use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Role in project charon by wso2.
the class RoleResourceManager method doPatchRole.
private Role doPatchRole(Role oldRole, SCIMResourceTypeSchema roleSchema, String patchRequest) throws CharonException, BadRequestException, NotImplementedException, InternalErrorException {
// Make a copy of the original group.
Role originalRole = (Role) CopyUtil.deepCopy(oldRole);
Role copyOfOldRole = (Role) CopyUtil.deepCopy(oldRole);
Role patchedRole = null;
List<PatchOperation> opList = getDecoder().decodeRequest(patchRequest);
for (PatchOperation operation : opList) {
switch(operation.getOperation()) {
case SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.ADD:
if (patchedRole == null) {
patchedRole = (Role) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchAdd(operation, getDecoder(), oldRole, copyOfOldRole, roleSchema);
} else {
patchedRole = (Role) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchAdd(operation, getDecoder(), patchedRole, copyOfOldRole, roleSchema);
copyOfOldRole = (Role) CopyUtil.deepCopy(patchedRole);
case SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.REMOVE:
if (patchedRole == null) {
patchedRole = (Role) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchRemove(operation, oldRole, copyOfOldRole, roleSchema);
} else {
patchedRole = (Role) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchRemove(operation, patchedRole, copyOfOldRole, roleSchema);
copyOfOldRole = (Role) CopyUtil.deepCopy(patchedRole);
case SCIMConstants.OperationalConstants.REPLACE:
if (patchedRole == null) {
patchedRole = (Role) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchReplace(operation, getDecoder(), oldRole, copyOfOldRole, roleSchema);
} else {
patchedRole = (Role) PatchOperationUtil.doPatchReplace(operation, getDecoder(), patchedRole, copyOfOldRole, roleSchema);
copyOfOldRole = (Role) CopyUtil.deepCopy(patchedRole);
throw new BadRequestException("Unknown operation.", ResponseCodeConstants.INVALID_SYNTAX);
return (Role) ServerSideValidator.validateUpdatedSCIMObject(originalRole, patchedRole, roleSchema);
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Role in project charon by wso2.
the class RoleResourceManager method updateWithPUTRole.
public SCIMResponse updateWithPUTRole(String id, String putRequest, RoleManager roleManager) {
try {
if (roleManager == null) {
String error = "Provided role manager is null.";
throw new InternalErrorException(error);
JSONEncoder encoder = getEncoder();
JSONDecoder decoder = getDecoder();
SCIMResourceTypeSchema schema = SCIMResourceSchemaManager.getInstance().getRoleResourceSchema();
Map<String, Boolean> requestAttributes = ResourceManagerUtil.getAllAttributeURIs(schema);
Role role = decoder.decodeResource(putRequest, schema, new Role());
Role updatedRole;
// Retrieve the old object.
Role oldRole = roleManager.getRole(id, requestAttributes);
if (oldRole != null) {
Role newRole = (Role) ServerSideValidator.validateUpdatedSCIMObject(oldRole, role, schema);
updatedRole = roleManager.updateRole(oldRole, newRole);
} else {
String error = "No role exists with the given id: " + id;
throw new NotFoundException(error);
return getScimResponse(encoder, updatedRole);
} catch (NotFoundException | BadRequestException | CharonException | ConflictException | InternalErrorException | NotImplementedException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Role in project charon by wso2.
the class RoleResourceManager method getScimResponse.
private SCIMResponse getScimResponse(JSONEncoder encoder, Role updatedRole) throws CharonException, NotFoundException, InternalErrorException {
String encodedRole;
Map<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<>();
if (updatedRole != null) {
// Create a deep copy of the user object since we are going to change it.
Role copiedRole = (Role) CopyUtil.deepCopy(updatedRole);
encodedRole = encoder.encodeSCIMObject(copiedRole);
// Add location header
httpHeaders.put(SCIMConstants.LOCATION_HEADER, getResourceEndpointURL(SCIMConstants.ROLE_ENDPOINT) + "/" + updatedRole.getId());
} else {
String error = "Updated Role resource is null.";
throw new InternalErrorException(error);
return new SCIMResponse(ResponseCodeConstants.CODE_OK, encodedRole, httpHeaders);
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Role in project charon by wso2.
the class RoleResourceManager method createRole.
public SCIMResponse createRole(String postRequest, RoleManager roleManager) {
try {
if (roleManager == null) {
String error = "Provided role manager is null.";
throw new InternalErrorException(error);
JSONEncoder encoder = getEncoder();
JSONDecoder decoder = getDecoder();
SCIMResourceTypeSchema schema = SCIMResourceSchemaManager.getInstance().getRoleResourceSchema();
Role role = decoder.decodeResource(postRequest, schema, new Role());
ServerSideValidator.validateCreatedSCIMObject(role, SCIMSchemaDefinitions.SCIM_ROLE_SCHEMA);
Role createdRole = roleManager.createRole(role);
String encodedRole;
Map<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<>();
if (createdRole != null) {
encodedRole = encoder.encodeSCIMObject(createdRole);
httpHeaders.put(SCIMConstants.LOCATION_HEADER, getResourceEndpointURL(SCIMConstants.ROLE_ENDPOINT) + "/" + createdRole.getId());
} else {
String message = "Newly created Role resource is null.";
throw new InternalErrorException(message);
return new SCIMResponse(ResponseCodeConstants.CODE_CREATED, encodedRole, httpHeaders);
} catch (InternalErrorException | BadRequestException | ConflictException | CharonException | NotFoundException | NotImplementedException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.objects.Role in project charon by wso2.
the class RoleResourceManager method getRole.
public SCIMResponse getRole(String id, RoleManager roleManager, String attributes, String excludeAttributes) {
try {
if (roleManager == null) {
String error = "Provided role manager is null.";
throw new InternalErrorException(error);
JSONEncoder encoder = getEncoder();
SCIMResourceTypeSchema schema = SCIMResourceSchemaManager.getInstance().getRoleResourceSchema();
Map<String, Boolean> requiredAttributes = ResourceManagerUtil.getOnlyRequiredAttributesURIs((SCIMResourceTypeSchema) CopyUtil.deepCopy(schema), attributes, excludeAttributes);
Role role = roleManager.getRole(id, requiredAttributes);
if (role == null) {
String message = "Role id: " + id + " not found in the system.";
throw new NotFoundException(message);
ServerSideValidator.validateRetrievedSCIMObject(role, schema, attributes, excludeAttributes);
ServerSideValidator.validateRetrievedSCIMRoleObject(role, attributes, excludeAttributes);
String encodedRole = encoder.encodeSCIMObject(role);
Map<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<>();
return new SCIMResponse(ResponseCodeConstants.CODE_OK, encodedRole, httpHeaders);
} catch (NotFoundException | BadRequestException | CharonException | NotImplementedException | InternalErrorException e) {
return encodeSCIMException(e);