use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.exception.UserIdNotFoundException in project identity-inbound-auth-oauth by wso2-extensions.
the class AccessTokenIssuer method getSubjectClaim.
private String getSubjectClaim(ServiceProvider serviceProvider, AuthenticatedUser authenticatedUser) throws IdentityOAuth2Exception {
String userTenantDomain = authenticatedUser.getTenantDomain();
String subject;
String userStoreDomain = authenticatedUser.getUserStoreDomain();
String subjectClaimUri = getSubjectClaimUriInLocalDialect(serviceProvider);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subjectClaimUri)) {
try {
subject = getSubjectClaimFromUserStore(subjectClaimUri, authenticatedUser);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(subject)) {
// Set username as the subject claim since we have no other option
subject = getDefaultSubject(serviceProvider, authenticatedUser);
log.warn("Cannot find subject claim: " + subjectClaimUri + " for user:" + authenticatedUser.getLoggableUserId() + ". Defaulting to username: " + subject + " as the subject identifier.");
// Get the subject claim in the correct format (ie. tenantDomain or userStoreDomain appended)
subject = getFormattedSubjectClaim(serviceProvider, subject, userStoreDomain, userTenantDomain);
} catch (IdentityException e) {
String error = "Error occurred while getting user claim for user: " + authenticatedUser.getLoggableUserId() + ", claim" + ": " + subjectClaimUri;
throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception(error, e);
} catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) {
String error = "Error occurred while getting subject claim: " + subjectClaimUri + " for user: " + authenticatedUser.getLoggableUserId();
throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception(error, e);
} else {
try {
subject = getDefaultSubject(serviceProvider, authenticatedUser);
subject = getFormattedSubjectClaim(serviceProvider, subject, userStoreDomain, userTenantDomain);
} catch (UserIdNotFoundException e) {
throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception("User id not found for user: " + authenticatedUser.getLoggableUserId(), e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("No subject claim defined for service provider: " + serviceProvider.getApplicationName() + ". Using username as the subject claim.");
return subject;
use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.exception.UserIdNotFoundException in project identity-inbound-auth-oauth by wso2-extensions.
the class RefreshGrantHandler method removeIfCached.
private void removeIfCached(OAuth2AccessTokenReqDTO tokenReq, RefreshTokenValidationDataDO validationBean) throws IdentityOAuth2Exception {
if (cacheEnabled) {
String userId;
try {
userId = validationBean.getAuthorizedUser().getUserId();
} catch (UserIdNotFoundException e) {
throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception("User id not found for user:" + validationBean.getAuthorizedUser().getLoggableUserId(), e);
clearCache(tokenReq.getClientId(), userId, validationBean.getScope(), validationBean.getAccessToken(), validationBean.getAuthorizedUser().getFederatedIdPName(), validationBean.getTokenBindingReference(), validationBean.getAuthorizedUser().getTenantDomain());
use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.exception.UserIdNotFoundException in project identity-inbound-auth-oauth by wso2-extensions.
the class AbstractAuthorizationGrantHandler method updateCacheIfEnabled.
private void updateCacheIfEnabled(AccessTokenDO newTokenBean, String scope, OauthTokenIssuer oauthTokenIssuer) throws IdentityOAuth2Exception {
if (isHashDisabled && cacheEnabled) {
AccessTokenDO tokenToCache = AccessTokenDO.clone(newTokenBean);
// method is set as the token.
