use of org.wso2.carbon.user.core.model.Condition in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class CodeGenerator method generateURILookupInstructions.
private void generateURILookupInstructions(Map<Name, BXMLNSSymbol> namespaces, RegIndex localNameRegIndex, RegIndex uriRegIndex, RegIndex targetQNameRegIndex, DiagnosticPos pos, SymbolEnv symbolEnv) {
if (namespaces.isEmpty()) {
createQNameWithoutPrefix(localNameRegIndex, uriRegIndex, targetQNameRegIndex);
Stack<Operand> endJumpInstrStack = new Stack<>();
String prefix;
for (Entry<Name, BXMLNSSymbol> keyValues : namespaces.entrySet()) {
prefix = keyValues.getKey().getValue();
// skip the default namespace
if (prefix.equals(XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX)) {
// Below section creates the condition to compare the namespace URIs
// store the comparing uri as string
BXMLNSSymbol nsSymbol = keyValues.getValue();
int opcode = getOpcode(TypeTags.STRING, InstructionCodes.IEQ);
RegIndex conditionExprIndex = getRegIndex(TypeTags.BOOLEAN);
emit(opcode, uriRegIndex, getNamespaceURIIndex(nsSymbol, symbolEnv), conditionExprIndex);
Operand ifCondJumpAddr = getOperand(-1);
emit(InstructionCodes.BR_FALSE, conditionExprIndex, ifCondJumpAddr);
// Below section creates instructions to be executed, if the above condition succeeds (then body)
// create the prefix literal
RegIndex prefixIndex = createStringLiteral(prefix, null, env);
// create a qname
emit(InstructionCodes.NEWQNAME, localNameRegIndex, uriRegIndex, prefixIndex, targetQNameRegIndex);
Operand endJumpAddr = getOperand(-1);
emit(InstructionCodes.GOTO, endJumpAddr);
ifCondJumpAddr.value = nextIP();
// else part. create a qname with empty prefix
createQNameWithoutPrefix(localNameRegIndex, uriRegIndex, targetQNameRegIndex);
while (!endJumpInstrStack.isEmpty()) {
endJumpInstrStack.pop().value = nextIP();
use of org.wso2.carbon.user.core.model.Condition in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class CodeGenerator method visit.
public void visit(BLangIf ifNode) {
// Generate code for the if condition evaluation
genNode(ifNode.expr, this.env);
Operand ifCondJumpAddr = getOperand(-1);
emit(InstructionCodes.BR_FALSE, ifNode.expr.regIndex, ifCondJumpAddr);
// Generate code for the then body
genNode(ifNode.body, this.env);
Operand endJumpAddr = getOperand(-1);
emit(InstructionCodes.GOTO, endJumpAddr);
ifCondJumpAddr.value = nextIP();
// Visit else statement if any
if (ifNode.elseStmt != null) {
genNode(ifNode.elseStmt, this.env);
endJumpAddr.value = nextIP();
use of org.wso2.carbon.user.core.model.Condition in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class ParserRuleTypeNameContextResolver method resolveItems.
public ArrayList<CompletionItem> resolveItems(TextDocumentServiceContext completionContext) {
ArrayList<CompletionItem> completionItems = new ArrayList<>();
TokenStream tokenStream = completionContext.get(DocumentServiceKeys.TOKEN_STREAM_KEY);
ParserRuleContext parserRuleContext = completionContext.get(DocumentServiceKeys.PARSER_RULE_CONTEXT_KEY);
CompletionItemSorter itemSorter = ItemSorters.getSorterByClass(DefaultItemSorter.class);
if (parserRuleContext.getParent() instanceof BallerinaParser.CatchClauseContext && CommonUtil.isWithinBrackets(completionContext, Collections.singletonList(CATCH_KEY_WORD))) {
this.populateCompletionItemList(filterCatchConditionSymbolInfo(completionContext), completionItems);
} else if (tokenStream.get(completionContext.get(DocumentServiceKeys.TOKEN_INDEX_KEY)).getText().equals(":")) {
TODO: ATM, this particular condition becomes true only when try to access packages' items in the
endpoint definition context
this.populateCompletionItemList(filterEndpointContextSymbolInfo(completionContext), completionItems);
} else {
StatementTemplateFilter statementTemplateFilter = new StatementTemplateFilter();
// Add the statement templates
this.populateBasicTypes(completionItems, completionContext.get(CompletionKeys.VISIBLE_SYMBOLS_KEY));
itemSorter = ItemSorters.getSorterByClass(completionContext.get(CompletionKeys.SYMBOL_ENV_NODE_KEY).getClass());
itemSorter.sortItems(completionContext, completionItems);
return completionItems;
use of org.wso2.carbon.user.core.model.Condition in project charon by wso2.
the class MeResourceManager method updateWithPATCH.
