Search in sources :

Example 21 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project camel by apache.

the class DnsWikipediaProducer method process.

public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    SimpleResolver resolver = new SimpleResolver();
    int type = Type.TXT;
    Name name = Name.fromString(String.valueOf(exchange.getIn().getHeader(DnsConstants.TERM)) + "", Name.root);
    Record rec = Record.newRecord(name, type, DClass.IN);
    Message query = Message.newQuery(rec);
    Message response = resolver.send(query);
    Record[] records = response.getSectionArray(Section.ANSWER);
    if (records.length > 0) {
    } else {
Also used : Message(org.xbill.DNS.Message) Record(org.xbill.DNS.Record) SimpleResolver(org.xbill.DNS.SimpleResolver) Endpoint(org.apache.camel.Endpoint) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 22 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project camel by apache.

the class DnsRecordConverter method toRecord.

     * @param ip, like ""
     * @return the complete DNS record for that IP.
public static Record toRecord(String ip) throws IOException {
    Resolver res = new ExtendedResolver();
    Name name = ReverseMap.fromAddress(ip);
    int type = Type.PTR;
    int dclass = DClass.IN;
    Record rec = Record.newRecord(name, type, dclass);
    Message query = Message.newQuery(rec);
    Message response = res.send(query);
    Record[] answers = response.getSectionArray(Section.ANSWER);
    if (answers.length == 0) {
        return null;
    } else {
        return answers[0];
Also used : ExtendedResolver(org.xbill.DNS.ExtendedResolver) ExtendedResolver(org.xbill.DNS.ExtendedResolver) Resolver(org.xbill.DNS.Resolver) Message(org.xbill.DNS.Message) Record(org.xbill.DNS.Record) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name) Converter(org.apache.camel.Converter)

Example 23 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project GNS by MobilityFirst.

the class NameResolution method lookupGnsServer.

