Search in sources :

Example 71 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class DNSServer method addPrimaryZone.

public void addPrimaryZone(final String zname, final String zonefile) throws IOException {
    Name origin = null;
    if (zname != null)
        origin = Name.fromString(zname, Name.root);
    final Zone newzone = new Zone(origin, zonefile);
    m_znames.put(newzone.getOrigin(), newzone);
Also used : Zone(org.xbill.DNS.Zone) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 72 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class DNSServer method addAnswer.

byte addAnswer(final Message response, final Name name, int type, int dclass, int iterations, int flags) {
    SetResponse sr;
    byte rcode = Rcode.NOERROR;
    if (iterations > 6)
        return Rcode.NOERROR;
    if (type == Type.SIG || type == Type.RRSIG) {
        type = Type.ANY;
        flags |= FLAG_SIGONLY;
    final Zone zone = findBestZone(name);
    if (zone != null)
        sr = zone.findRecords(name, type);
    else {
        sr = getCache(dclass).lookupRecords(name, type, Credibility.NORMAL);
    if (sr.isUnknown()) {
        addCacheNS(response, getCache(dclass), name);
    if (sr.isNXDOMAIN()) {
        if (zone != null) {
            addSOA(response, zone);
            if (iterations == 0)
        rcode = Rcode.NXDOMAIN;
    } else if (sr.isNXRRSET()) {
        if (zone != null) {
            addSOA(response, zone);
            if (iterations == 0)
    } else if (sr.isDelegation()) {
        final RRset nsRecords = sr.getNS();
        addRRset(nsRecords.getName(), response, nsRecords, Section.AUTHORITY, flags);
    } else if (sr.isCNAME()) {
        final CNAMERecord cname = sr.getCNAME();
        addRRset(name, response, new RRset(cname), Section.ANSWER, flags);
        if (zone != null && iterations == 0)
        rcode = addAnswer(response, cname.getTarget(), type, dclass, iterations + 1, flags);
    } else if (sr.isDNAME()) {
        final DNAMERecord dname = sr.getDNAME();
        RRset rrset = new RRset(dname);
        addRRset(name, response, rrset, Section.ANSWER, flags);
        final Name newname;
        try {
            newname = name.fromDNAME(dname);
        } catch (final NameTooLongException e) {
            return Rcode.YXDOMAIN;
        rrset = new RRset(new CNAMERecord(name, dclass, 0, newname));
        addRRset(name, response, rrset, Section.ANSWER, flags);
        if (zone != null && iterations == 0)
        rcode = addAnswer(response, newname, type, dclass, iterations + 1, flags);
    } else if (sr.isSuccessful()) {
        final RRset[] rrsets = sr.answers();
        for (int i = 0; i < rrsets.length; i++) addRRset(name, response, rrsets[i], Section.ANSWER, flags);
        if (zone != null) {
            addNS(response, zone, flags);
            if (iterations == 0)
        } else
            addCacheNS(response, getCache(dclass), name);
    return rcode;
Also used : SetResponse(org.xbill.DNS.SetResponse) CNAMERecord(org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord) NameTooLongException(org.xbill.DNS.NameTooLongException) DNAMERecord(org.xbill.DNS.DNAMERecord) Zone(org.xbill.DNS.Zone) RRset(org.xbill.DNS.RRset) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 73 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class DnsRequisitionProvider method getRequisitionFor.

public Requisition getRequisitionFor(DnsRequisitionRequest request) {
    ZoneTransferIn xfer = null;
    List<Record> records = null;
    LOG.debug("connecting to host {}:{}", request.getHost(), request.getPort());
    try {
        try {
            xfer = ZoneTransferIn.newIXFR(new Name(request.getZone()), request.getSerial(), request.getFallback(), request.getHost(), request.getPort(), null);
            records = getRecords(xfer);
        } catch (ZoneTransferException e) {
            // Fallback to AXFR
            String message = "IXFR not supported trying AXFR: " + e;
            LOG.warn(message, e);
            xfer = ZoneTransferIn.newAXFR(new Name(request.getZone()), request.getHost(), null);
            records = getRecords(xfer);
    } catch (IOException | ZoneTransferException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (records.size() > 0) {
        // for now, set the foreign source to the specified dns zone
        final Requisition r = new Requisition(request.getForeignSource());
        for (Record rec : records) {
            if (matchingRecord(request, rec)) {
                r.insertNode(createRequisitionNode(request, rec));
        return r;
    return null;
Also used : ZoneTransferException(org.xbill.DNS.ZoneTransferException) ZoneTransferIn(org.xbill.DNS.ZoneTransferIn) ARecord(org.xbill.DNS.ARecord) AAAARecord(org.xbill.DNS.AAAARecord) Record(org.xbill.DNS.Record) IOException( Requisition(org.opennms.netmgt.provision.persist.requisition.Requisition) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 74 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project GNS by MobilityFirst.

the class NameResolution method lookupGnsServer.

