use of org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.annotation.Element in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class CallBackServiceImpl method sendProtocolMessage.
private void sendProtocolMessage(long taskID, String headerValue, String value) throws AxisFault {
final MessageContext mctx = new MessageContext();
ServiceInvocationContext invocationContext = new ServiceInvocationContext();
if (mctx.getEnvelope() == null) {
if (mctx.getEnvelope().getBody() == null) {
if (mctx.getEnvelope().getHeader() == null) {
// Creating Dummy Element
// Extracting MessageName
List bindingOperations = binding.getBindingOperations();
String messageName = "";
OMNamespace serviceNS = null;
BindingOperation oper;
for (int i = 0; i < bindingOperations.size(); i++) {
oper = (BindingOperation) bindingOperations.get(i);
if (operation.equals(oper.getName())) {
Message message = oper.getOperation().getInput().getMessage();
messageName = message.getQName().getLocalPart();
for (Object ob : message.getParts().keySet()) {
// Here we don't support RPC messages.
Part part = (Part) message.getParts().get(ob);
serviceNS = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory().createOMNamespace(part.getElementName().getNamespaceURI(), part.getElementName().getPrefix());
OMElement payload = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMElement(messageName, serviceNS);
OMNamespace htpNS = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory().createOMNamespace(HumanTaskConstants.HT_PROTOCOL_NAMESPACE, HumanTaskConstants.HT_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_PREFIX);
SOAPHeaderBlock protocolHeader = mctx.getEnvelope().getHeader().addHeaderBlock(headerValue, htpNS);
protocolHeader.addAttribute(HumanTaskConstants.B4P_CORRELATION_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE, Long.toString(taskID), htpNS);
OMNamespace b4pNS = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory().createOMNamespace(HumanTaskConstants.B4P_NAMESPACE, "b4p");
SOAPHeaderBlock header = mctx.getEnvelope().getHeader().addHeaderBlock(HumanTaskConstants.B4P_CORRELATION_HEADER, b4pNS);
header.addAttribute(HumanTaskConstants.B4P_CORRELATION_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE, Long.toString(taskID), b4pNS);
AxisServiceUtils.invokeService(invocationContext, HumanTaskServiceComponent.getHumanTaskServer().getTaskStoreManager().getHumanTaskStore(tenantId).getConfigContext());
use of org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.annotation.Element in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class PeopleActivity method invoke.
public String invoke(ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws FaultException {
BPELMessageContext taskMessageContext = new BPELMessageContext(hiWSDL);
UUID messageID = null;
int tenantId = B4PServiceComponent.getBPELServer().getMultiTenantProcessStore().getTenantId(processId);
String tenantDomain = null;
try {
tenantDomain = B4PContentHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager().getDomain(tenantId);
} catch (UserStoreException e) {
log.error(" Cannot find the tenant domain " + e.toString());
if (tenantDomain == null) {
tenantDomain = MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME;
try {
// Setting the attachment id attachmentIDList
List<Long> attachmentIDList = extractAttachmentIDsToBeSentToHumanTask(extensionContext, taskMessageContext);
SOAPHelper soapHelper = new SOAPHelper(getBinding(), getSoapFactory(), isRPC);
MessageContext messageContext = new MessageContext();
Adding attachment ID list as a method input to createSoapRequest makes no sense.
Have to fix. Here we can't embed attachments in MessageContext, as we have only a
list of attachment ids.
soapHelper.createSoapRequest(messageContext, (Element) extensionContext.readVariable(inputVarName), getOperation(extensionContext), attachmentIDList);
// Coordination Context and skipable attribute is only valid for a Task.
if (InteractionType.TASK.equals(activityType)) {
// Note: If registration service is not enabled, we don't need to send coor-context.
if (CoordinationConfiguration.getInstance().isHumantaskCoordinationEnabled() && CoordinationConfiguration.getInstance().isRegistrationServiceEnabled()) {
messageID = UUID.randomUUID();
soapHelper.addCoordinationContext(messageContext, messageID.toString(), getRegistrationServiceURL());
// Adding HumanTask Context overriding attributes.
