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Example 6 with CaEntry

use of in project xipki by xipki.

the class CaManagerImpl method loadConf.

public void loadConf(CaConf conf) throws CaMgmtException {
    ParamUtil.requireNonNull("conf", conf);
    if (!caSystemSetuped) {
        throw new CaMgmtException("CA system is not initialized yet.");
    // CMP control
    for (String name : conf.getCmpControlNames()) {
        CmpControlEntry entry = conf.getCmpControl(name);
        CmpControlEntry entryB = cmpControlDbEntries.get(name);
        if (entryB != null) {
            if (entry.equals(entryB)) {
      "ignore existed CMP control {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("CMP control ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        try {
  "added CMP control {}", name);
        } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
            String msg = concat("could not add CMP control ", name);
            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
            throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // Responder
    for (String name : conf.getResponderNames()) {
        ResponderEntry entry = conf.getResponder(name);
        ResponderEntry entryB = responderDbEntries.get(name);
        if (entryB != null) {
            if (entry.equals(entryB)) {
      "ignore existed CMP responder {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("CMP responder ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        try {
  "added CMP responder {}", name);
        } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
            String msg = concat("could not add CMP responder ", name);
            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
            throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // Environment
    for (String name : conf.getEnvironmentNames()) {
        String entry = conf.getEnvironment(name);
        String entryB = envParameterResolver.getParameter(name);
        if (entryB != null) {
            if (entry.equals(entryB)) {
      "ignore existed environment parameter {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("environment parameter ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        try {
            addEnvParam(name, entry);
  "could not add environment parameter {}", name);
        } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
            String msg = concat("could not add environment parameter ", name);
            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
            throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // CRL signer
    for (String name : conf.getCrlSignerNames()) {
        X509CrlSignerEntry entry = conf.getCrlSigner(name);
        X509CrlSignerEntry entryB = crlSignerDbEntries.get(name);
        if (entryB != null) {
            if (entry.equals(entryB)) {
      "ignore existed CRL signer {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("CRL signer ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        try {
  "added CRL signer {}", name);
        } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
            String msg = concat("could not add CRL signer ", name);
            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
            throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // Requestor
    for (String name : conf.getRequestorNames()) {
        RequestorEntry entry = conf.getRequestor(name);
        RequestorEntry entryB = requestorDbEntries.get(name);
        if (entryB != null) {
            if (entry.equals(entryB)) {
      "ignore existed CMP requestor {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("CMP requestor ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        try {
  "added CMP requestor {}", name);
        } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
            String msg = concat("could not add CMP requestor ", name);
            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
            throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // Publisher
    for (String name : conf.getPublisherNames()) {
        PublisherEntry entry = conf.getPublisher(name);
        PublisherEntry entryB = publisherDbEntries.get(name);
        if (entryB != null) {
            if (entry.equals(entryB)) {
      "ignore existed publisher {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("publisher ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        try {
  "added publisher {}", name);
        } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
            String msg = "could not add publisher " + name;
            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
            throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // CertProfile
    for (String name : conf.getCertProfileNames()) {
        CertprofileEntry entry = conf.getCertProfile(name);
        CertprofileEntry entryB = certprofileDbEntries.get(name);
        if (entryB != null) {
            if (entry.equals(entryB)) {
      "ignore existed certProfile {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("certProfile ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        try {
  "added certProfile {}", name);
        } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
            String msg = concat("could not add certProfile ", name);
            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
            throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // User
    for (String name : conf.getUserNames()) {
        Object obj = conf.getUser(name);
        UserEntry entryB = queryExecutor.getUser(name, true);
        if (entryB != null) {
            boolean equals = false;
            if (obj instanceof UserEntry) {
                UserEntry entry = (UserEntry) obj;
                equals = entry.equals(entryB);
            } else {
                AddUserEntry entry = (AddUserEntry) obj;
                equals = PasswordHash.validatePassword(entry.getPassword(), entryB.getHashedPassword());
            if (equals) {
      "ignore existed user {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("user ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        try {
            if (obj instanceof UserEntry) {
                queryExecutor.addUser((UserEntry) obj);
            } else {
                queryExecutor.addUser((AddUserEntry) obj);
  "added user {}", name);
        } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
            String msg = concat("could not add user ", name);
            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
            throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // CA
    for (String caName : conf.getCaNames()) {
        SingleCaConf scc = conf.getCa(caName);
        GenSelfIssued genSelfIssued = scc.getGenSelfIssued();
        CaEntry caEntry = scc.getCaEntry();
        if (caEntry != null) {
            if (!(caEntry instanceof X509CaEntry)) {
                throw new CaMgmtException(concat("Unsupported CaEntry ", caName, " (only X509CaEntry is supported"));
            X509CaEntry entry = (X509CaEntry) caEntry;
            if (caInfos.containsKey(caName)) {
                CaEntry entryB = caInfos.get(caName).getCaEntry();
                if (entry.getCert() == null && genSelfIssued != null) {
                    SignerConf signerConf = new SignerConf(entry.getSignerConf());
                    ConcurrentContentSigner signer;
                    try {
                        signer = securityFactory.createSigner(entry.getSignerType(), signerConf, (X509Certificate) null);
                    } catch (ObjectCreationException ex) {
                        throw new CaMgmtException(concat("could not create signer for CA ", caName), ex);
                if (entry.equals(entryB, true)) {
          "ignore existed CA {}", caName);
                } else {
                    String msg = concat("CA ", caName, " existed, could not re-added it");
                    throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