if (oauthTokenIssuer.usePersistedAccessTokenAlias()) {
try {
String persistedTokenIdentifier = oauthTokenIssuer.getAccessTokenHash(newTokenBean.getAccessToken());
} catch (OAuthSystemException e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (IdentityUtil.isTokenLoggable(IdentityConstants.IdentityTokens.ACCESS_TOKEN)) {
log.debug("Token issuer: " + oauthTokenIssuer.getClass() + " was tried and" + " failed to parse the received token: " + tokenToCache.getAccessToken(), e);
} else {
log.debug("Token issuer: " + oauthTokenIssuer.getClass() + " was tried and" + " failed to parse the received token.", e);
String userId;
try {
userId = tokenToCache.getAuthzUser().getUserId();
} catch (UserIdNotFoundException e) {
throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception("User id is not available for user: " + tokenToCache.getAuthzUser().getLoggableUserId(), e);
String authenticatedIDP = OAuth2Util.getAuthenticatedIDP(tokenToCache.getAuthzUser());
OAuthCacheKey cacheKey = getOAuthCacheKey(scope, tokenToCache.getConsumerKey(), userId, authenticatedIDP, getTokenBindingReference(tokenToCache));
oauthCache.addToCache(cacheKey, tokenToCache);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Access token was added to OAuthCache with cache key : " + cacheKey.getCacheKeyString());
// Adding AccessTokenDO to improve validation performance
use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.exception.UserIdNotFoundException in project identity-inbound-auth-oauth by wso2-extensions.
the class AuthorizationCodeGrantHandler method revokeExistingAccessTokens.
private void revokeExistingAccessTokens(String tokenId, AuthzCodeDO authzCodeDO) throws IdentityOAuth2Exception {
String userId = null;
try {
userId = authzCodeDO.getAuthorizedUser().getUserId();
} catch (UserIdNotFoundException e) {
throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception("User id not found for user: " + authzCodeDO.getAuthorizedUser().getLoggableUserId(), e);
OAuthTokenPersistenceFactory.getInstance().getAccessTokenDAO().revokeAccessToken(tokenId, userId);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (IdentityUtil.isTokenLoggable(IdentityConstants.IdentityTokens.AUTHORIZATION_CODE)) {
log.debug("Validated authorization code(hashed): " + DigestUtils.sha256Hex(authzCodeDO.getAuthorizationCode()) + " for client: " + authzCodeDO.getConsumerKey() + " is not active. " + "So revoking the access tokens issued for the authorization code.");
} else {
log.debug("Validated authorization code for client: " + authzCodeDO.getConsumerKey() + " is not " + "active. So revoking the access tokens issued for the authorization code.");
use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.exception.UserIdNotFoundException in project identity-inbound-auth-oauth by wso2-extensions.
the class TokenBindingExpiryEventHandler method revokeTokensOfBindingRef.
* Revoke all the access tokens issued for the given user with the given token binding reference if the token
* revocation token after logout is enabled for the application.
* @param user authenticated user
* @param tokenBindingReference token binding reference
* @throws IdentityOAuth2Exception if an exception occurs while revoking tokens
* @throws InvalidOAuthClientException if an exception occurs while revoking tokens
private void revokeTokensOfBindingRef(AuthenticatedUser user, String tokenBindingReference) throws IdentityOAuth2Exception, InvalidOAuthClientException {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(tokenBindingReference) || user == null) {
String userId;
try {
userId = user.getUserId();
} catch (UserIdNotFoundException e) {
log.error("User id cannot be found for user: " + user.getLoggableUserId() + ". Hence skip revoking " + "relevant tokens");
throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception("Unable to revoke tokens for the token binding reference: " + tokenBindingReference);
Set<AccessTokenDO> boundTokens = OAuthTokenPersistenceFactory.getInstance().getAccessTokenDAO().getAccessTokensByBindingRef(tokenBindingReference);
if (log.isDebugEnabled() && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(boundTokens)) {
log.debug("No bound tokens found for the the provided binding reference: " + tokenBindingReference);
for (AccessTokenDO accessTokenDO : boundTokens) {
String consumerKey = accessTokenDO.getConsumerKey();
if (OAuth2Util.getAppInformationByClientId(consumerKey).isTokenRevocationWithIDPSessionTerminationEnabled() && accessTokenDO.getAuthzUser() != null) {
AuthenticatedUser authenticatedUser = new AuthenticatedUser(accessTokenDO.getAuthzUser());
try {
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(userId, authenticatedUser.getUserId())) {
revokeTokens(consumerKey, accessTokenDO, tokenBindingReference);
} catch (UserIdNotFoundException e) {
log.error("User id cannot be found for user: " + authenticatedUser.getLoggableUserId());
throw new IdentityOAuth2Exception("Unable to revoke tokens of the app: " + consumerKey + " for the token binding reference: " + tokenBindingReference);