use of in project siddhi by wso2.
the class PartitionTestCase1 method testDivideExpressionExecutorLongCase.
public void testDivideExpressionExecutorLongCase() throws InterruptedException {"Partition testDivideExpressionExecutorLongCase");
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String siddhiApp = "@app:name('testDivideExpressionExecutorLongCase') " + "define stream cseEventStream (atr1 string, atr2 string, atr3 int, atr4 double, " + "atr5 long, atr6 long, atr7 double, atr8 float , atr9 bool, atr10 bool, atr11 int);" + "partition with (atr1 of cseEventStream) begin @info(name = 'query1') from " + "cseEventStream[atr5 < 700 ] select atr5/atr6 as dividedVal, atr5 as threshold, atr1 as" + " symbol, " + "cast(atr2, 'double') as priceInDouble, sum(atr7) as summedValue insert " + "into OutStockStream ; end ";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(siddhiApp);
siddhiAppRuntime.addCallback("OutStockStream", new StreamCallback() {
public void receive(Event[] events) {
for (Event event : events) {
if (count.get() == 1) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(25L, event.getData(0));
eventArrived = true;
if (count.get() == 2) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2L, event.getData(0));
eventArrived = true;
if (count.get() == 3) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2L, event.getData(0));
eventArrived = true;
if (count.get() == 4) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2L, event.getData(0));
eventArrived = true;
eventArrived = true;
InputHandler inputHandler = siddhiAppRuntime.getInputHandler("cseEventStream");
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", null, 100, 101.0, 500L, 20L, 11.43, 75.7f, false, true, 105 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "WSO2", "aa", 100, 101.0, 501L, 206L, 15.21, 76.7f, false, true, 106 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", null, 100, 102.0, 502L, 202L, 45.23, 77.7f, false, true, 107 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "ORACLE", null, 100, 101.0, 502L, 209L, 87.34, 77.7f, false, false, 108 });
SiddhiTestHelper.waitForEvents(100, 4, count, 60000);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(4, count.get());
use of in project siddhi by wso2.
the class PartitionTestCase1 method testDivideExpressionExecutorFloatCase.
public void testDivideExpressionExecutorFloatCase() throws InterruptedException {"Partition testDivideExpressionExecutorFloatCase");
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String siddhiApp = "@app:name('testDivideExpressionExecutorFloatCase') " + "define stream cseEventStream (atr1 string, atr2 string, atr3 int, atr4 float, " + "atr5 long, atr6 long, atr7 float, atr8 float , atr9 bool, atr10 bool, atr11 int);" + "partition with (atr1 of cseEventStream) begin @info(name = 'query1') from " + "cseEventStream[atr5 < 700 ] select atr4/atr7 as dividedVal, atr5 as threshold, atr1 as" + " symbol, " + "cast(atr2, 'double') as priceInDouble, sum(atr7) as summedValue insert " + "into OutStockStream ; end ";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(siddhiApp);
siddhiAppRuntime.addCallback("OutStockStream", new StreamCallback() {
public void receive(Event[] events) {
for (Event event : events) {
if (count.get() == 1) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(8.836395f, event.getData(0));
eventArrived = true;
if (count.get() == 2) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(6.640368f, event.getData(0));
eventArrived = true;
if (count.get() == 3) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2.2551403f, event.getData(0));
eventArrived = true;
if (count.get() == 4) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1.1564003f, event.getData(0));
eventArrived = true;
eventArrived = true;
InputHandler inputHandler = siddhiAppRuntime.getInputHandler("cseEventStream");
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", null, 100, 101.0f, 500L, 200L, 11.43f, 75.7f, false, true, 105 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "WSO2", "aa", 100, 101.0f, 501L, 201L, 15.21f, 76.7f, false, true, 106 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", null, 100, 102.0f, 502L, 202L, 45.23f, 77.7f, false, true, 107 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "ORACLE", null, 100, 101.0f, 502L, 202L, 87.34f, 77.7f, false, false, 108 });
SiddhiTestHelper.waitForEvents(100, 4, count, 60000);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(4, count.get());
use of in project siddhi by wso2.
the class PartitionTestCase1 method testPartitionQuery31.