            } else {
                if (genSelfIssued != null) {
                    X509Certificate cert = generateRootCa(entry, genSelfIssued.getProfile(), genSelfIssued.getCsr(), genSelfIssued.getSerialNumber());
          "generated root CA {}", caName);
                    String fn = genSelfIssued.getCertFilename();
                    if (fn != null) {
                        try {
                  , cert.getEncoded());
                  "saved generated certificate of root CA {} to {}", caName, fn);
                        } catch (CertificateEncodingException ex) {
                            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, concat("could not encode certificate of CA ", caName));
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
                            LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, concat("error while saving certificate of root CA ", caName, " to ", fn));
                } else {
                    try {
              "added CA {}", caName);
                    } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
                        String msg = concat("could not add CA ", caName);
                        LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
                        throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        if (scc.getAliases() != null) {
            Set<String> aliasesB = getAliasesForCa(caName);
            for (String aliasName : scc.getAliases()) {
                if (aliasesB != null && aliasesB.contains(aliasName)) {
          "ignored adding existing CA alias {} to CA {}", aliasName, caName);
                } else {
                    try {
                        addCaAlias(aliasName, caName);
              "associated alias {} to CA {}", aliasName, caName);
                    } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
                        String msg = concat("could not associate alias ", aliasName, " to CA ", caName);
                        LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
                        throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        if (scc.getProfileNames() != null) {
            Set<String> profilesB = caHasProfiles.get(caName);
            for (String profileName : scc.getProfileNames()) {
                if (profilesB != null && profilesB.contains(profileName)) {
          "ignored adding certprofile {} to CA {}", profileName, caName);
                } else {
                    try {
                        addCertprofileToCa(profileName, caName);
              "added certprofile {} to CA {}", profileName, caName);
                    } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
                        String msg = concat("could not add certprofile ", profileName, " to CA ", caName);
                        LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
                        throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        if (scc.getPublisherNames() != null) {
            Set<String> publishersB = caHasPublishers.get(caName);
            for (String publisherName : scc.getPublisherNames()) {
                if (publishersB != null && publishersB.contains(publisherName)) {
          "ignored adding publisher {} to CA {}", publisherName, caName);
                } else {
                    try {
                        addPublisherToCa(publisherName, caName);
              "added publisher {} to CA {}", publisherName, caName);
                    } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
                        String msg = concat("could not add publisher ", publisherName, " to CA ", caName);
                        LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
                        throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        if (scc.getRequestors() != null) {
            Set<CaHasRequestorEntry> requestorsB = caHasRequestors.get(caName);
            for (CaHasRequestorEntry requestor : scc.getRequestors()) {
                String requestorName = requestor.getRequestorIdent().getName();
                CaHasRequestorEntry requestorB = null;
                if (requestorsB != null) {
                    for (CaHasRequestorEntry m : requestorsB) {
                        if (m.getRequestorIdent().getName().equals(requestorName)) {
                            requestorB = m;
                if (requestorB != null) {
                    if (requestor.equals(requestorB)) {
              "ignored adding requestor {} to CA {}", requestorName, caName);
                    } else {
                        String msg = concat("could not add requestor ", requestorName, " to CA", caName);
                        throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
                } else {
                    try {
                        addRequestorToCa(requestor, caName);
              "added publisher {} to CA {}", requestorName, caName);
                    } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
                        String msg = concat("could not add requestor ", requestorName, " to CA ", caName);
                        LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
                        throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        if (scc.getUsers() != null) {
            List<CaHasUserEntry> usersB = queryExecutor.getCaHasUsersForCa(caName, idNameMap);
            for (CaHasUserEntry user : scc.getUsers()) {
                String userName = user.getUserIdent().getName();
                CaHasUserEntry userB = null;
                if (usersB != null) {
                    for (CaHasUserEntry m : usersB) {
                        if (m.getUserIdent().getName().equals(userName)) {
                            userB = m;
                if (userB != null) {
                    if (user.equals(userB)) {
              "ignored adding user {} to CA {}", userName, caName);
                    } else {
                        String msg = concat("could not add user ", userName, " to CA", caName);
                        throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
                } else {
                    try {
                        addUserToCa(user, caName);
              "added user {} to CA {}", userName, caName);
                    } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
                        String msg = concat("could not add user ", userName, " to CA ", caName);
                        LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
                        throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
    // scc.getUsers()
    // SCEP
    for (String name : conf.getScepNames()) {
        ScepEntry entry = conf.getScep(name);
        ScepEntry entryB = scepDbEntries.get(name);
        if (entryB != null) {
            if (entry.equals(entryB)) {
                LOG.error("ignore existed SCEP {}", name);
            } else {
                String msg = concat("SCEP ", name, " existed, could not re-added it");
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
        } else {
            try {
      "added SCEP {}", name);
            } catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
                String msg = concat("could not add SCEP ", name);
                LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, msg);
                throw new CaMgmtException(msg);
Also used : CaHasUserEntry( RequestorEntry( CaHasRequestorEntry( X509CaEntry( ChangeCaEntry( CaEntry( PublisherEntry( CmpControlEntry( X509CrlSignerEntry( ResponderEntry( SignerConf( CertificateEncodingException( IOException( X509Certificate( CertprofileEntry( ChangeScepEntry( ScepEntry( CaMgmtException( ConcurrentContentSigner( ObjectCreationException(org.xipki.common.ObjectCreationException) SingleCaConf( AddUserEntry( AddUserEntry( UserEntry( CaHasUserEntry( ChangeUserEntry( CaHasRequestorEntry( GenSelfIssued( X509CaEntry(