   * Lookup the query in the GNS server.
   * @param addr 
   * @param query
   * @param handler
   * @return A message with either a good response or an error.
public static Message lookupGnsServer(InetAddress addr, Message query, ClientRequestHandlerInterface handler) {
    // check for queries we can't handle
    int type = query.getQuestion().getType();
    // Was the query legitimate or implemented?
    if (!Type.isRR(type) && type != Type.ANY) {
        return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NOTIMP);
    // extract the domain (guid) and field from the query
    final int fieldName = query.getQuestion().getType();
    final Name requestedName = query.getQuestion().getName();
    final byte[] rawName = requestedName.toWire();
    final String domainName = querytoStringForGNS(rawName);
    // The domain name must be an absolute name, i.e., ended with a dot
    assert (domainName.endsWith(".")) : "The domain name " + domainName + "to resolve is not an absolute name!";
     *  The query type or domain name can't be null, otherwise return an error message
    if (Type.string(fieldName) == null || domainName == null) {
        return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
    NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Trying GNS lookup for domain {0}, type {1}", new Object[] { domainName, Type.string(fieldName) });
     *  Create a response message, build the header first.
     *  The response is constructed later after GNS query.
    Message response = new Message(query.getHeader().getID());
    if (query.getHeader().getFlag(Flags.RD)) {
    response.addRecord(query.getQuestion(), Section.QUESTION);
     * Request DNS fields of an alias and prepare a DNS response message 
    ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("A", "NS", "CNAME", "SOA", "PTR", "MX"));
     * <p>
     * RFC 1034: the additional section "carries RRs(Resource Records) which may be helpful in
     * 			using the RRs in the other section"
     * RFC 2181: data you put in the additional section can never be promoted into real answers.
     * <p>When a DNS client needs to look up a name used in a program, it queries DNS servers to resolve the name. 
     * Each query message the client sends contains three pieces of information, specifying a question for the server to answer:
     * 1. A specified DNS domain name, stated as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
     * 2. A specified query type, which can either specify a resource record (RR) by type or a specialized type of query operation.
     * 3. A specified class for the DNS domain name. For DNS servers running the Windows operating system, this should always be specified as the Internet (IN) class.
     * <p>The information is retrieved from GNS based on the queried domain.
     * <p>The response is constructed based on the query type,
     * 1. A: return A records in ANSWER section, NS records in AUTHORITY section, A records of name servers in ADDITIONAL section
     * 2. NS: return NS records in ANSWER section, A records of name servers in ADDITIONAL section
     * 3. MX: return MX records in ANSWER section, NS records in AUTHORITY section, A record of name servers in ADDITIONAL section
     * 4. CNAME: return CNAME records in in ANSWER section, NS records in AUTHORITY section, A record of name servers in ADDITIONAL section
     * Records in ADDITIONAL section is not required, we do a best-effort resolution for the names in ADDITIONAL section.
    long resolveStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
    JSONObject fieldResponseJson = lookupGuidField(addr.getHostAddress().toString(), query.getHeader().getID(), domainName, null, fields, handler);
    if (fieldResponseJson == null) {
        NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "GNS lookup for domain {0} failed.", domainName);
        return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
    NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "fieldResponse all fields (NS, MX, CNAME, A): {0}", fieldResponseJson.toString());
    switch(fieldName) {
        case Type.NS:
                JSONObject obj = getNSRecordsFromNSField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray nsList = obj.getJSONArray("NS");
                        JSONArray aList = obj.getJSONArray("A");
                        for (int i = 0; i < nsList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) nsList.get(i), Section.ANSWER);
                        for (int i = 0; i < aList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aList.get(i), Section.ADDITIONAL);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // do nothing, this happens only because some record is corrupted
                } else {
                    // I don't have the requested A record, you must ask a wrong guy
                    return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
        case Type.A:
                // Get A records from retrieved GNS record
                JSONArray aList = getARecordsFromAField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                if (aList != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < aList.length(); i++) {
                        try {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aList.get(i), Section.ANSWER);
                        } catch (JSONException e) {
                        // trash the record
                } else {
                    // I don't have the requested A record, you must ask a wrong guy
                    return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
                //Get NS record if we can
                JSONObject obj = getNSRecordsFromNSField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray nsList = obj.getJSONArray("NS");
                        JSONArray aNSList = obj.getJSONArray("A");
                        for (int i = 0; i < nsList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) nsList.get(i), Section.AUTHORITY);
                        for (int i = 0; i < aNSList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aNSList.get(i), Section.ADDITIONAL);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // do nothing, this happens only because some record is corrupted
        case Type.MX:
                JSONObject obj = getMXRecordsFromMXField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "MX record for domain {0} is {1}", new Object[] { domainName, obj });
                if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray mxList = obj.getJSONArray("MX");
                        JSONArray aList = obj.getJSONArray("A");
                        for (int i = 0; i < mxList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) mxList.get(i), Section.ANSWER);
                        for (int i = 0; i < aList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aList.get(i), Section.ADDITIONAL);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // do nothing, this happens only because some record is corrupted
                } else {
                    // I don't have the requested MX record, you must ask a wrong guy
                    return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
                //Get NS record if we can
                obj = getNSRecordsFromNSField(fieldResponseJson, domainName);
                if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray nsList = obj.getJSONArray("NS");
                        JSONArray aNSList = obj.getJSONArray("A");
                        for (int i = 0; i < nsList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) nsList.get(i), Section.AUTHORITY);
                        for (int i = 0; i < aNSList.length(); i++) {
                            response.addRecord((Record) aNSList.get(i), Section.ADDITIONAL);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // do nothing, this happens only because some record is corrupted
        case Type.CNAME:
                if (fieldResponseJson.has("CNAME")) {
                    // get CNAME alias, no need to resolve it to an IP address
                    try {
                        String cname = fieldResponseJson.getString("CNAME");
                        // The cname must be an absolute name, i.e., ended with a dot
                        if (!cname.endsWith(".")) {
                            cname = cname + ".";
                        CNAMERecord cnameRecord = new CNAMERecord(new Name(domainName), DClass.IN, 60, new Name(cname));
                        response.addRecord(cnameRecord, Section.ANSWER);
                    } catch (JSONException | TextParseException e) {
                } else {
                    // I don't have the requested CNAME record, you must ask a wrong guy
                    return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NXDOMAIN);
            // we haven't implemented yet
            return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NOTIMPL);
    DelayProfiler.updateDelay("ResolveName", resolveStart);
    NameResolution.getLogger().log(Level.FINER, "Outgoing response from GNS: {0}", response.toString());
    return response;
Also used : Message(org.xbill.DNS.Message) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name) CNAMERecord(org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) CNAMERecord(org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord) ARecord(org.xbill.DNS.ARecord) Record(org.xbill.DNS.Record) NSRecord(org.xbill.DNS.NSRecord) MXRecord(org.xbill.DNS.MXRecord) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject)

Example 24 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class JUnitDNSServerExecutionListener method beforeTestMethod.