soapHelper.addOverridingHumanTaskAttributes(messageContext, isSkipable);
AxisServiceUtils.invokeService(taskMessageContext, getConfigurationContext());
} catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
log.error(axisFault, axisFault);
throw new FaultException(BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_FAULT, "Error occurred while invoking service " + serviceName, axisFault);
} catch (B4PCoordinationException coordinationFault) {
throw new FaultException(BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_FAULT, "Error occurred while generating Registration Service URL" + serviceName, coordinationFault);
if (taskMessageContext.getFaultMessageContext() != null || taskMessageContext.getOutMessageContext().isFault()) {
MessageContext faultContext = taskMessageContext.getFaultMessageContext() != null ? taskMessageContext.getFaultMessageContext() : taskMessageContext.getOutMessageContext();
log.warn("SOAP Fault: " + faultContext.getEnvelope().toString());
throw new FaultException(BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_FAULT, faultContext.getEnvelope().toString());
String taskID = SOAPHelper.parseResponseFeedback(taskMessageContext.getOutMessageContext().getEnvelope().getBody());
// Ignore Notifications, since we are ignore coordination context for notification.
if (CoordinationConfiguration.getInstance().isHumantaskCoordinationEnabled() && InteractionType.TASK.equals(activityType)) {
Long instanceID = extensionContext.getProcessId();
if (CoordinationConfiguration.getInstance().isRegistrationServiceEnabled()) {
try {
// Already coordinated with Registration service.
updateCoordinationData(messageID.toString(), Long.toString(instanceID), taskID);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error occurred while updating humantask coordination data.", e);
} else {
// Handler URL by manually.
try {
messageID = UUID.randomUUID();
String protocolHandlerURL = generateTaskProtocolHandlerURL(taskMessageContext);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Generated Protocol Handler URL : " + protocolHandlerURL);
createCoordinationData(messageID.toString(), protocolHandlerURL, Long.toString(instanceID), taskID);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error occurred while creating humantask coordination data for coordinated task.", e);
return taskID;
use of org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.annotation.Element in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class ElseIfImpl method getArrows.
* Get the arrow coordinates of the activities
* @param doc SVG document which defines the components including shapes, gradients etc. of the activity
* @return An element which contains the arrow coordinates of the ElseIf activity and its subActivities
protected Element getArrows(SVGDocument doc) {
// Checks for the subActivities
if (subActivities != null) {
ActivityInterface prevActivity = null;
ActivityInterface activity = null;
String id = null;
ActivityInterface seqActivity = null;
SVGCoordinates myStartCoords = getStartIconExitArrowCoords();
// SVGCoordinates myExitCoords = getEndIconEntryArrowCoords();
SVGCoordinates exitCoords = null;
SVGCoordinates activityEntryCoords = null;
// SVGCoordinates activityExitCoords = null;
Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = subActivities.iterator();
// Creating an SVG Container "g"
Element subGroup = doc.createElementNS(SVGNamespace.SVG_NAMESPACE, "g");
// Iterates through all the subActivities
while (itr.hasNext()) {
activity =;
// Gets the entry and exit coordinates of the iterated activity
activityEntryCoords = activity.getEntryArrowCoords();
/*If the activity is a Sequence, then all the subActivities inside the Sequence is iterated and
checked for
any Throw activities inside it.
If a Throw activity is present : throwOrNot =true ,
Else : throwOrNot =false
if (activity instanceof SequenceImpl) {
List<ActivityInterface> sub = activity.getSubActivities();
Iterator<ActivityInterface> as = sub.iterator();
while (as.hasNext()) {
seqActivity =;
if (seqActivity instanceof ThrowImpl) {
throwOrNot = true;
} else {
throwOrNot = false;
// Checks whether the activity is a Throw activity
if (activity instanceof ThrowImpl) {
throwOrNot = true;
// Checks whether the previous activity is null
if (prevActivity != null) {
// Get the exit arrow coordinates of the previous activity
exitCoords = prevActivity.getExitArrowCoords();
// id is assigned with the id of the previous activity + id of the current activity
id = prevActivity.getId() + "-" + activity.getId();
/*If the previous activity is not null, then arrow flow is from the previous activity to the
current activity
This gives the coordinates of the start point and the end point
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, exitCoords.getXLeft(), exitCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else {
/*If the previous activity is null, then arrow flow is directly from the startIcon to the activity
This gives the coordinates of the start point and the end point
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartCoords.getXLeft(), myStartCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
// current activity is assigned to the previous activity
prevActivity = activity;
return subGroup;
return null;
use of org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.annotation.Element in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class IfImpl method getArrows.
