use of org.wso2.siddhi.service.api.NotFoundException in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApisApiServiceImpl method apisApiIdRatingsGet.
* Retrieves a list of ratings for given API ID
* @param apiId API ID
* @param limit response limit
* @param offset response offset
* @param request msf4j request object
* @return List of Ratings for API
* @throws NotFoundException if failed to find method implementation
public Response apisApiIdRatingsGet(String apiId, Integer limit, Integer offset, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
double avgRating;
String username = RestApiUtil.getLoggedInUsername(request);
int userRatingValue = 0;
try {
APIStore apiStore = RestApiUtil.getConsumer(username);
Rating userRating = apiStore.getRatingForApiFromUser(apiId, username);
if (userRating != null) {
userRatingValue = userRating.getRating();
avgRating = apiStore.getAvgRating(apiId);
List<Rating> ratingListForApi = apiStore.getRatingsListForApi(apiId);
List<RatingDTO> ratingDTOList = RatingMappingUtil.fromRatingListToDTOList(ratingListForApi);
RatingListDTO ratingListDTO = RatingMappingUtil.fromRatingDTOListToRatingListDTO(avgRating, userRatingValue, offset, limit, ratingDTOList);
return Response.ok().entity(ratingListDTO).build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error while retrieving rating for given API " + apiId;
Map<String, String> paramList = new HashMap<String, String>();
paramList.put(APIMgtConstants.ExceptionsConstants.API_ID, apiId);
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler(), paramList);
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
use of org.wso2.siddhi.service.api.NotFoundException in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApisApiServiceImpl method apisApiIdDocumentsGet.
* Retrieves a list of documents of an API
* @param apiId UUID of API
* @param limit maximum documents to return
* @param offset starting position of the pagination
* @param ifNoneMatch If-None-Match header value
* @param request minor version header
* @return a list of document DTOs
* @throws NotFoundException When the particular resource does not exist in the system
public Response apisApiIdDocumentsGet(String apiId, Integer limit, Integer offset, String ifNoneMatch, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
DocumentListDTO documentListDTO = null;
limit = limit != null ? limit : RestApiConstants.PAGINATION_LIMIT_DEFAULT;
offset = offset != null ? offset : RestApiConstants.PAGINATION_OFFSET_DEFAULT;
String username = RestApiUtil.getLoggedInUsername(request);
try {
APIStore apiStore = RestApiUtil.getConsumer(username);
List<DocumentInfo> documentInfoResults = apiStore.getAllDocumentation(apiId, offset, limit);
documentListDTO = DocumentationMappingUtil.fromDocumentationListToDTO(documentInfoResults, offset, limit);
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error while retrieving documentation for given apiId " + apiId;
HashMap<String, String> paramList = new HashMap<String, String>();
paramList.put(APIMgtConstants.ExceptionsConstants.API_ID, apiId);
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler(), paramList);
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
return Response.ok().entity(documentListDTO).build();
use of org.wso2.siddhi.service.api.NotFoundException in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApisApiServiceImpl method apisApiIdUserRatingPut.
* Add or update raating to an API
* @param apiId APIID
* @param body RatingDTO object
* @param request msf4j request
* @return 201 response if successful
* @throws NotFoundException if failed to find method implementation
public Response apisApiIdUserRatingPut(String apiId, RatingDTO body, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
String username = RestApiUtil.getLoggedInUsername(request);
String ratingId;
try {
APIStore apiStore = RestApiUtil.getConsumer(username);
Rating ratingFromPayload = RatingMappingUtil.fromDTOToRating(username, apiId, body);
Rating existingRating = apiStore.getRatingForApiFromUser(apiId, username);
if (existingRating != null) {
String existingRatingUUID = existingRating.getUuid();
apiStore.updateRating(apiId, existingRatingUUID, ratingFromPayload);
Rating updatedRating = apiStore.getRatingByUUID(apiId, existingRatingUUID);
RatingDTO updatedRatingDTO = RatingMappingUtil.fromRatingToDTO(updatedRating);
return Response.ok().entity(updatedRatingDTO).build();
} else {
ratingId = apiStore.addRating(apiId, ratingFromPayload);
Rating createdRating = apiStore.getRatingByUUID(apiId, ratingId);
RatingDTO createdRatingDTO = RatingMappingUtil.fromRatingToDTO(createdRating);
URI location = new URI(RestApiConstants.RESOURCE_PATH_APIS + "/" + apiId + RestApiConstants.SUBRESOURCE_PATH_RATINGS + "/" + ratingId);
return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).header(RestApiConstants.LOCATION_HEADER, location).entity(createdRatingDTO).build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error while adding/updating rating for user " + username + " for given API " + apiId;
Map<String, String> paramList = new HashMap<String, String>();
paramList.put(APIMgtConstants.ExceptionsConstants.API_ID, apiId);
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler(), paramList);
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error while adding location header in response for comment";
ErrorHandler errorHandler = ExceptionCodes.LOCATION_HEADER_INCORRECT;
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(errorHandler);
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(errorHandler.getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
use of org.wso2.siddhi.service.api.NotFoundException in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class ApisApiServiceImpl method apisApiIdSdksLanguageGet.