* Update the user resource by sequence of operations.
* @param existingId
* @param scimObjectString
* @param userManager
* @param attributes
* @param excludeAttributes
* @return
public SCIMResponse updateWithPATCH(String existingId, String scimObjectString, UserManager userManager, String attributes, String excludeAttributes) {
try {
if (userManager == null) {
String error = "Provided user manager handler is null.";
throw new InternalErrorException(error);
// obtain the json decoder.
JSONDecoder decoder = getDecoder();
// decode the SCIM User object, encoded in the submitted payload.
List<PatchOperation> opList = decoder.decodeRequest(scimObjectString);
SCIMResourceTypeSchema schema = getSchema(userManager);
// get the user from the user core
User oldUser = userManager.getMe(existingId, ResourceManagerUtil.getAllAttributeURIs(schema));
if (oldUser == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("No associated user exits in the user store.");
// make a copy of the original user
User copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(oldUser);
// make another copy of original user.
// this will be used to restore to the original condition if failure occurs.
User originalUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(copyOfOldUser);
User newUser = null;
for (PatchOperation operation : opList) {
if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.ADD)) {
if (newUser == null) {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchAdd(operation, getDecoder(), oldUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchAdd(operation, getDecoder(), newUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.REMOVE)) {
if (newUser == null) {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchRemove(operation, oldUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchRemove(operation, newUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else if (operation.getOperation().equals(SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.REPLACE)) {
if (newUser == null) {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchReplace(operation, getDecoder(), oldUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else {
newUser = (User) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchReplace(operation, getDecoder(), newUser, copyOfOldUser, schema);
copyOfOldUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
} else {
throw new BadRequestException("Unknown operation.", ResponseCodeConstants.INVALID_SYNTAX);
// get the URIs of required attributes which must be given a value
Map<String, Boolean> requiredAttributes = ResourceManagerUtil.getOnlyRequiredAttributesURIs((SCIMResourceTypeSchema) CopyUtil.deepCopy(schema), attributes, excludeAttributes);
User validatedUser = (User) ServerSideValidator.validateUpdatedSCIMObject(originalUser, newUser, schema);
newUser = userManager.updateMe(validatedUser, requiredAttributes);
// encode the newly created SCIM user object and add id attribute to Location header.
String encodedUser;
Map<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (newUser != null) {
// create a deep copy of the user object since we are going to change it.
User copiedUser = (User) CopyUtil.deepCopy(newUser);
// need to remove password before returning
ServerSideValidator.validateReturnedAttributes(copiedUser, attributes, excludeAttributes);
encodedUser = getEncoder().encodeSCIMObject(copiedUser);
// add location header
httpHeaders.put(SCIMConstants.LOCATION_HEADER, getResourceEndpointURL(SCIMConstants.USER_ENDPOINT) + "/" + newUser.getId());
} else {
String error = "Updated User resource is null.";
throw new CharonException(error);
// put the URI of the User object in the response header parameter.
return new SCIMResponse(ResponseCodeConstants.CODE_OK, encodedUser, httpHeaders);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (NotImplementedException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (CharonException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (InternalErrorException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
CharonException e1 = new CharonException("Error in performing the patch operation on user resource.", e);
return encodeSCIMException(e1);
use of org.wso2.carbon.user.core.model.Condition in project charon by wso2.
the class JSONEncoder method encodeComplexAttribute.
* Encode the complex attribute and include it in root json object to be returned.
* @param complexAttribute
* @param rootObject
public void encodeComplexAttribute(ComplexAttribute complexAttribute, JSONObject rootObject) throws JSONException {
JSONObject subObject = new JSONObject();
Map<String, Attribute> attributes = complexAttribute.getSubAttributesList();
for (Attribute attributeValue : attributes.values()) {
// using instanceof instead of polymorphic way, in order to make encoder pluggable.
if (attributeValue instanceof SimpleAttribute) {
// most of the time, this if condition is hit according to current SCIM spec.
encodeSimpleAttribute((SimpleAttribute) attributeValue, subObject);
} else if (attributeValue instanceof MultiValuedAttribute) {
encodeMultiValuedAttribute((MultiValuedAttribute) attributeValue, subObject);
} else if (attributeValue instanceof ComplexAttribute) {
encodeComplexAttribute((ComplexAttribute) attributeValue, subObject);
rootObject.put(complexAttribute.getName(), subObject);