* Get the arrow coordinates of the activities
* @param doc SVG document which defines the components including shapes, gradients etc. of the activity
* @return An element which contains the arrow coordinates of the If activity and its subActivities
protected Element getArrows(SVGDocument doc) {
if (subActivities != null) {
ActivityInterface prevActivity = null;
ActivityInterface prevElseActivity = null;
ActivityInterface activity = null;
ActivityInterface seqActivity = null;
boolean throwOrNot = true;
String id = null;
// Coordinates of the start icon exit arrow
SVGCoordinates myStartCoords = getStartIconExitArrowCoords();
// Coordinates of the end icon entry arrow
SVGCoordinates myExitCoords = getEndIconEntryArrowCoords();
// Coordinates of the Else activity start icon entry arrow
SVGCoordinates myStartElseCoords = getStartIconElseArrowCoords();
SVGCoordinates exitCoords = null;
SVGCoordinates activityEntryCoords = null;
SVGCoordinates activityExitCoords = null;
Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = subActivities.iterator();
Element subGroup = doc.createElementNS(SVGNamespace.SVG_NAMESPACE, "g");
// Iterates through all the subActivities
while (itr.hasNext()) {
activity =;
// Gets the entry and exit coordinates of the iterated activity
activityEntryCoords = activity.getEntryArrowCoords();
activityExitCoords = activity.getExitArrowCoords();
// Checks if the iterated activity is an instance of ElseIf or Else activity
if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
// Checks whether there is a previous activity and if so whether that activity is an ElseIf
if (prevActivity != null && prevActivity instanceof ElseIfImpl) {
// Get the exit arrow coordinates of the ElseIf activity
exitCoords = ((ElseIfInterface) prevActivity).getNextElseExitArrowCoords();
// id is assigned with the id of the previous activity + id of the current activity
id = prevActivity.getId() + "-" + activity.getId();
// Checks whether the activity is an instance of Else
if (activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
// Gets the boolean value assigned inside ElseImpl when a throw activity is in Else
boolean check = ((ElseImpl) activity).throwOrNot;
// Define the entry arrow flow coordinates for the activity
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, exitCoords.getXLeft(), exitCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft() - getEndIconWidth() / 2, exitCoords.getYTop(), id));
// If there is a Throw activity inside Else, no exit arrow from Throw activity
if (check != true) {
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(), activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(), myExitCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl) {
// Checks whether the activity is an instance of ElseIf
// Gets the boolean value assigned inside ElseIfImpl when a throw activity is in ElseIf
boolean check = ((ElseIfImpl) activity).throwOrNot;
// Define the entry arrow flow coordinates for the activity
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, exitCoords.getXLeft(), exitCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
// If there is a Throw activity inside ElseIf, no exit arrow from Throw activity
if (check != true) {
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(), activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(), myExitCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else {
// Entry and exit arrow flows defined for other activities except for instances of Elseif and
// Else
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, exitCoords.getXLeft(), exitCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(), activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(), myExitCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else if (prevActivity instanceof ThrowImpl && activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
// IF conditon fifnished --> ELSE IF ( previous activity is null and its is not an instance of
// ElseIf)
/*Checks if the previous activity is a Throw and if the current activity an Else, if so no exit
arrow flows only entry arrow flows.