* Generates an SDK for a API with provided ID and language
* @param apiId API ID
* @param language SDK language
* @param request msf4j request object
* @return ZIP file for the generated SDK
* @throws NotFoundException if failed to find method implementation
public Response apisApiIdSdksLanguageGet(String apiId, String language, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(apiId) || StringUtils.isBlank(language)) {
String errorMessage = "API ID or language is not valid";
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(errorMessage, 400L, errorMessage);
return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(errorDTO).build();
String userName = RestApiUtil.getLoggedInUsername(request);
ApiStoreSdkGenerationManager sdkGenerationManager = new ApiStoreSdkGenerationManager();
if (!sdkGenerationManager.getSdkGenLanguages().containsKey(language)) {
String errorMessage = "Specified language parameter doesn't exist";
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(errorMessage, 400L, errorMessage);
return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(errorDTO).build();
String tempZipFilePath;
try {
tempZipFilePath = sdkGenerationManager.generateSdkForApi(apiId, language, userName);
} catch (ApiStoreSdkGenerationException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error while generating SDK for requested language";
HashMap<String, String> paramList = new HashMap<String, String>();
paramList.put(APIMgtConstants.ExceptionsConstants.API_ID, apiId);
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler(), paramList);
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error while retrieving API for SDK generation " + apiId;
HashMap<String, String> paramList = new HashMap<String, String>();
paramList.put(APIMgtConstants.ExceptionsConstants.API_ID, apiId);
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler(), paramList);
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
File sdkZipFile = new File(tempZipFilePath);
return Response.ok().entity(sdkZipFile).header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + sdkZipFile.getName() + "\"").build();
use of org.wso2.siddhi.service.api.NotFoundException in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class SubscriptionsApiServiceImpl method subscriptionsGet.
* Retrieve all subscriptions for a particular API
* @param apiId ID of the API
* @param limit Maximum subscriptions to return
* @param offset Starting position of the pagination
* @param ifNoneMatch If-Match header value
* @param request ms4j request object
* @return List of qualifying subscriptions DTOs as the response
* @throws NotFoundException When the particular resource does not exist in the system
public Response subscriptionsGet(String apiId, Integer limit, Integer offset, String ifNoneMatch, Request request) throws NotFoundException {
String username = RestApiUtil.getLoggedInUsername(request);
List<Subscription> subscriptionList;
try {
APIPublisher apiPublisher = RestAPIPublisherUtil.getApiPublisher(username);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(apiId)) {
subscriptionList = apiPublisher.getSubscriptionsByAPI(apiId);
SubscriptionListDTO subscriptionListDTO = MappingUtil.fromSubscriptionListToDTO(subscriptionList, limit, offset);
return Response.ok().entity(subscriptionListDTO).build();
} else {
RestApiUtil.handleBadRequest("API ID can not be null", log);
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
String errorMessage = "Error while retrieving subscriptions of API " + apiId;
HashMap<String, String> paramList = new HashMap<String, String>();
paramList.put(APIMgtConstants.ExceptionsConstants.API_ID, apiId);
ErrorDTO errorDTO = RestApiUtil.getErrorDTO(e.getErrorHandler(), paramList);
log.error(errorMessage, e);
return Response.status(e.getErrorHandler().getHttpStatusCode()).entity(errorDTO).build();
return null;