use of org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class RegistryPersistenceImpl method changeAPILifeCycle.
public void changeAPILifeCycle(Organization org, String apiId, String status) throws APIPersistenceException {
GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = null;
boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false;
try {
RegistryHolder holder = getRegistry(org.getName());
Registry registry = holder.getRegistry();
isTenantFlowStarted = holder.isTenantFlowStarted();
if (GovernanceUtils.findGovernanceArtifactConfiguration(APIConstants.API_KEY, registry) != null) {
artifactManager = new GenericArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
GenericArtifact apiArtifact = artifactManager.getGenericArtifact(apiId);
String action = LCManagerFactory.getInstance().getLCManager().getTransitionAction(apiArtifact.getLifecycleState().toUpperCase(), status.toUpperCase());
apiArtifact.invokeAction(action, APIConstants.API_LIFE_CYCLE);
} else {
log.warn("Couldn't find GovernanceArtifactConfiguration of RXT: " + APIConstants.API_KEY + ". Tenant id set in registry : " + ((UserRegistry) registry).getTenantId() + ", Tenant domain set in PrivilegedCarbonContext: " + PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId());
} catch (GovernanceException e) {
throw new APIPersistenceException("Error while changing the lifecycle. ", e);
} catch (RegistryException e) {
throw new APIPersistenceException("Error while accessing the registry. ", e);
} catch (PersistenceException e) {
throw new APIPersistenceException("Error while accessing the lifecycle. ", e);
} finally {
if (isTenantFlowStarted) {
use of org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class RegistryPersistenceImpl method addMediationPolicy.
public Mediation addMediationPolicy(Organization org, String apiId, Mediation mediation) throws MediationPolicyPersistenceException {
boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false;
try {
String tenantDomain = org.getName();
RegistryHolder holder = getRegistry(tenantDomain);
Registry registry = holder.getRegistry();
isTenantFlowStarted = holder.isTenantFlowStarted();
BasicAPI api = getbasicAPIInfo(apiId, registry);
if (api == null) {
throw new MediationPolicyPersistenceException("API not foud ", ExceptionCodes.API_NOT_FOUND);
String resourcePath = APIConstants.API_ROOT_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + api.apiProvider + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + api.apiName + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + api.apiVersion + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + mediation.getType() + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + mediation.getName();
if (registry.resourceExists(resourcePath)) {
throw new MediationPolicyPersistenceException("Mediation policy already exists for the given name " + mediation.getName(), ExceptionCodes.MEDIATION_POLICY_API_ALREADY_EXISTS);
Resource policy = registry.newResource();
registry.put(resourcePath, policy);
return mediation;
} catch (RegistryException | APIPersistenceException e) {
String msg = "Error while adding the mediation to the registry";
throw new MediationPolicyPersistenceException(msg, e);
} finally {
if (isTenantFlowStarted) {
use of org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class RegistryPersistenceImpl method getThumbnail.
public ResourceFile getThumbnail(Organization org, String apiId) throws ThumbnailPersistenceException {
Registry registry;
boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false;
try {
String tenantDomain = org.getName();
RegistryHolder holder = getRegistry(tenantDomain);
registry = holder.getRegistry();
isTenantFlowStarted = holder.isTenantFlowStarted();
GenericArtifact apiArtifact = getAPIArtifact(apiId, registry);
if (apiArtifact == null) {
return null;
String apiProviderName = apiArtifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER);
apiProviderName = RegistryPersistenceUtil.replaceEmailDomain(apiProviderName);
String apiName = apiArtifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME);
String apiVersion = apiArtifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION);
String artifactOldPath = APIConstants.API_IMAGE_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiProviderName + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiName + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiVersion;
String apiPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, apiId);
int prependIndex = apiPath.lastIndexOf("/api");
String artifactPath = apiPath.substring(0, prependIndex);
String oldThumbPath = artifactOldPath + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + APIConstants.API_ICON_IMAGE;
String thumbPath = artifactPath + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + APIConstants.API_ICON_IMAGE;
if (registry.resourceExists(thumbPath)) {
Resource res = registry.get(thumbPath);
return new ResourceFile(res.getContentStream(), res.getMediaType());
} else if (registry.resourceExists(oldThumbPath)) {
Resource res = registry.get(oldThumbPath);
return new ResourceFile(res.getContentStream(), res.getMediaType());
} catch (RegistryException | APIPersistenceException e) {
String msg = "Error while loading API icon of API " + apiId + " from the registry";
throw new ThumbnailPersistenceException(msg, e);
} finally {
if (isTenantFlowStarted) {
return null;
use of org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class RegistryPersistenceImpl method getPublisherAPI.