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void beforeTestMethod(final TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
    final JUnitDNSServer config = findTestAnnotation(JUnitDNSServer.class, testContext);
    if (config == null) {
    }"initializing DNS on port {}", config.port());
    m_server = new DNSServer();
    for (final DNSZone dnsZone : config.zones()) {
        String name =;
        if (!name.endsWith(".")) {
            name = name + ".";
        final Name zoneName = Name.fromString(name, Name.root);
        LOG.debug("zoneName = {}", zoneName);
        final Zone zone = new Zone(zoneName, new Record[] { new SOARecord(zoneName, DClass.IN, DEFAULT_TTL, zoneName, Name.fromString("admin." + name), 1, DEFAULT_TTL, DEFAULT_TTL, DEFAULT_TTL, DEFAULT_TTL), new NSRecord(zoneName, DClass.IN, DEFAULT_TTL, Name.fromString("")), new NSRecord(zoneName, DClass.IN, DEFAULT_TTL, Name.fromString("")), new ARecord(zoneName, DClass.IN, DEFAULT_TTL, InetAddressUtils.addr(dnsZone.v4address())), new AAAARecord(zoneName, DClass.IN, DEFAULT_TTL, InetAddressUtils.addr(dnsZone.v6address())) });
        LOG.debug("zone = {}", zone);
        for (final DNSEntry entry : dnsZone.entries()) {
            LOG.debug("adding entry: {}", entry);
            String hostname = entry.hostname();
            final Name recordName = Name.fromString(hostname, zoneName);
            LOG.debug("name = {}", recordName);
            if (entry.ipv6()) {
                zone.addRecord(new AAAARecord(recordName, DClass.IN, DEFAULT_TTL, InetAddressUtils.addr(entry.address())));
            } else {
                zone.addRecord(new ARecord(recordName, DClass.IN, DEFAULT_TTL, InetAddressUtils.addr(entry.address())));
    LOG.debug("starting DNS server");
Also used : DNSEntry(org.opennms.core.test.dns.annotations.DNSEntry) JUnitDNSServer(org.opennms.core.test.dns.annotations.JUnitDNSServer) SOARecord(org.xbill.DNS.SOARecord) ARecord(org.xbill.DNS.ARecord) AAAARecord(org.xbill.DNS.AAAARecord) AAAARecord(org.xbill.DNS.AAAARecord) Zone(org.xbill.DNS.Zone) DNSZone(org.opennms.core.test.dns.annotations.DNSZone) DNSZone(org.opennms.core.test.dns.annotations.DNSZone) JUnitDNSServer(org.opennms.core.test.dns.annotations.JUnitDNSServer) NSRecord(org.xbill.DNS.NSRecord) SOARecord(org.xbill.DNS.SOARecord) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 25 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class DNSServer method addAdditional2.

private void addAdditional2(final Message response, final int section, final int flags) {
    final Record[] records = response.getSectionArray(section);
    for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
        final Record r = records[i];
        final Name glueName = r.getAdditionalName();
        if (glueName != null)
            addGlue(response, glueName, flags);
Also used : CNAMERecord(org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord) TSIGRecord(org.xbill.DNS.TSIGRecord) OPTRecord(org.xbill.DNS.OPTRecord) Record(org.xbill.DNS.Record) DNAMERecord(org.xbill.DNS.DNAMERecord) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)


Name (org.xbill.DNS.Name)35 Record (org.xbill.DNS.Record)16 Message (org.xbill.DNS.Message)8 ARecord (org.xbill.DNS.ARecord)7 SRVRecord (org.xbill.DNS.SRVRecord)7 UnknownHostException ( ExtendedResolver (org.xbill.DNS.ExtendedResolver)6 IOException ( CNAMERecord (org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord)5 Lookup (org.xbill.DNS.Lookup)5 NSRecord (org.xbill.DNS.NSRecord)5 TextParseException (org.xbill.DNS.TextParseException)5 Zone (org.xbill.DNS.Zone)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)4 JSONException (org.json.JSONException)4 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)4 Lookup (org.nhindirect.stagent.cert.impl.util.Lookup)4 File ( InputStream (