use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Group in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class SampleTestObjectCreator method createDefaultSiddhiAppForAPIThrottlePolicy.
public static String createDefaultSiddhiAppForAPIThrottlePolicy() {
APIPolicy apiPolicy = createDefaultAPIPolicy();
String siddhiApp = "\n@App:name('resource_" + apiPolicy.getPolicyName() + "_condition_0')" + "\n@App:description('ExecutionPlan for resource_" + apiPolicy.getPolicyName() + "_condition_0')\n" + "\n@source(type='inMemory', topic='apim', @map(type='passThrough'))" + "\ndefine stream RequestStream (messageID string, appKey string, appTier string, " + "subscriptionKey string," + " apiKey string, apiTier string, subscriptionTier string, resourceKey string," + " resourceTier string, userId string, apiContext string, apiVersion string, " + "appTenant string, apiTenant " + "string, appId string, apiName string, propertiesMap string);\n" + "\n@sink(type='jms', @map(type='text')," + "\nfactory.initial='org.wso2.andes.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory'," + " provider.url='tcp://localhost:5672', " + "destination='TEST.FOO', connection.factory.type='topic'," + "\'TopicConnectionFactory')" + "\ndefine stream GlobalThrottleStream (throttleKey string, isThrottled bool," + " expiryTimeStamp long);\n" + "\nFROM RequestStream" + "\nSELECT messageID, (resourceTier == 'SampleAPIPolicy' AND (regex:find('Chrome'," + "cast(map:get(propertiesMap,'Browser')," + "'string'))) AND (regex:find('attributed'," + "cast(map:get(propertiesMap,'/path/path2'),'string'))) AND " + "(cast(map:get(propertiesMap,'Location'),'string')=='Colombo'))" + " AS isEligible, str:concat(resourceKey," + "'_condition_0') AS throttleKey, propertiesMap" + "\nINSERT INTO EligibilityStream;\n" + "\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(1 s, 0)" + "\nselect throttleKey, (count(messageID) >= 1000) as isThrottled," + " expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey" + "\nINSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream;\n" + "\nfrom ResultStream#throttler:emitOnStateChange(throttleKey, isThrottled)" + "\nselect *" + "\ninsert into GlobalThrottleStream;\n";
return siddhiApp;
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Group in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class SampleTestObjectCreator method createDefaultSiddhiAppforSubscriptionPolicy.
public static String createDefaultSiddhiAppforSubscriptionPolicy() {
SubscriptionPolicy policy = createDefaultSubscriptionPolicy();
RequestCountLimit limit = (RequestCountLimit) policy.getDefaultQuotaPolicy().getLimit();
String siddhiApp = "@App:name('subscription_" + policy.getPolicyName() + "')\n" + "\n@App:description('ExecutionPlan for subscription_" + policy.getPolicyName() + "')\n" + "\n@source(type='inMemory', topic='apim', @map(type='passThrough'))\n" + "define stream RequestStream (messageID string, appKey string, appTier string," + " subscriptionKey string," + " apiKey string, apiTier string, subscriptionTier string, resourceKey string, resourceTier string," + " userId string, apiContext string, apiVersion string, appTenant string, apiTenant string, " + "appId string, apiName string, propertiesMap string);\n" + "\n@sink(type='jms', @map(type='text'),\n" + "factory.initial='org.wso2.andes.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory'," + " provider.url='tcp://localhost:5672', destination='TEST.FOO', connection.factory." + "type='topic',\n" + "'TopicConnectionFactory')\n" + "define stream GlobalThrottleStream (throttleKey string, isThrottled bool" + ", expiryTimeStamp long);\n" + "\nFROM RequestStream\n" + "SELECT messageID, (subscriptionTier == '" + policy.getPolicyName() + "')" + " AS isEligible, subscriptionKey AS throttleKey, propertiesMap\n" + "INSERT INTO EligibilityStream;\n" + "\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(" + policy.getDefaultQuotaPolicy().getLimit().getUnitTime() + " " + policy.getDefaultQuotaPolicy().getLimit().getTimeUnit() + ", 0)\n" + "select throttleKey, (count(messageID) >= " + limit.getRequestCount() + ")" + " as isThrottled, expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey\n" + "INSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream;\n" + "\nfrom ResultStream#throttler:emitOnStateChange(throttleKey, isThrottled)" + " select * " + "insert into GlobalThrottleStream;\n";
return siddhiApp;
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Group in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApiDAOImplIT method testGetAPIsWhenUserIsProvider.
