use of org.wso2.charon.core.objects.Group in project siddhi by wso2.
the class StoreQueryTableTestCase method test13.
public void test13() throws InterruptedException {"Test13 - Test output attributes and its types for aggregation table");
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String streams = "" + "define stream StockStream (symbol string, price float, volume long);" + "define aggregation StockTableAg " + "from StockStream " + "select symbol, price " + "group by symbol " + "aggregate every minutes ...year;";
String storeQuery = "" + "from StockTableAg within '2018-**-** **:**:**' per 'minutes' select symbol, price ";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(streams);
Attribute[] actualAttributeArray = siddhiAppRuntime.getStoreQueryOutputAttributes(SiddhiCompiler.parseStoreQuery(storeQuery));
Attribute symbolAttribute = new Attribute("symbol", Attribute.Type.STRING);
Attribute priceAttribute = new Attribute("price", Attribute.Type.FLOAT);
Attribute[] expectedAttributeArray = new Attribute[] { symbolAttribute, priceAttribute };
AssertJUnit.assertArrayEquals(expectedAttributeArray, actualAttributeArray);
storeQuery = "" + "from StockTableAg within '2018-**-** **:**:**' per 'minutes' select symbol, sum(price) as total";
actualAttributeArray = siddhiAppRuntime.getStoreQueryOutputAttributes(SiddhiCompiler.parseStoreQuery(storeQuery));
Attribute totalVolumeAttribute = new Attribute("total", Attribute.Type.DOUBLE);
expectedAttributeArray = new Attribute[] { symbolAttribute, totalVolumeAttribute };
AssertJUnit.assertArrayEquals(expectedAttributeArray, actualAttributeArray);
use of org.wso2.charon.core.objects.Group in project siddhi by wso2.
the class StoreQueryTableTestCase method test3.
public void test3() throws InterruptedException {"Test3 table");
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String streams = "" + "define stream StockStream (symbol string, price float, volume long); " + "define table StockTable (symbol string, price float, volume long); ";
String query = "" + "@info(name = 'query1') " + "from StockStream " + "insert into StockTable ;";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(streams + query);
InputHandler stockStream = siddhiAppRuntime.getInputHandler("StockStream");
stockStream.send(new Object[] { "WSO2", 55.6f, 100L });
stockStream.send(new Object[] { "IBM", 75.6f, 100L });
stockStream.send(new Object[] { "WSO2", 57.6f, 100L });
Event[] events = siddhiAppRuntime.query("" + "from StockTable " + "on price > 5 " + "select symbol, sum(volume) as totalVolume " + "group by symbol " + "having totalVolume >150 ");
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1, events.length);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(200L, events[0].getData(1));
events = siddhiAppRuntime.query("" + "from StockTable " + "on price > 5 " + "select symbol, sum(volume) as totalVolume " + "group by symbol ");
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2, events.length);
events = siddhiAppRuntime.query("" + "from StockTable " + "on price > 5 " + "select symbol, sum(volume) as totalVolume " + "group by symbol,price ");
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(3, events.length);
use of org.wso2.charon.core.objects.Group in project siddhi by wso2.
the class StoreQueryTableTestCase method test6.
@Test(expectedExceptions = SiddhiParserException.class)
public void test6() throws InterruptedException {"Test5 table");
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String streams = "" + "define stream StockStream (symbol string, price float, volume long); " + "define table StockTable (symbol string, price float, volume long); ";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(streams);
try {
Event[] events = siddhiAppRuntime.query("" + "from StockTable1 " + "on price > 5 " + "select symbol1, sum(volume) totalVolume " + "group by symbol " + "having totalVolume >150 ");
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1, events.length);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(200L, events[0].getData(1));
} finally {
use of org.wso2.charon.core.objects.Group in project siddhi by wso2.
the class IncrementalStreamProcessorTestCase method incrementalStreamProcessorTest3.
public void incrementalStreamProcessorTest3() {
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String cseEventStream = "" + " define stream cseEventStream (arrival long, symbol string, price float, volume int); ";
String query = "" + " @info(name = 'query3') " + " define aggregation cseEventAggregation " + " from cseEventStream " + " select sum(price) as sumPrice " + " group by price " + " aggregate every sec, min, hour, day";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(cseEventStream + query);
use of org.wso2.charon.core.objects.Group in project siddhi by wso2.
the class DefineAggregationTestCase method test2.
public void test2() throws SiddhiParserException {
AggregationDefinition aggregationDefinitionQuery = SiddhiCompiler.parseAggregationDefinition("define aggregation StockAggregationDefinition " + "from StockStream " + "select StockStream.timestamp, StockStream.symbol as symbol, " + " StockStream.price as price " + " group by StockStream.symbol " + "aggregate by timestamp " + "every seconds, minutes, hours ;");
AggregationDefinition aggregationDefinition ="StockAggregationDefinition").from("StockStream")).select(Selector.basicSelector().select(Expression.variable("timestamp").ofStream("StockStream")).select("symbol", Expression.variable("symbol").ofStream("StockStream")).select("price", Expression.variable("price").ofStream("StockStream")).groupBy(Expression.variable("symbol").ofStream("StockStream"))).aggregateBy(Expression.variable("timestamp")).every(TimePeriod.interval(TimePeriod.Duration.SECONDS, TimePeriod.Duration.MINUTES, TimePeriod.Duration.HOURS));
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(aggregationDefinition, aggregationDefinitionQuery);