Example 7 with CaEntry

use of in project xipki by xipki.

the class GetCrlCmd method execute0.

protected Object execute0() throws Exception {
    CaEntry ca = caManager.getCa(caName);
    if (ca == null) {
        throw new CmdFailure("CA " + caName + " not available");
    X509CRL crl = null;
    try {
        crl = retrieveCrl();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new CmdFailure("received no CRL from server: " + ex.getMessage());
    if (crl == null) {
        throw new CmdFailure("received no CRL from server");
    saveVerbose("saved CRL to file", new File(outFile), crl.getEncoded());
    if (withBaseCrl.booleanValue()) {
        byte[] octetString = crl.getExtensionValue(Extension.deltaCRLIndicator.getId());
        if (octetString != null) {
            if (baseCrlOut == null) {
                baseCrlOut = outFile + "-baseCRL";
            byte[] extnValue = DEROctetString.getInstance(octetString).getOctets();
            BigInteger baseCrlNumber = ASN1Integer.getInstance(extnValue).getPositiveValue();
            try {
                crl = caManager.getCrl(caName, baseCrlNumber);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new CmdFailure("received no baseCRL from server: " + ex.getMessage());
            if (crl == null) {
                throw new CmdFailure("received no baseCRL from server");
            } else {
                saveVerbose("saved baseCRL to file", new File(baseCrlOut), crl.getEncoded());
    return null;
Also used : CaEntry( X509CRL( CmdFailure(org.xipki.console.karaf.CmdFailure) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) File(

Example 8 with CaEntry

use of in project xipki by xipki.

the class UnRevRmCertAction method getSerialNumber.

protected BigInteger getSerialNumber() throws CmdFailure, IllegalCmdParamException, CertificateException, IOException {
    CaEntry ca = caManager.getCa(caName);
    if (ca == null) {
        throw new CmdFailure("CA " + caName + " not available");
    if (!(ca instanceof X509CaEntry)) {
        throw new CmdFailure("CA " + caName + " is not an X.509-CA");
    BigInteger serialNumber;
    if (serialNumberS != null) {
        serialNumber = toBigInt(serialNumberS);
    } else if (certFile != null) {
        X509Certificate caCert = ((X509CaEntry) ca).getCert();
        X509Certificate cert = X509Util.parseCert(;
        if (!X509Util.issues(caCert, cert)) {
            throw new CmdFailure("certificate '" + certFile + "' is not issued by CA " + caName);
        serialNumber = cert.getSerialNumber();
    } else {
        throw new IllegalCmdParamException("neither serialNumber nor certFile is specified");
    return serialNumber;
Also used : X509CaEntry( CaEntry( CmdFailure(org.xipki.console.karaf.CmdFailure) IllegalCmdParamException(org.xipki.console.karaf.IllegalCmdParamException) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) X509Certificate( X509CaEntry(

Example 9 with CaEntry

use of in project xipki by xipki.

the class CaCheckCmd method execute0.