@Test(description = "Tests getting the APIs when the user is the provider of the API")
public void testGetAPIsWhenUserIsProvider() throws Exception {
ApiDAO apiDAO = DAOFactory.getApiDAO();
Set<String> rolesOfUser = new HashSet<>();
// The ID here is the group ID of the provider of the API. This ID is not assigned permissions for the API
// But this user is the provider of the API
List<API> apiList = apiDAO.getAPIs(rolesOfUser, ADMIN);
API.APIBuilder builder = SampleTestObjectCreator.createDefaultAPI();
API api1 =;
apiList = apiDAO.getAPIs(rolesOfUser, ADMIN);
List<API> expectedAPIs = new ArrayList<>();
// The provider will have all permissions for the API by default
Assert.assertTrue(apiList.size() == 1);
Assert.assertTrue(APIUtils.isListsEqualIgnoreOrder(apiList, expectedAPIs, new APIComparator()), TestUtil.printDiff(apiList, expectedAPIs));
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Group in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class CommonThrottleMappingUtil method fromPipelineToConditionalGroupDTO.
* Converts a single Pipeline object into a Conditional Group DTO object
* @param pipeline Pipeline object
* @return Derived DTO object from Pipeline object
* @throws UnsupportedThrottleLimitTypeException - If error occurs
* @throws UnsupportedThrottleConditionTypeException - If error occurs
public static ConditionalGroupDTO fromPipelineToConditionalGroupDTO(Pipeline pipeline) throws UnsupportedThrottleLimitTypeException, UnsupportedThrottleConditionTypeException {
ConditionalGroupDTO groupDTO = new ConditionalGroupDTO();
List<ThrottleConditionDTO> conditionDTOList = fromConditionListToDTOList(pipeline.getConditions());
return groupDTO;
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Group in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class DefaultIdentityProviderImplTestCase method testGetRoleId.
public void testGetRoleId() throws Exception {
SCIMServiceStub scimServiceStub = Mockito.mock(SCIMServiceStub.class);
UserNameMapper userNameMapper = Mockito.mock(UserNameMapperImpl.class);
DefaultIdentityProviderImpl idpImpl = new DefaultIdentityProviderImpl(scimServiceStub, userNameMapper);
String validRoleName = "engineer";
final String validRoleSearchQuery = "displayName Eq " + validRoleName;
final String expectedRoleId = "ac093278-9343-466c-8a71-af47921a575b";
String invalidRoleName = "invalid_role";
final String invalidRoleSearchQuery = "displayName Eq " + invalidRoleName;
String roleReturningNullResponse = "invalid_user_giving_null_response";
final String roleReturningNullResponseSearchQuery = "displayName Eq " + roleReturningNullResponse;
// happy path
String responseBody = "{\"totalResults\":1,\"schemas\":[\"urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0\"],\"Resources\":" + "[{\"displayName\":\"PRIMARY/engineer\",\"meta\":{\"created\":\"2017-06-02T10:14:42\"," + "\"location\":\"https://localhost:9443/wso2/scim/Groups/ac093278-9343-466c-8a71-af47921a575b\"," + "\"lastModified\":\"2017-06-02T10:14:42\"},\"id\":\"ac093278-9343-466c-8a71-af47921a575b\"}]}";
Response createdResponse = Response.builder().status(APIMgtConstants.HTTPStatusCodes.SC_200_OK).headers(new HashMap<>()).body(responseBody.getBytes()).build();
try {
String roleId = idpImpl.getRoleId(validRoleName);
Assert.assertEquals(roleId, expectedRoleId);
} catch (Exception ex) {;
// error path
// Assuming the role cannot be found - when returning a not 200 response
String errorResponseBody = "{\"Errors\":[{\"code\":\"404\",\"description\":\"Group not found in the user store.\"}]}";
Response createdResponseNoSuchRole = Response.builder().status(APIMgtConstants.HTTPStatusCodes.SC_404_NOT_FOUND).headers(new HashMap<>()).body(errorResponseBody.getBytes()).build();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Assert.assertTrue(ex instanceof IdentityProviderException);
Assert.assertEquals(ex.getMessage(), "Error occurred while retrieving Id of role " + invalidRoleName + ". Error : Group not found in the user store.");
// error path
// Assuming the response is null
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Assert.assertTrue(ex instanceof IdentityProviderException);
Assert.assertEquals(ex.getMessage(), "Error occurred while retrieving Id of role " + roleReturningNullResponse + ". Error : Response is null.");