   * Lookup the query in the GNS server.
   * @param addr 
   * @param query
   * @param handler
   * @return A message with either a good response or an error.
public static Message lookupGnsServer(InetAddress addr, Message query, ClientRequestHandlerInterface handler) {
    // check for queries we can't handle
    int type = query.getQuestion().getType();
    // Was the query legitimate or implemented?
    if (!Type.isRR(type) && type != Type.ANY) {
        return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NOTIMP);
    // extract the domain (guid) and field from the query
    final int fieldName = query.getQuestion().getType();
    final Name requestedName = query.getQuestion().getName();
    final byte[] rawName = requestedName.toWire();
    final String domainName = querytoStringForGNS(rawName);
    // The domain name must be an absolute name, i.e., ended with a dot
    assert (domainName.endsWith(".")) : "The domain name " + domainName + "to resolve is not an absolute name!";
     *  The query type or domain name can't be null, otherwise return an error message
    if (Type.string(fieldName) == null || domainName == null) {
        return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
    NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Trying GNS lookup for domain {0}, type {1}", new Object[] { domainName, Type.string(fieldName) });
     *  Create a response message, build the header first.
     *  The response is constructed later after GNS query.
    Message response = new Message(query.getHeader().getID());
    if (query.getHeader().getFlag(Flags.RD)) {
    response.addRecord(query.getQuestion(), Section.QUESTION);
     * Request DNS fields of an alias and prepare a DNS response message 
    ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("A", "NS", "CNAME", "SOA", "PTR", "MX"));
     * <p>
     * RFC 1034: the additional section "carries RRs(Resource Records) which may be helpful in
     * 			using the RRs in the other section"
     * RFC 2181: data you put in the additional section can never be promoted into real answers.
     * <p>When a DNS client needs to look up a name used in a program, it queries DNS servers to resolve the name. 
     * Each query message the client sends contains three pieces of information, specifying a question for the server to answer:
     * 1. A specified DNS domain name, stated as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
     * 2. A specified query type, which can either specify a resource record (RR) by type or a specialized type of query operation.
     * 3. A specified class for the DNS domain name. For DNS servers running the Windows operating system, this should always be specified as the Internet (IN) class.
     * <p>The information is retrieved from GNS based on the queried domain.
     * <p>The response is constructed based on the query type,
     * 1. A: return A records in ANSWER section, NS records in AUTHORITY section, A records of name servers in ADDITIONAL section
     * 2. NS: return NS records in ANSWER section, A records of name servers in ADDITIONAL section
     * 3. MX: return MX records in ANSWER section, NS records in AUTHORITY section, A record of name servers in ADDITIONAL section
     * 4. CNAME: return CNAME records in in ANSWER section, NS records in AUTHORITY section, A record of name servers in ADDITIONAL section
     * Records in ADDITIONAL section is not required, we do a best-effort resolution for the names in ADDITIONAL section.
    long resolveStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
    JSONObject fieldResponseJson = lookupGuidField(addr.getHostAddress().toString(), query.getHeader().getID(), domainName, null, fields, handler);
    if (fieldResponseJson == null) {
        NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "GNS lookup for domain {0} failed.", domainName);
        return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
    NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "fieldResponse all fields (NS, MX, CNAME, A): {0}", fieldResponseJson.toString());
    switch(fieldName) {
        case Type.NS:
                JSONObject obj = getNSRecordsFromNSField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray nsList = obj.getJSONArray("NS");
                        JSONArray aList = obj.getJSONArray("A");
                        for (int i = 0; i < nsList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) nsList.get(i), Section.ANSWER);
                        for (int i = 0; i < aList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aList.get(i), Section.ADDITIONAL);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // do nothing, this happens only because some record is corrupted
                } else {
                    // I don't have the requested A record, you must ask a wrong guy
                    return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
        case Type.A:
                // Get A records from retrieved GNS record
                JSONArray aList = getARecordsFromAField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                if (aList != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < aList.length(); i++) {
                        try {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aList.get(i), Section.ANSWER);
                        } catch (JSONException e) {
                        // trash the record
                } else {
                    // I don't have the requested A record, you must ask a wrong guy
                    return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
                //Get NS record if we can
                JSONObject obj = getNSRecordsFromNSField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray nsList = obj.getJSONArray("NS");
                        JSONArray aNSList = obj.getJSONArray("A");
                        for (int i = 0; i < nsList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) nsList.get(i), Section.AUTHORITY);
                        for (int i = 0; i < aNSList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aNSList.get(i), Section.ADDITIONAL);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // do nothing, this happens only because some record is corrupted
        case Type.MX:
                JSONObject obj = getMXRecordsFromMXField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "MX record for domain {0} is {1}", new Object[] { domainName, obj });
                if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray mxList = obj.getJSONArray("MX");
                        JSONArray aList = obj.getJSONArray("A");
                        for (int i = 0; i < mxList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) mxList.get(i), Section.ANSWER);
                        for (int i = 0; i < aList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aList.get(i), Section.ADDITIONAL);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // do nothing, this happens only because some record is corrupted
                } else {
                    // I don't have the requested MX record, you must ask a wrong guy
                    return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
                //Get NS record if we can
                obj = getNSRecordsFromNSField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray nsList = obj.getJSONArray("NS");
                        JSONArray aNSList = obj.getJSONArray("A");
                        for (int i = 0; i < nsList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) nsList.get(i), Section.AUTHORITY);
                        for (int i = 0; i < aNSList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aNSList.get(i), Section.ADDITIONAL);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // do nothing, this happens only because some record is corrupted
        case Type.CNAME:
                if (fieldResponseJson.has("CNAME")) {
                    // get CNAME alias, no need to resolve it to an IP address
                    try {
                        String cname = fieldResponseJson.getString("CNAME");
                        // The cname must be an absolute name, i.e., ended with a dot
                        if (!cname.endsWith(".")) {
                            cname = cname + ".";
                        CNAMERecord cnameRecord = new CNAMERecord(new Name(domainName), DClass.IN, 60, new Name(cname));
                        response.addRecord(cnameRecord, Section.ANSWER);
                    } catch (JSONException | TextParseException e) {
                } else {
                    // I don't have the requested CNAME record, you must ask a wrong guy
                    return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
            // we haven't implemented yet
            return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NOTIMPL);
    DelayProfiler.updateDelay("ResolveName", resolveStart);
    NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINER, "Outgoing response from GNS: {0}", response.toString());
    return response;
Also used : Message(org.xbill.DNS.Message) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name) CNAMERecord(org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) CNAMERecord(org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord) ARecord(org.xbill.DNS.ARecord) Record(org.xbill.DNS.Record) NSRecord(org.xbill.DNS.NSRecord) MXRecord(org.xbill.DNS.MXRecord) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject)