public void testPartitionQuery31() throws InterruptedException {"Partition test30");
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String siddhiApp = "@app:name('PartitionTest30') " + "define stream cseEventStream (atr1 string, atr2 float, atr3 int, atr4 double, " + "atr5 long, atr6 long, atr7 double, atr8 float , atr9 bool, atr10 bool, atr11 int);" + "partition with (atr1 of cseEventStream) begin @info(name = 'query1') from " + "cseEventStream[700>atr5 OR atr4 == atr7 OR atr6 == atr8 OR atr3 " + "== atr7 OR atr5 == atr6 OR atr7 == atr3 OR atr8 == atr7 OR atr11 == atr6 OR atr8" + "== atr6 OR atr7 == atr5 OR atr6 == atr7 OR atr3 == atr2 OR atr2 == atr8 OR atr4 " + "== atr8 OR atr6 == atr3 OR atr2 == atr3 OR atr3 == atr11 OR atr10 == atr9] select" + " atr1 as symbol, sum(atr2) as price" + " insert into " + "OutStockStream ; end ";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(siddhiApp);
siddhiAppRuntime.addCallback("OutStockStream", new StreamCallback() {
public void receive(Event[] events) {
eventArrived = true;
InputHandler inputHandler = siddhiAppRuntime.getInputHandler("cseEventStream");
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", 75.6f, 100, 101.0, 500L, 200L, 102.0, 75.7f, false, true, 105 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "WSO2", 75.6f, 100, 101.0, 501L, 201L, 103.0, 76.7f, false, true, 106 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", 75.6f, 100, 102.0, 502L, 202L, 104.0, 77.7f, false, true, 107 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "ORACLE", 75.6f, 100, 101.0, 502L, 202L, 104.0, 77.7f, false, true, 108 });
SiddhiTestHelper.waitForEvents(100, 4, count, 60000);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(4, count.get());
use of in project siddhi by wso2.
the class PartitionTestCase1 method testPartitionQuery1.
public void testPartitionQuery1() throws InterruptedException {"Partition test1");
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String siddhiApp = "@app:name('PartitionTest1') " + "define stream cseEventStream (symbol string, price float,volume int);" + "define stream cseEventStreamOne (symbol string, price float,volume int);" + "@info(name = 'query')from cseEventStreamOne select symbol,price,volume insert into cseEventStream;" + "partition with (symbol of cseEventStream) begin @info(name = 'query1') from " + "cseEventStream[700>price] select symbol,sum(price) as price,volume insert into OutStockStream ; end ";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(siddhiApp);
siddhiAppRuntime.addCallback("OutStockStream", new StreamCallback() {
public void receive(Event[] events) {
for (Event event : events) {
eventArrived = true;
if (count.get() == 1) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(75.5999984741211, event.getData()[1]);
} else if (count.get() == 2) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(151.1999969482422, event.getData()[1]);
} else if (count.get() == 3) {
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(75.5999984741211, event.getData()[1]);
InputHandler inputHandler = siddhiAppRuntime.getInputHandler("cseEventStreamOne");
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", 75.6f, 100 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "WSO2", 70005.6f, 100 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", 75.6f, 100 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "ORACLE", 75.6f, 100 });
SiddhiTestHelper.waitForEvents(100, 3, count, 60000);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(3, count.get());
use of in project siddhi by wso2.
the class PartitionTestCase1 method testPartitionQuery34.
public void testPartitionQuery34() throws InterruptedException {"Partition test33");
SiddhiManager siddhiManager = new SiddhiManager();
String siddhiApp = "@app:name('PartitionTest33') " + "define stream cseEventStream (atr1 string, atr2 float, atr3 int, atr4 double, " + "atr5 long, atr6 long, atr7 double, atr8 float , atr9 bool, atr10 bool, atr11 int);" + "partition with (atr1 of cseEventStream) begin @info(name = 'query1') from " + "cseEventStream[700>atr5 OR atr8 >= atr3 OR atr6 >= atr2 OR atr4 " + ">= atr6 OR atr2 >= atr7 OR atr3 >= atr4 OR atr4 >= atr3 OR atr6 >= atr3 OR atr3" + ">= atr2 OR atr8 >= atr5 OR atr6 >= atr4 OR atr3 >= atr6 OR atr7 >= atr8 OR atr7 " + ">= atr4 OR atr6 >= atr5 OR atr11 >= atr3 OR atr8 >= atr2] select" + " atr1 as symbol, sum(atr2) as price" + " insert into " + "OutStockStream ; end ";
SiddhiAppRuntime siddhiAppRuntime = siddhiManager.createSiddhiAppRuntime(siddhiApp);
siddhiAppRuntime.addCallback("OutStockStream", new StreamCallback() {
public void receive(Event[] events) {
eventArrived = true;
InputHandler inputHandler = siddhiAppRuntime.getInputHandler("cseEventStream");
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", 75.6f, 100, 101.0, 500L, 200L, 102.0, 75.7f, false, true, 105 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "WSO2", 75.6f, 100, 101.0, 501L, 201L, 103.0, 76.7f, false, true, 106 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "IBM", 75.6f, 100, 102.0, 502L, 202L, 104.0, 77.7f, false, true, 107 });
inputHandler.send(new Object[] { "ORACLE", 75.6f, 100, 101.0, 502L, 202L, 104.0, 77.7f, false, true, 108 });
SiddhiTestHelper.waitForEvents(100, 4, count, 60000);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(4, count.get());