protected Object execute0() throws Exception {
    X509ChangeCaEntry ey = getChangeCaEntry();
    String caName = ey.getIdent().getName();
    println("checking CA" + caName);
    CaEntry entry = caManager.getCa(caName);
    if (entry == null) {
        throw new CmdFailure("could not find CA '" + caName + "'");
    if (!(entry instanceof X509CaEntry)) {
        throw new CmdFailure("CA '" + caName + "' is not an X509-CA");
    X509CaEntry ca = (X509CaEntry) entry;
    // CA cert uris
    if (ey.getCaCertUris() != null) {
        MgmtQaShellUtil.assertEquals("CA cert URIs", ey.getCaCertUris(), ca.getCaCertUris());
    // CA certificate
    if (ey.getCert() != null) {
        if (!ey.getCert().equals(ca.getCert())) {
            throw new CmdFailure("CA cert is not as expected");
    // SN size
    if (ey.getSerialNoBitLen() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("serial number bit length", ey.getSerialNoBitLen(), ca.getSerialNoBitLen());
    // CMP control name
    if (ey.getCmpControlName() != null) {
        MgmtQaShellUtil.assertEquals("CMP control name", ey.getCmpControlName(), ca.getCmpControlName());
    // CRL signer name
    if (ey.getCrlSignerName() != null) {
        MgmtQaShellUtil.assertEquals("CRL signer name", ey.getCrlSignerName(), ca.getCrlSignerName());
    // CRL uris
    if (ey.getCrlUris() != null) {
        MgmtQaShellUtil.assertEquals("CRL URIs", ey.getCrlUris(), ca.getCrlUris());
    // DeltaCRL uris
    if (ey.getDeltaCrlUris() != null) {
        MgmtQaShellUtil.assertEquals("Delta CRL URIs", ey.getDeltaCrlUris(), ca.getDeltaCrlUris());
    // Duplicate key mode
    if (ey.getDuplicateKeyPermitted() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("Duplicate key permitted", ey.getDuplicateKeyPermitted(), ca.isDuplicateKeyPermitted());
    // Duplicate subject mode
    if (ey.getDuplicateSubjectPermitted() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("Duplicate subject permitted", ey.getDuplicateSubjectPermitted(), ca.isDuplicateSubjectPermitted());
    // Expiration period
    if (ey.getExpirationPeriod() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("Expiration period", ey.getExpirationPeriod(), ca.getExpirationPeriod());
    // Extra control
    if (ey.getExtraControl() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("Extra control", ey.getExtraControl(), ca.getExtraControl());
    // Max validity
    if (ey.getMaxValidity() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("Max validity", ey.getMaxValidity(), ca.getMaxValidity());
    // Keep expired certificate
    if (ey.getKeepExpiredCertInDays() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("keepExiredCertInDays", ey.getKeepExpiredCertInDays(), ca.getKeepExpiredCertInDays());
    // Num CRLs
    if (ey.getNumCrls() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("num CRLs", ey.getNumCrls(), ca.getNumCrls());
    // OCSP uris
    if (ey.getOcspUris() != null) {
        MgmtQaShellUtil.assertEquals("OCSP URIs", ey.getOcspUris(), ca.getOcspUris());
    // Permissions
    if (ey.getPermission() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("permission", ey.getPermission(), ca.getPermission());
    // Responder name
    if (ey.getResponderName() != null) {
        MgmtQaShellUtil.assertEquals("responder name", ey.getResponderName(), ca.getResponderName());
    // Signer Type
    if (ey.getSignerType() != null) {
        MgmtQaShellUtil.assertEquals("signer type", ey.getSignerType(), ca.getSignerType());
    if (ey.getSignerConf() != null) {
        ConfPairs ex = new ConfPairs(ey.getSignerConf());
        ConfPairs is = new ConfPairs(ca.getSignerConf());
        assertObjEquals("signer conf", ex, is);
    // Status
    if (ey.getStatus() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("status", ey.getStatus(), ca.getStatus());
    // validity mode
    if (ey.getValidityMode() != null) {
        assertObjEquals("validity mode", ey.getValidityMode(), ca.getValidityMode());
    println(" checked CA" + caName);
    return null;
Also used : X509CaEntry( CaEntry( X509ChangeCaEntry( CmdFailure(org.xipki.console.karaf.CmdFailure) ConfPairs(org.xipki.common.ConfPairs) X509ChangeCaEntry( X509CaEntry(


CaEntry ( CmdFailure (org.xipki.console.karaf.CmdFailure)6 X509Certificate ( X509CaEntry ( File ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)2 X509CRL ( X509ChangeCaEntry ( ConfPairs (org.xipki.common.ConfPairs)2 IllegalCmdParamException (org.xipki.console.karaf.IllegalCmdParamException)2 IOException ( CertificateEncodingException ( Date (java.util.Date)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 NameId ( AddUserEntry ( CaHasRequestorEntry ( CaHasUserEntry ( CaMgmtException ( CertprofileEntry (