiEndpointMap = apiBuilder.getEndpoint();
validateEndpoints(apiEndpointMap, true);
validateLabels(apiBuilder.getLabels(), originalAPI.hasOwnGateway());
createUriTemplateList(apiBuilder, true);
String updatedSwagger = apiDefinitionFromSwagger20.generateMergedResourceDefinition(getApiDAO().getApiSwaggerDefinition(apiBuilder.getId()),;
String gatewayConfig = getApiGatewayConfig(apiBuilder.getId());
GatewaySourceGenerator gatewaySourceGenerator = getGatewaySourceGenerator();
APIConfigContext apiConfigContext = new APIConfigContext(, config.getGatewayPackageName());
String updatedGatewayConfig = gatewaySourceGenerator.getGatewayConfigFromSwagger(gatewayConfig, updatedSwagger);
API api =;
// Add API to gateway
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("API : " + apiBuilder.getName() + " has been successfully updated in gateway");
if (originalAPI.getContext() != null && !originalAPI.getContext().equals(apiBuilder.getContext())) {
if (!checkIfAPIContextExists(api.getContext())) {
// if the API has public visibility, update the API without any role checking
if (API.Visibility.PUBLIC == api.getVisibility()) {
getApiDAO().updateAPI(api.getId(), api);
} else if (API.Visibility.RESTRICTED == api.getVisibility()) {
// get all the roles in the system
Set<String> availableRoles = APIUtils.getAllAvailableRoles();
// get the roles needed to be associated with the API
Set<String> apiRoleList = api.getVisibleRoles();
// if the API has role based visibility, update the API with role checking
if (APIUtils.checkAllowedRoles(availableRoles, apiRoleList)) {
getApiDAO().updateAPI(api.getId(), api);
getApiDAO().updateApiDefinition(api.getId(), updatedSwagger, api.getUpdatedBy());
getApiDAO().updateGatewayConfig(api.getId(), updatedGatewayConfig, api.getUpdatedBy());
} else {
throw new APIManagementException("Context already Exist", ExceptionCodes.API_ALREADY_EXISTS);
} else {
// if the API has public visibility, update the API without any role checking
if (API.Visibility.PUBLIC == api.getVisibility()) {
getApiDAO().updateAPI(api.getId(), api);
} else if (API.Visibility.RESTRICTED == api.getVisibility()) {
// get all the roles in the system
Set<String> allAvailableRoles = APIUtils.getAllAvailableRoles();
// get the roles needed to be associated with the API
Set<String> apiRoleList = api.getVisibleRoles();
// if the API has role based visibility, update the API with role checking
if (APIUtils.checkAllowedRoles(allAvailableRoles, apiRoleList)) {
getApiDAO().updateAPI(api.getId(), api);
getApiDAO().updateApiDefinition(api.getId(), updatedSwagger, api.getUpdatedBy());
getApiDAO().updateGatewayConfig(api.getId(), updatedGatewayConfig, api.getUpdatedBy());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("API " + api.getName() + "-" + api.getVersion() + " was updated successfully.");
// 'API_M Functions' related code
// Create a payload with event specific details
Map<String, String> eventPayload = new HashMap<>();
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_ID, api.getId());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_NAME, api.getName());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_VERSION, api.getVersion());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_DESCRIPTION, api.getDescription());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_CONTEXT, api.getContext());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_LC_STATUS, api.getLifeCycleStatus());
// This will notify all the EventObservers(Asynchronous)
ObserverNotifier observerNotifier = new ObserverNotifier(Event.API_UPDATE, getUsername(),, eventPayload, this);
} else {
APIUtils.verifyValidityOfApiUpdate(apiBuilder, originalAPI);
} else {
log.error("Couldn't found API with ID " + apiBuilder.getId());
throw new APIManagementException("Couldn't found API with ID " + apiBuilder.getId(), ExceptionCodes.API_NOT_FOUND);
} catch (APIMgtDAOException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while updating the API - " + apiBuilder.getName();
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, e.getErrorHandler());
} catch (ParseException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while parsing the permission json from swagger - " + apiBuilder.getName();
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, ExceptionCodes.SWAGGER_PARSE_EXCEPTION);
} catch (GatewayException e) {
String message = "Error occurred while updating API - " + apiBuilder.getName() + " in gateway";
log.error(message, e);
throw new APIManagementException(message, ExceptionCodes.GATEWAY_EXCEPTION);
use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.api.server.idp.v1.model.Roles in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class DefaultIdentityProviderImpl method getRoleNamesOfUser.
public List<String> getRoleNamesOfUser(String userId) throws IdentityProviderException {
List<String> roleNames = new ArrayList<>();
Response response = scimServiceStub.getUser(userId);
if (response == null) {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while retrieving user with Id " + userId + ". Error : Response is null.";
throw new IdentityProviderException(errorMessage, ExceptionCodes.RESOURCE_RETRIEVAL_FAILED);
try {
if (response.status() == APIMgtConstants.HTTPStatusCodes.SC_200_OK) {
SCIMUser scimUser = (SCIMUser) new GsonDecoder().decode(response, SCIMUser.class);
if (scimUser != null) {
List<SCIMUser.SCIMUserGroups> roles = scimUser.getGroups();
if (roles != null) {
roles.forEach(role -> roleNames.add(role.getDisplay()));
String message = "Role names of user " + scimUser.getName() + " are successfully retrieved as " + StringUtils.join(roleNames, ", ") + ".";
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
} else {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while retrieving user with user Id " + userId + " from SCIM endpoint. " + "Response body is null or empty.";
throw new IdentityProviderException("Error occurred while retrieving user with user Id " + userId + " from SCIM endpoint. " + "Response body is null or empty.", ExceptionCodes.RESOURCE_RETRIEVAL_FAILED);
} else {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while retrieving role names of user with Id " + userId + ". Error : " + getErrorMessage(response);
throw new IdentityProviderException(errorMessage, ExceptionCodes.RESOURCE_RETRIEVAL_FAILED);
} catch (IOException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error occurred while parsing response from SCIM endpoint.";
throw new IdentityProviderException("Error occurred while parsing response from SCIM endpoint for ", e, ExceptionCodes.RESOURCE_RETRIEVAL_FAILED);
return roleNames;