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartElseCoords.getXLeft(), myStartElseCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl) {
// Checks whether the activity is an instance of ElseIf
// Gets the boolean value assigned inside ElseIfImpl when a throw activity is in ElseIf
boolean check = ((ElseIfImpl) activity).throwOrNot;
// Define the entry arrow flow coordinates for the activity
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartElseCoords.getXLeft(), myStartElseCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
// If there is a Throw activity inside ElseIf, no exit arrow from Throw activity
if (check != true) {
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(), activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(), myExitCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else if (activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
// Checks whether the activity is an instance of Else
// Gets the boolean value assigned inside ElseIfImpl when a throw activity is in Else
boolean check = ((ElseImpl) activity).throwOrNot;
// Define the entry arrow flow coordinates for the activity
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartElseCoords.getXLeft(), myStartElseCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
// If there is a Throw activity inside Else, no exit arrow from Throw activity
if (check != true) {
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(), activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(), myExitCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else {
id = prevActivity.getId() + "-" + activity.getId();
// flows
if (activity instanceof ThrowImpl) {
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartElseCoords.getXLeft(), myStartElseCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else {
// Define both the entry and the exit arrow flows to the activity
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartElseCoords.getXLeft(), myStartElseCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(), activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(), myExitCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else if (activity instanceof ThrowImpl) {
// Checks if the current activity a Throw activity, if so no exit arrow flows only entry arrow flows
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartCoords.getXLeft(), myStartCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else if (activity instanceof SourceImpl || activity instanceof TargetImpl || activity instanceof SourcesImpl || activity instanceof TargetsImpl) {
// Checks if the current activity a Source/s or Target/s activity, if so no exit or entry arrow flows
// as no icons are defined
// No arrow flows for Sources or Targets..
} else {
if (prevActivity != null) {
// Gets the coordinates of the exit arrows of the previous activity
exitCoords = prevActivity.getExitArrowCoords();
id = prevActivity.getId() + "-" + activity.getId();
// arrow flows as no icons are defined
if (prevActivity instanceof SourceImpl || prevActivity instanceof TargetImpl || prevActivity instanceof SourcesImpl || prevActivity instanceof TargetsImpl) {
// No arrow flows for Sources or Targets..
} else {
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, exitCoords.getXLeft(), exitCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else {
// Checks whether the activity is a Sequence
if (activity instanceof SequenceImpl) {
List<ActivityInterface> sub = activity.getSubActivities();
// Iterates through the subActivities
Iterator<ActivityInterface> as = sub.iterator();
while (as.hasNext()) {
seqActivity =;
// Checks if the subActivity is a Throw activity
if (seqActivity instanceof ThrowImpl) {
throwOrNot = true;
// if condition breaks if the subActivity is a Throw activity
} else {
throwOrNot = false;
// If its a Throw activity , no exit arrow flow only entry arrow flow to the activity
if (throwOrNot == true) {
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartCoords.getXLeft(), myStartCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else {
// If not, define both the entry and the exit arrow flows to the activity
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartCoords.getXLeft(), myStartCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(), activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(), myExitCoords.getYTop(), id));
} else {
// Define both the entry and the exit arrow flows to the activity
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartCoords.getXLeft(), myStartCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(), activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id));
subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(), activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(), myExitCoords.getYTop(), id));
// current activity is assigned to the previous activity
prevActivity = activity;
return subGroup;
return null;
use of org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.annotation.Element in project carbon-business-process by wso2.
the class AnalyticsPublisherExtensionOperation method runSync.
protected void runSync(ExtensionContext extensionContext, Element element) throws FaultException {
String analyticsServerProfileName = element.getAttribute("analyticsServerProfile");
String streamName = element.getAttribute(AnalyticsPublisherConstants.STREAM_NAME_ATTR);
String streamVersion = element.getAttribute(AnalyticsPublisherConstants.STREAM_VERSION);
Integer tenantId = getTenantId(extensionContext);
AnalyticsStreamConfiguration stream = getEventStream(tenantId, analyticsServerProfileName, streamName, streamVersion);
if (stream == null) {
log.debug("Stream configuration is invalid");
DataPublisher dataPublisher = getDataPublisher(extensionContext, tenantId, analyticsServerProfileName);
if (dataPublisher == null) {
String msg = "Error while creating data publisher";
String streamId = DataBridgeCommonsUtils.generateStreamId(stream.getName(), stream.getVersion());
dataPublisher.tryPublish(streamId, createMetadata(stream, extensionContext, element), createCorrelationData(stream, extensionContext, element), createPayloadData(stream, extensionContext, element));