Search in sources :

Example 21 with Parameter

use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.workflow.mgt.bean.Parameter in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class JMSTaskManagerFactory method getTransactionality.

 * @param svcMap JNDI context properties and other general property map
 * @param cfMap  properties defined on the JMS CF
 * @return value for the specific transactionality type
private static int getTransactionality(Map<String, String> svcMap, Map<String, String> cfMap) {
    String key = BaseConstants.PARAM_TRANSACTIONALITY;
    String val = svcMap.get(key);
    if (val == null) {
        val = cfMap.get(key);
    if (val == null) {
        return BaseConstants.TRANSACTION_NONE;
    } else {
        if (BaseConstants.STR_TRANSACTION_JTA.equalsIgnoreCase(val)) {
            return BaseConstants.TRANSACTION_JTA;
        } else if (BaseConstants.STR_TRANSACTION_LOCAL.equalsIgnoreCase(val)) {
            return BaseConstants.TRANSACTION_LOCAL;
        } else {
            throw new JmsRunTimeException("Invalid option : " + val + " for parameter : " + BaseConstants.STR_TRANSACTION_JTA);
        // TODO fix it
        // return 0;
Also used : JmsRunTimeException(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.common.jms.JmsRunTimeException)

Example 22 with Parameter

use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.workflow.mgt.bean.Parameter in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class ApiMgtDAO method setQueryParameterConditions.

 * Add Query parameter conditions of pipeline with pipeline Id: <code>pipelineId</code> to a
 * provided {@link Condition} array
 * @param pipelineId Id of the pipeline
 * @param conditions condition array to populate
 * @throws APIManagementException
private void setQueryParameterConditions(int pipelineId, ArrayList<Condition> conditions) throws APIManagementException {
    Connection connection = null;
    PreparedStatement conditionsStatement = null;
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
        connection = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection();
        conditionsStatement = connection.prepareStatement(SQLConstants.ThrottleSQLConstants.GET_QUERY_PARAMETER_CONDITIONS_SQL);
        conditionsStatement.setInt(1, pipelineId);
        resultSet = conditionsStatement.executeQuery();
        while ( {
            QueryParameterCondition queryParameterCondition = new QueryParameterCondition();
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        handleException("Failed to get query parameter conditions for pipelineId: " + pipelineId, e);
    } finally {
        APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(conditionsStatement, connection, resultSet);
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) Connection(java.sql.Connection) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) QueryParameterCondition(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.policy.QueryParameterCondition)

Example 23 with Parameter

use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.workflow.mgt.bean.Parameter in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class CertificateMgtDAO method getCertificate.

 * Method to retrieve certificate metadata from db for specific tenant which matches alias or endpoint.
 * From alias and endpoint, only one parameter is required.
 * @param tenantId : The id of the tenant which the certificate belongs to.
 * @param alias    : Alias for the certificate. (Optional)
 * @param endpoint : The endpoint/ server url which the certificate is mapped to. (Optional)
 * @return : A CertificateMetadataDTO object if the certificate is retrieved successfully, null otherwise.
public CertificateMetadataDTO getCertificate(String alias, String endpoint, int tenantId) throws CertificateManagementException {
    String getCertQuery;
    getCertQuery = SQLConstants.CertificateConstants.GET_CERTIFICATE_TENANT_ALIAS_ENDPOINT;
    try (Connection connection = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection()) {
        try (PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(getCertQuery)) {
            preparedStatement.setInt(1, tenantId);
            preparedStatement.setString(2, alias);
            preparedStatement.setString(3, endpoint);
            try (ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
                if ( {
                    CertificateMetadataDTO certificateMetadataDTO = new CertificateMetadataDTO();
                    try (InputStream certificate = resultSet.getBinaryStream("CERTIFICATE")) {
                    return certificateMetadataDTO;
    } catch (SQLException | IOException e) {
        handleException("Error while retrieving certificate metadata.", e);
    throw new CertificateManagementException("Certificate didn't exist with alias" + alias);
Also used : CertificateMetadataDTO(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.dto.CertificateMetadataDTO) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( Connection(java.sql.Connection) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) CertificateManagementException(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.certificatemgt.exceptions.CertificateManagementException) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) IOException(

Example 24 with Parameter

use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.workflow.mgt.bean.Parameter in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class SystemApplicationDAO method getApplications.