Example 75 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project nhin-d by DirectProject.

the class LDAPPublicCertUtil_createLDAPUrl_Test method testCreateLDAPUrl_singleSRVRecord.

public void testCreateLDAPUrl_singleSRVRecord() throws Exception {
    LdapPublicCertUtilImpl impl = new LdapPublicCertUtilImpl();
    SRVRecord rec = new SRVRecord(new Name(""), DClass.IN, 3600, 0, 1, 339, new Name(""));
    String url = impl.createLDAPUrl(new Record[] { rec });
    String[] urls = url.split(" ");
    assertEquals(1, urls.length);
Also used : SRVRecord(org.xbill.DNS.SRVRecord) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)


Name (org.xbill.DNS.Name)110 Record (org.xbill.DNS.Record)38 Message (org.xbill.DNS.Message)19 SRVRecord (org.xbill.DNS.SRVRecord)18 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 IOException ( UnknownHostException ( Lookup (org.xbill.DNS.Lookup)10 TextParseException (org.xbill.DNS.TextParseException)10 ARecord (org.xbill.DNS.ARecord)9 CNAMERecord (org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord)9 ExtendedResolver (org.xbill.DNS.ExtendedResolver)9 RRset (org.xbill.DNS.RRset)9 SimpleResolver (org.xbill.DNS.SimpleResolver)9 Zone (org.xbill.DNS.Zone)9 NSRecord (org.xbill.DNS.NSRecord)8 TSIG (org.xbill.DNS.TSIG)7 TXTRecord (org.xbill.DNS.TXTRecord)7 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)6