use of org.wso2.charon3.core.protocol.endpoints.UserResourceManager in project charon by wso2.
the class UserResource method createUser.
@ApiOperation(value = "Return the user which was created", notes = "Returns HTTP 201 if the user is successfully created.")
@Produces({ "application/json", "application/scim+json" })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 201, message = "Valid user is created"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "User is not found") })
public Response createUser(@ApiParam(value = SCIMProviderConstants.ATTRIBUTES_DESC, required = false) @QueryParam(SCIMProviderConstants.ATTRIBUTES) String attribute, @ApiParam(value = SCIMProviderConstants.EXCLUDED_ATTRIBUTES_DESC, required = false) @QueryParam(SCIMProviderConstants.EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES) String excludedAttributes, String resourceString) throws CharonException, FormatNotSupportedException {
try {
// obtain the user store manager
UserManager userManager = DefaultCharonManager.getInstance().getUserManager();
// create charon-SCIM user endpoint and hand-over the request.
UserResourceManager userResourceManager = new UserResourceManager();
SCIMResponse response = userResourceManager.create(resourceString, userManager, attribute, excludedAttributes);
return buildResponse(response);
} catch (CharonException e) {
throw new CharonException(e.getDetail(), e);
use of org.wso2.charon3.core.protocol.endpoints.UserResourceManager in project charon by wso2.
the class UserResource method deleteUser.
@Produces({ "application/json", "application/scim+json" })
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete the user with the given id", notes = "Returns HTTP 204 if the user is successfully deleted.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 204, message = "User is deleted"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Valid user is not found") })
public Response deleteUser(@ApiParam(value = SCIMProviderConstants.ID_DESC, required = true) @PathParam(SCIMProviderConstants.ID) String id) throws FormatNotSupportedException, CharonException {
try {
// obtain the user store manager
UserManager userManager = DefaultCharonManager.getInstance().getUserManager();
// create charon-SCIM user resource manager and hand-over the request.
UserResourceManager userResourceManager = new UserResourceManager();
SCIMResponse scimResponse = userResourceManager.delete(id, userManager);
// appropriately.
return buildResponse(scimResponse);
} catch (CharonException e) {
throw new CharonException(e.getDetail(), e);