 * Method to retrieve all the system Applications for the given tenant
 * @param tenantDomain required parameter
 * @return SystemApplicationDTO which hold the retrieved client credentials
 * @throws APIMgtDAOException
public SystemApplicationDTO[] getApplications(String tenantDomain) throws APIMgtDAOException {
    Connection connection = null;
    PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    SystemApplicationDTO systemApplicationDTO = null;
    List<SystemApplicationDTO> systemApplicationDTOS = new ArrayList<>();
    String getCredentialsQuery = SQLConstants.SystemApplicationConstants.GET_APPLICATIONS;
    try {
        connection = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection();
        preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(getCredentialsQuery);
        preparedStatement.setString(1, tenantDomain);
        resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
        while ( {
            systemApplicationDTO = new SystemApplicationDTO();
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Error while retrieving system applications for tenant: " + tenantDomain);
        handleException("Error while retrieving system applications for tenant: " + tenantDomain, e);
    } finally {
        APIMgtDBUtil.closeAllConnections(preparedStatement, connection, resultSet);
    return systemApplicationDTOS.toArray(new SystemApplicationDTO[systemApplicationDTOS.size()]);
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) SystemApplicationDTO(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.SystemApplicationDTO) Connection(java.sql.Connection) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement)

Example 25 with Parameter

use of org.wso2.carbon.identity.workflow.mgt.bean.Parameter in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class CertificateMgtDAO method getCertificates.

 * Method to retrieve certificate metadata from db for specific tenant which matches alias or endpoint.
 * From alias and endpoint, only one parameter is required.
 * @param tenantId : The id of the tenant which the certificate belongs to.
 * @param alias    : Alias for the certificate. (Optional)
 * @param endpoint : The endpoint/ server url which the certificate is mapped to. (Optional)
 * @return : A CertificateMetadataDTO object if the certificate is retrieved successfully, null otherwise.
public List<CertificateMetadataDTO> getCertificates(String alias, String endpoint, int tenantId) throws CertificateManagementException {
    String getCertQuery;
    CertificateMetadataDTO certificateMetadataDTO;
    List<CertificateMetadataDTO> certificateMetadataList = new ArrayList<>();
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(alias) || StringUtils.isNotEmpty(endpoint)) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("The alias and endpoint are not empty. Invoking the search query with parameters " + "alias = " + alias + " endpoint = " + endpoint);
        getCertQuery = SQLConstants.CertificateConstants.GET_CERTIFICATE_TENANT;
    } else {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("The alias and endpoint are empty. Invoking the get all certificates for tenant " + tenantId);
        getCertQuery = SQLConstants.CertificateConstants.GET_CERTIFICATES;
    try (Connection connection = APIMgtDBUtil.getConnection()) {
        try (PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(getCertQuery)) {
            preparedStatement.setInt(1, tenantId);
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(alias) || StringUtils.isNotEmpty(endpoint)) {
                preparedStatement.setString(2, alias);
                preparedStatement.setString(3, endpoint);
            try (ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
                while ( {
                    certificateMetadataDTO = new CertificateMetadataDTO();
                    try (InputStream certificate = resultSet.getBinaryStream("CERTIFICATE")) {
    } catch (SQLException | IOException e) {
        handleException("Error while retrieving certificate metadata.", e);
    return certificateMetadataList;
Also used : CertificateMetadataDTO(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.dto.CertificateMetadataDTO) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Connection(java.sql.Connection) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) IOException(


HashMap (java.util.HashMap)74 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)65 Map (java.util.Map)29 Response ( Operation (io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation)27 ApiResponses (io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponses)27 Parameter (org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter)27 ApiResponse (io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse)26 OMElement ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)19 IOException ( List (java.util.List)17 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)15 CAppArtifacts ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)14 BLangEndpoint (org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.tree.BLangEndpoint)14 Artifacts ( APIManagementException (org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException)13 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)12 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)11