public PublisherAPI getPublisherAPI(Organization org, String apiId) throws APIPersistenceException {
boolean tenantFlowStarted = false;
try {
RegistryHolder holder = getRegistry(org.getName());
tenantFlowStarted = holder.isTenantFlowStarted();
Registry registry = holder.getRegistry();
GenericArtifact apiArtifact = getAPIArtifact(apiId, registry);
if (apiArtifact != null) {
API api = RegistryPersistenceUtil.getApiForPublishing(registry, apiArtifact);
String apiPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, apiId);
int prependIndex = apiPath.lastIndexOf("/api");
String apiSourcePath = apiPath.substring(0, prependIndex);
String definitionPath = apiSourcePath + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + APIConstants.API_OAS_DEFINITION_RESOURCE_NAME;
String asyncApiDefinitionPath = apiSourcePath + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + APIConstants.API_ASYNC_API_DEFINITION_RESOURCE_NAME;
if (registry.resourceExists(definitionPath)) {
Resource apiDocResource = registry.get(definitionPath);
String apiDocContent = new String((byte[]) apiDocResource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset());
if (APIConstants.API_TYPE_SOAPTOREST.equals(api.getType())) {
List<SOAPToRestSequence> list = getSoapToRestSequences(registry, api, Direction.IN);
list.addAll(getSoapToRestSequences(registry, api, Direction.OUT));
} else if (APIConstants.API_TYPE_WEBSUB.equals(api.getType()) || APIConstants.API_TYPE_WS.equals(api.getType()) || APIConstants.API_TYPE_SSE.equals(api.getType()) || APIConstants.API_TYPE_WEBHOOK.equals(api.getType())) {
if (asyncApiDefinitionPath != null) {
if (registry.resourceExists(asyncApiDefinitionPath)) {
Resource apiDocResource = registry.get(asyncApiDefinitionPath);
String apiDocContent = new String((byte[]) apiDocResource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset());
PublisherAPI pubApi = APIMapper.INSTANCE.toPublisherApi(api);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("API for id " + apiId + " : " + pubApi.toString());
return pubApi;
} else {
String msg = "Failed to get API. API artifact corresponding to artifactId " + apiId + " does not exist";
throw new APIMgtResourceNotFoundException(msg);
} catch (RegistryException e) {
String msg = "Failed to get API";
throw new APIPersistenceException(msg, e);
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String msg = "Failed to get API";
throw new APIPersistenceException(msg, e);
} finally {
if (tenantFlowStarted) {
use of org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class RegistryPersistenceImpl method searchPaginatedPublisherAPIs.
private PublisherAPISearchResult searchPaginatedPublisherAPIs(Registry userRegistry, int tenantIDLocal, String searchQuery, int start, int offset) throws APIManagementException {
int totalLength = 0;
PublisherAPISearchResult searchResults = new PublisherAPISearchResult();
try {
final int maxPaginationLimit = getMaxPaginationLimit();
PaginationContext.init(start, offset, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, maxPaginationLimit);
List<GovernanceArtifact> governanceArtifacts = GovernanceUtils.findGovernanceArtifacts(searchQuery, userRegistry, APIConstants.API_RXT_MEDIA_TYPE, true);
totalLength = PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength();
boolean isFound = true;
if (governanceArtifacts == null || governanceArtifacts.size() == 0) {
if (searchQuery.contains(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER)) {
searchQuery = searchQuery.replaceAll(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER, APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_OWNER);
governanceArtifacts = GovernanceUtils.findGovernanceArtifacts(searchQuery, userRegistry, APIConstants.API_RXT_MEDIA_TYPE, true);
if (governanceArtifacts == null || governanceArtifacts.size() == 0) {
isFound = false;
} else {
isFound = false;
if (!isFound) {
return searchResults;
// Check to see if we can speculate that there are more APIs to be loaded
if (maxPaginationLimit == totalLength) {
// Remove the additional 1 added earlier when setting max pagination limit
List<PublisherAPIInfo> publisherAPIInfoList = new ArrayList<PublisherAPIInfo>();
int tempLength = 0;
for (GovernanceArtifact artifact : governanceArtifacts) {
PublisherAPIInfo apiInfo = new PublisherAPIInfo();
String artifactPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(userRegistry, artifact.getId());
Resource apiResource = userRegistry.get(artifactPath);
// Ensure the APIs returned matches the length, there could be an additional API
// returned due incrementing the pagination limit when getting from registry
if (tempLength >= totalLength) {
// Sort the publisherAPIInfoList according to the API name.
Collections.sort(publisherAPIInfoList, new PublisherAPISearchResultComparator());
} catch (RegistryException e) {
String msg = "Failed to search APIs with type";
throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
} finally {
return searchResults;